Spiritual reading: do what you fear doing; Jamie Lee Curtis painting; “American Idol” contestant dies of heart attack at 31; the coming “dies irae”

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FromLeni’s 1935 documentary: “Triumph of the Will” (here finally colorized!) Note how from 1:29:50 on to the end I touch on religious themes but avoid any conflict with Christianity, which is far better than nothing and only something BETTER can replace it!


……Half jewess a shameless monster

A European comrade wrote me:

So Jamie Lee Curtis, actress (“True Lies” with Arnold Schwarzenegger), and  daughter of 1950s jew actor Tony Curtis, attacks Kanye West for anti-semitism.

Then she tweets a photo of her house. In it, someone spotted art depicting a child’s listless or dead body in a suitcase.

These people are devils!

She immediately deleted the photo but the art was a massive piece on her living-room wall.

Disturbing, monstrous, and demonic! This is true Talmudism. 

Hitler said in Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin that it means nothing if modern,  secular jews never read the Talmud, written by rabbis in Iraq and Palestine 1600-1900 years ago.

The jewish people created the Talmud, but also many other monstrosities, such as communism, porn, organ trafficking, the African slave trade to the Americas, war after war after war, and now the death vaxx.

The jews did not become wicked by reading the Talmud. They were denounced by Jesus for their evil 70 years before the Talmud was even composed.

The jews created the Talmud because, as Margi said often to me, they themselves are like a poison tree, churning out new, deadly fruit every day, the Talmud being just one product among many of their infernal souls.



….spiritual reading

January 21

Today might be great day to do something you’ve put off or not done because you were somehow afraid to do it. Today might be great day to expand yourself into realms that you thought belonged to others and not to you.

You can take this very literally and concretely and pursue it on the ground, or you can think of it in a more esoteric manner and manifest it there. No matter how this strikes you, take today to move past the limitations you have imposed upon yourself and your thinking, your actions, your life. Even a small step outside the normal bounds is likely to be rewarded.

So be bold, be fearless and go for something you’ve longed for from afar. The bonds of the past may seem very deep and entrenched, but change and ultimately freedom, are always, always possible. In this moment, in the next and in the next. Try not to allow yourself to feel as if history must dictate the future.

We want to remind you that the very thing that you are working to do is what you will see in others as well, in this case the changing of patterns and breaking of restrictive thinking. This can be disturbing; after all, you want something to remain constant in this ever-changing universe, don’t you? Why not your nearest and dearest?

Actually, we know that you harbor only the best of wishes for the growth and fulfillment of those you love, but the reality is that as people grow they often crash about somewhat blindly, thus knocking into and over all that is around them. Sometimes you do this, sometimes others do it and you are in the way.

Today, there may be a lot of you being “new” and bold and free. Could be a little confusing and chaotic. In short, remember to allow space for everyone around you to expand too.

And look for it—if you find it in others it may be very inspiring and hopeful. So as you step outside of who you have been, keep your eyes open for others doing the same. And if nothing else, you can take the opportunity to try on something new. That alone will be transformative. And fun–this need not be traumatic at all.

On the contrary. Be playful with this if you can.

Try to notice the limiting beliefs, patterns and habits you have. If you do anything at all today along these lines, find one of the above and consciously break it. Just the once. And watch what happens after that.

There is a monumental energy of change in the air, and it wants you to let go of the things that bind you so that you can become all that you are. You are all so much needed right now—your love and your light, unimpeded by fear and reactivity. If you can live, even intermittently, as the expansive and joyous beings you are within, then you raise the vibrations all around you. And we think that no one is in any doubt of the importance of that!

So if you can, take a little time today to stretch beyond your normal realm, to break through some of the conditioning that has held you too tightly and to live as fully as you are able. The energies will support courageous action, and we are sure that in the end you will love it, and have fun, and we will cheer!

Love and Blessings.




….21-y/o to have both legs amputated; “I guess these things just happen”

This 2021 story is being repeated in 2023 with other victims.


