ENGLISH The relevance of Mary Phagan to white children today

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[Being composed and edited]


My sheriff race makes the legal case for the murder by Leo Max Frank of Mary Ann Phagan, though now a century old, even more important now than it already has been since 1913.


The Leo Frank case is also a way to show:

1) that white men can take action, even with a revolver and a rope, when justice is repeatedly denied them;


Wealthy, connected Jew businessman dies like the rapist, murderer, torturer (see autopsy report below!) and pedophile that he was. And it was not the “trailer park” that lynched him, but the leading citizens of Georgia, who had HAD it!



2) the Leo Frank case shows why the infamous ADL ever began — after Frank was lynched, the Jews realized they needed a sophisticated legal and PR network  TO GET FUTURE GUILTY JEW CRIMINALS OFF

3) The behavior of Leo Frank and then of his Jewish supporters illustrates perfectly the real teachings of the vile Talmud, which overtly condones raping goy kids, and lying under oath.

Talmud (http://www.topix.com/forum/religion/islam/TBN44U9TPBOIFI7O1):


“A Jew is permitted to rape, cheat and perjure himself [give false testimony under oath in court]; but he must take care that he is not found out, so that Israel [the Jewish people] may not suffer.” – Schulchan Aruch, Jore Dia.

“To communicate anything to a goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if they knew what we teach about them they would kill us openly.” – Libbre David 37.

“The Jews are human beings , but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts.”-Baba Mecia 114, 6 [i.e.: 114b].

“Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and commanded to serve the Jew day and night.” – Midrasch Talpioth, p225-L.

“A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.”– Aboda Sarah 37a.

“A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat.” – Hadarine, 20, B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348.

“When a Jew murders a Gentile (“Cuthean”), there will be no death penalty.” – Sanhedrin 57a .

Non-Jewish Children are subhumans. – Yebamoth 98a.

Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth. – Abodah Zarah 36b




This is a summary of the 1989 book by Mary Phagan Kean, the grand-niece of the victim, entitled Leo Frank and the Murder of Little Mary Phagan, dealing with the murder of her great-aunt by Leo Frank, his trial and the evidence.

(One can see the almost uncanny family resemblance, especially if little Mary Ann had grown up to middle age.)

Keywords: Mary Phagan; Leo Frank; Pedophilia; Anti-Semitism; Jewish; Jew; Anti-Semite; Racism; Confederate; Ku Klux Klan; Lynch Mob; Kidnapping; Murder; Rape; Strangulation; Atlanta; Marrieta; Georgia; Lynched; Lynching; Death Sentence; KKK; ADL; Anti-Defamation League; Tom Watson; John M. Slaton; B’nai B’rith; Hugh Dorsey; Govenor of Georgia; Hugh Dorsey; 1913; 1914; 1915; Kevin MacDonald
Year: 2010

Notes: This book is the best attempt of all the books on the subject at creating an even-handed review of all the remaining documents on the trial and conviction of Leo Max Frank.



‘The Murder of Little Mary Phagan’ was written by Mary Phagan Kean, born June 5, 1953. Publisher: New Horizon Press (September 15, 1989).

To download this insightful book in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, click here:


The Murder of Little Mary Phagan by Mary Phagan-Kean is an exceptional biography, detailing the most infamous criminal case in the annals of early 20th century Southern legal history. What makes this book so unique is it provides an intimate view of the Frank-Phagan case from the grandniece herself of blue-eyed little Mary Anne Phagan, the victim.

Mary Ann Phagan was born on Thursday, June 1, 1899, and was raped with some unknown object, slammed against a lathe and strangled to death on Saturday, April 26, 1913 by her Jewish boss, Leo Max Frank. Frank was a pencil factory manager in Atlanta, a Cornell engineering graduate, the husband of one of the major débutantes in Jewish Atlanta, and a high official of the major Jewish organization, B’nai B’rith (in Hebrew, “Sons of the Covenant”), and the president of its Georgia branch. To this day, Jewish organizations lie that Frank was innocent and a victim of antisemitism. The most they could get to reverse the guilty verdict of history and many courtooms was to get a pardon in 1986, not an overturning of the guilty verdict. A pardon means just what it says,  “guilty but forgiven.” And forgiven only because he was lynched…. which was considered “unfair” because it prevented him from further (and futile) appeals of his life sentence.

Mary Ann Phagan, a resolute and beautiful girl who fought like a tiger when attacked by the Jew Frank


This is the most even-handed book ever written about this Jewish-Gentile conflict and its contentious aftermath over the last hundred years.


Sunday, April 27, 1913 at 3:24 a.m.

After Ol’ Newt Lee, the “negro” National Pencil Company night watchman, punched the time clock in Leo Frank’s second floor business office at 3:01 o’clock a.m., he went down to the basement for the purpose of using the racially segregated Negro toilet.

National Pencil Company, 37-41 South Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Georgia in 1913 (http://www.leofrank.org/national-pencil-company/)


The Sam Nunn Federal Building is located here today. The pencil factory closed in 1915 due to the scandal. The Jew’s team of pricey lawyers tried to frame two innocent blacks for Frank’s murder, presuming that all Southerners were easily manipulable bigots, thus insulting the jury.


When Lee completed his business and went to check the back door of the cellar service ramp, something out of the ordinary appeared faintly in the darkness. As he held his smoky lantern closer, it appeared to be a dead child, who had been horribly mauled.


From the autopsy: (http://www.leofrank.org/mary-phagan-autopsy/) by F. H., Harris, MD., performed Monday, May 5, 1913, and testified under oath at the Leo Frank murder trial on Friday, August 1, 1913.

I made an examination of the privates of Mary Phagan. I found no spermatozoa. On the walls of the vagina there was evidences of violence of some kind. The epithelium was pulled loose, completely detached in places, blood vessels were dilated immediately beneath the surface and a great deal of hemorrhage in the surrounding tissues. The dilation of the blood vessels indicated to me that the injury had been made in the vagina some little time before death. Perhaps ten to fifteen minutes. It had occurred before death by reason of the fact that these blood vessels were dilated. Inflammation had set in and it takes an appreciable length of time for the process of inflammatory change to begin. There was evidence of violence in the neighborhood of the hymen.

[WARNING: GRIM DETAIL ………………………. It appears, and this is extremely unpleasant, that the fiend penetrated her dry vagina with his finger (or some other smooth object such as a broomstick, which left no splinters) to cause trauma and pain. The fact that there was “a great deal of hemorrhage” strongly indicates she was alive when this happened and had been knocked unconscious or was dazed. At death, the heart of course ceases to pump and blood pressure drops drastically, resulting in little blood flow. This supports the belief that Mary Ann fought off her attacker vigorously until her head was smashed against the lathe. Then she was further violated while alive….. 🙁 ]

A black and white plate of Mary Ann Phagan, colorized with her actual hair and eye color. Mary worked for hours at the eraser tip machine, which was near the lavatory. Leo Frank, who did all payroll, lied in court that he did not even know who she was. He also drank a pot of coffee every day, and as nature called frequently passed by her work station on his way to the lavatory. He could not have failed to notice an attractive girl he passed by several times every day for a year — and who was showing some curves even at 14.


In 1913 the NPC had more than 170 employees, more girls than boys according to Leo Frank (State’s Exhibit B, April 28, 1913). Most of the laborers at the NPCo were pre-teen and teenaged children who worked 10 hour shifts 5 days week and a half day on Saturday, toiling for mere pennies an hour.

Lee rapidly climbed two flights to call his superintendent Leo Frank, but after eight minutes of trying, no one answered, so Newt called the Atlanta police.

The grisly discovery launched an investigation that began precisely at 3:24 AM on Sunday, April 27, 1913, when the graveyard shift call-officer, W.F. Anderson, was notified by a telephone from a frantic black man about the discovery. A squad car filled with officers was immediately dispatched. What happened next was revealed at the Leo Frank trial three months later, as first responders described in details the nitty-gritty of what occurred between 3:24 a.m. and sunrise.

At dawn, after the police had failed to reach Leo Frank by phone all night long, they finally got through to him at 7:00 am and rushed over to his residence to take him directly to the morgue to have him identify the dead body. After Leo Frank claimed to be unsure about the identity of the dead girl, police officers took him to his second-floor office at the National Pencil Company in an effort to pinpoint the exact time of Phagan’s arrival.

Saturday, April 26, 1913 at 12:03 o’clock p.m.

Inside Leo Frank’s business office, he opened up his payroll ledger and told the Atlanta police that Mary Phagan had arrived at about 12:03 p.m. on Saturday, April 26, 1913, had asked for her pay and then left.

