ENGLISH Bill and Hillary Clinton: A Life of Violating People — by Robert Morrow (Conclusion)

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(The conclusion of https://johndenugent.com/english/english-bill-and-hillary-clinton-a-life-of-violating-people-by-robert-morrow)

         Also, when Bill left the presidency in Jan, 2001, he pardoned everyone else, including Marc Rich and big time drug dealers …. but he sure did not pardon Webb Hubbell.

Hillary and Bill were fond of saying that sex is mentioned over 500 times in the 473-page Starr Report, while Whitewater is not often mentioned. In Webb Hubbell’s 332-page book Webb uses the word “Hillary” 396 times. Webb says that he and Vince were “mesmerized” by Hillary and that “Bill wasn’t much of a presence in our


           Hillary and Hubbell appear to be sending subtle messages involving Chelsea and their relationship to each other in their respective books. Hillary, in her book It Takes a Village, says that “a burly ex-football player” gave her advice on how to hold Chelsea as a baby: “Think of a baby like a football and hold it tight.” Hillary is probably referring to Hubbell who played as an offensive tackle for the Arkansas Razorbacks.

Hillary may have seen burly Hubbell as a father figure similar to her dad Hugh Rodham, a tough guy Navy drill instructor who played football at Penn State. In the 1980 Arkansas governor’s race, Hillary, who had had baby Chelsea on 2/27/80, who had been so active before in Bill’s political maneuvers, withdrew from campaigning as Bill’s political fortunes were going down the tubes in that campaign.

On the night Bill lost the 1980 Arkansas’s governor’s race, Webb says he and Vince were watching Hillary on TV and “I think both of us wanted to wrap her in our arms and comfort her.”  (Hey, isn’t that Bill’s job – in theory?)

           When Bill was elected president in 1992, Hillary tried to make Bill promise to ppoint Hubbell to the U.S. Supreme Court if a vacancy occurred. Hillary had ordered Bill to give Webb an interim appointment as the chief justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court: “Well goddam it Bill he’s my friend, you can appoint him by law, so do it!” – said Hillary according to L.D. Brown. Webb got the Arkansas Supreme Court appointment.

After Bill was elected President in 1992, Hillary made sure that Hubbell was placed in the #3 spot at the Justice Department. Here is a 1998 review in Commentary of Webb Hubbell’s book.


           In his book Friends in High Places, Hubbell makes a special point of mentioning Chelsea when he says how successful he felt looking out at her from the living room of his big house in the summer:

“On summer evenings, I could sip a drink in my big living room and look out at children- including the Fosters’ and the Clintons’, when Chelsea got big enough- bouncing happily on a trampoline in the shade of my big oak trees. Such a scene made me feel successful.”

My take: that is a subtle “shout out” from Hubbell to Hillary and Chelsea. Just as Hillary’s comment on “a burly football player” who told her to hold the baby like a football was a nod to Hubbell.

            The fact that Chelsea is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell – and she is – is the Clintons’s most shameful secret. This fact is so discrediting to the notion of Hillary as some sort of innocent victim of Bill’s decades long epic, unhinged and blatant philandering. The Clintons for decades have tried to cover up who they actually are. “Husband and wife” as they tell us with a straight face today? Bill? A husband of Hillary? Bill is not even the biological father of Chelsea.

Bill and Hillary are extremely embarrassed about and sensitive about this issue and it is not because they care about Chelsea’s feelings. Bill would not behave like he has for 30 years if he cared about Chelsea’s feelings. When the Monica Lewinsky affair busted wide open, Chelsea was so overcome with physical distress that she had to be taken to the Stanford infirmary.

In 2007 I had a talk with Karen Tumulty, then a reporter for TIME. I called her to discuss the Clintons’ terror campaigns and why the media should cover this basic issue: Tumulty’s response was we are not going to re-litigate the 1990’s.

Then I said well you know Chelsea Clinton is the daughter of Webb Hubbell and not Bill Clinton.  Tumulty’s response was a pregnant pause and she did not even lift a finger to challenge me on that bold assertion. Also, based on Susan Estrich’s public comments about the Clintons not having secrets anymore, I am convinced Estrich, Tumulty and scores of other journalists and political insiders know that Webb Hubbell, and not Bill Clinton is the biological father of Chelsea. It is one of the Clintons’ ugliest secrets.


     In 2013 I asked a well-known Republican political operative who has spent a lot of timeat high levels in GOP politics “How long have you known that Webb Hubbell was the biological father of Chelsea Clinton?”

He said he had known that since 1992. I said why didn’t the Republicans use that as an issue in 1992? Reply: he wasn’t running the 1992 presidential campaign. 


            The Clintons have been in the national eye for 25 years and I have never seen this precious little nugget about Chelsea’s bastard lineage reported in the MSM. And don’t tell me it’s because kids are not fair game in political discourse. Politicians use kids and glowing wives as testimony for their fitness all the time. I remember a Clinton video from the 1992 campaign will Hillary just gushing about Bill saying he’s the kind of guy who just makes you feel happy all the time.