….Myocardial infarction at 31; black folks, blame the jew — for he is KILLING YOU!



“American Idol” alum C.J. Harris’ cause of death has been revealed. The 31-year-old died of a heart attack, a spokesperson for the Walker County Coroner’s Office confirmed to Fox News Digital on Thursday.

Deputy coroner Danielle Calloway said that the singer died on Sunday night after being rushed to the Walker Baptist Medical Center in Jasper, Alabama.

Calloway told Fox News Digital that doctors performed CPR on Harris at the hospital, but the efforts were unsuccessful. He was pronounced dead due to a heart attack.

In Black Africa as a whole, the vaxx rate is 52%, with some countries very low: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1221298/covid-19-vaccination-rate-in-african-countries/

In the USA, only 36 of the 50 states report vaxx rates by race. The highest jew-jab rate was amongst Asians (87%), then came Hispanics (67%), then Whites (64%), and the Blacks at 59% were the lowest.

But it depended also on how libtard the state was, and those states that gobble up CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post/New York Times lies and vote Demoncrat had the highest percentage of vaxxtards.

Latest Data on COVID-19 Vaccinations by Race/Ethnicity

Blacks became very “vaccination-hesitant” in 2020 already compared to Whites, and, on this vaxx question, actually agreed with white conservatives, who ignored their onetime idol Donald Trump on this one issue of the Warp Speed vaccine — and this alienation from Trump may explain further the rise of Florida governor and vaxx-skeptic Ron DeSantis.



The key factor in getting reluctant Blacks to take the lethal clot shot was if their  pharmacist was black and betrayed them by endorsing it or if their church did so, and especially if the vaccinations were performed right in their church with their own black pastor standing right there to say it was okay:


What we are going to see, obviously, is a massive die-off.

And the day of extreme outrage will come.

That is, it will come and be explosive if, and I do mean IF, major voices on the Internet get to continue to spread Covid & Vaxx truth.

I would suggest that the Biden-Uniparty-Deep State-jew regime, which is on board with global genocide and 90% depopulation needs to do something drastic before this dies irae, which is Old Church Latin for “Day of Wrath.”

Were I the Big Jews, I would prefer to deliberately collapse the US economy, then go oh-so-reluctantly-and-to-cope-with-the-emergency to a digital currency, which is linked to a social-credit score and where being “up to date” on all the death vaccines and boosters for all the Covid “variants” will determine how much of a government electronic payment you get so ou can eat, pay rent and buy gasoline, or IF you get any payment at all. No vaxx, no food, in other words.

So the way to depopulate the US by 90% is to collapse the economy, and then it is simple:

no vaxx certificate, no food

Now, an even better way to achieve genocide as well as other goals is for the CIA to deliberately take down the US, Canadian and European electric-power grid systems and then say “Evil Putin and the Russians did it; they hacked our computers. And the white supremacists also physically attacked the substations with rifles and bombs.”

I saw some report on tv saying that if just nine key electric substations went down, by either a supposed hack or via a physical attack with rifles, bombs, etc. , the whole US would be without power. Food, gas, transportation, medical care, water and sewage would all collapse very quickly.

And then the US jews can get what they also want, a full-on war with a Russia which is not openly antisemitic but disobeys key goals of the Jew World Order and increasingly supports enemies of Israel such as Syria and Iran.

So, yes, a false-flag to take down the power grid and blame it on 1) Putin and 2) white supremacists would be a solution to the Big Jews’ looming mega-problems as people wake up about the jew jab being actually a jewish-run goy genocide program.

Which awakening could lead to such fury there would be a real Holocaust of the jews this time.

After all, what does a dying man have to lose?

You will own nothing and you’ll be happy — but will they prove happy actually to kill every lackey of the jew world order? They’re gonna die anyway, and they just might feel so lied to, and so betrayed by all their old and once-trusted authority figures, that the masses get pretty damn livid.



