Margi got me to watch Ron Paul on his YT channel. I have, of course, mixed feelings about Paul, but what I do give him credit for is that his “kindly old grandpa” demeanor enable him to say to normies fairly shocking and disturbing things in such a kind, gentle way that normies do not automatically reject them — or run from him as a “hate-filled, ranting, angry white male.”
Paul says at 21:39-24:25 that these Covidiotic masks (the pores of which cannot possibly stop anything as tiny as a virus — they can only stop bacteria, which are 100 times bigger, and so, yes, surgeons do wear masks during operations so as to stop BACTERIA), these Covid mask may cause cancer.
Long-Term Mask Use May Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer, Study Finds
In a recent working paper by researchers at Harvard, Duke, and John Hopkins Universities, academics concluded that “for the overall population, the increase in the death rate following the COVID-19 pandemic implies a staggering 0.89 and 1.37 million excess deaths over the next 15 and 20 years, respectively.”
Since forced mask wearing began, dermatologists have coined the term ‘maskne’ to describe an onset of pimples near the mouth caused by masks clogging up pores with oil and bacteria. This can be caused by either disposable or cloth masks.
Dentists have also been warning about a phenomenon known as ‘mask mouth’ in which patients are arriving back to the dental office with an increase in gingivitis and tooth decay as high as 50% in a period of just a few months since mask mandates began.
This discovery sheds light on the growing evidence of harm caused by long-term mask wearing.
About the Author
Phillip Schneider is a staff writer for Blacklisted News. To see more of his work, you can follow his Facebook Page, become a subscriber on the free speech social network Minds, or support his efforts by becoming a contributor via Patreon.
This article (Long-Term Mask Use May Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer, Study Finds) originally appeared on Blacklisted News and was re-posted here with permission.
Going back now to the subject of the tone we use when in the public eye, as I have written, women especially fear a “hothead.” Yet they adore men who are strong, masculine, decisive, but kind.
A Kriegsmarine (German Wehrmacht navy) officer with his wife and son; a strong but not arrogant man
In my last life, the public persona I chose (in contrast to how I really was, and how I came across in private) was fiery, angry and ready to “get it on.”
This stance had huge advantages –WITH THE ALREADY CONVERTED — but also huge disadvantages.
Between these factors:
–my poison-gas-damaged voice (like that of my great-uncle Herbert in this life, a WWI gas victim),
–the harsh sound of German to many foreign ears, and
–the militant content, especially all my down-with-the-jews stuff (yes, inciting hate on those poor darlings, the always persecuted nation of philanthropists, doctors, and sensitive poets… 😉 )
…well, the truth is that I frankly scared the hell out of white people in other key white nations, such as France, Britain and America.
To 99% of clueless foreign Whites, this guy sounded like a fanatic, dangerous, crazy man who worked himself up into a lather, screaming at the top of his lungs. Actually, I always started out slow, but at 1:04, you see me kicking it into high gear and then it was “fire and flames,” as the Germans say, from then on. 😉 It got my own audience ecstatic BUT it terrified others.
As you can hear below, my real speaking voice (as in this conversation with Finland’s great Field Marshal Mannerheim…
….was a calm, low, soooooothing baritone (just as today) and rather melodious — that is, when I was not declaiming and whipping the crowd up to a frenzy so we would defy these jew tyrants — and FIGHT them, not surrender!
No, I did not say this 😉
(Here, btw, is my speaking voice while reading an audiobook related to the Leo Frank-Mary Phagan case:
It has been said of both Napoleon and Hitler that while they DID understand the psychology of their own country, and in fact perfectly, they were not so astute about the psychology of the other nations (esp. Spain, Russia and England, enemies of both men).
Spain’s Franco, a likely part-jew and monstrous ingrate (it was our German Luftwaffe that had put down his communist enemies!) refused to close the Strait of Gibraltar, allowing the British navy to supply British troops in North Africa, and causing our very first big defeat. The Spaniards were very proud, fierce and stubborn.
This idiot made the arch-liberal, corrupt and greedy Juan Carlos de Borbon his successor, a Harvard graduate who, once king, promptly made the country liberal! (He has now fled in exile to Egypt, having taken millions in bribes.)
In effect, both Napoleon and I helped our jew enemy to depict us as a danger to world peace, whereas it was the high-finance jew who actually threatens us all with constant warmongering, and we both were liberators, who were only FORCED to fight.