Monday, April 28, 1913 at 9:00 a.m.

The next day, Monday morning, April 28, 1913, Leo Frank would change the time of Phagan’s arrival in his office to between, “12:05 to 12:10 p.m., maybe 12:07 p.m.” (State’s Exhibit B, Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, 1913.

Leo Frank was arrested on suspicion, Tuesday, April 29th at 11:35 o’clock a.m. This was his last day of freedom. Two days after Frank’s arrest, on Thursday, May 1st, 1913 Jim Conley, the black janitor at the pencil factory, was arrested .

Milestone in the Mary Phagan Murder Investigation

Something very interesting happened a few days later, on Saturday, May 3, one week after the murder. and it became a major breakthrough. Detectives stumbled upon one of the child employees who had once worked at the National Pencil Company (NPC). Inside the business office that Leo Frank had used, they discovered a young girl named Monteen Stover, who was there to collect her pay envelope for a second time. This time she was accompanied by her incensed stepmother, having failed a week earlier (on the day of the murder, which also happened to be Confederate Memorial Day) to find anyone to hand it to her get it when she arrived alone at the factory at five minutes past noon.

Monteen Stover


When Atlanta police thoroughly questioned Monteen Stover, she revealed something rather curious. Stover told them that when she arrived at the NPC exactly one week earlier and made her first attempt to get her wages, Leo Frank was not in his office — as he normally was in the past — at the normal payday time of noon. More chronologically specific, Stover said Leo Frank’s office was empty when she waited, inside it, from 12:05 p.m. to 12:10 pm.

This was earth-shattering for Frank, because on Monday, April 28, two days after the crime, Leo Frank had made an unsworn deposition in the presence of his elite attorneys to a room full of Atlanta police detectives (taken down by a stenographer) in which Frank precisely stated, differing from Monteen Stover, that he was in his office, and that he was alone with Mary Phagan, between 12:05 p.m. and 12:10 p.m. (State’s Exhibit B). Even more significant is that Leo Frank told the police on Sunday, April 27, 1913, not only that Mary Phagan had come to his office at 12:03 p.m., but that he had not left his office until 12:45 p.m.

So why had Monteen testified she found the office empty?

Sunday, May 4, 1913, The Moment of Truth

Without Leo Frank knowing the police had discovered and questioned 14-year old Monteen Stover, Atlanta PD detective John R. Black and Pinkerton Detective Harry Scott approached Leo Frank in his jail cell on Sunday, May 4, and asked him again if he had been in his office every minute on Saturday, April 26, from noon to 12:45 p.m. and Leo Frank responded with “yes.” The officers then took a different angle and asked Leo Frank if he had been in his office every minute on Saturday, April 26, from noon to half past noon (that is, 12:30 p.m., a shorter period), and Leo Frank again responded with “yes.” It was thus on the eighth day after the murder of Mary Phagan that the police discovered a major discrepancy in Leo Frank’s murder alibi. (“Alibi” is Latin for “somewhere else.”) Though Leo Frank, would maintain stubbornly up until his trial that he had not budged from his office between noon and 12:45 p.m., when he went upstairs to the fourth floor to inform two employees he was leaving the building for dinner (as a more formal age called a hot, formal lunch).

For the police, 14-year old Monteen Stover had just unintentionally shattered the murder alibi of Leo Frank, but they would have to wait three and a half months to see how Leo Frank would account for this contradiction at his trial. That is how long Leo Frank maintained that he had never left his office, but then something electrifying happened.

Leo Frank Murder Trial, August 18, 1913

At his murder trial, Leo Frank had to address why Monteen said his office was empty at the exact time he claimed that he and Phagan were in there together with no Monteen. Frank suddenly changed his original murder alibi, after maintaining it for over 100 days, for the time between 12:05 p.m and 12:10 p.m., and in doing so he revealed who killed Mary Phagan.

Unique Trial Analysis

Mary Phagan Kean offers a uniquely neutral analysis of the month-long capital murder trial of Leo Frank, which began on July 28, and led to his August 25, 1913, murder conviction after only two hours of jury deliberation. The decision, rendered by 12 white jurors, also included a recommendation to the presiding judge that Leo Frank suffer death as his punishment. Both the conviction and sentencing recommendation of the jury were confirmed the next day by the presiding Judge, the Honorable Leonard Strickland Roan, on Tuesday morning, August 26, 1913. Judge Leonard S. Roan sentenced Leo Frank to death by hanging as prescribed by the law. The execution date was first scheduled for October 10, 1913, but appeals by Frank and his legal team set the execution date back repeatedly for two more long years.


Slaton, all distinguished and icy-looking. What’s wrong with saving a pedophile who killed a kid if his buddies makes you rich?


Leo Frank’s appeals ran from August 1913 to April 1915, all rejected by higher courts. The commutation by Georgia governor John M. Slaton of his death sentence on June 21, 1915 into life in prison caused instant outrage, for the case had never left public attention, and many suspected the commutation would be just the first stage before an eventual pardon “after things died down.” A mob of 1,200 angry citizens marched on the governor’s mansion, finally quelled and dispersed only by by the local militia.

The law firm of “Rosser, Brandon, Slaton and Phillips”

Rarely ever mentioned by the Jews who defend Frank is the outrageous and demonstrable fact that the governor who spared Frank the rope, John M. Slaton, was a partner in the very law firm that represented Leo Frank during his trial and appeals. The law firm was called Rosser, Brandon, Slaton & Phillips (the ‘Slaton’ was, it bears repeating, Governor John M. Slaton himself), having officially formed in July of 1913, just before the trial began.

Slaton was hung in effigy; Jews claim that the crowd yelled:

“Georgia’s traitor governor has sold out to sheeny gold.”


Governor Slaton had thus commuted the death sentence of his own client. Can one imagine the outcry today if a governor committed the same conflict of interest in a rape-murder case involving a child?

As for Leo Frank, he was shipped off by train the next day, on June 22, 1915, to the Milledgeville State Penitentiary, located some 170 miles from Atlanta.


The Shanking of Leo Frank

About one month later, Leo Frank was attacked in prison while sleeping and had the left side of his throat slashed at 11:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 17, 1915. The shanking was committed by a fellow inmate named William Creen. Leo Frank barely survived the attack.


The Lynching of Leo Max Frank

On August 16, 1915, Leo Frank was abducted from prison in a military commando style raid, by some of the most prominent citizens in the State of Georgia, driven for 8 hours northwest to the edge of Marietta and lynched at sunrise on August 17, 1913. The site of Leo Frank’s lynching was former Sheriff Frey’s cotton gin (now at 1200 Roswell Road, Marietta, Georgia).


The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith

Nearly 70 years after the lynching of Leo Frank, the organized Jewish community applied political pressure and backroom dealing involving the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith, individual Jews and Jewish groups, resulting in a highly political posthumous pardon without criminal exoneration for Leo Frank on Tuesday, March 11, 1986.

The sinister and megalomaniac logo of the ADL: taking a cr-p on a world wedged between its legs 😉


The Leo Frank case continues to capture the imagination of the public, now more than ever as 100 years has passed since the celebrated conviction of Leo Frank.

Brief Biography of Leo Frank (1884 to 1915)

Leo Max Frank was born in Cuero, in southern Texas (known as the “turkey capital of the world”/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuero,_Texas), on Thursday, April 17, 1884 to a local postmaster, Rudolph Frank, a Jew who had immigrated from Germany in 1869, and to Rachel Frank, a native New Yorker from Brooklyn. The Frank family moved three months after Leo’s birth back north to Brooklyn, where Leo was raised and educated in the NYC public school system. After completing college prep work at the Pratt Institute High School of Brooklyn (1898 – 1902),

Screenshot of Pratt website homepage


Leo Frank matriculated into the Ivy League university of Cornell in Ithaca, NY. At Cornell, a strong science and engineering school,  in the fall of 1902, Leo Frank majored in mechanical engineering and became very active in several college groups.


Sage chapel at Cornell where Ezra Cornell, who founded the school in 1865, is buried.



During the summer break of 1905, between his Junior and Senior year at college, Leo Frank went with his wealthy uncle Moses Frank on a sojourn to Europe, spending the summer traveling extensively and visiting with extended family.


In the fall of 1905, Leo Frank began his senior year of college. And after successfully graduating in June, 1906 with his degree in mechanical engineering, Leo Frank bounced around from one job to another, including Hyde Park Massachusetts, until he visited Atlanta, Georgia, in October of 1907, and met again with his rich uncle Moses Frank and a delegation of Jewish Southerners, such as Sigmund Montag. There they discussed a potentially lucrative business venture in the manufacture of pencils.