Of course, understanding this looming crisis for THEM as well, the Big Jews will provide both, as I say, “Russia-and-the-Nazis-did-it” and maybe another “cover story” as well, in Catherine Austin Fitts’ phrase, for the die-off:

The unvaxxed, uncaring, dangerous conspiracy nuts caused a super-duper-lethal new variant to spread. The vaxx worked just fine on the earlier variants, see, but this new variant is a doozey.

So it is the vaxx truthers who are the ones who should be arrested, set off to camps, or killed.

Another scenario: the Big Jews, having cooked up the lethal vaxx, actually cook up a temporary but real antidote, where you do NOT die if you keep getting some new government jab and then bimonthly boosters, or the like.

Of course, the government will keep a record of exactly which vial of antidote you got, and the truthers, whistleblowers and white activists fighting the Jew Word Order will only get saline solution and then die.

So, in that scenario, which represents the very opposite of what Andrew Anglin optimistically suggests, only the libtards — of course, only certain libtards — will survive. All dissidents would die.

Vaxx-“hesitant” people like us would get our post-collapse electronic government payment turned off until we take the jew jab, and then it is we who die, because we would not get the real antidote, just certain libtards.

So the US population would drop from 400 million to maybe 150 million, what it was in the Eisenhower years, but 75% black and brown, and all of them Demoncrats and RINOs.

So our liberation will not be easy.

Why should it be?

In many previous incarnations, the earthlings who are living now, which means YOU, dear reader, refused to listen to any of the great antisemitic leaders of the past, or to act if you did listen.

So the chickens have come home to roost.

Don’t whine; we had many chances before to solve the jew problem, which was perfectly recognized and totally understood in previous centuries. In the 1200s King Louis IX of France and in the 1500s Martin Luther were exposing the genocide and enslavement plans in the Talmud, and in 1920 the world-famous Henry Ford did so as well!

I am sure you have seen this logo.

It was this guy, the most popular, famous and almost the richest man in America.


From 1920-27 he beat his brains out trying to get Americans to wake up.

As in many of my readers in earlier lives………..

YOU (speaking in general here) FAILED TO LISTEN OR DO ONE DAMN THING.

And I say this out of tough love.

You can make up for it — by listening and acting NOW.

Anyway, the Big Jews do have a plan for the dies irae when people with 900 million guns fully realize they were f—d.

But I have a plan, too.


..,..Only a credible, powerful new religion can change the direction

A German wrote me:

“Ich hörte sinngemäß hier [1] in einem der Videos folgenden Hinweis: Das (historische) päpstliche Dogma, daß der einzelne Mensch keine Vorgeschichte hätte und nach dem Tode entweder in die Hölle oder in den Himmel käme, hätte viele Menschen in den Materialismus getrieben. Es wurde angedeutet, daß eine Absicht dahinter gestanden hätte.”

” ..damit die weißen Christen schön schlachtreif gemacht würden: Maximaler Selbsthaß bei gleichzeitiger Indoktrination von Fernstenliebe bis zur völligen Selbstaufgabe, bis zur völligen Selbstvernichtung: Der Fremde über alles! Ausländer zuerst, Einheimische zuletzt.”

Ich antwortete: Manchmal ist mir das Nichtstun bei klarster Todesgefahr der Erdlinge unnachvollziehbar.


“I heard the following important thing in one of the videos: The (historical) papal dogma that the individual human being had no previous history [no previous life] and after death he went either to hell or to heaven would have driven many people into [skepticism, atheism and] materialism. It was suggested that there was a deliberate intention behind [this denial and prohibition of the teaching of reincarnation].”

” ..[Christianity as created by Saul] was so that the white Christians would be ready for the slaughter: Maximum self-hatred with simultaneous indoctrination in love of the stranger, right up to complete self-abandonment and total self-destruction: The foreinger race or people über alles! Foreigners come first, indigenous whites last.”

I replied: Sometimes I find it incomprehensible that earthlings do nothing even then when they are clearly in danger of being killed.



I will end with a poem by the great Goethe containing four verses on the centrality of reincarnation

Und solang du das nicht hast,

Dieses: Stirb und werde!

