This is an Ontonaqon gal whom I know who is of hard-working German heritage, and actually, lady that she is, also a fine roofer. I was floored to hear she is in jail for drugs and about to be extradited to another and very faraway state. I know her son as well, her one offspring, a fine lad who also did some good work for me. In the old days, before Whites ever got hooked on drugs, a babe like this would have met an up-and-coming young white fellow, married him, settled down, and borne him four or five good white kids. Her husband would have been a real man, with military service behind him, a solid provider who made a good income for them all.
…….How the Yiddish Empire attacked China and wickedly hooked it on opium
(I get SOOOO tired of hearing this bashing of “Anglo-Saxons.” When America or Britain does something wicked, look who REALLY controls them!) And the “British” East India Company was heavily owned by jews. One example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Salvador
John, it’s sad how this world tries to ruin our women. But it’s also a test to weed out bad Aryan dna. Nature weeds out the weak. Civilisation weakens us and we need to go back to nature as our forebears lived in unity with tribe/race/nature/reincarnation- 🙂
I hope this woman will be OK.
Used! https://johndenugent.com/making-mistakes-is-acceptable-lying-is-not-new-russian-defense-minister-in-quotes-the-reincarnation-of-suvorov/
Bellissimo articolo.
È stata sorprendente la reincarnazione 🙂