George Carlin on why politicians “suck”; sanctified jewish narcissism; when Grant ordered all jews expelled from Tennessee

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Three narcissists who flourished in a narcissistic world

As I have written, when you look up online any description of narcissism — radical self-centeredness and selfishness, a willingness to harm and to exploit others with no pangs of conscience –– every single trait corresponds exactly to what jews believe about how special they are, and how the jews act toward us “gentiles.”



…George Carlin gets brutally honest

An Irish-American comedian from New York City, called the greatest stand-up comedian of all time, Carlin never beat around the bush, and you can see it below.  All the Hitler-bashers out there need to see what Carlin says here, and then I dare them to tell me Carlin was wrong!

Fact is: Hitler saved Germany BY abolishing democracy — the rule of the people — because the extreme flaws in the people make democracy, sadly, pretty unworkable. Now the people can be uplifted — and that was one of Hitler’s main goals. But to save the dying patient called Germany, Hitler had to  take over and get the power to do what needed to be done, popular or not.



Politicians….Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they “suck.”

Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don’t fall out of the sky. They don’t pass through a membrane from another reality. 

They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they’re elected by American citizens.

This is the best we can do, folks. 😉  This is what we have to offer. It’s what our system produces. 

“Garbage in — garbage out.” 😉

If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you’re gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders. And term limits ain’t gonna do you any good.  You’re just gonna run into a new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. 

So maybe, maybe, MAYBE it’s not the politicians who suck. Maye it’s something else that sucks around here……like…..THE PUBLIC.

Yeah, the public sucks. Now there’s a nice campaign slogan for you. 😉


Here is a great example in the jewish propaganda video below by a jew, which does not explain with one single word WHY General Grant expelled all jews from his military district in 1862, only that he did so. ..oh, the poor jews….

And this Khazar concludes with a triumphant note of how Grant, once he himself became president, apologized to jewry, and appointed more jews to high federal jobs than all previous presidents put together.

In other words, Grant was the jew-arse-kissing forerunner of Harry Truman.

Truman personally despised not only Blacks, being himself a former Klansman, but also the jews, and his Klan, in the 1920s, also loathed the Hebrews for promoting black “civil rights” and also the filthy movies that came out in the 1920s under Mae West et alia from jew-infected Hollywood….


Yet this very same Harry Truman licked their boots more than anyone else, first by continuing merciless air and ground war against Germany of his predecessor, closet jew Frank Rosenfeld.

This went on even though by then the Soviet Union, under the mass-murdering monster Joseph Stalin, was gobbling up all of Eastern Europe!

The bolshevik psychopath had grabbed half of Germany itself and was hauling hundreds of thousands of innocent white people —  who ever was a possible opponent —  off to his gulag and to a miserable death — by the millions.

As an aside, Truman also nuked Japan when it was totally unnecessary, as even Dwight Eisenhower said (who was more humane toward the Japanese than toward the Germans of his own blood).

The Japanese had been offering to surrender since January of 1945! (This would have avoided the horrible battle of Iwo Jima where 7,000 US Marines perished — and 20,000 Japanese.)

The ONLY demand from Tokyo was that their beloved emperor not be tried or hanged for war crimes. (Ironically, US general Douglas MacArthur went along with this demand anyway when he administered the US occupation of postwar Japan.)

Oh, and the two cities which Truman ordered “hit with that awful thing” — the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki — were the two by far most Christian cities in otherwise non-Christian Japan…. (The Portuguese and Dutch had made converts there centuries earlier. A shogun then banned the new faith,  fearing the missionaries were spies and just the first step to Europeans conquering Japan, as was the case with other East Asian countries,)

Japanese boy in Hiroshima brings his dead little brother to a temple for a ceremony before burial… The air blast alone tore up the lungs of many who had died, just as in Germany. Hundreds of thousands were killed pointlessly in a country that WANTED to surrender!

Then Harry Truman signed off on the jew-run kangaroo trials of pure vengeance against “Nazi leaders,” in the bombed-out city of Nuremberg, and he was okay with a jew hangman deliberately botching the hangings so the men slowly strangled over a five to 20-minute period.

Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel

Not only did the men slowly suffocate, but their noses were broken as they went down the trap door.