After visiting Atlanta for two weeks, Leo Frank made the very serious life-changing decision, and decided he wanted to participate in his wealthy uncle’s manufacturing venture. To fulfill this promise, Leo Frank would again go on another sojourn overseas to Europe, this time to study with the world-renowned Eberhard-Faber in Germany. (The American branch began making pencils in NYC in 1861, where the UN building stands today.) Mary Ann Phagan ran the machine that put a metal sleeve around the wooden pencil so an eraser could be inserted.


Leo Frank left NYC on November 7, 1907, ocean-bound for Europe. Once Leo Frank arrived in Bavaria he began diligently studying the pencil manufacturing process. After his nine-month engineering apprenticeship was completed, Leo Frank returned to NYC on August 1, 1908 aboard the USS Amerika, and then briefly stopped at his home in Brooklyn to visit his family (Rudolph, Rachel and sister Marian) for a few days.

Built in Belfast, now “northern” Ireland, in 1905, this ocean liner warned the Titanic in vain in April 1912,  three hours before her disaster, about icebergs.


On August 4, 1913, Leo Frank embarked on a southbound train from Penn Station in Manhattan with his over-sized weathered leather luggage and relocated to the capital of Georgia.

The old Penn Station in New York City; it serves trains going west through Pennsylvania to Chicago and California


Frank arrived at Terminal Station in Atlanta on August 6, 1908, starting a new life in “the Heart of the South.”

On Monday morning, August 10th, 1908, Leo Frank started work as Superintendent of the National Pencil Company, located at 37 to 41 South Forsyth Street in downtown Atlanta.

1910, Leo Frank Marries Lucille Selig

Two years later on November 30, 1910, Leo Frank married into an upper middle class German-Jewish family (Cohen-Selig), an established Southern family whose ancestors had founded the first synagogue in Atlanta two generations prior. Leo Frank was a rising star, becoming very actively involved with Jewish philanthropy and Atlanta’s upper-crust society life in the South.

Even though Frank was born in Texas, he was considered a red-blooded “Yankee” by Southern standards. Yet he assimilated quickly and was elected B’nai B’rith President of the Gate City Lodge, founded in 1870 in Atlanta, in September of 1912 by the 500-member Jewish fraternal order.

And oddly enough, the convicted child-rapist-murderer was unanimously re-elected again in 1913, less than a month after his murder conviction. B’nai B’rith was so strongly united behind Leo Frank, that they founded the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith on his behalf in October of 1913.

By 1913, with nearly 5 years of hands-on experience in pencil manufacturing, Leo Frank had reached the pinnacle of his career, running the factory as not only general superintendent, but also part owner through the acquisition of company shares. His high rank and partial ownership enabled him to receive $100 a month as a courtesy while he was imprisoned.

The onetime Venable Hotel became the NPC; here the sinister front entrance



The National Pencil Co. headquarters was located on 37 to 41 South Forsyth Street, near the corner of Hunter Street, it was there that thirteen-year-old Mary Phagan, an employee of Leo Frank, had begun working in the early spring of 1912, or about a little more than a year (13 months) before she was murdered. Mary Phagan worked 150 feet down the hall from Leo Frank’s office on the 2nd floor, where she participated in the final and finishing production stages of the pencil manufacturing process. Mary Phagan worked in the metal department, known colloquially by factory employees as the “metal room”, in a section called the tipping department adjacent to the only set of bathrooms on the second floor.

Using a knurling machine, Phagan’s job involved inserting rubber erasers into the paper-thin brass metal tubes that were partially attached around the ends of pencil stock. Her final paycheck for for $1.20, about $120 today …. for 55 hours of work ($2.50 an hour).

The ONLY Bathroom on the Second Floor was Located Inside the Metal Room

An important detail rarely mentioned about the “metal room”, where Mary Phagan worked, contained within it, the only bathroom on the second floor – which became a critical element of the solution to her murder. Moreover, Mary Phagan’s work station was next to the bathroom door and Leo Frank would pass immediately by her everyday when he needed to use the toilet, which was likely quite often, given that Leo Frank was known for drinking copious amounts of black coffee every day.

Forensic Evidence Discovered, Monday, April 28, 1913

It was in said metal room where an unusual five-inch-wide blood stain, crowned with spatter droplets, was found on the floor adjacent to the bathroom entry way, and red hair soaked with blood that had dried was found tangled around the solid iron handle of a lathe in the same room.

These forensic discoveries in the metal room were initially made Monday morning, at 6:35 AM, on April 28, 1913, when an early-bird employee named Robert P. Barret arrived to start the fresh work week after the Confederate Memorial weekend festivities. (This holiday across the South, began in 1866 and still celebrated in nine states today, gave rise two years later — 1868 — to the current federal Memorial Day holiday.)

Stone Mountain, Georgia outside Atlanta, commemorates Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson


As Barret’s hand reached for the handle of his lathe, his fingers became entangled with red hair which had not been there when he had left his work station on Friday evening, April 25, at 6:00 o’clock p.m.

Word of Mary Phagan’s death had already reached all of Atlanta, when a newspaper “extra” edition, published by the Atlanta Constitution at the behest of star reporter Britt Craig, was released on Sunday, April 27, 1913, just hours after the normal Sunday morning edition already appeared.

Britt Craig


Once the word got out about the discovery of hair and blood forensic evidence in the metal room, word traveled like wildfire around the factory, employees erupted into emotional hysterics, flocked to the metal room, and gawked at the unusual blood stains on the floor and the hank of 6 to 8 strands of red hair suspended from the handle of the bench lathe. A number of employees immediately recognized the hair as distinctly being that of Mary Phagan and testified to that effect at the Leo Frank trial.

John Kennedy, Irish-American like Miss Phagan, and also murdered by a Jew, Lyndon Baines Johnson, likewise had auburn hair.


A white powder known as haskolene — used as a machine lubricant — was found suspiciously smeared and rubbed into the fresh blood stains on the metal room floor. What was so significant about the location of the blood stains is that they were conspicuously in front of the girls’ dressing room and next to the bathroom door, adjacent to where Phagan’s workstation was located.

The powder smearing appeared to be an attempt to cover up the evidence on the floor, but the blood bled through the white powder, turning the dark red stains into variations of white, pink and red. The blood stain also had a starburst spatter pattern behind it, indicating how Phagan came into contact with the floor — hard.

Botched Crime-Scene Clean-up

The poorly conducted “clean-up job” gave the appearance of a failed attem0pt at obscuring the blood stains. This stained area of the floor was found by Jim Conley,at the behest of Leo Frank, during the noon hour of April 26, 1913. Frank’s legal eagles, for “sheeny gold,” would try to frame the innocent Conley for the murder.

Little Mary Phagan’s Life (1899 – 1913):

The 55 hour work week Mary Phagan performed at the pencil factory was her small way of helping support her five siblings and widowed mother. Mrs. Phagan remarried to a cotton-mill worker named John William Coleman in 1912. Mary Phagan’s stepfather had known Mary and her family quite well for about 4 years, before marrying into the Phagan family. Mr. Coleman, the stepfather,  positively identified the hair found on the lathe machine as belonging to Mary Phagan, as did several other employees who worked in the metal room.

Temporarily Layoff

During the week before Phagan’s murder, a shortage of brass sheet metal at the factory had led to a reduction in her work hours and she was temporarily laid off by Leo Frank on Monday, April 21, 1913, until the supplies could be replenished. Phagan’s wages for the shortened work week came to just $1.20, for the 16 hours she had worked the previous Friday, April 18, (10 hours), and Saturday, April 19, (6 hours) prior to her being laid off on Monday, April 21, and then murdered on Saturday, April 26, 1913, Confederate Memorial Day, a state legal holiday.

The First 48 Hours of the Mary Phagan Murder Investigation

George W. Epps made statements on Monday afternoon on April 28, 1913, providing troubling information to Atlanta police, stating that Mary had told him in confidence that Leo Frank scared her, and he often made lascivious sexual innuendos and inappropriate insinuations toward her. Epps said Leo Frank was “after her” in local parlance, that Frank would stare at her strongly, wink and then smile. Phagan allegedly suggested to Epps she was growing ever more scared of her superintendent.

According to George W. Epps, Mary Phagan told him specifically that Leo Frank would sometimes run up in front of her, thus ostensibly blocking her way when she was trying to leave work, and during the work day he would pester her, get a little bit too close for comfort, touch her shoulders and stare at her lecherously and then smile.

