Anti-vaxx info is piling up all over, including in this major tabloid.. And while most doctors are bright, and certainly good memorizers, some are simply conformistic little cowards, just as in many other professions, who knuckle under when their career (or even their medical license) is threatened.
But this nurse says many MDs have truly “drunk the Koolaid” and hate the unvaxxed as evil, selfish people who are dangers to public health:
See also:
My own doctor, Richard Chaltry MD, died after the vaxx!!!
Questo video è importante….
Ti rendi conto della buona fede di tutti questi medici tedeschi?Quanti ne possiamo contare?!!Sono tanti…
Quanti in Spagna?(a parte la quinta Colonna)Quanti in Francia?e nel resto dell’Europa?Non avrebbero mai potuto fare “esperimenti” di morte sugli Ebrei.Sono dei Cretini a pensarlo!
Mi vergogno per loro.
Ci sono tanti bianchi che si sono lasciati corrompere dai giudei…ma non hanno mai avuto lo “Spirito tedesco”!
È un’altra cosa..
what a gift from god it would be if all these vaxxed sheep would just die. What a better, more beautiful world would exist? Its incredible how stupid they are. They need to leave, and permanently.
I understand your feeling.
But my prediction is they will be weaponized against the unvaxxed, and not be ad stat sheep at all, but become wolves, and be triggered to violence by the claim, as they sicken and die, that we, the unvaxxed, caused their downfall.
Robert Sepehr lo chiama Vril.