With 70% of Americans overweight or obese, this is a diet that I know works

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Photo of me, age 65 and a half, by Margi, taken an hour ago. I lift weights three times a week in the basement and eat Stone Age/keto (high protein, low carb). Both the lifting and the protein diet pack on muscle, and muscle in turn burns fat, even when sleeping. Feel your biceps: they are very hot compared to any belly fat you have. The muscles specifically have a high metabolism, using energy, cave-man style, to fight for your life, flee as fast as you can, or do heavy work. It is this muscle mass, not “exercise,” which rapidly burns away your fat. I lost 25 pounds with the combo of 1) weights and 2) Stone Age/keto eating. And, being an open national socialist (heh-heh, and even that is an understatement 😉 ) I want and need to look strong enough to kill any attacker with my bare hands. Attack me — and I will send you to the cemetery.


I just read this article, which is pretty darn factual, on losing weight:


What it basically says is you have to cut way back on food. Exercise is only about 10% of weight loss.

Well, this is the same-old advice we have gotten for decades. Run around hungry and starving  for a solid year, and Enjoy as the pounds go off at a snail’s pace. 😉

Problems with that:

1) Surface earthlings, us, are programmed by the Stone Age to literally panic when they are hungry, go somewhere fast and pig out. Starvation was an especially ever-present danger in the Ice Age, when snow covered the ground for eight months out of the year (as was the case here in the UP of Michigan last year, with a steady covering of snow on the ground from September 2018 to May 2019) and agriculture in said Ice Age, which lasted twenty thousand years, was both not yet invented and simply out of the question, anyway.

Hunt and pig out were how you survived.

2) In torrid summer heat, which Near Easterners have, eating little or nothing and fasting (another Near Eastern religious thing) may be fine. But when that cold wind whistles past your bones, you have no desire to run around hungry. Your whole organism screams for Calories! (which actually are units of food-burning heat).

As I wrote above, weights plus high protein, low-carb are the way to go. I am proof. And I met two people in Rochester, Minnesota at the Mayo Clinic who lost 40 pounds of weight and, AS A RESULT, their diabetes as well by weightlifting and the Stone Age/keto diet.


…Details on the Stone Age or Paleo(lithic) diet



Suitable foods include:

  • meat
  • eggs
  • cheese
  • seafood, including both fish and shellfish
  • fruits [but not sugary things like the modern, mealy, overly sweet Red Delicious apples]
  • vegetables, including root vegetables that people can eat raw
  • nuts and seeds
  • herbs and spices
  • natural sugars, such as honey, maple sugar, and date sugar [small amounts]
  • oil

Foods to avoid or go easy on

  • grains and flour
  • legumes, including peanuts, beans, peas, cashews, tofu, soy milk, and soy flour
  • root vegetables that a person cannot eat raw, such as potato, tapioca, parsnips, sweet potato, and yam [french fries will blimp out anyone over 40!!!!]
  • refined sugars [use Stevia]
  • foods that contain yeast
  • juices, sodas, and coffee
  • alcohol [regular beer and sweetened wines – true …. but whiskey, vodka, dry wines and other zero-carb drinks are okay in moderation]
  • dairy products [cheese is fine, but regular milk is out because of the milk sugar, lactose, which is fine — for babies — to deliberately gain weight with]
  • processed meats [because of the added nitrates and nitrites]
  • salt [except in moderation]

.https://johndenugent.com/images/jdn-lat-pulldown-6-april-2018.mp4 That is the entire stack. 🙂




  1. Mhhhhh, quella delle “patatine fritte” sembra una frecciatina alla mia persona! Provate a venire qui, se non mangiate quello che vi cucinano poi dovete pregare chissà quale Dio per uscirne vivi..A sud poi non puoi inventare scuse; sono a Dieta, non mangio carne,seguo un’altra dieta.

    Un tempo mangiavano tanto per lavorare fuori tutto il giorno..le Donne erano più turbolente degli uomini,colorite in faccia!sfrecciavano come Saette e avevano numerosi figli.

    Ora siamo tutti a Dieta,ma non reggiamo il confronto con quelle Super Donne!Purtroppo.

    Ora vanno tutte in palestra(per rimorchiare)..tutte con le unghia lunghe e colorate. Gli uomini di oggi le temono e le tengono a distanza.

    • Transl:

      Mhhhhh, that part about “french fries” stung like an arrow into my person! Try to come here, John: If you don’t eat what they cook for you, then you have to pray who to knows which God to get out of that suituation alive .. In the south of Italy, you can’t use any excuses: I’m on a diet; I don’t eat meat; I follow another diet.

      Once upon a time they ate a lot to work all day .. Women were more turbulent than men, colored in the face! They darted like Saette and had numerous children.

      Now we are all on a diet, but we still can’t measure up to the cartoon Super Women! Unfortunately.

      Now they all go to the gym (to row) .. all with long and colorful nails. Today’s men fear them, and keep them at a distance. 😉

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