Finally, the apparent truth about the Nov. 1977 “alien” transmission that DID interrupt a British tv evening news broadcast; spiritual reading

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It was certainly jarring when an alien or whoever broke right into the Nov. 26, 1977 British evening news and talked for six minutes.

I have blogged on this a number of times, and the incident, the interruption of the news broadcast, definitely did happen.

44 years ago aliens broke into a BBC New broadcast with a warning

I was never sure that this alien and message were authentic….BUT its message WAS in total harmony with more provable alien encounters.

I wrote then:

It is hard to know if this audio recording was real or fake, but the content is consistent what serious ufologists (and also anti-NWO activists) believe to be true.

This podcast below on Spotify, over this and seven more eight episodes, has an English journalist named Tommy Trelawny.  He studied theology at the University of Edinburgh and went on to receive his PhD from Cambridge.

go on a quest.  He is out to determine if this was 1) real, 2) a hoax — or 3) something well-intentioned if untrue….warning us against the REAL peril of earth being

1) conquered by a money elite, and

2) destroyed in a nuclear war.


About the show

November 26th, 1977.

For viewers of Southern Television in the south of England, November 26th 1977 was a day like any other. Until 5pm, when this happened.

“This is the voice of Vrillon. Representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command speaking to you”.

Something was overriding the Five O’Clock News, and it claimed to be coming from outer space. The strange presence identified themselves as Vrillon, hailing from the “Ashtar Galactic Command.” And what followed was an urgent message for humankind.

“Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again.”

Vrillon warned of an impending disaster that threatened Earth. Exactly what was coming remained unclear, but Vrillon demanded that humankind destroy their “weapons of evil”. Not only for Earth’s sake, but for the sake of other planets too.

The visuals of the news broadcast continued as if nothing was wrong. The newsreader was now like a mime on the screen, with alien audio replacing his voice. This continued for another six minutes. With a final blessing to humanity, the transmission came to a close. Eventually, host Ivor Mills’ voice returned to the living rooms of south England.

“We understand that viewers in some parts of the region are receiving a breakthrough in sound. We’re sorry about this and are doing our best to rectify the fault.”

Thousands of viewers sat in bewilderment, with no understanding of what had unfolded right before their eyes: television distortion, audio interference, the low warbled voice. A peculiar and sinister message.

Nobody came forward to claim responsibility for this event. No one has been caught. For forty-five years, this strange incident has remained a mystery.

And so, for Stak, Tommie Trelawny has reopened the case.

Who, or what, was behind “The Interruption”?


In the end, Tom Trelawny concluded that a Bob Tomowsky was the culprit.  He was a half-Polish English citizen who died in 2001, a host on a pirate (illegal) radio station in the 1960s and 1970s called “Radio Invicta” ( ), working under the stage name “Roger Tate,” and a brilliant technician and tech journalist who was also known fondly among his friends and colleagues as the “gadget guru.”

He hacked the tv station and broadcast the supposedly “alien” message.

Trelawny gets friends of this Bob to admit, right on microphone, that this Tomowsky did do it.

My own hunch is that it was both a prank for fun AND the guy, aware of real dangers to the world, actually meant well. This was also the surmise of a Danish professor of religion.

Ever since the 1950s, there have been actual encounters with benevolent aliens, some of them being 100% humans, but very advanced, far beyond us, such as the Nordics.

There has also been a kind of longing for them to “save” us from ourselves, or at least warn us in some effective way.

This is one group in London that supposedly channels benevolent aliens:  Trelawny visited them –he was looking actually for the “Interruption” hoaxer –and says ther is nothing “cultlike” in a negative  sense about them: no  mind control, taking all your money, or worshiping some guru.

He said the atmosphere was very respectful and non-coercive, and their current leader said to him that it would never happen that advanced aliens simply barge into a tv broadcast, elbow the speakers aside, and take over.

Real change comes from within, from the heart, not brute force.

In fact, there have even been several “UFO religions,” where aliens save humanity….. which they have never, ever said they would do! Saving us without FIXING us would be like giving a $20 to a heroin junkie. How long does THAT really “help” him?


…..Genuine messages

— The 2001 warning via two crop circles (given shortly before 9/11:


Here is more likely the truth, and it is reassuring: .