According to the unabridged Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case file, George Epps, after the Leo Frank murder trial concluded, got kidnapped and ensnared in a witness-tampering scandal by Leo Frank’s legal defense team (Georgia Supreme Court Records, 1913, 1914).

George W. Epps was lured to Alabama with the promise of a job and then coerced into signing a false affidavit under duress. After George Epps was freed by his kidnappers, he later signed a true affidavit, describing the intimate details, moment by moment, of his being abducted and taken all the way to Alabama. The true affidavit described in details the dishonest trickery that unraveled when Epps was forced to sign a pre-written affidavit that was filled with lies and recantations.

In The First 24 Hours of the Mary Phagan Murder, Sunday, April 27, 1913

When the police arrived on the scene in the basement of the National Pencil Company at 3:45 p.m., they found Mary Phagan’s mangled body on the remnants of a saw dust mound diagonal to the furnace, she had been strangled with a cord and what looked like a frilly strip or part of her petticoat wrapped around her neck and soaked with blood.

When Atlanta Police scoured the basement there was evidence Phagan had been dragged by her arms face down from the basement’s elevator entry, 140 feet, before she was dumped near the cellar’s incinerator. Phagan’s face was so scratched up, punctured, and covered with filth, that at first the police were unsure of her race. They had to roll down a stocking from her knee to see for sure if she was White or not. However, Newt Lee remarked that he knew she was white because of the texture of her hair.

The autopsy would reveal Phagan had been hit on the face around the temple and right eyesocket with a left fist (Leo Frank was left handed). There was also a major gash on the back of her head.

The knitted bloomers of Mary Phagan were torn open across the vagina to the seam of the right leg, she had the appearance of having been violently raped, with blood and discharge present on her still attached underwear. Phagan’s face was beaten black-and-blue, and sunk deep into her neck was the 1/8th inch thick, 7 foot jute cord with which she had been strangled to death. One of the doctors who performed an autopsy, testified under oath, to several instances of sexual violence, and internal vaginal damage, torn flesh and inflammation, suggesting some kind of rape either penile or by fingers occurred before she was garroted.

Leo M. Frank, Factory Superintendent

When the detectives arrived at Leo Frank’s in-laws home, the door was answered by Mrs. Lucille Selig Frank, the wife of Leo Frank. The police asked if they could speak with Mr. Frank and Lucy welcomed them into their home. Like typical seasoned detectives, without telling Leo Frank why they were there and what it was all about, they closely observed Frank. Suspicion initially fell on Leo Frank at first sight, because he appeared to be extremely nervous, trembling, rubbing his hands, and ghastly pale. Police intimated Leo Frank appeared to be badly hung over, while he was bumbling, and jim-jamming in an agitated state. When Leo Frank asked for a cup of coffee, one of the police officers jocosely suggested whiskey. Leo Frank then began asking questions faster than the police could answer in time, his voice sounded hoarse. Leo Frank fumbled and struggled with minor tasks like fixing his collar before leaving with the police. Moreover, Leo kept saying he hadn’t had breakfast and kept asking for a cup of coffee, even after the cops joked about whiskey, as if he was trying to delay the the process of being taken to his industrial plant, where he was manager.

The police asked Leo Frank if he knew Mary Phagan, and Leo Frank denied knowing any Mary Phagan, saying he would need to check his accounting books to be sure. Frank then made some passing remark about not knowing the girls who worked for him.

The significance of Leo Frank claiming to not know Mary Phagan become an important circumstance further into the investigation, because it was later determined by factory records, she had worked for him more than a year on the same floor as his office. By measurement, Phagan’s workstation was literally only 3 to 4 feet away from the only bathroom existing on the entire second floor, the same bathroom Leo Frank visited daily during his normal 10 hour work days, as Leo Frank drank several cups of black coffee on a daily basis. Other employees testified Frank knew Mary Phagan quite well and on a first name basis, others suggested they saw Leo behave inappropriately toward Phagan.

Another incriminating fact against Leo Frank’s claims of not knowing Mary Phagan, was the payroll ledgers revealed that she had collected more than 50 pay envelopes from Leo during her year of employment and during that time she logged an impressive 2,750+ hours of work on the punch-clock at the factory from specifically: the Spring 1912, to Monday, April 21, 1913 (when she was temporarily laid off by Leo Frank, because of a shortage in metal).

Frame the Nightwatchman (“night witch”) Newt Lee

On Sunday morning at 8:26 a.m., April 27, 1913, in the presence of the Atlanta police, Leo Frank pulled out Newt Lee’s time card, eye balled it from the top downward and said it was punched correctly every half hour from the time between 6:00pm on April 26, 1913 to 3:00 am on Sunday, April 27, 1913. However, on Monday, April 28, 1913, Leo Frank changed his story and told the Atlanta Police that Newt Lee did not punch his time card at 4 disparate intervals, creating 4 hours of unaccounted for time. It put even greater suspicion on Newt Lee, because the old Negro lived less than half an hour, and the intervals suggested he had more than enough time to go home and return.

Intimations to Search Newt Lee’s Home

After making his Monday morning, April 28, 1913, deposition to Atlanta Police that became known as State’s Exhibit B, Leo Frank told the police to check his body for scratches and visit his home to look at his laundry. Leo Frank removed his shirt and the police found no visible scratchmarks on his body, and then accompanying the police to the Selig residence, Minola brought the dirty laundry basket and the clothes within it, that indicated no blood stains. Given Leo Frank’s intimations about Newt Lee’s timecard, the natural thing for the Atlanta police to do next was search Newt Lee’s shack.

Tuesday, April 29, 1913

Tuesday morning, April 29, 1913, the police entered Newt Lee’s shack without a warrant (violating his constitutional rights) using a skeleton key, outside at the bottom of a garbage burn barrel, they found a suspicious looking bloody shirt. The shirt had blood stains high up on the armpits in the front, back, and inside, in such a manner the police immediately thought it was forged and planted there intentionally. What also made detectives think the shirt might have been fabricated is because the shirt, aside from the oddly placed blood stains, appeared clean and did not have the distinctive “Negro odor” on it as they recalled when they each took turns sniffing it on Tuesday morning, April 29, 1913.

Newt Lee’s Blood-Soaked Shirt

Three contrived elements perplexed Atlanta Police about Newt Lee’s shirt, the fact it was clean, but covered with oddly placed blood smears, and had no funky “Negro smell”. These factors taken together gave the suggestion the shirt was meant to incriminate Newt Lee, but why? When the police questioned Newt Lee about the shirt, he said someone gave it to him 2 years ago and he hadn’t worn it since.

At that moment, the police began thinking, perhaps someone was trying to implicate Newt Lee the nightwatch, because the “death notes” were written with his job title misspelled as “night witch” (factory employees called the nightwatchman colloquially night watch) written on them – the time card contradiction seemed odd because of 4 missed punches and then the oddball planted shirt, all together were circumstances that began directing strong suspicion on Leo Frank, atleast in the minds of the Atlanta Police and detectives investigating the crime.

Leo Frank’s last full day of freedom was Monday, April 28, 1913, because on Tuesday April 29, 1913, at 11:30PM Leo Frank was arrested and would remain incarcerated until his lynching two years later at 1200 Roswell Rd in Marietta.

The Negro Janitor James “Jim” Conley

After arresting the factory sweeper Jim Conley on Thursday, May 1, 1913, and questioning him, it took 2.5 weeks of interrogation to get from him the revelation that he was indeed present at the factory on Confederate Memorial Day.

The Atlanta police “swetted” Jim Conley using the 3rd degree method (good cop / bad cop) and after weeks of initial failure and 3 half-truth affidavits, Atlanta’s finest finally got Conley to admit he was an accessory after the fact to the crime. More importantly, the police finally got the details out of Conley about how the body was discovered in front of the metal department’s bathroom and transported to the basement. They also were able to get an eye witness account of what Leo Frank was plotting on the afternoon of April 26, 1913.

What Happened According to Jim Conley

Jim Conley admitted he was asked by Leo Frank to move the dead body of Mary Phagan to the basement and “ghost write” dictated “death notes” as if they were written by Mary Phagan, while she was in the middle of being raped. It was necessary they be written in Negro hand writing, to draw suspicion to another Negro. The plot was Ivy League brilliant, because it put two Negroes between Leo Frank and Mary Phagan.