Me at his tomb in 1940, and pondering his sad fate (and no, he was no shorty with a “Napoleon complex”, standing 5’7″, the normal male height 250 years ago):
The Arc de Triomphe commemorates his incredible victories. Napoleon slept only three hours a night, mastering every detail he could, and had worked out a Plan B, C and D in every battle, no matter how it went. He also invented military ribbons, crosses, and medals for bravery to put on men’s uniforms, knowing that warriors crave and deserve recognition and praise for their deeds of outstanding bravery and skill.
Anyway, my own mother (b. 1933) told me she listened as a little girl to a snippet of a Hitler speech on NBC Radio (I now realize that my grandmother, her mother, was a discreet Hitlerite) and she asked her mom:
“Why is that man screaming?”
My mother Constance Colwell as a young adult
Her mother, Elizabeth Angell Colwell (Ivy League graduate, fierce enemy of FDR, and staunch old-style, paleoconservative Republican; it was among her things that I discovered at age five a framed Adolf Hitler stamp, and awoke to my mission.)
Much, much later on, I, my first wife, the Austrian, and my older daughter Ingrid went to the Marine Barracks at Eight and Eye Streets, in Washington DC, where the Commandant of the whole Marine Corps lives, to see the evening parade. And Ingrid had a similar reaction, as a Marine officer yelled commands, to my mother’s as a girl, hearing Hitler speak.
Ingrid with her little sister, Erika
Ingrid asked me (in German): “Warum ist der Mann so zornig?”
(“Why is this man so angry?”)
(Note during the “Silent Drill Team” part (0:51:31-1:05:39, sixteen minutes of flawless precision) that this elite group is 99% white, or maybe some very light-skinned hispanics.)
Females, of course — being more yin, physically weaker, and interested in conserving, not destroying things, instinctively preferring peace to war — fear all hot expressions of anger and tendencies to violence even more than reasonable men do. War is horrible to men, too, but they can handle it better because, as born hunters going back t0 the Stone Age, they are born, practical-minded killers:
“If I fail to kill this deer (or elk, or wild horse, or woolly mammoth) with my spear or my bow and arrow, then MY family, my loved ones, the people who count on me, will starve to death.”
A Stone Age white European with a huge Giant Irish Elk (now extinct); and remember, if humans did not get these elk and deer, hungry wolves or bears would. In Pennsylvania, while walking the dogs, I came upon many a carcass of a deer eaten by a bear. ) It was kill-or-starve for everyone.
So men got used to killing. For most women, with their elevated estrogen levels, enhancing the feeling of compassion, hunting/killing is something ruthless and horrible which is best left to the men.
Generalizing: Women create life, and rule by charm; men take life, and rule (ultimately) by force.
Some girls do learn to hunt and to love it, including eating the meat, not wanton killing. And with a powerful modern hunting rifle, unlike an arrow or spear as used by our ancestors, the animal often dies very quickly ( UNLIKE death by being bitten and torn apart by the fangs of a wolf or bear).
That is 75 pounds of venison to feed a family. (Truth? Deer proliferate so fast that 1/3rd die miserably of cold and starvation in the UP winter unless a human hunter or predatory animal gets them.)
In the caves of Lascaux, France, our ancestors painted the animals they hunted. They knew the animals had souls, too, and apologized to their soul for killing them, because it had to be.
What is worse than seeing your little children — or your wife and mate — starving to death because YOU FAILED at the hunt, maybe too kind to kill?
And remember that no agriculture was possible in the Ice Age, with snow falling eight months out of the year, like what we get up here in the UP of Michigan during some years. (We had steady snowfall from October to May in 2017-18.)
Me in May of 2018 on the beach on Lake Superior
Going back to RP, obviously, what I reject about Ron Paul is he does not DIRECTLY touch on race or the jews.
But, then again, until my religion begins, there will be no means to inundate people with multiple scary truths without them mentally fleeing in denial.
So Ron Paul (whose grandfather was from Germany, btw) is a useful conveyor belt to move people from 100% brainwashed “normie-hood” halfway over to our positions.
And Trump is in the same boat, a conveyor belt.
And that is how history may judge them both. They prepared the way for the Great Breakthrough about ourselves, the jews, and race — about all three.
And notice I put ourselves first as having to be fixed, we humans who deny reality on a daily basis about everything, not just about race and the jews.
And that is what is coming.
