Make yourself watch this smug libtard; answers on the horror video of the slaughter of a screaming white woman

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Put a clothes pin on your nose, take an anti-emetic to preclude nausea, and watch this creature pontificate egotistically and self-righteously against her pet demon, unconscious white privilege.

The real problem for such liberal nuts is the egoic mind,  as we know from Eckhart Tolle (see below) and Neil Walsch. Liberals have a cancerous, toxic growth of feel-good moral superiority that rules them, and we with our pesky facts take that drug away. 😉

….On Sicilians lecturing whites

I am going to go out on a limb here and say, having grown up in heavily Sicilian Rhode Island, that I do not like it and I take real umbrage when Sicilians like this Robin DiAngelo talk about “we whites” and “our whiteness.”

Racially and culturally, that is like Tim Wise, the vicious jew, saying “we whites” just before treacherously trashing them.

Some Italians and some Sicilians ARE white (like “Old Blue Eyes,” Frank Sinatra) and act white (the Fascist Legion fought with tremendous courage in WWII), and are outstanding people.


…or Leonardo

ITALY – APRIL 09: Florence, Galleria Degli Uffizi (Uffizi Gallery) Presumed self-portrait by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), an Unknown Artist. (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)


.. or the actor Leonardo di Caprio…

My first crush in high school was on a beautiful, dark-haired Italian-American girl in Barrington, Rhode Island, Lisa Versaci, a doctor’s daughter, who, as I see, is still looking really good today. 🙂 (We never had any real relationship in high school. I only admired her from afar.)

But a lot of Sicilians are just, genetically, Italian-speaking Arabs, and thugs, with a huge semitic, neanderthalic and even negro admixture.

That minority of Sicilians is simply not white.

A Mafioso, led away by the FBI

Same goes for certain Greeks, or even certain southern French or southern Spaniards.

It is the J haplogroup.




……Jews, Arabs and Caucasus peoples (like Stalin and Beria) descend from neanderthals

Neanderthals & Semites

Stalin busts once displayed in Leipzig, then communist East Germany



I knew Buddy Cianci, the charismatic, dynamic, yet brutal, arrogant and corrupt mayor of my native Providence, Rhode Island (my family helped found this city in 1636), who did four years in the federal pen for shaking down honest merchants in his city as mayor.

He initially ran for mayor as a “Mr. Clean,” anti-corruption Republican, ironically — but then went right over to the Dark Side.

Henry Kissinger is on the left, photographing Cianci’s kid Nicole (who died of a heroin overdose as an adult), then comes Cianci, then my father.

Enough on that. I could go on and on about crooked, treacherous southern Italians I have known all too well, and also been severely victimized by.

This guy, who ruined our car and embezzled $4200 from me and Margi — after we gave him food and shelter — devastating our lives, was half-Sicilian.

Back to this smug DiAngelo libtard, Italian or not.

She is on a leftwing moral superiority kick that feeds her ego, and so well, such a holier-than-thou “trip,” that she would never leave it for something plainer like the reality on our streets.

Margi is not a “racist,” if that means hating other races, yet she WAS RAPED twice by negroes.

Robin DiAngelo, you cannot make race into a social construct. Blacks are different: at their worst, they are violent, oversexed, low-IQ and lacking self-control. And often they hate whites and act on their impulse.

Margi in the 1990s, seven years before I met her, courageously demonstrating against Scientology right in front of their huge headquarters in Clearwater, Florida — a screenshot taken from a German ZDF television documentary on this cult. 

Scientology HQ — cult members then spread around Margi’s Washington DC neighborhood “letters” claiming she was a whore 🙁

As Eckhart Tolle points out, the egoic mind, or what I call the tyrannon, becomes a monster that feeds us toxic but ego-boosting lies that lead us and our country to disaster.

Politically correct, nazi-hating German girl in Cologne — before and after neanderthalic muslims


In the religion I am creating, we will be free from the ego, and see clearly friend from foe.

I even thought of calling it this new religion “Video,” which is actually the Latin word that means:


Not I think, not I believe.

I see what is plainly before me, a jew-run world getting ready to slaughter us whites.


I want every white who joins my religion to say:

“Finally I see with my own two eyes ,and no blinders on, what is really going down. 

I accept first that I was brainwashed, and I swallowed a ton of absurd lies, partly just to fit in — and not because it made any sense at all. 

Now I am dedicated to destroying the egoic mind, the tyrannon, in myself and in others, and accepting reality, so we, and especially white women and children, have any future at all that is not one of indescribable HORROR.”



….More info on the recent shocking video

There are some (like South African Henri Le Riche, who have a good blog site) who say: “It was just a 2011 murder, John, between Brazilians, members of drug gangs.”

UPDATED Urgent — (strong stomachs only) — Who can get me corroborating details about this horrific video?