Bist du nur ein trüber Gast

Auf der dunklen Erde.


Translation (not rhyming):

And until you grasp this 

Die and Be Someone Again

You’ll stay a most confuséd guest

on a dark and murky world.


And you will bemoan how unfair life is — when it is actually not unfair at all.

German woman cries after being raped by a Soviet soldier in Dessau, Germany in 1945. Horrible! BUT why did the Germans take 14 long years to accept national socialism? During those 14 years Rosenfeld and Stalin came to power and began building up gigantic war machines to crush the Reich.

What is unfair is to think God should help those who do not help themselves. 😉

Or that He somehow forgot all we refused to do when it was clearly time for action.

So learn from reviewing each incarnation during your interlife, let the truth change your heart, and then, chastened, wiser and more caring, come back with a different and more noble heart beating in your breast.

Then try again to be a real Aryan.

THIS is WHY you are HERE! 🙂 To choose better! To love and learn!




    • I hear you.

      Well, suppose the vaxx simply has not performed yet as intended? The jew scientists are not infallible, either.

      Or, suppose the jews don’t care about the obviousness of a die-off any more? Maybe they figure the chemtrails, obesity, the Internet diversion, and low-t have already turned Whites into such cowards that they can openly kill us?

      After all, the Demoncrats 1) blatantly stole the 2020 presidential election, and 2) installed a veritable monster in the White House (as the Hunter Biden laptop proved), AND a white-hating hyper-leftist BLM and Antifa supporter…., and 80 million Trump voters did nothing but whine, and the same goes for Trump.

      The commander-in-chief of the biggest military in the world pussied out totally, though most of the troops loved the guy! He got huge applause at the 2020 Army-Navy football game from all these young officers and future top leaders!

      The cadets LOVED him!

      Trump should have declared martial law and either saved America or gone down like a man, fighting. Instead, he became the role model for big talk and no action, and the jews must be feeling very confident that they can now commit any outrage and get away with it.

      And what about Epstein?

      Why were none of his jew and other VIP rapist friends arrested?

      It is what I wrote in 1928 in the intro to the Second Book all over again, but now even worse: stinking cowardice.

      ’Today … the National Socialist movement … stands totally alone and isolated among the German people and in political life. To the attacks of the general internal enemies of our people and fatherland are added the proverbial stupidity and incompetence of the bourgeois national parties, the laziness of the masses, and, as a particularly strong ally, cowardice. We can observe that cowardice in all those who are fundamentally incapable of putting up a resistance to the Marxist plague.’

    • From Steve Kirsch’s newsletter :: “The FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal. We should be concerned. Very concerned.
      After the vaccine rolled out, the FAA secretly widened the EKG parameter range for pilots so they wouldn’t be grounded. It looks like the vax gave at least 50M Americans heart damage.”,

      I don’t know if the above commentator “Velhal” is the real “Velhal” commentator or an agent pretending to be him. Here in the rest of Germany one hears and sees in any case for a very long time around the clock emergency ambulances drive, highly frequent, such a thing never existed before in the life! I also read everywhere in the forums etc. that it behaves in this respect everywhere the same, republic-wide.
      One thing must be acknowledged: They have definitely reached the population reduction target published in the Deagl Report (= population projections for 2025) for Germany and for the USA, the dying will continue for more years.

      With certain illnesses many surviving humans have only a very small life expectancy. It was planned ahrimanic/satanic-devilish, there was once an article, about 35 toxicity levels, some ampoules contain/contained just mainly saline solutions, but the others are supposed to contain also graphene oxide.
      In different videos and articles I read that via chemtrails metal particles a metallization of the brain tissue should be aimed at, so that the brain tissue gets an antenna characteristic, the human being can be radioed.