Harry Truman approved these cynical “trials” despite the vigorous opposition of a very important Republican, the US senator from Ohio, Robert Taft.

Then US Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts pointed out courageously in his bestselling book Profiles in Courage (which I read at seven when he was president) how brave and morally right this denunciation was by Robert Taft. (Kennedy knew the jews would not like this chapter at all.)


Then this coward and traitor took millions in secret campaign donations from a rich jew and recognized the State of IsraHell, which had just ethnically cleansed the Palestinians, of whom btw 20% at that time were Christians, like most Americans, and not muslims at all.

This recognition flouted the urgent advice of Truman’s Secretary of State, George Marshall, who said it would inflame the Arab countries of the Middle East against the United States (which it did) and also that siding with the jews would open the door for Soviet influence over the muslims — another accurate prediction. It was quite an achievement of colossal stupidity to get muslims, of all people, to side with the fanatically atheistic Soviet Union, but Truman managed that great folly.

Truman’s Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal, also vehemently opposed US recognition of this dangerous entity. (He subsequently was “suicided!!)

So Truman did the jews’ bidding while knowing they were cruel and evil: Truman’s 1947 Complaints About Jews Set Off a Controversy – Los Angeles Times (

So back to US Grant.

It was Lincoln who caved in. He was a total hypocrite toward these pushy jews with his “Father Abraham” malarkey, because Lincoln was an atheist, and so no wonder he was pen pals with a Karl Marx who said “religion is the opium of the peoples.”

But Dishonest Abe sure did trot the Bible out when it suited him.

Here is the video,.but what it leaves out is that the jews were selling rotten food (and you can DIE from food poisoning — I had it four times, twice from Chinese food, although I survived) and also defective equipment to both the Tennessee people and to Grant’s own army!



What was inexcusable in Truman was the shallowness of his antisemitism. Unlike my own, based on a full undederstanding of the real jew agenda — the enslavement and genocide of 90% of the goyim  — Truman was indeed only what the Los Angeles Times article calls “a man of his times…. Truman grew up in a small town and he absorbed the prevalent ethnic cliches.”

But the jews are so much worse than just crooked, arrogant, pushy and clannish.

And the book The International Jew, by the famous American carmaker Henry Ford, a household name,

… had laid it all out if these hicks and cowards like Truman had bothered to read it!

Every Ford car — every Model-T that was sold in the early 1920s, and it was the Number One car, because it was GOOD AND ALSO AFFORDABLE — came with a free copy of The International Jew!

Here it is, all 496 pages:





So, say, Senator Truman of Missouri, how it is you never cracked this book open?

Never heard of Henry Ford, the Model-T or Ford’s antisemitic book?

Nope, you were just a coward.

And cowards, as Ernest Hemingway said, lack love.

Narcissism is not just among the jews…..

I knew the number-one narcissist in America!

This man defamed me in 2009 and marginalized me for a decade because he saw me as “competition.” And, right along the lines of what Carlin said, the people lapped it right up.




…… Narcissism Is a Trait That’s Hard to Shake, Study Says

Here’s how to recognize it and cope with the narcissist in your life.

An older man looking at himself in the mirror in a bathroom.
Credit…Getty Images

If you’re hoping that the narcissist in your life will change, a new study suggests that you may have to wait a very long time. And even then, you might see only a small difference.

The research, which was published in the journal Psychological Bulletin on Thursday, analyzed 51 studies with more than 37,000 participants — mostly from North America, Europe and New Zealand — to explore how narcissism changes over a person’s life span.

Although the researchers found that, on average, narcissism gradually declined as people aged, “the results show that this decline is not as large as one might hope,” said Ulrich Orth, the lead author of the paper and a professor of developmental psychology at the University of Bern in Switzerland.

The declines in narcissism took place over the span of decades.

“When you look back at how a close friend behaved 20 or 30 years earlier, you might notice the change,” Dr. Orth said. “Still, the average decline was at most of moderate size, so you wouldn’t expect that people’s level of narcissism changes fundamentally.”

The study also found that if people had higher levels of narcissism than others when they were children, then this was also usually true when they reached adulthood.

The research featured subjects who were mostly white and lived in Western cultures, and a number of the studies included in the analysis had low numbers of adults who were 65 or older, all of which makes it difficult to generalize the results.

