Mike Adams’ Trump/civil war scenario; announcing SUPERIOR!

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The capital of White North America must move to a region to be called “Superior.” This will also be the Prussia of America, with the military culture, racial base, and isolation to become the launching zone for the White American Reconquista.


Globalists push Trump into “dictator” scenario: when he wins, they overthrow the Republic [with Chinese arms that came in via California]

So I continue to prepare my own scenario, and I am not afraid to enunciate it — since the jews do not believe I can pull it off (just as they hubristically mocked me from 1919-1932, even calling me “this comedian”).


And it is true that everything I said in Mein Kampf I would do, I did do, while the jews scoffed away….until, by 1941, I and we suddenly ruled 2/3rds of Europe!


Here is the scenario the smirking jews (and envy-ridden WNs) once again will dismiss:

Hitler has reincarnated as a true-blue, red-blooded American man, a married man, father, husband, a former Marine (and Army infantry soldier) with a fine military record, a top education, and multilingual capabilities.

And he is presenting a new and far more credible understanding of God, the soul, our human duties and economic and racial justice “FOR ALL.”

People of all races who are tired of the jews stream to him as he promises a benevolent new white supremacy with huge, pure white areas  — and others for non-whites, governed ethically and efficiently by whites.

All races enjoy good jobs — not welfare —  safe streets, and fine schools full of discipline, with dedicated teachers, moral values, and a two hours of PhysEd daily for fun, character-building, and to use up youthful physical energies!

Our rule will be very strict at first to establish order, and obviously and especially toward the Blacks. We will have informants everywhere (called “Humint” — “human intelligence”) and video and electronic surveillance.

The jews will be taken to Madagascar, as per my original plan in 1940, and interned there under our warden and white troops with no possibility of escape or communication with the outside world. (The Madagascar people, who have unfortunately bred like rabbits since 1940,  will have to be relocated anyway. Nothing is more important than solving the JQ, and we all must make sacrifices.)

I ghostwrote the four articles in 1999 for The Barnes Review that became this book:

Italian-American, welder, writer and former Rockwell stormtrooper Ralph Grandinetti (center) did a third of the research and gave me key ideas. Ralphie  was a real hands-on Brooklyn Italian, and once used his welding torch to cut a “Denver Boot” off his car that had immobilized it. He refused to paid fines liberal cops had given him for harassment. In his words  “I trew that ‘boot’ right in the f–king East Rivah.” LOL! 😉 )

If one single electronic signal ever leaves the island of Madagascar, nuclear weapons will go off automatically and incinerate it.

You jews doubt the non-whites will rally to me, not to the fatcat Republicans, but to overt, white, Hitlerian rule. But remember, Habirus, that even white fatcat Trump just got 31% of the BLACK vote.

And blacks are by far the most antisemitic and pro-Hitler segment of the US population.



[source: https://wethoughttheywerewhite.tumblr.com/]

An African-American apologizes for misattributed perceptions of white racism against blacks perpetrated by Jews

Hello, and welcome to my website “We Thought They Were White.” My name is Dontell Jackson, and like many African-Americans, I was brought up in a culture deeply infused with propaganda designed to lay the blame for all of the black race’s ills on the white man.

It was not until I began looking into the actual history of blacks, whites, and other races in America, that I came to realize that many if not most of the resentment that African-Americans harbor regarding our long history of abuse and exploitation has been intentionally misdirected by those who are most responsible for it, to shift the blame away from themselves as a people onto the white race, whom they regard as their enemies.

The reality is that the white race had little to do with the slave trade that took our ancestors away from Africa and sold them into bondage in the New World. That crime was committed not by White Europeans, but by Jews who were engaged in transatlantic commerce between the Old World and the Americas where they hoped to establish a New Jerusalem from which to rule the world by way of exploiting all races who were not members of their tribe of “Chosen People.” In their efforts to accomplish that goal, the white race has been hoodwinked and manipulated as unsuspecting pawns almost as much as the black race has been.