The Oddity of the Mary Phagan Murder Notes

The murder notes were a very contrived attempt to make it appear as if an ignorant semi-literate Negro was trying to charade the notion that Mary Phagan had written the “death notes” after she went to the bathroom in the metal room, was pushed down a hole and then sexually assaulted by Newt Lee in the basement. The “death notes” where unmistakably clear in their attempt to pin the crime and point suspicion on the “long tall slim Negro” night watchman Newt Lee (“night witch”), because the notes physically described Lee exactly, including his job title colloquially ‘Night Watch’ ebonicized as ‘Night Witch’.

Looking back from the 21st century to 1913, the “death notes” cause many people to ask themselves, when or ever in history of the cosmos has a Blackman committed battery, rape, robbery, strangulation and mutilation of a White girl, and then stuck around to write some pseudo-literature as if they were being written by the victim herself in the middle of the rape and addressing the notes to Phagan’s mother, describing what happened from the perspective of the victim.

“I write while he plays”… but the notes were unbelievable from the start, because Police thought never in history has someone written notes while they were in the midst of being raped.

The Trial of Leo M. Frank (July 28, 1913, to August 26, 1913)

Hired by the National Pencil Company, Harry Scott contradicted Leo Frank about the answer he had given to Mary Phagan, after she asked the question about her work. There was some conflicting testimony about what Leo Frank said concerning a question Mary Phagan asked him (Mr. Leo Frank) at 12:02 pm or 12:03 PM on April 26, 1913. On Monday, April 28, 1913, Pinkerton Detective Harry Scott was told by Leo Frank that Mary Phagan asked him “Has the metal come in?”. Scott told the jury, Leo Frank said to him that he told Phagan: “I Don’t Know” — it created three dimensional time and space of Leo and Mary walking together toward the metal room for the purpose of “finding out”, as the brass was normally kept in the metal-room closet.

The Leo Frank trial would make history, because it would be the first time in the South, the testimony of two Negroes (James “Jim Connolly” Conley & Newton “Newt” Lee) would provide evidence in part, leading to the conviction and death sentence of a Whiteman by an all White jury, in the White racially consciousness, Separatist and segregated Old South (a place where Jews were respected, highly regarded and treated as equals to Whites).

Frank’s mother frosts the jury and courtroom public

As even this Jewish whitewash article about Saint Leo the Harmless admits (http://gaslight.mtroyal.ca/penclfct.htm):

Leo’s case was hurt still further, if that were possible, when his mother leaped to her feet in court and cried out to Mr. Dorsey [the prosecuting district attorney]: “You Christian dog!” This was printed in the pamphlets which, in verse and prose, assailed Frank and all Jews, and which were hawked among the crowds outside the courtroom.

The REAL Star Witness Emerges: Monteen Stover

However, the real star witness at the Leo Frank Trial it turns out was not only Jim Conley, but a 14-Year-old & 5’2″ tall White girl named Monteen Stover.

Star Witness Monteen Stover and the (THIRD) Leo Frank Admission Amounting to a Murder Confession

Monteen Stover who liked Leo Frank and defended his character at the trial, had inadvertently put Leo Frank’s murder alibi into dispute.

Leo Frank swore to his lawyers, the Coroner, police, and detectives, for 3.5 months, that he had never left his office on April 26, 1913, from twelve noon to 12:45pm, but Monteen Stover had arrived at the factory to collect her pay envelope just minutes after Phagan arrived, but she did not bump into Mary Phagan walking down the stairs and Leo Frank was not in his office, nor was Leo Frank aware that Monteen Stover had arrived and waited for him inside his second floor office for five minutes between 12:05 pm to 12:10 pm.

The jury naturally would ask themselves, how come Monteen Stover neither coming or going from the factory didn’t bump into Mary Phagan between 12:04pm and 12:11pm, as it took about 1 minute (46 seconds) to reach Leo Frank’s second floor office from the front door of the factory lobby. Leo Frank would change his alibi-story about never leaving his office and respond to the testimony of Monteen Stover stating, he might have “unconsciously” gone to the only bathroom in the metalroom during that exact time!

Leo Frank Gave the Solution to the Mary Phagan Murder Mystery on Monday Afternoon, August 18, 1913 at 2:46 pm

Now gentlemen [of the Jury], to the best of my recollection from the time the whistle blew for twelve o’clock [noon on Saturday, April 26, 1913] until after a quarter to one [12:46 p.m.] when I went up stairs and spoke to Arthur White and Harry Denham [at the rear of the fourth floor], to the best of my recollection, I did not stir out of the inner office [at the front of the second floor]; but it is possible that in order to answer a call of nature or to urinate I may have gone to the toilet [in the metal room at the rear of the second floor]. Those are things that a man does unconsciously and cannot tell how many times nor when he does it (Leo Frank Trial Statement, August 18, Brief of Evidence, 1913).

Crescendo of the Leo Frank Murder Trial: State’s Exhibit A and Defendant’s Exhibit 61

Leo Frank ineluctably entrapped himself beyond escape, because the only bathroom on the second floor was located within the metal room, it was the metal room where the murder forensic evidence was found (bloody hair and bloodstains) and the prosecution had successfully built a month long case that Leo Frank had murdered Mary Phagan on April 26, 1913 in the metal room between 12:05pm and 12:10pm.

To make matters even worse, Leo Frank had made a statement, known as State’s Exhibit B stenographed by G. C. Febuary on Monday morning, April 28, 1913, where Frank said Mary Phagan had arrived into his office alone between 12:05PM and 12:10PM on April 26, 1913, but Frank’s office was empty according to Monteen Stover during that time, when she came for her pay, and then it happened! Leo replied to this incongruity, by saying he might “unconsciously” have been inside the metal room’s bathroom.

Leo Frank had made what amounted to a murder trial confession at his own trial, it was the first time ever in Southern history, but Frank continued to claim he was innocent despite his dumbfounding revelation.

Be sure to read the abridged final closing statements of State’s prosecution team leader, the Solicitor General Hugh Manson Dorsey and his Associate Frank Arthur Hooper in American State Trials Volume X (10) 1918 by John Davison Lawson LLD, for their unique take on the Leo Frank trial testimony and evidence. One should also read the really long winded unabridged closing arguments of Hugh Manson Dorsey published in 1914 as ‘The Argument of Hugh M. Dorsey’ (available on archive.org).

Firebrand Tom E. Watson

Many would argue the best post trial analysis of the Leo Frank murder confession is articulated by the criminal defense lawyer, populist and genius Tom Edward Watson, in his Watson’s Magazine, January, March, August, September and October of 1915, and his weekly Jeffersonian Newspaper in specific issues during the years of 1914, 1915, 1916, and 1917. Though his best works on the Leo Frank Trial are found in Watson’s Magazine August, September, October of 1915.

Appeals 1913 to 1915

Numerous half-baked frivolous appeals petitions were made by the Leo Frank Legal Defense Team to the Georgia Superior Court, Georgia Supreme Court, US Federal District Court, and United States Supreme Court, all appeals were denied after careful review, with lengthy decisions written and rendered (see: Leo Frank Appeals 1913, 1914, 1915). In April of 1915, Leo Frank had exhausted all of his court appeals, so he went back to his lawyer Luther Rosser, asking him to request a commutation from his law partner Governor Slaton.

Commutation June 21, 1915

The departing Governor of Georgia, John M. Slaton, decided to commute the death sentence of his own client Leo Frank at the 11th hour, to life in prison on June 21, 1915, just days before the end of his last term as Governor. It was an act of political suicide, but it didn’t matter, as Slaton was leaving office anyway on June 26, 1915, and he was likely rewarded handsomely behind the scenes in other ways. Slaton left Georgia and went on a tour of the United States with a briefcase full of greenbacks.

The 12 hundred strong mob formed to angrily protest the commutation, because it was a gross conflict of interest, not because of anti-Semitism. Rarely ever mentioned by Leo Frank partisans is the connection between Leo Frank’s commutation and the fact Governor John M. Slaton was part owner of the lawfirm that represented Leo Frank at his trial and during his appeals. The lawfirm was called Rosser, Brandon, ‘Slaton’ and Phillips (the ‘Slaton’ was Governor John M. Slaton).

Leo Frank Prison Shanking, July 17, 1915

One month after the commutation of Leo Frank got shanked in prison by a fellow inmate named William Creen, who used a 7 inch butcher knife to slash the left side of Leo Frank’s throat. To add anti-Semitic psychological warfare to the incident, rumors began circulating the knife had been used for slaughtering hogs. Leo Frank barely survived the attack, thanks to inmate doctors who came to his aid in the nick of time and stitched him up. The tender wound was slow to heal in the hot & humid summer of 1915.