Even so, the study illustrates that narcissism doesn’t just magically go away on its own, said Craig Malkin, the author of “Rethinking Narcissism.”

“When left to their own devices, people who are extremely narcissistic in this unhealthy way are not going to change,” said Dr. Malkin, a lecturer at Harvard Medical School who was not involved in the research.

So what do you do if someone close to you is a narcissist? We asked several experts to help explain what narcissism looks like and how to cope with people who display high levels of the trait.

In short, narcissism is a drive to feel special and unique.

To some extent, narcissistic traits exist in all of us, and a little narcissism isn’t a bad thing. In fact, research has shown that viewing ourselves through rose-colored glasses, a concept known as self-enhancement, can help us cope with adversity.

Narcissism is most problematic when people become dependent on the feeling of superiority and seek it at all costs, displaying what Dr. Malkin calls the “triple E”: entitlement, exploitation and a lack of empathy.

A clinical diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder can occur when those symptoms become fixed and persistent — they do not come and go. In addition, the disorder causes distress or interferes with relationships, work or other domains.

Christine Louis de Canonville, a recently retired psychotherapist in Dublin who has written extensively about narcissism, said that in her experience, the higher the levels of narcissism, the more people became “desperate, deluded, paranoid, angry, abusive and isolated.”

This makes it harder for the narcissist to “charm and impress others,” she said, which then makes it difficult for that person to elicit admiration.

What does narcissism look like?

Mental health experts have worked to develop a more nuanced understanding of narcissism, breaking it down into three main dimensions: agentic, antagonistic and neurotic.

Agentic narcissism is what most people think of when they imagine a narcissist. Those who score highly in this dimension are focused on status, power and success.

“They see themselves as superior to others, crave admiration and have an inflated sense of self-importance,” Dr. Orth said. “They are typically very confident, assertive and want to be in leadership positions.”

Neurotic narcissism is characterized by hypersensitivity. Those who score highly in this dimension “constantly need validation and are very sensitive to criticism and rejection,” Dr. Orth said. “They often experience significant shame, anxiety, emotional instability, insecurity and self-doubt.”

Those with antagonistic narcissism often view others as rivals. They tend to be competitive, hostile toward others and willing to put them down to feel superior, Dr. Orth said. They also lack empathy and are exploitative.

It is “the core of pathological narcissism,” Dr. Malkin said. “These are bullies.”

The studies in Dr. Orth’s analysis used a variety of scales or interviews to measure the three aspects of narcissism, and all three declined with age.

It’s unclear why narcissism would reduce over time, but Sara Konrath, the director of the Interdisciplinary Program for Empathy and Altruism Research at Indiana University, has found in her own research that empathy increases as we grow older.

As people age, they are more likely to grow in maturity and responsibility for others through being a partner, a parent and an employee, she said.

“People are also more likely to value positive and close relationships,” Dr. Konrath added.

Narcissists are unlikely to improve much in the short term unless they pursue intensive treatment, the experts said, which can put a burden on their friends and family.

“Unfortunately, managing a difficult relationship is the best someone intimately involved with most narcissists can hope for,” said Elinor Greenberg, the author of “Borderline, Narcissistic and Schizoid Adaptations: The Pursuit of Love, Admiration and Safety.”

One strategy is to try what Dr. Malkin calls “catching good.” Narcissistic people are often looking for recognition, so he suggests praising them when they are being more cooperative or caring. By the same token, he said, in situations where you have to maintain contact with a narcissist — for example at family get-togethers or at work — you can punish negative behavior by withdrawing or remaining silent.

An approach that has gained popularity online, known as gray rocking, involves dealing with difficult people by limiting engagement and, essentially, becoming as dull as a gray rock. Try to stay neutral, keep your interactions brief and avoid sharing information that could potentially be turned against you, said Ramani Durvasula, a clinical psychologist and the author of “It’s Not You: Identifying and Healing From Narcissistic People.”

If someone is abusive, however, it may be best to leave the relationship — and depending on the situation, one may need to seek help to do so.

Narcissism can be like a fire, Dr. Malkin said: “The longer it burns, the more it destroys. If you want to avoid damage, there has to be some intervention.”