In 1989 Bill wanted to divorce Hillary and marry one of his girlfriends, Mary Jo Jenkins, but Hillary would not let him, according to author Carl Bernstein. At the same time Bill was conducting cavity probes of Monica Lewinsky with cigars in 1996, Hillary was telling TIME that the Clintons were hoping to have another child. My response, they have never had one in the first place.

           Terry McAuliffe, a key Clinton insider and #1 fundraiser, makes a point in his book What a Party! of gratuitously describing Chelsea as resembling Bill in a receiving line at a New Year’s Eve party on 12/31/99:

“The mother-daughter resemblance was strong, now that Chelsea was a poised, beautiful young woman, but then you looked over at the President and saw Chelsea’s strong resemblance to him as well.” I am not buying it.
That just tells me the Clintons have enlisted McAuliffe in the cover up about Chelsea and whence she came.
Vince Foster, like McAuliffe & any Clinton insider, would have been highly acute to this topic and worried about the fallout that any revelation about Chelsea being the daughter of Hubbell would have.

           In early 1993 Webb Hubbell was given the #3 spot, associate attorney general, at the Justice and it was subject to Senate confirmation. Vince Foster knew a Senate confirmation of Hubbell was dangerous because certain embarrassing facts about Hubbell and Hillary might come out in the process.

Carl Bernstein in his book A Woman in Charge gets close to this, “Foster vaguely repeated his fear that the confirmation process would hurt Hillary. He seemed to know something that Nussbaum didn’t.”


            So in sum, Bill Clinton learned about the pregnancy of Hillary by reading about a press conference of Hillary’s doctor in the Arkansas Gazette in summer 1979. He and Hillary had an epically dysfunctional 1970’s relationship that was more faux marriage than “open marriage.” Hillary stated in 1978, with Larry Nichols present, that she was going to fuck Webb Hubbell to make partner at Rose Law Firm. Both Webb Hubbell and a teenage Chelsea have very big gummy lower lips and weak chins. Chelsea as an adult has had plastic surgery specifically to reduce the gumminess of her lips. Vince Foster (Hillary’s other boyfriend and emotional husband) was worried about damaging information relating to Hillary that would come out in the Senate confirmation process of Webb Hubbell as associate attorney general.

            It is the Clintons’ greatest shame: Chelsea is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell and not Bill Clinton.

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The rumor mill is buzzing about Chelsea Clinton’s marriage being rocky with a Jewish Wall Street trader named Marc Mezvinsky — son of a Jew convicted of defrauding investors of millions and who spent seven years in a federal prison.

What interested me in all this is the possibility that there is Jewish blood in Chlesea via her mother. First, when Hillary’s Chicago father Hugh Rodham died, the funeral happened almost immediately (a Jewish custom) and no media were allowed or invite to the SECRET EVENT.

In this rare profile photo of Hillary, the truly classic neanderthalic-semitic features are evident: protruding mouth section, sloping forehead, and weak chin. Don’t be fooled by the cosmetic surgery and overtly blondized dark hair on this extremely mousy female.


 Extremely round faces are a sign of potential neanderthalism. Hillary as a law student at Yale.


(In the same way, Barry Goldwater discreetly got a Jewish funeral, though he claimed to be an Episcopalian.)



Now, after pondering my webpage on neanderthals and semites —    or Eric Hufschmid’s excellent photo collection — https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/jews/neanderthals-and-semites or   http://www.erichufschmid.net/Neanderthals/More-Neanderthals-4.html (and I do not endorse all of Hufschmid’s comments, but the photos themselves are striking — now note this celeb photo of Chelsea……………

…and there you have it: weak chin (unlike her handsome (though evil) white father ……with blue-green eyes, a strong chin and upright forehead….. (What’s he looking at now? ;-))

..and Chelsea’s very protruding mouth area……

—–like George Burns, Jewish comedian (who, ironically, was present for the baptism of George Lincoln Rockwell at the invitation of his showbiz father, “Doc” Rockwell)…..

Compare all this with the very Cro-Magnon features of French movie star Alain Delon…..a real Kelt with blue eyes and dark hair…..a closet white-nationalist who was friends with former Waffen-SS hero Leon Degrelle……Now that is more like it!

(The music is so nice, even if you get tired watching all the pix in this nine-minute video…. but lady comrades will not get bored 😉 The refrain “Parole, parole, parole” means in Italian “words, words, words” — it sounds better in Italian 😉 ….. and means Delon is a heartbreaker ;-))


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…..new donations blog page


This BRAND-NEW WEBPAGE, the DONATIONS LOG (https://johndenugent.com/donations-log) is to confirm to those who send me useful items –cash, valuable coins, checks, money orders, books or other gifts — that I did receive them.

If you sent it and I did not get it, IT WILL NOT BE ON THIS LOG. Please let me know about it at the email address john_denugent@yahoo.com or by calling me at (724) 596-4284!


