Why do WNs commit slander as much as jews?

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How often do we copy the jews and commit slander?
How often have I read that Vladimir Putin, the blond, blue-eyed “jew,” is a commie in his little KGB heart, a jew, a pedophile, a traitor….
Yes, the “jew” who:
— arms and defends Syria and Iran, fierce enemies of Israel,
— who wages war on the almost all-jew Ukrainian regime  that is backed by the jews Blinken and Nuland/Nudelman….
— who wiped out the political power of the once almighty jewish billionaire oligarchs who had ruled and ruined Russia 1991-99 under Boris Yeltsin.  😉
….the “jew” who as president twice met with author Alexander Solzhenitsyn (in 2000 and in 2007) AFTER his massive, very antisemitic book had come out in 2004, Two Hundred Years Together. 
In 2000
In 2007
Leaving a wreath to honor him after his death
Putin said this toa jewish VIP audience at the opening of the Jewish Museum of Tolerance in 2016 —  a little shot across the bow… The English do this sort of thing, bring up a subject in a seemingly off-hand, casual way….

….Shadow ban on me and slander


….All  oppositiion to muslim migrants is “rightwing extremism,” says hideous jew six times

Just watched a video on the upcoming election in Austria. This revolting jew says that any vote for the Freedom Party (FPÖ) or for limiting muslim immigration is “rightwing extremism.”

He says this phrase “rightwing extremism” at least six times, like some magical incantation. Now do tell me, Mr. Pollak, does your precious Jewish State of Israel allow open borders? How about with Muslim countries — just let everyone in, as you want Austria to do?

My impression is that you actually slaughter Muslims on sight, especially unarmed civilians, including doctors, nurses, food aid workers, and bona fide journalists. Even the Jew York Times says the death toll in Gaza is 50,000 so far. Yeah, so keep on lecturing us goyim about “human rights.”

(In German)  .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LImtVImvBlk


….Someone said “Elon Musk is a jew.” I asked for proof, and I got crickets.

Yes, Musk was a libtard when young, but PEOPLE DO CHANGE.
Examples: 1) large numbers of Blacks and Hispanics are planning for vote for Donald Trump. IN FACT, IF TRUMP WINS, IT WILL BE BECAUSE THAT VOTE HAS SHIFTED in eight swing states, especially amongst black and brown males.
This will break with generations of Demoncrat brainwashing and plantation thinking, the view that that party “owns” the black and brown vote (and needs do nothing for them to improve the economy, public safety, education, or the war on drugs or illegal immigration). Yes, many Mexicans who are here oppose illegal migration; they do NOT want the US turning into a second, ultra-corrupt, drug-dealer-controlled Mexico! They FLED FROM Mexico!
I and Margi once met in southern California a white Mexican with blue eyes from some southern Mexican state. He was a busboy at a Radisson hotel breakfast room. To my shock, he said he had been an MD in Mexico! He explained: “I would rather be a live busboy here than a dead doctor there. Lots of narcotraficantes (drug dealers). You can’t live there; you HAVE to get out, or else.” I am certain he is going to vote for Trump, and maybe he got his US medical license by now. Can you imagine being a busboy at 45 after having been a respected doctor? (The secret truth: non-whites come to America BECAUSE it is a white country, or was.)
2) Another example and VERY common of change: white nationalists and national socialists of today who started out with Alex Jones — who notoriously avoids all racial or jewish discussions from Day One, and lies against Hitler and “the Nazis.” If you are one of the many who began with his InfoWars, you are living proof that people can evolve politically.
I have an excellent videographer from moderate-Republican/RINO Ohio who, ten years ago, did not “get” me about race and the jews, and just did my videos without comment. Now, he is on board, and sends me stuff about the Haitians in Springfield, or child s—trafficking out of Columbus.
3) People who start out as libertarians, wanting minimal government or even fanatically, insanely advocating open borders on some “freedom” mania — as in “the freedom to move about and offer your skills to a new market.”
Well, guess who started out as a libertarian? Dr. William Pierce, a strong NS for whom I worked 1981-84!
He and many others evolved from libertarianism to national socialists, advocating the exact opposite — a POWERFUL WHITE government that suppresses degeneracy, shuts down jew-run newspapers, drafts all men into the military, promotes the family, suppresses open homosexuality, bans atheism (yes, BANS public atheism), executes murderers and three-time losers (with Hitler having Himmler round up ALL the known career criminals in Germany and putting them in concentration camps, whereupon the crime rate plummeted). The NS government abolished the whole multi-party political circus, which divides and conquers us and forces politicians to run to rich jews for the massive campaign funds they need to get elected or re-elected. (This money problem is exactly why RFK Jr caved in totally on Gaza, “supporting Israel against Hamas” and this is the only reason. RFK Jr simply ran out of money and right away, like all the rest, began buttering up the jews.)
In fact, we made selfishness itself illegal. Any factory or business owner who mistreated workers (sexual harassment, dirty and unsafe working conditions, etc.) after 1933 was reported to the German Labor Front (Deutsche Arbeitsfront), He quickly faced either the forced sale of his company to a more humane owner or a spell in a concentration camp, or the rich jerk got hammered with both punishments. Yes, we went right after the fatcats in NS Germany! We had a “folk community”! The nation, not as a horde of individuals, but as one big, caring family!
So, yeah, people can and do change, including billionaires. Musk –yes. Kanye West — yes. Mel Gibson — yes. All three billionaires turned against the jews, (The question is — do they stay openly antisemitic once their career suddenly and totally ends? Nope. After six months with no business, no films or concerts to do, they realize their dream of continuing to do what they love is over because of a fierce jewish boycott. So, yes, if the jews start destroying Musk’s Tesla cars and SpaceX, sure, Musk might fold. But folding is something goyim do all the time. It does not mean he is jewish.
My own father, a self-made millionaire, folded in 1979 when I became an open national socialist. He had heard from the jews. He said he would disinherit me — and you know what? Eventually he DID. I got zero in 2012 when he passed on. And here he was a former Marine who had fought at Iwo Jima! But he feared the jews.
Actually, there is nothing that transforms the average white person faster than becoming the victim of a serious minority crime. All the kumbaya goes right out the window. My own Margi was one such victim. An old joke: “What is a conservative? A liberal who got robbed last night.” Yeah, NOW they’re for “law and order” 😉 …because it affected THEM.
In May 1928 I got a pitiful 2.6%  of the vote in the Reichstag election from the  German people in their infinite wisdom. 😉
In 1932 I got 37%, and, in a rightwing coalition government, we took over in January 1933. By March the other parties were through.
What had changed? The jew-caused, Wall-Street caused Great Depression had the Germans broke and starving.
So, yes, people CAN change. And no, the Germans were not 97.4%  jewish in 1928. 😉 But they sure had been 50% libtards and 50% patriotards.
Just a few years after 1933, the  FORMER LIBTARDS AND PATRIOTARDS were beaming.