  1. Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels ging beim Endkampf um die Reichshauptstadt Berlin unter, mitsamt seiner Familie – seiner Frau und seinen 6 Kindern.

    In Bezug des Verbots von COMPACT hat der Volkslehrer folgende Zeilen verfaßt, wo Lehrer seinerzeit, als wir die Schule besuchten, uns Schüler zur Wachsamkeit ermahnten und erzogen, uns nämlich unserer Haut zu erwehren, würde denn je die in der westlichen Welt geheiligte Kuh namens Demokratie angegriffen und in Gefahr sein.

    Man könnte auch freundlich sagen: Dr. Goebbels in den Mund geschoben – Satire.

    Ich hoffe, die Menschen bemerken jene Analogie, denn ich fühle mich seit dem COMPACT-Verbot auch wieder in mein Klassenzimmer von damals katapultiert. Mein Lehrer sagte, dass ich die Zeichen erkennen muß und mich zur Wehr setzen soll und er war durch und durch links.

    Es spielt keine Rolle, ob die Zeit damals tatsächlich so war wie man es uns erzählt hat, denn ob sie jetzt nun so war oder nicht, die eingetrichterte Dystopie aus dem Klassenzimmer findet gerade jetzt tatsächlich vor unseren Augen statt – irgendwie verwirrend.

    Die Deutsche Wochenschau 2024: Goebbels verbietet Compact!

    • Danke wie immer, Kamerad.

      „Was wir im deutschen Widerstand während des Krieges nicht wirklich begreifen wollten, haben wir nachträglich vollends gelernt: Daß der Krieg schließlich nicht gegen Hitler, sondern gegen Deutschland geführt wurde.“ — Eugen Gerstenmaier, Bundestagspräsident ab 1954, während des Zweiten Weltkrieges Mitglied der „Bekennenden Kirche im Widerstand“. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 21. März 1975

      Aber so relativ erfrischend diese reueähnliche Aussage des Gerstenmaier war, so konnte er es nicht wagen, die ganze Wahrheit auszusprechen:

      1) Die Juden führten diesen Krieg mittels Marionetten

      2) Der Krieg war die jüdische Bestrafung von gojischen Rebellen, die eine Judenherrschaft nicht mehr ertragen wollten

      3) Das Lebnensglück und die Erfolge des judenfrei gewordenen Deutschlands hätte bei anderen Völkern Schule machen können. Der Massenmord an den Deutschen durch die Juden war die jüdische Art, Schule zu machen.

      4) Die Juden hatten die Deutschen relativ gerne. Bis heute erwähnt ein Jude mit kaum verhohlenem Stolze, “German jew” zu sein, und nicht polnischer Jude, russischer oder gar dunkelhäutig-sephardischer (also arabisch-ostmediterraner Herkunft).

    • I don’t think most people could even comprehend how psychotic, deranged, savage and inhuman jews are.
      And that a large percentage of them hide their jewish identity and pretend to be white.
      A large percentage of politicians in the West are crypto-jews that hide their jewish identity.
      I think for every jew there’s probably about 20 that hide their jewish identity and pretend to be white.
      They’re intelligent but not superhuman. They’re good at manipulating stupid people and are masters at psychology. They just lie, deceive, and subvert everything.
      They’re behind this terrible, modern, artificial hybrid world we live in.
      But they can’t build anything and have never been able to build any civilisation.
      They’re just good at destroying,thats all. Destroying “Amalek” and “Edom” is the only thing that matters to them.
      Even if they end up causing their own destruction, they’ll still go ahead with their plans.
      Bolshevization of the earth and enslaving the remaining amount of goyim cattle.
      The stuff in the Talmud is that cartoonishly over the top, and that’s why a lot of people wouldn’t take it seriously.
      And what they have done in history is that horrendous that most people could not comprehend it.
      It’s just insane ramblings, but that’s the reason they’re so successful, and they’re so good at manipulating stupid people. Because most people could not comprehend anything like that and nothing is taken seriously anymore.
      And everything is a joke.

      • Yes….

