UPDATE — FED TRAP?? Jury-duty summons forced me to disarm and enter a government building full of cops

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If you already saw this blog yesterday, you can skip down today to the “What really happened” section, two-fifths down, in blue.


1) From: John de Nugent <john_denugent@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2018 1:12 PM
To: Dale Rantala
Subject: pls check message

Dear Sheriff Rantala,

A fairly small issue has come up, nothing dangerous or alarming, but I would respectfully ask for your immediate attention to it, since it involves something legal and important tomorrow.

Thank you!

Protected: To Sheriff Rantala: HF case

Password: []


John de Nugent

2) ……PM of 17 Dec 2018

Dear Sheriff Rantala,
First I would like to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and, soon, a great new year!
And most of all I wish you to never slip on Ontonagon sidewalk ice like me! This is a pretty rough town, sheriff — at least for ice 😉
Alright, I wish to keep this short, but cover a few things, none of them bad, but good info for you to have, sir.
I had hoped to avoid a certain issue without troubling you, because often it is canceled, but it seems that it is indeed going ahead, so I need to write you, and, yes, unfortunately at this last moment, and with my apologies.
The problem is that I got a summons for jury duty for tomorrow, and the ladies at the courthouse said Friday that the jury selection is indeed going ahead with this particular case.
For me, were I just another normal citizen, this would be fine, and actually I would be proud to do my citizenly duty. It  even sounds intriguing, being a juror. Bring in Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, or whoever the local creep is!
But, well, I am not exactly an ordinary citizen…. LOL! 😉
This jury summons is for me really terrifying — to go unarmed into a government building full of armed, paramilitary men.
 A Canadian friend of mine who was merely attending a political trial in Munich, Germany was arrested in the courthouse for a video she did in her native Canada, in English.
She served ten months (for time served) in pre-trial custody in a woman’s prison with six African female criminals who spoke no English and ran the tv with idiotic shows on, all day and night.
She got one hour to walk in a circle in a concrete courtyard, and they held her mail for two weeks.
Monika Schaefer is a violinist and a Canadian citizen.
Her crime?  Naively trusting in the system and walking into a courthouse — to attend a trial.
I have no doubt that at some point, the “feds” — the same ones who at least twice contacted you about me, and who called me from the White House Switchboard on 23 Nov 2015….
……will get wind soon enough of my whereabouts in the courthouse, doing jury duty, and they can come up with some reason to try to “take me in.”

And I expect to be killed eventually in prison.

.. just like lawyer Edgar Steele, who got framed for conspiracy to murder, “diesel-therapied” for months while he suffered from serious diabetes and a heart condition, and thus got almost no mail and no visits for six months from being shuttled around deliberately.
He was sentenced to a federal prison on the word of a convicted, violent felon.
He was incarcerated a thousand miles from his wife.
By withholding his meds, he then died.
Beyond my very real fear of being abducted under cover of law, framed and murdered in prison, I could never forgive myself for this — my ladyfriend since 2005, Margaret Huffstickler, has, tragically, a spreading throat cancer that is now in her lymph nodes, she has lost 25 pounds, she is getting nausea and night sweats, and she needs me. If I were locked away, for naively trusting the feds to play fair — hah — she would have basically no one up here to care for her.
She came here to be with me.
At Twin Lakes 
Margi a few months ago (corner of Ontonagon and Michigan Streets)
At the Store family farm on the Rockland Road, buying natural eggs
This is a recent bill for an MRI of her face and neck. Her doctors are Dr [], oncologist [] and Dr. [] a GP, both in the Portage (Hancock area) hospital.
I think I will not get overly into the suspicious nature of this throat cancer with you at this time. I would just point out that this cancer is eating up her entire inheritance, at $5,000 a month, that Margi has never smoked or drunk alcohol, she has eaten only organic foods for 40 years, and also gotten regular exercise.
She contracted these symptoms of rapidly spreading throat cancer, which is also very painful, especially for eating and chewing, or even drinking, the exact same week she got her modest inheritance and began to financially help me………………
Yes, the feds have several ways to make people die and make it look “innocent,” including a DVD-like disk impregnated with radioactivity, which FBI assets, after surreptitious, illegal entry in order to slow-murder a dissident, tapes up to the floorboards under the targeted person’s bedroom. Later, they enter again and remove it.
This is who told me this, the former Special Agent in Charge of the Dallas and Los Angeles offices of the FBI.

