True idealism is to start off loving the Aryan who is closest to you — you. 😉
September 7
It is time for you to take on one of the most difficult challenges. The moment is perfect and you are ready.
It is time for you to fall in love with yourself. 🙂
Most of you are adept at loving. Your hearts are open to others and you share that love as freely as you can. You act upon it and you meditate on it. You find ways to make it manifest, both for those you know and love and those you love as well, but will never meet in person.
You have given time and attention to the ways of your heart and you treat its gifts with great gratitude and respect. You understand just how central love is to life.
Now, we are going to tell you that you must take all that you know and have learned about the heart, about love and loving, and turn it upon yourself. 😉
Not your ego, not your personality. Not today. These are basically irrelevancies at this point. It is time to begin to truly cultivate love for your essence.
your essence, which means “your eternal soul,” which has incarnated here yet again to grow more, create more and ascend to a higher life
We are not talking about forgiving yourself, although that might facilitate this process. We are definitely not talking about indulging yourself, although there may be times when that is indeed the most loving thing you can do.
We are not talking about loving yourself at the expense of others. For those who retain a little of the conditioning that admonishes you not to be selfish, we say:
Do you believe in [the great] Oneness [of all things]? Theoretically? Or have you possibly experienced it? With one other human being? With an animal?
With something ‘inanimate?’ With groups of people?
The stars? The ocean?
We suspect that you have all had that opportunity in one way or another. You know its validity, its truth.
We don’t have to convince you that it exists, this reality in which you are inherently one with others.
If you have had that experience, then you know that in loving yourself, you are loving others. And of course, you could counter with the truth that in loving others you are also loving yourself.
And we won’t argue that point, for it is correct. How could it be otherwise?
Still, the most powerful, the most direct, the most honest means by which you can actualize the incredible, magnificent, critical offerings of the heart are to go straight to your own.
Most of you balk at this, which is why we emphasize its importance today. You are happy to go just so far, but this is often perceived as a step beyond.
Start at home and we assure you that what you have to share will be increased by many magnitudes.
The teacher who lives his or her teachings is in a different realm from those who, no matter the intrinsic value of their message, are unable to follow it.
Everyone struggles, and perfection, from the mind’s point of view, is never possible. Be kind to yourself and others, but do take this time and give yourself and all those on the planet and beyond the gift of your own love for yourself.
We will all bask in the glow.
How to do this? Contemplate it, dear friends. You know how to love. What is foundational when you love someone deeply? What are the feelings you have? Touch into those, and use a beloved as a template for becoming your own beloved.
What do you want for those you love? What do you ask of them? What do you offer them?
From the minor to the unfathomable, spend time asking yourself how you have become as good as you are at opening your heart and how it works for you. The next part is nothing more than a choice.
You are as deserving of love as is everyone who receives yours. Set aside false judgment, excessive modesty or the hubris of thinking that somehow you are worse or less than those to whom you freely extend your heart.
When you have done that, you will be able to allow your love to begin to grow and then bloom where it will have the most transformative effects of all.
Besides, it feels really, really good once you get past the self-consciousness!
We love you and we love ourselves as well, just as we love you. Many blessings, dear ones. — E. West
…..Someone who neither loves nor respects himself
Someone from Alpena, Michigan wrote me this acidic comment after reading my blog about the joy of saving lives:
You brag about saving the life of an enemy jew — an enemy factory, at that, being a female.
I’ll bet you won’t publish my comment, as you haven’t published a couple others, even when I simply asked a pertinent question, apparently a question you didn’t like.
Wow. There are so many things wrong with the egoic mind of this person, rampaging away. 😉
First, his egoic mind is inflammed because I did not publish his previous comments. From the narcissistic point of view, I had no right to not publish his negative and undesirable comments. See, for his egoic mind, I (and you) exist only to serve him. 😉
Second, I did not “brag.”
Third, I did not save the girl because she was jewish. 😉
(First, she was a human being in distress. Secondly, some jews actually join our cause, and SOME HAVE BEEN MURDERED FOR IT.
