100,000 views deleted by YouTube of an Alex Jones-.John de Nugent prank video; Israel killed Kennedy to get The Bomb

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This video (done by a good, humorous and smart friend — whom I have known since 2011) was an attempt to prank me with the voice of Alex Jones, and has had at least 100,000 views. But JewTube keeps reducing the “views” number. Now the “views” number has again been re-set, down again to 12,000!


….I have every reason to suspect they have also drastically cut views of this explosive double video

(It was done by the very same video producer for me):

Margi and I were literally driven by the FBI out of Apollo, Pennsylvania in 2014 over the potential for trouble which this video can and will yet cause, you filthy khazar murderers, serial killers of Americans, and traitors to MY once great country. (


This double video, designed for neophytes (“beginners” on the JQ)  has to do with 1) the Israelis and American Jews, 2) their secret, illegal and callous misuse of a Pittsburgh-area nuclear-fuel factory, “NUMEC,” to make ingredients for the illegal Israeli atomic bomb (US policy is non-proliferation of nuclear weapons), and 3) dump the resulting nuclear waste (plutonium and uranium) everywhere, triggering a lethal CANCER EPIDEMIC in western Pennsylvania!

John Kennedy, a charismatic war hero and Harvard graduate, was secretly just as antisemitic as his dad …


….was murdered when he found out the truth about NUMEC and the plot to build the Israeli Hell Bomb by American Jew mass murderer Zalman Shapiro.

Part 1 of 2



Shapiro, a kindly old Jewish grandpa? Think again!

Part 2 of 2





…..The Jewish  serial killing  of the Kennedy family

Especially important blogs


…..Song “Secret Journey” by The Police (and Sting)



According to Sting, the lyrical inspiration for “Secret Journey” was the 1963 novel Meetings with Remarkable Men, written by George Gurdjieff. Sting said the following about the song:

“It’s a quasi-mystical song. You have to do something, go somewhere, to get outside yourself. I read the book Meetings with Remarkable Men which says you have to make a journey. It doesn’t have to be a real journey, it can be a mental journey.”

— Sting, Ghost in the Machine press release, October 1981[1]


In the liner notes for Ghost in the Machine, “Secret Journey” was called a “superb song”, while in the Melody Maker review of the album, it was called “the record’s highest moment.”[4] Giovanni Dadamo of The Face noted the track as one of the “magic moments” on Ghost in the Machine, and it was also described as “perhaps the best cut on the album” by Chart Songwords.[4] It received a positive review from AllMusics Greg Prato.[5]

The Police’s guitarist, Andy Summers, noted “Secret Journey” as one of his personal favourite Police songs, saying, “I always thought that should have been a single.”[6]

Upon a secret journey
I met a holy man
His blindness was his wisdom
I’m such a lonely man
And as the world was turning
It rolled itself in pain
This does not seem to touch you
He pointed to the rain
You will see light in the darkness
You will make some sense of this
And when you’ve made your secret journey
You will find this love you miss
And on the days that followed
I listened to his words
I strained to understand him
I chased his thoughts like birds
You will see light in the darkness
You will make some sense of this
And when you’ve made your secret journey
You will find this love you miss
You will see light in the darkness
You will make some sense of this
You will


  1. Mein herr,
    After sending in a few questions, I regaled with what you wrote and published in response. Your stuff is truly high quality and deserving of wide publication. See, I’ve asked many writers and readers about why we fail in understanding the failure of Americans to read and understand what it is that we are trying to get them to acknowledge. That is, why is OUR propaganda, per se, failing, while THEIR propaganda succeeds. Yes, constant repetition in high volume areas is a major reason as provided by 6pm news anchors spouting drivel to dumbed down ‘Muricans. I’ve asked many times these questions on websites like Veterans Today and Jim Fetzer’s blogspot, yet have not come up with answers. I think your article in answer to my questions needs to be in front of a bigger audience. The problem with America is Americans……imagine!
    Please do consider getting this in front of a larger audience. Kevin Barrett is a good fellow to contact, too. He writes for VT and knows his subject matter.
    Continued inspiration to you, John, You’re one of a kind! We appreciate your work up there in the taiga and see you as a leader waiting in the wings…..your day will come….

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