I used to teach German at Hood College in Frederick, Maryland, and the faculty parking lot for the languages building was across the street from Ft. Detrick, where the US Army since WWII has made bio-weapons, poisons and antidotes.
So, Sheriff Rantala, I would be so deeply appreciative if you can use your good offices, sir, to get me taken off the jury selection for tomorrow — and in the future.
Further, I really do not think any lawyer would really want me, as a major white nationalist and national socialist, on the jury anyway. 😉
OTHER ITEMS. On other news, []
Thus “All Quiet on the Western Front.” ;-)…………..
Thanks for your time, and pls do inform me of your decision ASAP, since the jury selection is tomorrow.
Very best wishes to you and yours for a joyous Yule,
John de Nugent

h: (906) 884-6689

3) The sheriff wrote me that he cannot even get his own deputies off from jury duty, and when I visited the sheriff’s department, one of them confirmed this, and said he had to go to jury selection too, and on the same exact day as I!

4) John de Nugent <john_denugent@yahoo.com>
To: Dale Rantala

18 Dec at 8:12 AM

Dear sheriff,

Thank you, as always, for helpful info.

Okay, this time, but I cannot be forced again after this time to disarm myself and enter a government building where, without your knowledge or permission, feds could be waiting for me out in the parking lot.

See you soon. Thanks again, sheriff.



5) Afterward, the sheriff pointed out that if 70, I could get off from jury duty for that reason alone.

5) What ultimately happened…..

It seems that this time it was just routine and not a set-up. I was in the jury pool, but my number was not called.

But I put that blog up just before I left for the courthouse just in case.

It is really ominous, if you are any kind of whistleblower, which is what I am,  that any county judge can force you to disarm yourself and enter a government building! 

Or be arrested for being a no-show!

In fact, the judge mentioned three individuals who in fact did not show up for jury selection, and said that he was going to have the sheriff arrest them and bring them before him to “show cause” why they should not be put in jail.

So I am glad I decided to go, but appalled that the judge just blew off my life-and-death concerns!

I wrote the sheriff afterward:


Dear sheriff,

Thanks for the [age-related] suggestion, but I am just a lad of 64. 😉
Margi was terrified last night when I left her house that something was going to happen to me, and thus also to her.
The problem is not the being excused from the jury eventually under questioning by the  DA, defense atty. Or judge, but the going in and out of the building
(To my surprise, there was no metal detector, and btw, I was unarmed. Except for a heavy steel pen, good for eyes and temples.)
The clerk, T[], told me before proceedings began that the judge had gotten my memo… So he just blew it off.
Margi said to me at noon when I came to see her in bed:
“They just cannot process that this little town has a major, federally-targeted person in it.
“So the White House threatened you? Come ONNN!'” 😉
In any case, after what I went through as a little kid, never mind as an adult, there is no way I will ever submit.
Yes, there are things even worse than today’s favorite jury excuse top get off, “sciatica.” 😉

MK-ULTRA and “Unshackled — A Survivor’s Story of Mind Control” by Kathleen Sullivan




First, I thank God for nothing happening.

I promised Him to fulfil my mission if just no feds are there to get me.
In the case of  some of the key Bundy Ranch people, they were arested in Pacific Northwest airports as they got off their planes. It’s such a perfect set-up: They know you will be totally disarmed, having gone through the whole, illegal, dehumanizing feel-up-and-down they put you through in airport security — and then you are coming out the only exit from the plane there is and through a narrow corridor leading out of the plane.
If they want to grab a genuine bad-ass like me, then right after either airport security or courtroon security is the time and the place.
I was just reading this today, how the airpots are doing much more intimate groin-groping: 

The more intimate screenings are conducted by officers of the same sex as the passenger, who also has the option of requesting a private screening room and bringing a chosen witness along. And as part of the new pat-down approach, which applies to passengers, employees and flight crews, there are still targeted screenings that use advanced imaging technology to detect potential risks in certain areas on the body.

Unlike the previous screening measures, the new protocol enables officers to use the front of their hands, rather than the backs of their hands, to screen passengers if the technology indicates a possible high-security threat. With the new pat-down procedure, officers may also inspect areas such as the buttocks, groin and breasts.

“Part of it requires TSA agents, unfortunately, to reach down farther into sensitive areas, waistbands for example, which can make some travelers very uncomfortable,” says George Hobica, founder of Airfarewatchdog. “I’ve been subjected to some very intrusive poking and exploration,” he adds.