One month after the shanking and almost 2 months after Leo Frank received his controversial clemency, a well organized group of about 25 to 35 men, many of whom were from Georgia’s highest strata of politics, law and society, organized themselves into the ‘Knights of Mary Phagan’. This newly formed group of Georgia’s elites, sought to fulfill the conviction of the Jury and death sentence judgment ratified by Judge Leonard Strickland Roan. From their point of view, this band of men sought to deliver righteous retribution in the form of “Southern Style Vigilante Justice”, which is called by the mainstream: Lynching.

After more than 2 months of careful planning, Leo Frank was kidnapped from the minimum security Milledgeville prison on the evening of Monday, August 16, 1915, at 10 p.m., then driven all through the night for 8 hours and lynched in the early hours of August 17, 1915, from an oak tree’s sturdy branch in Marietta a few miles away from where Mary Phagan had formerly lived at one time.

Post Lynching, August 17, 1915

Once word got out about the lynching, Leo Frank’s dangling body became a public spectacle, photographs were taken and the pictures of Leo Franks lifeless suspended body, gently twirling in the breeze, became popular post cards and allegedly people snatched pieces of his shirt, transforming them into memorabilia. Leo Frank was cut down and one hot-headed yahoo started stomping on his face and chest and other people had to pull him away, calm the savage down and vote him out.

How the Most Definitive Book on the Leo Frank Case was Born

The book ‘The Murder of Little Mary Phagan’ is written by the namesake of the murder victim, Mary Phagan’s great niece named Mary Phagan Kean. When Phagan Kean was 13 years old, she discovered her given name was no mere accident or coincidence. When people heard her name, they started asking her questions about whether she was related to the famous little Mary Phagan who had been murdered long ago by Leo Frank on Confederate Memorial Day, Saturday, April 26, 1913.

Phagan-Kean would learn a startling secret when people started asking her questions about her curious name, so she asked her family if she was somehow connected to the Mary Phagan who was murdered so long ago in the National Pencil Factory. When her family revealed the truth about her blood relation, she immediately became insatiably interested in learning about the investigation, and its aftermath.

Instantly becoming a life long student of the case at age 13, Phagan-Kean has since devoted every free moment of her life studying volumes of legal documents, and reading every surviving newspaper account surrounding the rape and strangulation of her great aunt, 13 year old Mary Anne Phagan (1899 to 1913) and the biography of Leo Max Frank (1884 to 1915).

B’nai B’rith

Leo Frank was the President of the 500 member Atlanta Chapter of B’nai B’rith beginning in 1912, and even after his conviction was unanimously re-elected again in 1913, until his term expired in 1914. As a result of his conviction, the case turned into a national scandal and eventually evolved into a sensational cause celebre. For the Jewish Community, Leo Frank’s conviction, would become the critical mass of “anti-Semitism” catalyzing the formation of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, born in October, 1913, or ADL (www.ADL.org) for short. The lynching of Leo Frank sparked the revival of the defunct and nativist ethnic nationalist Ku Klux Klan (KKK) on November 24, 1915.

The KKK considers themselves the “immune system of the United States of America”, providing an immunal White blood cell response to what they perceived as an infection of the United States of America, as a host-body, by a collectively organized Jewish virus/parasite community. The ADL considers itself on the other hand, the foremost civil rights group in America and the world, defending Jews and Israel against Anti-Semitism.


Jewish Scholars overwhelmingly produced the lion share of all the written “persecution and victim-centric” books, articles, web sites, scripts, video, media, songs, broadway plays and texts about the subject of Leo Frank and Mary Phagan, and almost unanimously allege the investigation, trial, and conviction of Frank where part of a widespread Antisemitic Gentile Sponsored Conspiracy, a text book case of Anti-Semitism; the railroading, and framing of an innocent Northern Jewish Man because of Gentile anti-Jewish racism, prejudice and religious hatred. Leo Frank partisan books often leave out volumes of the relevant facts, evidence and testimony concerning the Leo Frank case, dishonestly spinning the facts convenient to creating doubt about Leo Franks guilty verdict.

If you have any doubts about Leo Frank’s guilt study the brief of evidence and sift it!

1982 and 1983: The Alonzo Mann Media Circus

In 1982, Alonzo Mann, a lonely, broke and senile octogenarian, who also happened to be the former office boy of Leo Frank for three weeks in April, 1913, came forward at the behest of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, with a fantastic tall tale about what he saw on April 26, 1913 at noon.

1982 was about 69 years after the murder of Mary Phagan and trial of Leo M. Frank for her murder. Alonzo “Lonnie” Mann went public with his story claiming he had withheld information from the Leo M. Frank legal defense team, police, Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey, the Judge Leonard Strickland Roan, the Jury of 12 White men, Appeals Courts, Slaton’s Commutation hearing and seven decades of people.

Alonzo Mann said that, he went back to the National Pencil Company Factory five minutes after he left it at noon on April 26, 1913, and saw the Negro Janitor Jim Conley, carrying the body of Mary Phagan on his shoulder, and Jim Conley reached out his hand for Alonzo Mann and said to the young boy, “if you tell anyone , I will kill you”. Alonzo Mann, claimed he ran home and told his family and his mother told him not to tell anyone.

These statements given by Alonzo Mann in the 1980’s made no sense and came off as a desperate web of lies according to many people who heard his newfangled claims.

First, why would White parents in a White racial separatist Georgia of 1913, tell their White son not to tell the police about a “murdering”, and thus ostensibly guilty black janitor Jim Conley, with the result being an “innocent” clean cut White boss, Leo Frank, who gave their son a highly prized job, wrongfully going to gallows? Instead of a guilty Negro?

Second, why would White parents allow their son to report to work on Monday Morning, April 28, 1913, right after their son was threatened with death on Saturday April 26, 1913? Alonzo Mann Reported for work Monday morning, April 28, 1913 when all the forensic revelations were made at the National Pencil Company and he too witnessed them.

Third, if Alonzo Mann admitted in 1982 he lied under oath at the Leo Frank trial in 1913 (about leaving at 11:30 am instead of noon), what’s not to say he wasn’t lying again in 1982 / 1983, when he said he came back at noon. 70 years after the trial, he was asked why he came back, and he said it was about a baseball bet he made with Schiff, but everyone knew Herbert Schiff was not meant to come to work that day – including Herbert Schiff who hinted as such at the trial.

fourth Alonzo Mann said he came back to the factory at 12:05pm, this was about the time Monteen Stover said she came to the factory, how come Monteen Stover didn’t walkin on this horrifying scene either?

The ADL tried to use the Alonzo Mann Affair to get a posthumous pardon at first in 1982-1983, but it failed. Three long years of political machinations, back room wheeling and dealing continued until a second attempt was made.

1986: Second Attempt Successful

In 1986, pressure from the powerful Jewish community, Jewish groups and ADL (Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith), resulted in the highly political March 11, 1986 posthumous pardon of Leo Frank without exoneration.

There was only one problem with the highly political pardon of Leo Frank, because Alonzo Mann had died March 19, 1985 and no one could question him about the incident. The politically corrupt board forgave Leo Frank with a pardon, but kept Leo Frank’s GUILT intact and thus did not disturb the verdict of the Leo Frank Trial Judge and Jury.

On March 11, 1986, a pardon without exoneration of guilt was issued by the board:

Without attempting to address the question of guilt or innocence, and in recognition of the State’s failure to protect the person of Leo M. Frank and thereby preserve his opportunity for continued legal appeal of his conviction, and in recognition of the State’s failure to bring his killers to justice, and as an effort to heal old wounds, the State Board of Pardons and Paroles, in compliance with its Constitutional and statutory authority, hereby grants to Leo M. Frank a Pardon.

A most grotesque symbol of ADL political power just unraveled.

Even with the posthumous pardon, it was specified the guilt of Leo M. Frank remains permanently intact, because his official conviction was not changed, disturbed or tampered with from 1913 to 1986. As of March 11, 1986, Leo M. Frank remains guilty in the eyes of Black Letter and Settled Law forever more, though he was forgiven of his crime by the board, he was not forgiven by the public that detests pedophile-rapists and child killers.

A number of fictionalized media dramatizations and treatments have been made about the case in the form of miniseries, Broadway plays, Hollywood dramas, political docudramas, video blogs, and songs, conducted across the international media landscape, all mostly created by Jews making a mockery of the life of a little Christian girl, Mary Phagan, who is used as nothing more than a plot device to launch Leo Frank’s persecution hoax at the hands of evil Gentiles.

