Daily Stormer and Jim Stone URLs; Anglin (a longtime sinophile) says China is now permitting his website to be hosted there! China as a crypto-NS society

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A comrade  posted this on my site:


The Daily Stormer TOR address still works, but you need to use either the TOR browser, or the Brave browser’s TOR option to access it. Copy and save the info below into a text file and also print it out:

Daily Stormer TOR address:


Jim Stone’s web address and IP address – he has some interesting stuff, too:




I went to Anglin’s site using the Tor browser, and it does work.

And it seems that he is right that RED CHINA is now PERMITTING HIS SITE TO BE HOSTED THERE, at https://dailystormer.cn/

Anglin has always been a kind of admirer of the hard work, intelligence and practicality of the East Asian race, anyway — as any sensible person is. And I suspect Andrew may have some mongoloid blood in his own veins, as do many Russians and also working-class white Americans,  especially in Appalachia, via the Amerindians.

Anglin reports:


Daily Stormer Now Live on DailyStormer.cn – Spread the Word!


The site is officially back on the normie web at dailystormer.cn.

All of you Tor users should spread this around.

Also, continue to spread the Tor site:


Remember that if you can’t figure out how to use Tor on Brave, you can always download the Tor Browser.

I’m feeling good about this dot cn, but there is huge pressure now, because of the fact I am one of the only people with a big audience dissecting these various stupid atrocity hoaxes in the Ukraine, so nothing is certain.

So, we’ll pray for the best. Getting back up on Palm Sunday has a lot of different implications, I think.

Whatever happens, I will keep writing. That Tor site will always be up, even if we end up totally removed from the normie web. It’s not a big deal at all to download Tor Browser; it’s very easy to use on Windows, Mac, Linux and Android. The only thing it doesn’t work on is iOS [ = the iPhone operating system]. (There are options for that, but they keep changing).

It’s frustrating, but it is out of my control, and the only thing I can do is the best I can do. So there is no reason to be upset. I will just keep doing the right thing. The rest is in God’s hands.



….for all you Russia (and esp, Putin) bashers out there

I have been saying online without letup since 2006 that Russia and China are surreptitiously moving toward having an NS society. AND THAT THEY ARE JEW-AWARE.

Not yet going full-Hitler, of course. 😉 To take on the jews is to take on a financial,  media and military global superpower…. via both Israel and their control over the Collective West.

In 2003 already I wrote a not yet published book mentioning the Chinese proverb “Hide brightness.” It means do not show how powerful you have become, lest you alarm a powerful enemy, until you are really ready for war.



When a second world war was forced upon Germany by Delano Rosenfeld, the Reich proceeded to smash 1939-41 every enemy that had stymied the old Germany in WWI!

It finally took the gigantic militaries of three superpowers three more years of extreme, all-out effort — the UK, US and USSR — to beat just ONE nation, National Socialist Germany!

And today — here is the truth — China is soaring. Why?

OH-SO-QUIETLY, and without admitting it to the jew-run West, China, dumping all marxist economic theory, is using almost ALL of Adolf Hitler’s key teachings on 

–preserving and improving the race (the Chinese marry UP, that is, Chinese women will marry a white man),

— the leader principle,

— the folk community and

— nationally planned, free-market economics

to become a superpower itself!

…to become a superpower itself!

China has quietly but openly jettisoned most of its old marxism and has adopted the NS model of society and government that was elucidated by NS legal philosopher Carl Schmitt (The article below from the prestigious Atlantic Magazine is, of course, negatively slanted.) 

Carl Schmitt (r) with the great German novelist and “Blue-Max”/”Medal-of-Honor (“Pour-le-Mérite”) winner Ernst Jünger (l), who wrote up his WWI experiences in his In Storms of Steel





Zero race mixing with any lower races!

pride in a great and ancient heritage — and hard work, practical education and strong family!

The Chinese also crack down on foreign, semitic, trouble-making Islam!

BUT Chinese national socialism is heavily influenced by the jews, atheism, materialism and marxism, and is ANTI-WHITE.

Chinese people assault crying white Uighur boy. Their ancestors were the once pure-white, keltic Tokharians.  A heart-piercing  incident….but these Uighurs are muslims (converted by force long ago to that horrible, semitic religion) and are seen by the Han Chinese as lazy, violent, uneducated, unskilled and also as thieves.


What can you do — right now?

Read up on everything you can on national socialism so you can fight for it when it returns!




Jews, your “Man in the High Castle” series on Amazon is playing with fire! You portray America under NS as being all stifled and oppressed — but it is NOW that white people are stifled, oppressed, humiliated and attacked!



  1. Just a quick random thought: I believe the Jews who control Biden are setting up the U.S. economy for a crash similar to the Great Depression, which began with the Fed’s deliberately engineered stock market crash of 1929, and lasted throughout the 1930s, despite FDR’s communist “make work” New Deal programs. The Depression would have lasted throughout the 1940s as well – only the U.S. entry into WWII (after provoking Japan into attacking) ended it, with massive investments going into our Jewish-owned Military-Industrial Complex.

    I believe the Jews who control Biden are following that same script today, leading up to a nuclear WWIII this time – crash the U.S. economy by prohibiting oil drilling on U.S. soil, which raises gas prices and inflates the cost of everything, provoke and sanction Russia and prohibit Russian oil imports, which further increases the cost of gas, etc. It seems the Biden administration is doing everything possible to crash the U.S. economy, which was doing very well under Trump. One has to wonder why the Jews are doing this, and I think the answer can be found in 1929 – 1941 history. Will a stock market crash be next?

    • I could not agree more.

      Biden serves then as the boneheaded goy to get all the blame.

      And after the Crash to end all Crashes comes the desired Great Reset — chipped, cashless, coffee-colored people, and the end of every freedom.

  2. Anglin did a DNA test in 2017.
    “Anglin has always been a kind of admirer of the hard work, intelligence and practicality of the East Asian race, anyway — as any sensible person is. And I suspect Andrew may have some mongoloid blood in his own veins, as do many Russians and also working-class white Americans, especially in Appalachia, via the Amerindians.”

    • Thanks. Well, maybe.

      I would not be overly bothered either way, since I appreciate Anglin’s work, except for his former “white-sharia” phase.

      DNA companies are basically all jewish-controlled and have Deep State links, since knowing a person’s DNA can be useful in poisoning a dissident or giving them cancer, stroke, etc.

      (I strongly suspect that both my wife’s bouts with cancer were induced, and have explained this on several occasions. https://johndenugent.com/jaccuse-the-fbi-oncologist-md-tells-me-and-margi-twice-i-have-not-seen-this-for-ten-years/)

      A number of these DNA/ancestry companies admitted they were falsifying results for known WNs, giving them black blood, for example, entirely to “f— with them.”
      I remember when they did this with Craig Cobb, who once was nationally known, about ten years ago.
      In some photos Anglin looks very part-East Asian…. And it has to come from something.
      But many UP people are part-Chippewa/Ojibway and are good folks. It is not like having black blood.

  3. Why you support this antifascist, chekist scumbag Putin is beyond me. He’s the number one obstacle in the world for the revision of faked WWII history, a big friend of the Jews and he transforms Russia into a multicultural nation. Apart from this he is a threat to the West. He subverted the entire alternative media and political groups of the right AND the left. Russia is aggressive and has a huge propaganda and intelligence apparatus but in fact is a weak, backward country.

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