I have mixed feelings about jury duty. On the one hand, for average citizens who are not in my special category — hated anti-government whistleblower — I totally support it. No matter what the government wants to do to you under color of law, it is your fellow citizens who will be judging your innocence or guilt.
And, boy, were they ever the average folks yesterday. 😉 100 regular Yoopers (UP of Michigan people) in dungarees, with old parkas on, often unkempt hair, many of them looking — well — not exactly like rocket scientists. 😉
I felt really sorry for so many of them.
LOTS have had DUIs, or been in prison for doing or selling drugs — so often it is heroin, meth or the painkillers, epidemics among  small-town white folks…. 🙁
The case itself involved an actually nice-looking young white man, short, about 25, accused to meth dealing, home invasion using a knife, and escaping custody.  He didn’t look evil — more like a scared boy — but meth makes people do crazy things.
The saddest case of a potential juror was a woman whose brother was mentally ill, up in Calumet.
She did not go into details, but I guess someone dialed 911, the cops came — and in the end,  they shot him to death.
I know her just a bit — nice, attractive, petite, sweet, middle-aged white lady.
She said she was “very disappointed in how the cops handled it.” The judge let her off jury duty.
I spoke before the jury sifting began with nice, tall gent with blue eyes, like so many Yoopers, and a French-Canadian name. He had been the foreman of a jury a while back.  He said:
I hate jury duty. You are virtually a prisoner as much as the one who is accused.  You are totally at the mercy of the judge – where, when, how long, when you eat or take a leak, everything. You cannot quit, or say ‘I’ve had enough.’ 
And four of the people [on the 12-man jury] were just oblivious and not even listening.
‘Hell, he’s guilty’ was just their attitude. The prosecution had no hard evidence, just hearsay. but they were still for ‘guilty,’ but the other eight were not convinced, so we were ‘hung.’
The judge sent us back in with a warning to make up our minds, so then they changed their tune and took this seriously. The cops clearly had no proof on this guy, so he got off.
So, anyway, it was good I was there, and I was the foreman.”
In the end, I stayed in my ONE good business suit all day, for a change, a beautiful $500 suit which a Canadian supporter bought for me way back in 2010, eight years ago, in a Joseph A. Banks store, and I did some business and patronized some stores and a nice tavern last night.
*** my one good suit has been put to good use
Me in 2010 outside the toxic, cancer-spreading Israeli NUMEC nuclear plant near Apollo, Pennsylvania. What a great suit! Thanks again to that Canadian supporter!
(Outside the NUMEC fence.) Yeah, I’ll kick your ass if you come for me, or die trying — fed, jew, antifa, black, queer, whomever you are.
It is ludicrous that YT claims only 2,156 views for this video, which first came out in 2012. The number basically never goes up, or by tiny amounts.
But, as we know, Google owns YT and we know who owns Google — ahem — two “friends of Israel” and coreligionists of Shapiro, Larry Page and Serge Brin. So what if thousands of contemptible goyim died of cancer?! After all, “Yahweh promised the whole world to the seed of Abraham,” etc. This is clearly their attitude from then to our own day!

People actually came up to me yesterday, said “beautiful suit, John,” and were super-friendly, even impressed. 😉 I guess this is why Adolf had that big, 12-cylinder Mercedes, too. People are impressed by the trappings. 😉
an earlier one
And yes, they ALL know, in this town of 1400, after four years here, oh, yeah, they all know exactly “who I am” 😉 – which a recent incident proved.

A nice experience in a local tavern — locals rally to me

Sometimes I see men just gazing at me and smiling, like, “Man, to be an open Nazi like that, and let the blacks have it, and the jews, and the Hispanics, and the muslims, and the FBI, well, you definitely got balls.” 😉

They may not “get” the Jew issue, but they sure all know about the blacks. And the muslims.

Lower Michigan has tons of both. Detroit and Flint — black-ruined.

Dearborn — all those Arabs. Henry Ford must be turning over in his grave.


And the UP has the highest percentage of vets in the whole United States, with many Gulf War, Iraq and Afghanistan vets.



Bitter and angry at being used, abused, lied to, and that nothing was accomplished and then they were discarded.

So God and I have a contract now.His end of the bargain was that I did not get jumped inside or outside that courthouse yesterday.