Blacks have been purposely misled by the Jewish people who, in previous centuries, built their fortunes in the transatlantic slave trade, and who continue to manipulate and exploit us even today. Because most black people make no distinction between Jews and whites, it is easy for the Jews to evade justice and escape the blame for the wrongs that they have inflicted on our people for centuries by convincing blacks that it was the white man who did it. In most cases the vast majority of the white race had nothing to do with slavery or other crimes that have been committed against our people. Whites were and continue to be exploited and manipulated by the Jews, the same as blacks, and their race is even more hated by the Jew, where blacks are simply disregarded by the Jews with indifference, as are other races.

We are all simply pawns to the Jews who have no other use for us beyond being a source of profit to them and a weapon that can be used to help destroy whites, whom they see as their sworn enemies, by encouraging us to breed with them until there are no longer any whites left.

I would like to invite all of my black brothers and sisters to join me in untangling the lies, deceptions and half-truths that have been foisted upon us as a race, and to explore the true history of what has been done to us as a people by those who were more than happy to encourage us to think these wrongs were committed against us by whites,

when in reality those crimes were carried out by Jews.



I have proven it over and over, including having fervent black supporters right now — and I have had black supporters for the last ten years straight!

I got this message on Skype a few days ago [edited]  from my biracial supporter who has a white father and a black mother.

He resembles a bit the biracial actor/director Mario van Peebles, who had a white German mother:


Dear John,

I wish you good luck on the path that lies before you.

I’ve realized some of the errors of my ways, and I came to finally admit that you’re the best-suited man to bring a change for the better. You’re experienced, knowledgeable and skillful. Your brainpower equals the efficiency of a supercomputer, no kidding and no sweet-talking, it’s just incredible how fast you can learn and absorb, and how many skills you’ve mastered throughout your life. You can think outside the box too, and through age you’ve become incredible wise. Not all elders radiate an aura of wisdom, but you do.

On top of that, you have pedigree, and you graduated in high honors from a top-tier university, and that’s very impressive. You even laid out your entire private life to the public, as you’re a man that has nothing to hide or feel ashamed about!

Finally, you have the strategic and tactical mastermind one must possess in the coming times of trouble, you can keep a cool head in stressful situations, and you know how warfare is to be fought. All of it combined with your fanatical and truly believed-in religious creed. Your conviction to serve God and bring his divine will is more than remarkable, and I thank you again, for awakening me spiritually, and showing me that GOD is real!

How can our enemies, or anybody, attack or defame you? You don’t have dirt on you. Perhaps one could argue about some of your past decisions, but all of these are, at worst, minor mistakes or result of the foolishness of youth, thus it’s nothing serious. Maybe your neander theory isn’t on point, but even if you hold on to it and it proves to be wrong, it would still not be enough to put even a tiny dent on your public image. Not to mention, your generation had far less information on this subject, and even nowadays it’s a subject of dispute.

You’re also a true American, born and bred. What kind of nationality is currently better suited to achieve our final victory? No other one…


Why am I telling you this? It’s because, yes, I’ve doubted you… The thousands of years of do-nothings and the racial downfall through race-mixing, have put concerns inside me. Doubts where building up inside me, I didn’t believe that any white person will rise up and bring significant change! Those doubts also affected my view on you…

I’ve had my doubts, I assumed it was too late for you, and that you couldn’t bring any substantial change anymore… Your age was a factor that played into it, I just couldn’t believe that a man of your generation [now age 66] can do it. That’s why I started to believe that I must do it… that I must become the new leader… not the type of hero anybody wanted, or expected, but the type humanity deserves…

Seriously, I’ve seen you as a means to an end… A highly respectable person one can learn from a lot, but still only a means to an end to rise up, thus I intended to go along your plans for a while […]…

Yes, I prayed for you to reach an incredible old age, and I still do so. But I didn’t do it in the hope of you bringing us the final victory, since I thought you’re incapable, but to make you watch me do it… However, my missive was true, I’ve always considered you an extremely respectable man, but I didn’t belief you were a serious challenger to our enemies.