The suffering is now pushing the Whites to the brink of transformational growth. Why does life have to be miserable? Why are we putting up with freaks?
Whites buying guns at a blistering pace:
The crisis ahead will force us to become superhumans, like the other Whites in this galaxy, and no longer like wild, confused animals. We will be the lords of our own mind.
We will not need a dictator; an inner voice will dictate what is right to think, to feel, to speak and to do.
1933-45 was just a trial run. The whole world has to wake up. It is pointless for ONE country to go against the jews.
Tulsa Gabbard of Hawaii
February 3
Riding the wave is a special sort of skill and today we enjoin you to try to learn it, if you do not already
know how.
So much of what you are in form to do requires that you hold two or more concepts and realities in your mind, in your heart, in your body—at once.
Part of learning to do this with mastery has to do with learning to let go, to trust, to permit yourself be one with the waves of energy and intent which flow from the highest Source.
As humans, you have a venerable history of indoctrination with beliefs about self-sufficiency and the need to control your environment. The notion that you can be ‘safe’ by guarding your present and your future is deep within your cellular structure, and although religious language ofen employs the word ‘faith,’ it generally boils down, in actual meaning, to acceptance of the hierarchical structure of a particular sect and belief in the efcacy of its rules and regulations to keep you safe. On this plane.
Or, if not here, then a promise of there.
It isn’t the moment to go into the tiger-trap of religion in today’s world, but what we want you to understand fully is that you have a heritage that strongly inclines you toward control and makes it difficult for you to let go and trust the universe’s benefcence. For this reason, our suggestion today—that you practice riding the wave—is an important and essential one if you want to fy free and strong.
First, of course, you must know your waves. You don’t try to ride just any wave. That would lead to some very boring trips and some very dangerous ones. Discernment lies at the beginning of knowing how to work with the universe successfully.
How do you identify the right wave? Are we waxing a tad too metaphorical? Then let’s try this: how do you recognize the moments when it is good to let go of your worries and fears, to drop your plans and embrace whatever is being presented to you?
*** I decided to let jew-lover Trump wuss out so this false hero could be put to rest
It was scary to think as a WN about life under Biden, but Biden can be the breakthrough, too. He can rile Whites up to the boilling point.
So I let him take office.
You do know the answer. Most of the time this is pretty simple. If you are open to it. Most of the time you just feel into it and you know. Te trick is to avoid over-riding your knowing with your thinking.
A common pitfall. So, if someone calls you and asks you to do something—a favor, an outing, a job, for instance—and you feel a leaping in your being, a reaching out to meet this request even though you had other ideas about what you were going to do, it is a good bet that it is a rideable wave.
If you start to hear ‘shoulds’ and ‘oughts’ or begin to consider the way you might look if you say ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ then you
are looking at waves that are a litle too big or a litle too boring. We say this simply to affirm what you already know.
The thing is that the universe is constantly ofering you opportunities to exercise your discernment, to choose something new and unthought-of, to stay the course, to taste something diferent or to decline it.
Today, please bring your awareness to all the many opportunities you have to accept or decline those invitations. Bring consciousness to the many times you choose today, and if you should decide to push off into the unknown and uncertain, do it—if you can—with faith. Turn yourself over and see what happens.
As you can imagine, a wave-rider needs to be alert and focused and yet any tension that has to do with contraction and fear (the very opposite of faith) will abort a ride very quickly.
*** I surfed at Waikiki Beach, Hawaii… You gotta be brave, decisive and calm to enjoy it, or you’ll wipe out and be cut by the POISONOUS coral.
So be on the alert for fear and if you sense yourself tightening, try to relax. Or get off.
The key here is to watch how this process works and how you work with it. You don’t have to get anywhere in particular. It is a great and magnifcent gift—this constant and ever-varied offering of life—and you will fnd freedom and authenticity and inner power as you cultivate your capacity to ride the waves, to choose the moments when you hold firm and the moments when you allow yourself the joy of conscious surrender to forces that have only your highest good in hand.
We will be holding you in our hearts as we are carried ourselves this day! — E. West
Amazing rifle work on that silent Marine team drill, thanks for sharing. Poor guys all masked up though. Seven months ago. I liked how a few of them you could see their whole face since the mask slipped all the way down…and no adjustments allowed during drill!
Second most recent video at the Marines You Tube page I link below. Questions about vaccines answered and over and over he says how perfectly safe they are. Was voluntary for the Marines at that time…hope it still is.