I won’t go into any more details except it is time now to do my thing. I have been very busy also helping Margi, but I have to also worry about 500 million other white people whose fate could be just as grim. If they can murder (or try to) a white woman with throat cancer, a horrible fate, they can murder you too.


Or have their blacks do it. Or their cops or FBI.

Here is a jew gloating about the 60,000 white farmers and other whites murdered in South Africa since the black takeover there.

Here are Brazilian blacks chopping up a screaming white woman (and the jewsmedia says it’s not racial — just over drugs): (scroll down 4/5ths)

Make yourself watch this smug libtard; answers on the horror video of the slaughter of a screaming white woman

Jew says submit to the jews and we might let you whites live:

Thank you to each and every supporter in thought, prayer, word and deed.

Margi’s funds are going down rapidly, and any sacrifice you can make will be appreciated. It’s good karma for you. We might all need some good karma in the months ahead.

PayPal to mhuffstickler@outlook.com

Or Stripe.


EN The mission of the coming Aryan religion is for people to learn how to stop their mind from thinking Jew-injected thoughts, and, just like any healthy lower animal, learn again to trust their own frigging eyeballs!

FR La religion aryenne qui advient a pour mission de faire arrêter aux gens de penser les pensées injectées par les Juifs, pour recommencer, comme tout animal inférieur qui est sain, à faire confiance à leurs propres yeux!

DE Die Mission der kommenden arischen Religion besteht darin, dass die Menschen aufhören, die von Juden injizierten Gedanken zu denken, sondern, wie jedes gesunde niedere Tier, ihren eigenen Augäpfeln wieder zu vertrauen!

1918 proclamation: “…the war to end all wars….”


The dilemma for me, Sheriff, is not just jury duty, but also malicious lawsuits. I have had Jews write me and say that an image I used off Google Images was theirs, under copyright, and so I had to fork over $750 or they would see me in court in Marquette. 
I offered $100 but no. A guy like me on food stamps, cutting five lawns a week at age 64, on Social Security, is going to fork over $750 to an Avi Cohen in Boston for a photo of a black perp doing a perp walk three years ago for murdering a white woman?
These jews just want me to enter the federal courthouse.
Or the State of Virginia says I owe $21,000 in back taxes…. right. 
Sooner or later, I will have to tell a judge: “No, Your Honor, I cannot comply out of fear for my life” and then they will issue a bench warrant. 
Then there will be a stop, a step-out-of-the-car, a gunbattle, some LE agent who may be a husband and father of nice little kids may die — I am a crack shot — and I may die right then and there too, or soon thereafter, and so I will be murdered, and all under cover of law. 
Whistleblower problem solved — via a bogus photo copyright case where the jew refuses to settle.
But I am unafraid to die. I didn’t join the Marines expecting tea and crumpets, either. Emoji
Have a good day, sheriff. Thanks for your feedback. 
It won’t be long now before I step forward to address the whole world. And they know it, hence the 15 million hits on my name.



  1. Hello John.
    This makes me worried. I really hope that the Sheriff will help you out. I have watched the movie ”Edge of Darkness”, just like you recommended me, and i have no doubt whatsoever, that the feds have caused Margies cancer… they serve a pure evil, satanic elite and there is nothing they would not do, to reach their goals.
    Im sending my prayers to Margie and you.
    Your friend and comrade,

  2. I met Cindy Steele, the widow of Edgar. A good woman. She told me what happened. They tried to frame her too, and when that failed they tried to kill her.

  3. Dear John,

    I had written to you some time ago recommending a Vitamin C regime according to Linus Pauling. I’m glad Margi took up on that. And also on other good measures! However, as much as that’s fine and dandy she will also have to work energetically – meaning I highly recommend getting a ‘professional’ shaman or healer involved that can work on the energetic and black- magical aspects!

    This needs to be dissolved, and I don’t think nutritional/physical things alone can achieve this. I may be wrong but I have experience in such matters and I can tell you that the astral/energetic plane is always the most important and decisive one. Proper nutrition and herbs may cause changes there, but it is usually subtle and rather slow.

    In cases like Margi’s, more drastic and direct spiritual measures should be taken.

    Funnily enough, I often had the impression that Margi herself has been – knowlingy or unknowingly – involved or affected by witchcraft or magic?

    Please do an internet search on regional healers/shamans/white witches/magicians and then let intuition and probing guide you. All the best to you two!

    DT (no, not Donald Trump lol)

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