        A comrade wrote me:

        John, I almost feel like I need a guide to how to interact with normies and their huge egos in trying to talk with them about reality and also socially interact with them. How do you do it, and how do we wake them up on the Jew question and all the evil? I say this because being too blunt will scare people away and they will take the Jews as victims of hate if we are not careful.

        God bless you brother.

        I replied:

        Yes, indeed, the truth can scare people and off they run.

        As Eckhart Tolle explains, people in this post-Christian, materialistic world of scientism (a belief that science knows everything and any belief in a higher world is medieval old nonsense) do assume that what they are is just a brain, which is matter, a gray organ full of fat, blood, and neurons. The brain produces the mind. And the mind is just a collection of thoughts, opinions, memories, and various desires…..

        So an attack on their libtard opinions is interpreted as an attack on their mind.

        They really do identify with their opinionsm, unless they are in a period of doubt. For them, their opinions are who they are. Their ideas are who they are, and their villains and heroes are part of their belief system. Alibera is a human who thinks “What I am is a devout “lover of humanity” and “opponent of racism, hate, and irrational, medieval ideas.”

        But what is “identification” with something or some group? As Eckhart Tolle explains, the word “identify” comes from the Latin “identific-“…. and this from two Latin words, “idem” and “fic-.” “Idem” means “the same as” and “fic” means “to make.”

        So to “identify as” means literally “to make yourself the same as” some group and its ideology.

        In mathematics, 2 = 6/3 and, likewise, 6/3 = 2.

        I = liberal Democrat; liberal Democrat = I.

        Trump = bad.

        Hitler = MEGA-bad, cosmi -bad 😉

        It feels so wonderful to not live in a world of cruel, brutal Nazis. For all the world’s problems, at least we have no Gestapo kicking down our doors. And good old America, which is still around, saved the day. it can save us again — from Bad Vlad and his Russian war machine.

        Yes, the good guys won in 1945…..

        And so to disprove my comforting liberal notions is to attack ME, and my peace of mind…and to make me worry instead that the jews are preparing a nightmare.

        So we are seen as attacking their beliefs and, in essence, assaulting THEM. This, however, is very false. If I say the races are not the same except for skin color,I am NOT attacking the person with whom I am conversing — just a wrong notion that someone (the jews) put (ove and over again) in his head. In fact, I am liberating that person from a dangerous delusion.

        In America, if you think blacks are oppressed victims, and potential friends, you can end up being around them and then robbed, beaten, raped, or killed.

        If you think the government is like a parent that loves and protects you, you will take a vaxx that can cripple and kill you.

        …or go off to fight Russia and get nuked!

        The libtard’s feeling of being attacked violates the real truth that he (and you and I) are eternal souls who are having yet another of HUNDREDS of earthly incarnation, and he, you and I are far more than just an American, or a Dane, or a right- or leftwinger, or a man or a woman, or a kid or an old geezer. 😉

        These are indeed categories we may belong to IN THIS ONE PART OF THIS ONE CHAPTER OF OUR ETERNAL LIFE, but we OURSELVES are not these categories, WHICH ARE TEMPORARY WHEREAS WE ARE ETERNAL.

        After all, TALKING ABOUT HOW TEMPIORARY IDEAS ARE, most of us were raised to embrace liberal ideas and we sure changed! ALL of us were told (even by the conservatives in our countries) that Adolf Hitler was evil, and certainly incredibly extreme to slaughter the jews, and yet here we are now — on this website! 😉

        So ideas can change.

        Because we are not our ideas. They come and go.

        The terrible problem with “identifying as” something orsome group is when you or I say to our interlocutor that “the jews are evil monsters,” because this becomes, for him, an attack on who he “is.” Actually, it is on who he THINKS he is….”on me” equals on a dyed-in-the-wool liberal.
        “You are sayng I’m wrong!!”

        No, only that the idea the jews FED you is wrong….

        -.,.because they are malevolent liars, out to deceive and rule the world.

        So don’t be mad at me, who cares about you and our country!

        But the egoic mind lives totally in this ever-changing world where nothing is certain and permanent: jobs, friendships and marriages do collapse, cars we “love” get stolen, and women (such as my late wife, who led a radically healthy life) — get cancer and die… and this body of the woman I once hugged and held hands with and kissed is now literal ashes and bone chips in a box from the crematory, sitting on a little table in my office ….