Attempts for more than 100 years are continually being launched to idealize and rehabilitate the image of Leo Frank as an innocent and stoic Jewish victim of anti-Semitism.

The efforts to transfigure Leo Frank from a perverted pedophile rapist and strangler into a holy Jewish religious martyr of collective Gentile prejudice has continued unchallenged.

The blood libel against the Leo Frank prosecution team, European-Americans and people who think Leo Frank is guilty, continues to this day by the organized Jewish community. The Leo Frank Case is a Jewish-Gentile conflict that has been smoldering for 100 years and continues to inflame both sides.

Three Leo M. Frank Admissions Equivalent to Murder Confessions From the 1913 Brief of Evidence

1. Jim Conley, Saturday, April 26, 1913, circa noon to 1:00 PM (See Jim Conley affidavits and trial testimony in the brief of evidence (1913) and Georgia supreme court case file about Leo Frank (1913, 1914).

2. Lucille Selig Frank, Saturday Late Evening, April 26, 1913, 10:30 PM (See State’s Exhibit J, Brief of Evidence, 1913)

3. The Public, Monday, August 18, 1913, (Leo Frank’s four hour unsworn trial statement, August 18, Brief of Evidence, 1913). Leo Frank’s explanation on the witness stand to the trial jury, why Monteen Stover had found his office was empty between 12:05pm and 12:10pm on April 26, 1913, with an unconscious bathroom visit: (Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, 1913, p. 186).

The Fourth Leo Frank Admission that Amounted to an authorized Jailhouse Murder Confession Published in the Atlanta Constitution

4. Leo Frank confirmed his August 18, 1913, murder trial bathroom admission-confession in the March 9, 1914, issue of the Atlanta Constitution.

Leo Frank’s defenders won’t ever dare to mention the “unconscious” bathroom murder trial confession that Leo Frank made on the witness stand when he was giving his four hour unsworn statement at the trial on Monday afternoon, August 18, 1913, between 2:15pm and 6:00pm. Thoughtful and analytical interpretations of the statement Leo Frank made to counter Monteen Stover’s testimony are always left out of most Leo Frank revisionist books, even though it proves Leo Frank’s guilt indisputably when juxtaposed with State’s Exhibit B and Jim Conley testimony about finding Mary Phagan dead in the metalroom bathroom (see: State’s Exhibit A, item #9), at the behest of Leo Frank (see: Leo Frank’s trial statement, Monteen Stover’s trial testimony, State’s Exhibit B, Jim Conley’s trial testimony and affidavits, brief of evidence, 1913).

Leo Frank is the only person in early 20th century US history to make what amounted to a murder confession at his own trial, leaving most people gobsmacked by it.

See: The final closing arguments of Hugh M. Dorsey, Frank Arthur Hooper (American State Trials, Volume X, 1918, John D. Lawson) and Tom Watson’s analysis of Leo Frank’s trial admission amounting to a murder confession (Watson Magazine, September, 1915).

Be sure to study, the Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, 1913, and the 1,800 page Leo M. Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case File (1913, 1914).

More excellent sources on the Frank-Phagan Case include:

0. The Leo Frank Case (Mary Phagan) Inside Story of Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery 1913 – The first neutral book written on the subject. Very interesting read.

1. The Murder of Little Mary Phagan by Mary Phagan Kean (Available here on www.Archive.org). Written by Mary Phagan Kean, the great grand niece of Mary Phagan. A neutral account of the events surrounding the trial of Leo Frank. The Murder of Little Mary Phagan is well worth reading and it is a refreshing change from the endless number of Jewish and contemporary books turning the Leo Frank case into a neurotic race obsessed tabloid controversy.

2. American State Trials, volume X (1918) by John Lawson (Available here on www.Archive.org and LeoFrank.org) Tends to be biased in favor of Leo Frank and his legal defense team, this document provides an abridged version of the Brief of Evidence, leaving out some important things said and details when it republishes parts of the trial testimony. Be sure to read the closing arguments of Luther Zeigler Rosser, Reuben Rose Arnold, Frank Arthur Hooper and Hugh Manson Dorsey. For a more complete version of the Leo M. Frank trial testimony, read the 1913 murder trial brief of evidence found on www.LeoFrank.org and you can see what was left out.

3. Argument of Hugh M. Dorsey in the Trial of Leo Frank (Available here on www.archive.org and www.LeoFrank.org). Some but not all of the 9 hours of arguments given to the Jury at the end of the Leo Frank trial. Only 18 Libraries in the world have copies of this books. It can be found here on archive.org thanks to leofrank.org. This is an excellent book and required reading to see how Dorsey in sales vernacular ‘closed’ a Jury of 12 men and Judge Roan.

4. Leo M. Frank, Plaintiff in Error, vs. State of Georgia, Defendant in Error. In Error from Fulton Superior Court at the July Term 1913, Brief of Evidence. Extremely rare, only 1 copy exists, and it is at the Georgia State Archive. This document is available now on LeoFrank.org.

Three Major Atlanta Dailies: The Atlanta Constitution, The Atlanta Journal, The Atlanta Georgian (Hearst’s Tabloid Yellow Journalism), The most relevant issues center around April 28th to August 27th 1913.

5. Atlanta Constitution Newspaper: The Murder of Mary Phagan, Coroner’s Inquest, Grand Jury, Investigation, Trail, Appeals, Shanking and Lynching of Leo Frank Case in the Atlanta Constitution Newspaper from 1913 to 1915. http://archive.org/details/LeoFrankCaseInTheAtlantaConstitutionNewspaper1913To1915

6. The Atlanta Georgian newspaper covering the Leo Frank Case from April though August, 1913. http://archive.org/details/AtlantaGeorgianNewspaperAprilToAugust1913

7. The Atlanta Journal (pending)

Leo Frank confirms he might have been in the bathroom at the time Monteen Stover said his office was empty: See the Atlanta Constitution, Monday, March 9, 1914, Leo Frank Jailhouse Interview

Tom Watson

8. Tom Watson’s Jeffersonian Newspaper (1914, 1915, 1916 and 1917) and Watson’s Magazine: Watson’s Magazine, January 1915, Watson’s Magazine, March 1915; Watson’s Magazine, August 1915, Watson’s Magazine, September 1915, and Watson’s Magazine, October of 1915. (Available here on www.Archive.org). Tom Watson’s best work on the Leo M. Frank case was published in August and September 1915. Watson’s five major magazine works written collectively on the Leo M. Frank topic, provide logical arguments confirming the guilt of Leo M. Frank with the superb reasoning of a genius lawyer.

These five 1915 works are absolutely required reading for anyone interested in the Leo M. Frank Case. Tom Watson’s magazine publications surged from 30,000 to 100,000 copies, when it was announced he would be writing on the Leo Frank case. These magazines are extremely rare and very difficult to find. However they have been scanned and are available on both www.Archive.org and www.leofrank.org

8.1. The Leo Frank Case By Tom Watson (January 1915) Watson’s Magazine Volume 20 No. 3. See page 139 for the Leo Frank Case. Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Thomson, Ga., Digital Source Archive.org

8.2. The Full Review of the Leo Frank Case By Tom Watson (March 1915) Volume 20. No. 5. See page 235 for ‘A Full Review of the Leo Frank Case’. Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Thomson, Ga., Digital Source Archive.org

8.3. The Celebrated Case of The State of Georgia vs. Leo Frank By Tom Watson (August 1915) Volumne 21, No 4. See page 182 for ‘The Celebrated Case of the State of Georgia vs. Leo Frank”. Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Thomson, Ga., Digital Source Archive.org

8.4. The Official Record in the Case of Leo Frank, Jew Pervert By Tom Watson (September 1915) Volume 21. No. 5. See page 251 for ‘The Official Record in the Case of Leo Frank, Jew Pervert’. Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Thomson, Ga., Digital Source Archive.org

8.5. The Rich Jews Indict a State! The Whole South Traduced in the Matter of Leo Frank By Tom Watson (October 1915) Volume 21. No. 6. See page 301. Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Thomson, Ga., Digital Source: Archive.org

Tom Watson’s Jeffersonian Newspaper

9. The Tom E. Watson Digital Papers Archive, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: http://www.lib.unc.edu/dc/watson

There are Leo Frank cult members posing as neutral reviewers who do not want you to read Tom Watson’s five 1915 magazine works on the Leo Frank trial, read them and find out why! They are the controversial forbidden fruit of truth in the Leo M. Frank case that have been censored for more than 100 years.

Be sure to also read Watson’s Jeffersonian Newspapers on the Leo M. Frank case.