And I suppose, not that his egoic mind can be reasoned with, if I had just sat there and deliberately let her drown in the presence of her Aryan gf, this would have REALLY helped our Cause. 😉
I am sure it would have consoled her if I had explained: “I had to let your closest friend drown entirely because she was jewish.” What insanity on every level.)
Third, he refers to females as “factories.”
Baby factories, apparently. Where did he get this? Anglin? Were he not a functional atheist, he would understand we do not “make” other human beings. Our sperm and eggs, in combining, become portals through which souls incarnate who may actually be very old souls.
If one does not love or respect oneself, as with this wayward comrade, neither can he love or respect others, and he is irritable on a regular basis, lashing out.
Once, when I was working at the Himalayan Institute ashram, the great man, the founder, Swami Rama himself, came into the bookstore and gift shop. I had been chatting with the cashier lady, my back to the entrance, when suddenly she stopped altogether listening to me, did the hand gesture of “Namaste” (“I worship the divine that is within you”) and bowed her head slightly.
I turned about — and there he was. 🙂
I made the mistake of saying “Hello, sir. I love what you do here.”
He just smiled at me. No words of mine were necessary or desired. And one does not do small talk with a great man. That is too chummy; making you his equal.
In the Marines, when your captain enters your area, someone yells out “officer on deck.”
Everyone rises instantly, silently, to attention.
We show respect. He talks; we listen. He EARNED that rank!
And know this:
Nothing and no one is “equal.”
Life is a hierarchy. The best and wisest should rule. Listen, learn, then apply what your betters say.
And it is the pride of every soldier, sailor, airman and marine to obey. No war can be won unless we obey even orders that can get us killed, but we die willingly, understanding that this is how wars are won and how our nation survives.
You deliberately sacrifice your life to save your folk.
You believe, obey, and fight.
And love and respect yourself, even as just a learner.
Then you will sincerely love and respect others.
When you do that, comrade, I may just run your comments. 🙂
Un video per la famiglia e l’Amore.
Hai salvato quella ragazza mosso dal tuo Sé Superiore e questo Dio non chiede nulla in cambio!
Anche l’Arte è mossa dal Sé Superiore cioè dal nostro vero Dio interiore.
Un vero artista o artista nel proprio campo,lavora solo per la Verità e per progetti umani condivisibili.
Verità, Evoluzione, Benessere.
L’Ego non ascolta la Verità 🙁
A video for family and love.
You saved that girl moved by your Higher Self, and this God asks for nothing in return!
Art too is moved by the Higher Self, that is, by our true inner God.
A true artist or artist in his own field, he works only for the Truth and for shareable human projects.
Truth, Evolution, Wellbeing.
But the egoic mind does not listen to the Truth 🙁
Nur wenn man sich selbst liebt und respektiert, kann man auch andere Menschen lieben und respektieren.
Seit ich Kontakt mit Herrn John de Nugent habe hat sich mein Leben definitiv zum Positiven verbessert, trotz dem ein oder anderen Rückschlag.
Ich habe seitdem wieder Lust am Leben, Arbeit, eine Freundin (vielleicht schon bald meine Frau), Ziele die ich verwirklichen will, und den Willen, niemals aufzugeben.
Grüsse aus dem besetzten Deutschland
In Deutschland gibt es in unserer Verfassung einen Widerstandsparagraphen…
(4) Gegen jeden, der es unternimmt, diese Ordnung zu beseitigen, haben alle Deutschen das Recht zum Widerstand, wenn andere Abhilfe nicht möglich ist.
Den Artikel 20 Absatz 4
20. 4.
Hmmmmmmmmm 🙂
Vielen, herzlichen Dank, Kamerad. Dieser Kommentar hat mich außerordentlich erfreut!
….auch daß Sie eine Freundin haben und Schlimmstes aus der Kindheit überwunden haben! 🙂 🙂 🙂