Well, maybe, maybe not.

Suppose this white woman was secretly an informant for the Brazilian police — whose members are very white — and she was undercover, working to destroy a black drug gang?

For some reason, those blacks sure hated her.

What was the reason?

Brazilian cops. They often just go out and kill known negro and other lowlifes — off the record, no paperwork, and no trial, as under Duterte in the Philippines.

In any case, I could never kill a woman like these blacks did.

If she were a proven, convicted traitor, maybe a quick bullet.

The Chinese police execute a female criminal.

But not what they did! Oh My God. I was in a funk for 24 hours after seeing it. 🙁 🙁

And so many blacks act similarly toward white women in Africa, South America, Europe and the United States!

Ask Margi…….. Harm her, Jews, and I will kill you.

The .40 round goes right through a tree. I always carry, and I constantly practice.


Some Boers in South Africa (understandably, the Afrikaaners do monitor videos about anti-white atrocities) write me and say “maybe, John, she was just a junkie and a whore.”

Even if so,

how many white women volunteer to be whores?

To swallow gallons of semen, be sexed up the arse, beaten, sneered at, degraded, and often paid little or nothing???

Or even snuffed in the end!

And how do you even know she was “a whore”?  

Well, below is the video again.

As a French blogger and retired doctor wrote (my translation)

L’horreur qui vient, d’Afrique évidemment

Be careful — it’s appalling. Do not look if you do not feel able to. A young white woman, in shorts, in an unspecified place in Africa [Afrikaners tell me it was actually in 2011 in black.-ruined Brazil]  is stabbed with extreme violence, and beheaded with a knife.

She screams with pain and terror as long as her trachea has not been cut. She moves until they have sliced through her spine and thus the spinal cord.

In addition to the two human waste-products (do not speak of “animals” in this case, for no animal would ever do such a thing, never), a third piece of trash films it all, and then we see a fourth pass in front of the lens.

It would seem that there are a dozen of them rejoicing.

This horror — we begin to see it starting here too, in Europe.

We have seen people killed with head kicks, white girls sold for sex in kebab food shops [this happened in England], and found in pieces in suitcases … [This happened in Italy.]

The foul savagery of the negroes, who did this to each other long before any white colonization, is still present now.

When there are enough blacks here, soon, and especially if the food stamps and welfare dry up, this is what will happen here.

Murder for fifty dollars or for “one wrong look,” and torture is thrown in just for laughs.

They arrive by whole boatloads. The “Aquarius,” a “humanitarian” ship, delivers them [across the Mediterranean from Libya] without machetes, but it’s not difficult to find more machetes here.

What I write here is not an incitement to racial hatred. You cannot hate a chainsaw or a hammer!

It is just my incentive to hang those [traitorous politicians]who impose this [negro] nightmare on us [whites].

The total lack of empathy of the negroes is something really inhuman.


A reader (Liz) wonders what the source is and if it could be a fake. I found this horror via an blog (right column). As I understand it:

The video was posted on the site bit.chute, deemed free of censorship, by a guy who is apparently very proud of it and who makes it a kind of challenge to Donald Trump, to show him what the negroes will someday do to us Whites.

See the title under the original video, at the link given at the end of the article.

It was reported by a Frenchman to a person who then posted it on the site of John de Nugent, with a long commentary of explanation, in parts in German, English and French of the site. I do not know who this person is [talking about me] or his nationality and therefore what is the original language of the comment.

The addresses are:

in German:
in English:
in French:

So much for the source.

As for the authenticity, I am only a small family doctor, and retired as well, but I can affirm that it is a real young woman, initially alive and really stabbed (with the thorax, with the abdomen and through the right hand) and truly beheaded with a machete first used as a knife, then as an ax.

If we find these two negroes, it will be necessary to carefully peel them alive (remove the skin, for example, using a vegetable peeler) then leave them out in the open air.

But I exaggerate.

One bullet each.






    Avran Iv where did you find that horrible video of woman being murdered? on the one hand it is to disgusting to watch – on the other hand every liberal white women needs to see it.

    John de Nugent A French comrade named Philippe on VK sent it to me, having found it on the uncensored Bit Tube.
    Yes, every white female should be persuaded to see this, and every white man who has white women in his life whom he loves. This is reality.

    John de Nugent The reason why I am so into Eckhart Tolle is that he addresses mental constructs and being in denial. This is now our number-one problem.

    Holly Bell My God John, I want to run and hide but don’t know where to go. How can one saw off another’s head. I hate this race!

    Tom Sullivan John, also bear in mind that Sicily was where the Spanish Jew fled to during the Inquisition DiAngelo could be one of those as could most of those crime families.

    John de Nugent Yes, there, and to Holland and to Turkey.


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