I’ve grasped that being in your mid 60s is not a hindrance and it’s not too old; it’s a very good age for a leader. Also, I’ve become more aware of my egoic-mind, which was doubting others, belittling your persona and puffing up my own self-image with délusions de grandeur


Now, I came to realize, who am I exactly? What makes me so special? What am I in comparison to you? How could I have thought to be superior to you, or better suited than you are!? I’m nowhere near your level! Yes, I’m younger, and that could be seen as an advantage when bringing a revolution. Still, I’ve even fallen behind average peers of my age… There are tons of people better suited than me.[…]

You’re the man, John, you’re the man of importance! I understand now, I see how important you are. You’re the only person in the whole superpower USA that is serious about starting a new movement to save the white race!

A few days ago, still with delusions inside my head, I wouldn’t have taken a bullet for you, but now, I will do it! You’re the true leader, the Führer, of humanity. You’re more than that, you guiding our Souls, you’re the Seelenführer [leader of our souls]!

I’ll never question or doubt you again, and I’ve accepted my place, I’m not special, thus I must start from the bottom, just like all others. Your worked yourself up, you deserve this position for countless reasons, thus you are the real Führer, and God gave you this role. If I [ever] get to [see] you [in America], I will prove my loyalty to you by cutting my hand with a knife and give an oath by blood!


I must mention that I’ve again thought very, very seriously about suicide.

[He is very angry and depressed that his brilliant, blue-eyed white father, a sincere libtard, ever married a black woman, and he is keenly hurt by the hostile looks he gets from Whites in Germany ever since Angela Merkel began the terrible 2015 influx of the violent muslim “rapefugees.” 

White women especially, who used to consider him exotic and cute, now look at him as just another “Black” — and with fear and loathing as being a potential rapist or murderer.

Yet he is actually extremely pro-white, pro-German, pro-NS and highly critical himself of the black race, agreeing with everything we say. 

He also has written with great eloquence on the curse of being biracial and having no firm self-identification, plus the difference he sees between, on the one hand, having a black father and white mother (like Obama) and the opposite, a white father and a black mother, as he does.]


I couldn’t take it any longer, there seems to be no end to this nightmare. […] Then I read your blog from almost a month ago, “Is your suffering stupid or noble?”


By chance, I myself had already downloaded this movie “1917,” but I had never watched it until now, as I assumed it to be yet another standardized anti-German war movie. It was indeed a bit anti-German, portraying the German soldiers on screen as a bit dishonorable, unreasonable and as incompetent shooters, but it was a fantastic movie with an important message nonetheless!

I was committed to end my life, and do it before my birthday, now I’m uncertain again… If I was white I would definitely keep on fighting, but as a mutt it seems pointless… Or if I had at least something good to offer, I’ve screwed my current incarnation up, so hope to get a second chance, to do it better next time.

So, I’ve got to tell you that you likely overestimated my capabilities, but if you still think there is a use for me, I’ll keep on hanging on. I’ll accept every role you’d give to me.

Heck, I’d even wash your sheets, scrub your floor, wash your dishes and clean your toilet, and handle the rest of your daily hassles… no joke, there’s nobody else I would do this for, and I’d do it for no pay! Btw, you can also use whatever information or texts I’ve sent you.

I’m done for in this incarnation, and thus I’ll also gladly accept certain death as a common foot-soldier. Cutting myself up somewhere out in the wilds is not the ideal. It’s much better to die in combat for a divine purpose and serving the noble [white] race.

I belief that the men and women of the Aryan race are the true chosen people of God, thus I’d gladly give my life for them!!!

I have no idea how your future plans look like, I guess it also depends on the US election. Personally, I’ve lost hope for a political solution, as I think Trump is a marionette… Though, I hope Trump wins, because it would give us some time. If the situation gets dire, I think it’s necessary to form a separatist state, so you had best bring in as much manpower as possible to split off from the enemy-ruled USA.



*** My location since September 2014 is truly “Superior”

The UP of Michigan, the top half of Lower Michigan and of Wisconsin are beautiful……


…..all-white, rightwing, Republican, full of veterans, pro-Trump,



…..racially very German, Scandinavian, and British,

….plus highly isolated, located hundred of miles from any major black-ruined cities (though Green Bay,Wisconsin does now have a bad black neighborhood),

very isolated (LOL)

…..and full of natural resources: agriculture, lumber, hunting, fishing, plus hydroelectric power, refined biofuel from dried wood chips, and copper, silver and iron mining.