      And the vaccinations are supposed to contain graphene oxide. That and 5G then enables another disaster. By the way, Savanna N. has published another video here (part 2), she assumes that they now generate pain or fear frequencies (via the radio masts), by means of 5G, that one should keep away from the affected people because they could behave like a wounded animal and misinterpret it when people run towards them to help them (in German):

      “303 – Horoskop des DAVOS-Rituals (2/2)”,

      Insects as food: they have now allowed insects as a food ingredient in the EU since January 2023. Thus they also harm health on many levels, here detailed info on Sarah Bennett’s Telegram channel (in German), directly callable:



      In German:

      Schätzung: 50 Millionen US-Amerikaner herzgeschädigt

      Aus Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter : “The FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal. We should be concerned. Very concerned.
      After the vaccine rolled out, the FAA secretly widened the EKG parameter range for pilots so they wouldn’t be grounded. It looks like the vax gave at least 50M Americans heart damage.”,

      Ich weiß nicht, ob der obige Kommentator “Velhal” der echte “Velhal”-Kommentator ist oder ein Agent der sich als dieser ausgibt. Hier in Restdeutschland hört und sieht man jedenfalls seit sehr langer Zeit rund um die Uhr Notarztwagen fahren, hochfrequent, so etwas gab es nie zuvor im Leben! Ich lese auch überall in den Foren usw. daß es sich diesbezüglich überall gleich verhält, republikweit.
      Eines muß man anerkennen: Das im Deagl-Report veröffentlichte Ziel der Bevölkerungsreduktion (= Bevölkerungsvoraussagen für 2025) haben sie für Deutschland und für die USA definitiv erreicht, das Sterben wird noch weitere Jahre anhalten.

      Bei gewissen Erkrankungen haben viele überlebende Menschen nur noch eine ganz geringe Lebenserwartung. Es wurde ahrimanisch/satanisch-teuflisch geplant, es gab mal einen Artikel, ca. 35 Toxitätsstufen, manche Ampullen enthalten/enthielten eben hauptsächlich Kochsalzlösungen, die anderen sollen aber auch Graphenoxid enthalten.
      In verschiedenen Videos und Artikeln las ich, daß via Chemtrails-Metallpartikeln eine Metallisierung des Gehirngewebes angestrebt werden soll, damit das Gehirngewebe eine Antennencharakteristik beommt, der Mensch anfunkbar wird.

      Und in den Impfungen soll ja auch Graphenoxid enthalten sein. Das und 5G ermöglicht dann eine weitere Katastrophe. Savanna N. hat übrigens hier ein weiteres Video veröffentlicht (Teil 2), sie geht davon aus, daß sie nun Schmerz- bzw. Angstfrequenzen generieren (über die Funkmasten), mittels 5G, daß man sich von den Betroffenen fernhalten solle, weil sie sich wie ein verwundetes Tier verhalten könnten und es fehldeuten könnten, wenn Leute auf sie zurennen, um ihnen zu helfen (in Deutsch):

      “303 – Horoskop des DAVOS-Rituals (2/2)”,

      Insekten als Nahrung: Sie haben jetzt seit Januar 2023 in der EU Insekten als Lebensmittelzutat zugelassen. Damit schädigen sie ebenfalls die Gesundheit auf vielen Ebenen, hier detaillierte Infos auf Sarah Bennett’s Telegram-Kanal (in Deutsch), direkt aufrufbar:


      • EN Thank you very much!

        I was actually planning to copy and paste and republish on my site that Steve Kirsch blog.

        I believe that some pilot already ar having heart attacks from the vaxx, but huge, and spectacular air disasters may be ante portas, although all large passenger jets must have two pilots in case one is iocapacitated.

        DE Eigentlich hatte ich vor, diesen Blog des, sogen wir mal, “Edeljuden” Steve Kirsch zu kopieren und einzufügen und auf meiner Website neu zu veröffentlichen.

        Ich glaube, dass einige Piloten bereits Herzinfarkte vomn Vaxx gehabt haben, also könnten riesige und spektakuläre Flugzeugkatastrophen ante portas sein, obwohl alle großen Passagierflugzeuge zwei Piloten aufweisen müssen, falls einer handlungsunfähig wird.

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