Tom Watson’s Jeffersonian Newspaper

9. The Tom E. Watson Digital Papers Archive, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: http://www.lib.unc.edu/dc/watson

Tom Watson Brown, Grandson of Thomas Edward Watson

10. Notes on the Case of Leo M. Frank, By Tom W. Brown, Emery University, Atlanta, Georgia, 1982.

Leo Frank Case Research Portal

11. The Leo Frank Library: http://www.LeoFrank.org

Leo Frank Discussion Forum

12. www.LeoFrankCase.com



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Average Rating: 2.76 out of 5 stars2.76 out of 5 stars2.76 out of 5 stars

Reviewer: Macro Man5.00 out of 5 stars5.00 out of 5 stars5.00 out of 5 stars5.00 out of 5 stars5.00 out of 5 stars – October 27, 2012
Subject: Justice for little Mary Anne Phagan in this Book
God Bless You 13 yr old little Mary Phagan. I hope you can finally rest in peace with the truth being known to everybody in the years exceeding 2013. Phagan deserves the right to sleep without all the misinformation about Frank being innocent. Please stop spreading blood-libel accusations that Frank was framed and lynched because of Antisemitism. Any 21st century jury would have convicted Frank based on the testimony and exhibits. Governor Slaton disqualified himself because his lawfirm represented Leo Frank.

Reviewer: manhattansunrise

5.00 out of 5 stars5.00 out of 5 stars5.00 out of 5 stars5.00 out of 5 stars5.00 out of 5 stars – October 14, 2012
Subject: Required Reading on Leo Frank and Mary Phagan
The beginning section of this book was a bit slow and difficult to get through. I almost put the book down for good, but glad I didn’t because once into the meat and substance of the book, it was smooth sailing and well worth reading from cover to cover! There seems to be a lot of people writing hate reviews about the book on Amazon.com, but thankfully the owner of this out of print book made it available free online.

What is very interesting and seldom talked about is that Leo Frank made a statement to the court that essentially amounted to a murder confession. Leo Frank essentially admitted to murdering Mary Phagan at his trial when he mounted the witness stand and told the Jury he might have “unconsciously” gone to the bathroom in he metal room during the time Monteen Stover waited in his empty office from 12:05 to 12:10, April 26, 1913. He formerly told the police Mary Phagan was with him in his office during this exact time. The State of Georgia’s prosecution built its case around the theory Leo Frank murdered Mary Phagan in the metal room between 12:05 p.m. and 12:10 p.m.

It was a shocking metal room admission coming from Leo Frank who denied knowing his employee Mary Phagan, but had been her boss for 1 year (spring of 1912 to 1913) and passed by her work station each day on his way to the bathroom in the metal room.

For the best interpretations of the August 18, 1913, Leo Frank murder trial confession, you can read the closing arguments of State prosecution lawyers Frank Arthur Hooper and Hugh M Dorsey in American State Trials Volume X 1918 by John D. Lawson LLD.

However, Tom Watson’s post trial analysis of the Leo Frank murder trial confession is the most enjoyable to read in his August and September Watson’s Magazine (1915). It drives Leo Frank partisans to a foaming at the mouth frenzy, and you can’t help but enjoy their squirming, cheesy excuses and screeching with utter delight.

The journey Mary Phagan Kean went through to discover the facts and circumstances surrounding the case was very interesting and captivating to say the least. Having read the other books on this particular murder case, this book, I agree is probably the most even handed on the subject.

I highly recommend this book!

Be sure to read it and the other books listed above as well.

Oh My God! Were their really four Leo Frank admissions that amounted to murder confessions?

Spoiler Alert:

Within the 318 page official legal records of the Leo M. Frank 1913 trial brief of evidence is testimony and affidavits revealing Leo Frank confessed to murdering Mary Phagan three times, though he would deny all three.

In the Atlanta Constitution March 9, 1914, Leo Frank would make a fourth admission that amounted to a murder confession. This was two days after Judge Benjamin Hill resentenced Leo Frank to hang by the neck until dead, scheduled on his 30th birthday, April 17, 1914.

Leo Frank Admission Number Three that Amounted to a Murder Trial Confession: August 18, 1913, Fulton County Superior Courthouse During the Leo Frank Trial

The third Leo Frank murder confession occurred on August 18, 1913, when Leo Frank mounted the witness stand at his trial (July 28 to August 26) to make a 4 hour unsworn statement. He told the packed courtroom, Judge and Jury – in response to Monteen Stover testifying that his office had been empty on April 26, 1913, from 12:05pm to 12:10pm – Leo Frank stated he might have “unconsciously” gone to the bathroom in the metal room. It was the spine chilling crescendo of the trial, because Leo Frank had stated to the Atlanta police on Monday, April 28, 1913, Mary Phagan had arrived in his office between 12:05pm and 12:10pm, Maybe 12:07pm on Confederate Memorial Day, Saturday, April 26, 1913 (State’s Exhibit B).

It was a slam dunk for the State’s prosecution, because Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey and his legal team had spent 29 days during the trial trying to prove to the Jury that Leo Frank murdered Mary Phagan in the second floor metal room between 12:05pm and 12:10om, on April 26, 1913.

Leo Frank’s Alleged Murder Confession Number One: April 26, 1913, Noon Hour

Leo Frank’s alleged murder confession number one was made to Jim Conley, when Leo Frank told him he had tried to have sex with Mary Phagan and she refused him, and as a result of rejecting him, he assaulted her.

Mary Phagan’s bloody hair was discovered on Monday, April 28, 1913, at 6:35 A.M. tangled on the handle of a bench lathe in the second floor metal room by Robert P. Barret, along with a 5 inch wide blood stain on the floor in front of the girls dressing room. (Leo Frank Brief of Evidence, 1913)

Leo Frank Murder Confession Number Two: April 26, 1913 at 68 East Georgia Avenue, the Selig Residece

Leo Frank confessed murdering Mary Phagan to his wife Lucille Selig Frank on the evening of April 26, 1913 at 10:30 P.M. Leo Frank said he didn’t know why he would murder and asked his wife for his pistol so he could shoot himself. Lucille told her family and cook Minola McKnight about what happened. (State’s Exhibit J, June 3rd, 1913)

On April 23, 1957, when Lucille Selig Frank died of heart failure (= a broken heart?), her last will and testament, notarized and registered with the local government in Atlanta in 1954, requested that she be cremated (Last Will and Testament of Lucille S. Frank, 1954). The grave plot to the immediate left of Leo M. Frank in the Mount Carmel Cemetery, had been reserved for Lucille Selig Frank, but to this day it remains empty. Not even Lucille’s ashes are there. They were buried in the Oakland cemetery in Atlanta between her parent’s headstones.

Those are the three Leo Frank murder confessions within the official record, but there is one more.

Leo Frank Murder Confession Number Four Went Public: March 9, 1914, Atlanta Constitution

Leo Frank gave a jailhouse interview to an Atlanta Constitution journalist and it was published on March 9, 1914. Leo Frank’s statements published in the Atlanta Constitution confirmed and supported his August 18, 1913, trial statement admission, that amounted to a murder trial confession.


So why does the ADL still champion this ineffable piece of manure?

1) According to the Talmud, Jews have a right to do whatever they want to goyim. So for Jews, what Frank did was not even wrong, only getting caught. That was “bad for the Jews.”

2) Sticking up for Frank shows both Jews and goyim the power of Jewish solidarity and clout. This is a demonstration of Jewish might to inspire fear — certainly bribing a governor shows power — and it is the public display of in-group bonding, right or wrong. Jews call themselves “The Tribe.”

But we weep for Mary Ann Phagan, and we salute her courage, fighting to the death. We salute District Attorney Hugh Dorsey, and publisher Tom Watson, and (in this case) the justified lynchers, who violated only unjust laws of man for a Higher law from God. And we hail all who have championed her for decades, such as her grand-niece and the comrades behind the gigantic compendium of facts known as


The tomb of 13-year-old Mary, who worked 55 hours a week to support her mother and five siblings, tortured and killed by a B’nai B’rith official.

She is the real victim, as are we all by living in jew world.


On June 25, 1915, a marble slab six feet long was laid over Mary Phagan’s grave in Marietta, one day before Leo Frank was executed by the manly forces of the people.

On it was carved an inscription, written by publisher Tom Watson, now often decorated with toy animals by young and older visitors. It began:


“In this day of fading ideals and disappearing landmarks,

little Mary Phagan’s heroism is an heirloom

than which there is nothing more precious

among the old red hills of Georgia.”



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