Note at between the second and third minute a report by an eyewitness of a crop circle being made in seconds and in COMPLETE DARKNESS.

The intent of crop circles seems to be to use beauty to attract us and then issue benevolent warnings (NOT threats) that our species, humanity, and planet are being taken over by “deceivers.”

(I think if they just up and said overtly “Jews,” then brainwashed people would recoil from the message.)

From 4:52 on, a communication is shown and is interpreted. The message was put down in a binary language ” the same exact one used by NASA in 1974 ” in a crop circle near the biggest radiotelescope in England, in Chilbolton, Hampshire, England. (see also the 1977 Hampshire TV tower incident below.) .

The date was August 15, 2001 (less than a month before “9/11 ³ ¦.). It says, when the binary language is translated, that they are four feet tall, have one more strand of DNA than humans do, reside on three planets, and total 21 billion individuals. Then they warn:

“Beware the bearers of false gifts & their broken promises.

Much pain but still time.

eelrijue. [?]

There is good out there.

We oppose deception.

Conduit closing.”



Excerpt from the book Paranormal Dorset by Roger Guttridge







…..Spiritual reading for July 13

Try never to let a day pass without noticing and rejoicing in the extraordinary and rare experience you have chosen in being on your planet at this time.

At any time it is a wondrous thing, but in the moment, the very air is charged, the earth speaks more eloquently than She has in many a millennia, and the animals (non-human varieties) are at last beginning to give voice to that wisdom which they have accumulated
and lived by.

Today the whole universe will be having a get-together, and it is an opportunity without par. We beg you not to let yourself get lost in the details of mundane life such that you miss the party.

Well, of course you will lose yourself in them from time to time, and this is actually part of the process. But to forget that you are here for reasons much grander and more pressing than your career, your children, your own individual path—that is to be in the midst of a magnificent feast grubbing for worms and bugs. 🙂

Today move more deeply into awareness of your true nature and purpose. There is a pulse all around that you may feel or hear or simply sense. This is the pulse of universal energy aligned. The earth, the stars, the very atmosphere will all be singing the same song today.

That makes it so much easier to hear, to dance to, to understand the lyrics. When you are drifting off to sleep it may be easiest to notice, in that space between waking consciousness and dreaming.

Pay attention if you can fnd it, because it is a powerful tool for tracking the way inside.

It will, however, not be necessary to hear or sense this pulse in order to grow clearer and more confident about realities that beckon you right now.

Because even if you are unaware of what is happening, that universal energy will be pulsing through your being and putting you in line with all the rest of creation.

Trust this and ask to be opened to all that is. It is a brief period where the Oneness comes closer to manifesting even in the places where separation truly appears to be reality. In other words, there are many beautiful and potentially transformative seconds, minutes, hours right ahead.

So please, take some time right now to rejoice in the potential, in the ever-changing and always expanding nature of your life and being.

Gratitude and appreciation are likely the most powerful forces you have at your disposal. Hard work is good, love is excellent, devotion is miraculous and surrender can be perfect, but gratitude is truly divine.

You know this well, and yet you forget. There is nothing like the alchemy that occurs when the human heart is tempered in the crucible of gratitude. Today, do all you can to cultivate appreciation for the terrific opportunities that lie before you.

Whether you choose to pick one or more of them up and work with them doesn’t matter especially at this moment. Instead, you will find the greatest life comes from allowing yourself to celebrate the magnitude of the feast, the diversity of the bazaar, the incredible generosity of the universe.

So please, come to the big party. Listen for the beat which connects you with all of existence—look inward and listen outward. And then dance! Survey the multitude of gifs that are laid before you and sample some of them.

Just remember to stay grateful and you will have a wonderful time.

We send all our love and blessings.



….an encouraging message

Thanks for your writing, John. It helps me very much to avoid depression and existential dread.

I feel really isolated here even though I like where I live. The sour apples keep bugging me and making life more expensive, and it never ends.

People I don’t know try to start crap with me, usually the tailgater gang (aggressive drivers who call the cops on me repeatedly aka “swatting”).

My neighbor has had it with them too.

One of the louts keyed up a pristine Chevy truck of a quiet retiree. I’m just so sick of the stupidity of it.



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