        …..or a man running for president with Secret Service and police everywhere gets shot while dozens of bodyguards and snipers do nothing for two whole minutes….

        There is very little or even no security in this world.

        So if we identify totally with this nasty world as it is and long has been, a mix of stability (good) and utter chaos (bad), we will always be jumpy, insecure, nervous and apprehensive.

        It’s truly “one damn thing after another.”

        So any challenge to the opinions of a typical egoic earthling is taken by him as an attack, and it shakes his inner peace, which is not very solid, but in fact extremely fragile.

        I remember how it felt when my faith in the Jehovah’s Witneses got very wobbly.

        Actually I always had my doubts, while appreciating certain good things about the JWs, but I suppressed them. In fact, in 1974 I volunteered to work at the JW world headquarters in New York City. There I went out of my way to meet the top two JWs, the president (Nathan Knorr) and the vice-president (Fred Frantz) and I got the real vibe of the place.

        And I sensed that my very first impressions of the JWs were unfortunately true — that something was really “off.”

        So I left that religion. But I felt weird and empty for months. I missed those certitudes. And I missed my old JW friends.

        And so I began searching for a new cause and new friends. 😉

        The next phase was the US Marines, who were that new cause and new friends. The Marines are in fact more than a military organization; they are trul a kind of brotherhood that sees itself as the best in the world.

        The reality is that while they are elite and do have a certain camaraderie, they are also professional killers for a completely corrupt government.

        …which on further investigation turned out to be more than corrupt, but full of satanic, evil, child-raping jews.

        So I moved on to where I have been since 1978 — to national socialism.

        But I had to find out why people are in denial of reality and find the truth threatening, especially NS truth about race and the jews, truths which are so urgent that they can save their very lives.

        And a man came to my door in 2016 with the answer, found in the books of Eckhart Tolle, which he dumped into my hands.

        In the meantime, regarding your question here:

        John, I almost feel like I need a guide to how to interact with normies and their huge egos in trying to talk with them about reality and also socially interact with them. How do you do it, and how do we wake them up on the Jew question and all the evil? I say this because being too blunt will scare people away and they will take the Jews as victims of hate if we are not careful.

        This document is amazing. It is not spiritual at all, because it takes people just as they are (egoic), and shows how to motivate them (imperfect as they are) to do what you would like them to do (as long as it is in their as well as your interest). This is a world-famous book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie. It came out in the 1930s and still is one of the best books about not scaring people off, but gradually winning their trust and overcoming their fears. #

        Finally, I wish to show this video again.This is a German and a Frenchman in WWI who do not see the other person as a thing or just a category (French = enemy), but also as a human being like themselves. This is the opposite of the egoic mind. This is seeing clearly, without delusions.

        And while war may be necessary, if you must kill, or die yourself, your soul is eternal. And every noble deed is noted by God.

  2. Mein Führer!

    Schauen Sie sich bitte das zweiminütige Zeitdokument an, wo eine Mutter zur Mutter spricht – die eine hat das Abendland verraten, die andere kämpft um den Erhalt eines der letzten reinen Winkel des Kontinents und warnt mit erhobenen Zeigefinger: Hände weg von Polen!

    Durch Glück öffnete sich die nach genannte Verknüpfung – weitläufig auch als Link bezeichnet – so daß ich die kämpferische Rede vernehmen durfte: unsere Nachbarn spüren, daß sie beziehungsweise ihre Großeltern von den von Ihnen obig dargelegten Elementen mit absoluten Vernichtungswillen getäuscht wurden.

    EU-Abgeordnete konfrontiert von der Leyen: “Von Mutter zu Mutter, Sie gehören in den Knast”


    Anlass war die Abstimmung im EU-Parlament über eine zweite Amtszeit von Ursula von der Leyen als Kommissionspräsidentin. Nach den Worten von Zajączkowska-Hernik war bereits die vorherige Amtszeit von der Leyens “ein riesiger Fehler und einige haben heute noch einen Kater von dieser Entscheidung”. Dabei nahm sie kein Blatt vor den Mund: von der Leyens Platz sei nicht in der Europäischen Kommission, sondern im Gefängnis.