…..Today in Austria

Two shopping carts and two baby carriages filled with “belongings” and sleeping bags 50 meters in front of the Salzburg, Austria courthouse. There are 20 such carts throughout the Old Town, feces in the parks, and in winter they occupy 98% of all homeless beds. Europe is soon to collapse.

John De Nugent

This kind of squalor was unimaginable in teutonic Austria when I lived there in 1975-76. I lived there in a better time.
There was almost zero crime, and everything was neat, clean and spotless, as in neighboring Germany. If you were mentally ill (schizophrenic), you were institutionalized, not out on the street hearing voices, panhandling, drugging, boozing, and defecating in the park.
If you were mentally sound, there was a job for every man and woman in the country. And free medical and dental care was a legal right, as was college — a FREE legal right — for all whose grades qualified them for higher studies. No Austrian kid graduated with $100,000 in “student loans.”
And no one had to put off seeing the doctor or dentist over money. Reason? There was no parasite class draining resources. No hordes of people were allowed who were financial burdens on society.
If you were a lazy bum, a public drunk, a junkie shooting up, and/or a petty thief, the cops would arrest you for vagrancy (as in America back in the day). Weird people were not allowed to bother productive, law-abiding citizens who were contributing to society, paying their taxes, and raising their families!
But if you truly needed help, or faced eviction, or were sick, you got help. We used to have an expression: “the deserving poor.” If you were a good man or woman and just down on your luck, people helped you, and the state did too.
Scene from “The Sound of Music”
Oh, and rents for average apartments and for the working people were controlled. No one had to pay $2,200 a month to some gouging landlord. That was illegal.
And all of this came from the laws passed in Germany by the populist conservatives Otto von Bismarck and Adolf Hitler.


  1. In Österreich sind übermorgen Parlamentswahlen. Es war eine gigantische Medienhetze gegen Herbert Kickl und die FPÖ. Kickl wird wie der Teufel persönlich behandelt.
    Sie geben Millionen aus, nur um Kickl zu dämonisieren.

    Herbert Kickl hat leider keine sexuelle Anziehung, so dass er nicht besonders gut bei Frauen ankommt 🙁
    Was soll man machen, Frauen gehen nur auf das Optische:

  2. So provoziert das ZDF, das viele Deutsche nur Zions Denk Fabrik nennen gegen Kickl:


    Jüdische Vertreter nannten ihn “Goebbels”. Es wurden massenhaft Werbungen geschaltet, wo Kickl als “neuer Hitler” bezeichnet wurde. In Schulen lernten Schüler, dass die KZs wieder eröffnet werden, wenn Kickl Bundeskanzler wird.

    • Tja, und als Nächstes werden alle Nichtblonde unter dem furchtbaren Kickl vergast.

      Dass linke Lehrer so was von sich quasseln — die Vergasung nichtnordischer Weißer nach der “Machtübernahme” — teilten mir ein ehemaliger US-High-School-Schüler und auch ein junger Finne mit.

    • Tja, von wegen fehlender sexueller Anziehungskraft, da ist dieser linke Jude Weltrekordler, dieser Alexander Pollak, der Kickl (und überhaupt alles Normale) als “rechtsextrem” verlumdet:

      Unterm ZDF-Video lese ich folgende Kommentare:

      Nehammer löst Probleme? Rekordinflation, Rekordverschuldung und Rezession.
      Nehammer ist ein Problem.

      12 days ago
      selten so etwas Unseriöses gesehen, wirklich schwer enttäuscht vom ZDF. Ein Medium sollte unparteisch und unvoreingenommen berichten.


      Nehammer wurde nicht einmal gewählt.

      9 days ago
      Keiner will mit dem ZdF reden – warum wohl ?

      Ich wünsche Herr Kickl ein klasse Wahlergebnis !

      Dann erfolgt diese Mitteilung vom ach so demokratischen ZdF:


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