–October 7, 2013    100 Euros from Germany

–October 3, 2013    $5 in cash from M.B. in Tennessee

–October 1, 2013    $10 in aluminum foil from unknown donor

–September 30, 2013  $100 USPS money order from Oklahoma

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–September 8, 2013    $300 cash from unknown donor (3 $100 bills)

…..how to donate

Latest donation:  100 Euros in aluminum foil from Germany



One discreet way is to go to any store in the US and buy a Greendot Moneypak (not the plastic card itself), put cash money on it at the checkout counter, then send me an email with 1) the amount you donated and 2) the PIN number. (Scratch it off like a lottery ticket on the back.) Then I can load the donation onto my own Greendot card.

CVS Pharmacy, Kmart, 7-Eleven, Walgreens, RiteAid, Radioshack, Walmart — 60,000 locations across the USA since the year 2000 sell Greendot MoneyPaks (and also the debit card, but you do not need to buy a card; you are buying a MoneyPak so I, JdN, can put the funds on MY card…. 🙂 ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Dot_Corporation

Easy, idiotproof… Greendot is just a kind of Visa or Mastercard debit card, and I can pay bills with the funds you send, or get the cash out. It costs you $4.95 to put the money you are donating on my card. Again, just buy the Moneypak and and put money on it, then send me an email with the amount you put on and the PIN taken off the back. Thanks!

Start a Hushmail account (takes 30 seconds!) and then write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com with the secret name of your Hushmail account. I will then contact you at your Hushmail account.  :-)(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hushmail)


The back of a MoneyPak….. Just scratch off the silver coating like a lottery ticket to reveal the number to send me.



Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

This is how you can help financially:
(1) postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent”


(2) sending valuable jewelry or gold coins
(3) cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)





(4) PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details how you can do this, since PP banned me….)

(5) checks made out to “John de Nugent” now that I again have a bank account, in fact, via STEALTH, I have now two. 😉



John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613



…..Final note

How the South has fallen. For centuries it was the most honor-driven and woman-protecting part of our country, where the finest men in Georgia hanged the powerful Jew Leo Frank because he had raped a White, Christian, Southern girl (see https://johndenugent.com/glory-to-mary-phagan-and-the-white-men-who-avenged-her-2).


The Klan also lynched 1,300 White men for sex crimes against women and children. No more rapes for these guys.


The South must rise again — and the White men of the North must too!

…..upcoming radio shows


Host (and White civil-rights activist) John Friend and I will discuss the victories and defeats of WN-ism during my 35 years in our Cause on Tuesday 12 noon EDT, 9 am California time. Here is the link. http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/128766 John Friend writes: “On this edition of The Realist Report, we’ll be joined once again by long time pro-White activist and scholar John de Nugent. John and I will be discussing the history of White Nationalism in American post-WWII.”

I could have saved the NA as a former high NA official 1981-84 who worked directly under Dr. Pierce, ran his 1984 convention and also the vibrant Washington DC unit — but the Jim Rings and Erich Gliebes of this world ridiculed and rejected me. Now it is a total loss, all the decades of Dr. Pierce’s labor. Thank you, slanderers and jealous dweebs. http://www.adl.org/press-center/press-releases/extremism/once-nations-largest-neo-nazi-group-is-nearly-defunct.html#.Uksp2YaKLAk

I have to say and do some radically new things. We have lost the streets and are now 100% a cyber-community. The Jews have got us where they want us, talking to each other in cyberspace, not to the masses. BUT they can always pull the plug on the Net, or enact hate-speech laws to censor it, and then also gun-ban laws once they get enough immigrants in as new voters to ensure a total Democrat victory… All minorities vote Dem, and Dems vote gun control. Once they take the guns away, the next step will be hate-speech laws. And then, folks, it is over.

I have had unending stress and harassment since early 2007 when I stopped being just a writer for the “Barnes Review” magazine and began speaking, posting online and blogging. I have aged ten years in five. The key is money and the lack of it. And this the Jew understands…..

Cowardice coming home to roost for the wealthy Whites, by Dr. Pierce:

A comrade wrote:

100% correct, John. Yes the enemy with in the USA are desperate to find an excuse to disarm white people. Once disarmed, you can be led like sheep to the slaughter. Once disarmed the huge feral ethnic Criminal gangs will make it open season on the declining White population. Then what is happen to Whites in South Africa now, will happen to White in the USA on a HUGE scale. The race war against White Americas has ALLREADY started. Most Whites don’t realise because your Yellow Media ignores racial attacks on Whites.

I replied:

Right. I feel the same anger as Pierce in this video. But in reality it is all about the myth of democracy. Once you deify the cowardly, ignorant majority, a nation has demagogues, not leaders. And the interesting thing is that people today realize they are slobs. Comedians bash Americans constantly for their ignorance (as in Jay Leno’s “Jaywalking” segment) and no one even objects. Many are ready to be led, and firmly led. Ready, deep-down, for an American Hitler who will be ruthless and determined enough to overthrow a truly vast liberal-minority power bloc.


Clay Douglas, biker, author, thinker, publisher and most of all, “the Free American”


Our topic: THE FOURTH REICH — In 1945, Hitler was dead, and his Reich went out of business. The US and USSR ruled the world without further challenge. It was the “two superpowers.” Or is that what both Germany and the Allies, for opposite reasons, wanted us to think??? Is something else going on here?






Actual color video of July 1954


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