    Besagte Rede auf Tik Tok:

  3. – Nachtrag zu meinem vorherigen Beitrag –

    Ein Beispiel vom heutigen Tage aus dem Politikversagen, und zwar:

    Leeds: Heftige Migranten-Krawalle erschüttern englische Großstadt

    Leeds, England.

    Geliefert wie bestellt?

    Im englischen Leeds wird jüngst ein islamistischer Ortsbürgermeister gewählt, der seinen Sieg mit „Allahu Akbar“-Schreien feiert. Nun kommt es dort zu massivsten Migranten-Krawallen und Angriffen auf die Polizei.

    Immer wieder wurden an verschiedenen Orten der knapp 800.000 Einwohner zählenden Stadt Leeds Feuer gelegt. Viele Randalierer filmten ihre Taten. Es wurden Autos angezündet, Barrikaden auf den Straßen errichtet und immer wieder Polizeiautos massiv demoliert. Zwischenzeitlich mußten sich die Beamten wegen der großen Menge an Randalierern – zum Höchststand sollen es bis zu 1.000 Personen gewesen sein – zurückziehen.


    Weiterlesen auf (mit Videos)

  4. – Weiterer Nachtrag zu meinem vorherigen Beitrag –

    Ein weiteres Beispiel vom heutigen Tage aus dem Politikversagen, und zwar:

    Irland wacht auf: Immer mehr Proteste gegen den großen Austausch


    Lange Zeit blieb das beschauliche Irland, trotz seiner Nähe zu Großbritannien, weitestgehend vom Bevölkerungsaustausch verschont. In jüngsten Jahren hat sich die Lage jedoch fundamental geändert. Das treibt die autochthonen Iren zu tausenden auf die Straße – ein Vorbild für den Rest Europas.

    Innerhalb nur eines einzigen Jahres hat sich die Anzahl der neu ankommenden Migranten in Irland um sage und schreibe 960% gesteigert und das, obwohl eine deutliche Mehrheit der Iren eine weitere Zuwanderung ablehnen. Dennoch werden rigoros weiter neue Asylzentren gebaut. Befanden sich diese bisher meist in großen Städten, werden nun auch immer häufiger Migranten auf kleine Dörfer verteilt. Doch zeitgleich zur migrationssüchtigen Politik der Regierung keimen auch überall migrationskritische Proteste auf. Die Iren haben den großen Austausch satt.

    280 Migranten in einem 165 Seelendorf

    Nachdem es bereits in Dublin zu Demonstrationen gegen neue Asylzentren kam, scheint die Regierung nun zu planen, die Migranten auf abgelegene Dörfer zu verteilen, um so die schiere Masse der Asylanten zu verheimlichen. Doch diese Strategie geht nicht auf. Auch in dem kleinen 165 Seelendorf Dundrum wächst der Widerstand gegen die geplante Einquartierung von 280 Migranten. Bei einem öffentlichen Treffen versammelten sich 300 Teilnehmer aus Dundrum und den umliegenden Dörfern und sprachen sich deutlich gegen die Einquartierung der Migranten aus.

    Dublin steht auf

    In Dublin führt der Versuch der Polizei ein Protestcamp aufzulösen, welches gegen die Errichtung einer Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung gebaut wurde, zu einem Hochschaukeln der Demonstrationen. Mit über 200 Beamten, 40 Streifenwgen, einem Polizeihelikopter und haufenweise Pfefferspray wurde versucht die migrationskritische Menge auseinander zu treiben. Entgegen der Behauptung linksliberaler Medien, an den Demonstrationen wären lediglich ein paar dutzend „Provokateure“ beteiligt zeigt jedoch ein auf X (vormals Twitter) hochgeladenes Video hunderte, wenn nicht sogar tausende mit irischen Fahnen ausgestattete Bürger, die sich gegen das Asylzentrum wehren.


    Weiterlesen auf

    • Die Iren sind zum Teil noch immer “wilde Kelten”…und ungestüm. Süddeutschland und Österreich warren die keltische Hallstattkultur, und das Ursprungsgebietb des Nationalsozialismus. Es gab ja nationale und antisemitische Bewegungen im ganzen Abendlande, aber der betont kämpferische NS entstand in diesem keltisch-germanischem Mischgebiete. 🙂

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