Some call this area simply “Superior.” (The white counties below the red zones vote liberal, and contain white libtards or even communists — as in the Wisconsin capital of Madison — and many blacks and even muslims.)

This map shows “Superior,” and, in red, the US counties that are still 60% white or higher:

Superior would be the nucleus of the new White North America, ruling also without any pretense of divisive pseudo-democracy its peripheral, non-white bantustans. (White liberals CAN live there, but most will leave. The quality of life will inevitably be lower than in the pure-white areas.)


Superior to America would be like Prussia to Germany,  the heartland — and the strict, highly disciplined, militarily powerful core.

And in this way the new national capital would be located safely far away from the coastline.

Recall that the British succcessfully conquered and burned part of Washington DC,  located near the US East Coast, in 1812….and with Red China — allied secretly with the jews and now possessing a huge navy and marine corps  — the capital must be relocated far from the coast.

And remember that one of the first acts of the Bolsheviks was to prudently move Russia’s capital from  St. Petersburg, on the Baltic coast, far inland to Moscow.

Moving the capital away also symbolizes psychologically a stark break with the past and away from the crimes and corruption of the old regime.

I could see Houghton, located on a canal going both east and west to Lake Superior, or Marquette, right on the lake, as the new capital of liberated White North America….

Houghton images:


Marquette images:


Having lived for 18 years in Washington DC, I realized it was drenched in Illuminati, Freemasonic and even satanic symbolism, and its buildings, especially the White House and the Pentagon, symbolized for me: this powerful goy nation slaughters other goyim for the jews.

A final consideration is that I want the new capital to be placed right on the old US-Canadian border to show our respect and outreach to our wonderful northern white brothers.

Plus, snow keeps out whiners! 😉

Just remember what the Beach Boys said: “the northern girls, the way they kiss, they keep their boyfriends warm at night 😉 ….


*** (Continuing)

Perhaps I could be of help to you when reaching out to the Blacks… Still, wouldn’t it be better to send out a successful black [like a businessman, professor, doctor or top athlete] with pro-white beliefs?

Could blacks perceive me as “fake-ass” black? … Who knows? Maybe it would be better to hide the fact that I’m half-European? Start again as an entirely new persona and change my name… Only white people have a unique look, while blacks all look-alike… so it shouldn’t be too hard to start off freshly, without any baggage of my past…

Either way, you are right, we need as much manpower as possible, and we can’t afford using high-quality white males as cannon fodder.

Let’s hope that a significant number of blacks will fight for the white race, but if not, I’m assured that the white race can win without them!

Then the blacks will have dug their own graves, as the Aryan race will double down on their efforts.

It will be harder for whites, though they’ll win in the end, I’m sure of it!

Let me know if there is any use for me, take your time and think it through… and ask of me whatever you want to know. I’ll keep on praying for you, as I see you as one of the last hopes of mankind!

I will pray in hope for you to gain, at least, another 30 years in lifespan, and that your health, eyesight and sharp mind won’t deteriorate!

But this time, I acknowledge you, John, as the one and only Führer, the one man that is destined to bring us the Endsieg! [ in German, “final victory”]

I will never again doubt your abilities and question your leading position. And likewise, I’ll pray for Margi to fully recover and gain more than 30 years of health and good fortune!

Thank you for reading, God bless you — and stay safe!

PS: John, you must be reminded that only God alone decides on those matters [like Margi’s recovery from Stage III throat cancer].

So please don’t fall into depression if something serious happens, or if she passes on to a better world than ours.


But I will pray that she stays with us for many decades!!! I’ll pray that ALL goes well for the both of you, and for humanity, and I hope God will answer my prayer!!!






I replied:

Dear []

Just a very quick note to say how touched and honored I was by your message and trust. In case you check your Skype messages soon, I just wanted to dash this off for right now.

