German high school graduates 41 Turks and one German — a “Justin”
Beeck is north of Duisburg und Essen Only a “Justin” is a real German, and even he has a foreign name. Occupied Germany is full now […]
Beeck is north of Duisburg und Essen Only a “Justin” is a real German, and even he has a foreign name. Occupied Germany is full now […]
Beeck liegt nördlich von Duisburg und Essen Nur “Justin” ist Deutscher, freilich auch mit Ausländernamen. Lauter Kevin, Jason, Dan in Zukunft? Carl Jung glaubte leider […]
Eine super Wochenzeitschrift der Weißnationalen in Frankreich, mit Namen Rivarol, kritisierte leicht Jean-Marie Le Pen, Gründer der Front National, der in 40 Jahren an der […]
(continuation of …..update: huge, cylinder-shaped UFO spotted from plane window over Germany We must understand ONCE AGAIN, as did all our ancestors realistically until […]
What makes Trump so dangerous is that, having publicly cucked out totally to the Deep State and the Khazars, NOW he has to prove his […]
“We deceive ourselves if we believe that the people want to be governed by majorities. No, you do not know the people. This people does […]
Ann Gehman, subject of two HBO documentaries, has a long, proven track record of helping police departments find missing persons. I consulted her in 1989. […]
Genetic Study Find that Third Reich Scientists were Correct about Heredity and Criminality posted in Eugenics, Historical Revisionism, National Socialism, Racialism by apocalypse29 [source:] The “new” […]
UFO over the Untersberg, which faces Hitler’s mountain retreat, the Berghof. There are UFOs that travel so fast, and dive so rapidly, like a bullet, […]
(Wiki) In April 1933, the recently installed Nazi [sic] government declared 1 May the “Day of National Work,” an official state holiday, and announced that […]
Es gab ein ganz wunderbares Buch “A [oder “My”] Year in Germany” (“Mein Jahr in Deutschland”) von einem britischen Gewerkschafter, kam ungefähr 1936 in England […]
It is on this solid legal basis that harkens back to the year 1973 that I will be demanding of President Trump, who was elected […]
White girl of British stock in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe This is the first part of my interview with JB Campbell one of the very […]
. How appropriate that today “Facebook” “suspended” me — on April 20, 2017. 😉 . There is a time for everyone, even the greatest or […]
Despite his apology for antisemitism, Ford was all smiles when decorated in 1938 by the Third Reich with the Grand Cross of the German Eagle. …..How […]
The mysterious Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia is lined up with the sun at spring and is full of the number 72, which is one-fifth […]
Ein Kamerad entsetzte sich über Verleumdungen meiner Person. Naja, so ist die Menschheit, auch die Gebildeststen, voller Ich und Getratsche. Es gibt Leute, die Himmel […]
Ja, warum greift Putin die Juden nicht offen an, wie es einst Khaddafi tat? (Hier mit Bajonett im Rectum) ….Mutiger Kamerad schieb: Lieber Herr de […]
SOOOOOOO scary – they hacked two black bands onto my site . (To a comrade and supporter) . Morning, brother T[]! . How was your […]
The Jewish War on the Kennedys [11:32:56 AM] P: How will your new religion be formulated? [11:34:01 AM] John de Nugent: Well, first, I am […]
Hope and victory are around the corner. The Jews’hatred of me is infinite and so is my love for our race, our nations, our freedoms, […]
Une prédiction d’Hitler sur Israà«l vérifiée Publié par le 3 Déc, 2016 | 29 Commentaires [source:] Traduction de l’article de Diversity Macht Frei. Times of […]
1. “In einer Schrift finden wir eine bemerkenswerte Aussage des Buddha, die er zu der Zeit machte, als er in Indien lebte. Siddhartha Gautama, von […]
I dyed my hair black as a visual aid for this blog. …….Moonlight Sonata beauty makes little boy cry Tyler Noftz tearing up […]
Polnische Jugend bewundert Hitler ”Tod den Haken-Nasen” Mehr als die Hälfte der polnischen Jugend besucht Antisemitische Internetseiten, glorifizieren Hitler und den Nationalsozialismus TEILEN: Facebook […]
…Every jew in the Mossad is on my site This whole blog entry page has been literally jumping around as I attempt to type on it. […]
There is no doubt that Trump is the hot-tempered, egotistical Patton, back for another war. In looks, nature and mission, he is the same, almost […]
…..See also ….Podesta and “Spirit Cooking” . ……See also . . …..Multikultistan: A house of horrors for ordinary Germans . To: […]
Rheinwiesenlager-Gedenken in Bretzenheim Veröffentlicht von: Trutzgauer-Bote.infoam: 3. November 2016in: DEUTSCHES REICH / OSTMARK, Geschichte, Revisionismus2 Kommentare Drucken per e-Mail teilen Ein Beitrag von Gerd Ittner […]
I hope we soon get a Putin/Trump team. Putin Responds to Insane White Genocide Agenda in Europe, Explains Russia Won’t be Doing That Andrew […]
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