And for a “mutt” — remember we are all mixed — you are actually pretty good-looking! I saw you on Skype! 😉

No, you incarnated to carry a great message of greetings and glad tidings from me to the other suffering races.

The different whites are all brothers and sisters, but the other races are our distant cousins!

We all want, however deeply buried inside us, these three beautiful things:

truth, light and love.

So you must STAY ALIVE —  for these things and your high mission with me, brother []!


John de Nugent







  1. Another factual article . I read it a few times and compared it to history and current events. Jesse Owens in his autobiography read out by a black relative said ” Hitler never snubbed Jesse Owens , Jesse got better treatment in Nazi Germany than he got in America” it’s a left lie taught in schools. Black Germans served in Hitlers armed forces in WW2 ,those that lived there about 150,000 weren’t “gassed” or persecuted. The BBC said “We report our version of events” at present Martin Bashir is under investigation for forging documents to use in a BBC interview with Princess Diana. The BBC are desperate to cover their tracks . Lying bastards ! Open fire

  2. Dear John de Nugent

    You really live at a magical location, at one of those geographical places which, according to the Seth material of Jane Roberts, are blessed with highly active “coordination points” where physical materializations (for better or worse) are supposed to be particularly accelerated, the Great Lakes being explicitly mentioned.[1]

    In another Seth book it was said that life by a large lake would be especially beneficial for the development of the inner abilities, or even a prerequisite for it, although I assume that one can develop these abilities while living anywhere. Nevertheless, there are especially blessed places for this purpose.

    And to the Remnant of the American People: Yes, the American people at present is indeed the vanguard of the worldwide liberation struggle. The American spirit of independence is awakening again. America is now rising to rise to new splendor. 🙂

    Here is one of the sources for the coordination points. The texts are available online on different sites, directly accessible. Take a fragment of this text excerpt[1] and a search engine to read the whole chapter, or you can lie down for a nap and listen to the whole chapter in a relaxed manner as a YouTube audio.[0]

    Excerpt from “Seth Speaks” by Jane Roberts,[2] „CHAPTER 5[,] HOW THOUGHTS FORM MATTER – COORDINATION POINTS“:

    „[…] Briefly, in your own country, the West Coast, portions of the East Coast, Utah, the Great Lakes, the Chicago area, the Minneapolis area, and some other southwestern areas, are in those neighborhoods of excellent coordinate activity, for the reasons given.

    Materialization will quickly appear, and potentials therefore for both constructive and destructive elements are high.

    These coordinate points themselves activate the behavior of atoms and molecules just as, say, for example, the sun aids the growth of plants. The coordinates activate the generating behavior of atoms and molecules, and greatly encourage their cooperative abilities; their tendency to swarm, so to speak, into organizations and structural groupings.

    The coordinate points magnify or intensify the behavior, the latent spontaneity inherent within the properties of physical matter. They act as psychic generators, propelling what is not yet physical into physical form.[…]“

    [0] „Seth Speaks(5-1)How Thoughts Form Matter-Coordination Points“


    [2] https://archive.org/stream/PdfsSethMaterial/Seth_Speaks_djvu.txt

  3. I’ve been thinking the same thoughts recently. The Demoncrap vote fraud was too obvious and too much, and the media’s support for Biden’s theft is also way over the top. I agree that this has probably been the plan all along – to orchestrate another Civil War leading to a U.N. Jew/globalist takeover of the U.S. Pray that Trump and the U.S. military knows about it, and stops it.

    • I and Margi were watching “Black Conservative Patriot,” who has excellent stuff and is not a high-yellow either, on YT (that is, we are watching him until they delete even him, a black guy, as being a “white supremacist” 😉 ….)

      And he really spoke from my heart, saying: “If I hear one more time “baseless claims of vote fraud,” or “unsupported accusations” or “lies by the Trump campaign” or “without evidence”…..”

      All this is CLASSIC jewish “accusatory inversion,” which is the phrase that the now imprisoned Hervé Ryssen, a friend of both me and Margaret, used in his 11-odd books.

      All this is also what the Slavs mean when they say, knowing the jews all too well for centuries now as a race of scheming, slandering liars:


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