The true enemy of all; some white slaves; the searing, mostly fair, accurate film “Twelve Years a Slave”

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White men by the thousands were  “impressed” (or “dragooned”) into the Royal Navy. Whites were literally tied up, abducted in a cart, and brought aboard a ship for a good beating. Those white sailors were truly white slaves, and could be whipped with a “cat o’ nine tails,” a hand whip to use on WHITE sailors. Or they could be hanged for “mutiny” — disobedience toward a navy which they had never voluntarily joined, and created to expand an empire which gave poor whites nothing.


While black slaves received a huge amount of sympathy in abolitionalist Massachusetts, this is how white textile workers then lived: White children as young as 6 worked 20 or 30 hours a week. Kids as young as nine worked 55 hours a week. The temperature was set at 130 degrees and the air was kept humid so the threads would not fray. If your arm or leg was ripped off by a spinning lathe or loom, you were fired — no medical insurance, no disability and no retirement check.
As a white worker, and unlike black slaves, you got NO free health care, and no three free meals a day. And yes, factory bosses (often Jewish) took advantage sexually of their white female workers, who often desperately needed to keep their job. (See the Leo Frank case, below, where a Jew raped and strangle a white 13-year-old girl, then tried, with his top lawyers, paid by New York Jewry, tried — and still tries today — to blame it on two black employees, Newt Lee or then Jim Conley.)


I and Margaret met today a friendly, competent black professional, also a Georgetown alumnus, and he expressed an interest in my views. We talked very briefly about race, Trump, and the need to get along.

We also got into slavery and the past as well, and I raised the issue of who actually originated the modern African slave trade, the shocking slavery book The Secret History of Blacks and Jews, and Twelve Years a Slave. (See below).

This refers to the movie and the book by an actual, abducted, free-born northern black, a violinist named Solomon Northrup, who was tricked into coming to Washington DC for a well-paid musical gig,


was knocked out by something put in his food, and woke up in a slave pen and got his first beating — to teach him he was now an “unfree” man.

He was soon auctioned off by a Richmond, Virginia slave auctioneer who was clearly depicted, between the lines, as a Jew.

(I saw the film, then read the entire book, which is less politically correct.)


My black friend Jim Rawls had urged me in 2014 to at least see the movie, and I did. It was pretty balanced and it showed both rotten and noble whites, including a so-to-speak kind white slave owner who stayed up all night with a shotgun to protect Northrup from a horrendous white slave overseer.

For months, Channel 6 in Marquette, UP of Michigan, has wanted to interview me about allthis, starting way back when the Charlottesville, Virginia event and car tragedy happened. (Btw, the white woman who died there was not hit by the car, but died of a heart attack partly caused by obesity and partly by the shock of seeing the car hit all the others.)

The real Heather Heyer was not the foxy activist gal the media showed over and over.



Her own mother confirms she was not hit by the car, either.

Nor do they mention the white nationalist whose car hit the crowd was half-Jewish via his mother (thus actually Jewish by rabbinic law), and he was on psych-meds to boot. (IMO, it is possible he was also a classic Manchurian Candidate, as in the very serious CIA book and the Denzel Washington/Merryl Streep movie. He certainly succeeded in causing what the system wanted, massive PR damage to white nationalism.)

Soon I will publish my goals for the multiracial reality of America today and how to go forward, not backward. No multiracial empire has ever NOT collapsed. Maybe America will be different.

Analyzing correctly the new movie “Twelve Years a Slave”  is very relevant to my forthcoming struggle.

Why? Because a NEW White-Black alliance against the one real enemy of all Gentiles is in the making —


…..and I wish to make it happen.


It shall save both our communities, devastated by drugs, THE DEATH OF THE FAMILY, and Mexican and Chinese cheap labor.

And we need a new national leader now so we do not get into World War Three with the Russians!


And would we even win it?



Russian Sukhoi-24 jet fighter; Russia has 10,000 hydrogen bombs.


A first little art pic of me and my Black supporter, who is pro-White and pro-Black at the same time. How can any responsible Black leader support the downfall of the Whites who, EVEN just from a practical point of view alone, aside from their right to live, are a historically productive, law-abiding “goose laying golden eggs” for everyone? And also, as he said to some Black Muslims: “You want me to believe in the ‘blue-eyed devil’? Brothers, I know too many Black devils!” 😉

We did a very good radio show in 2014 but had no funds to develop a big audience.

  • John D. NugentI just blocked a turkey who erupted “Why’d you watch that shit [the movie “Twelve Years A Slave”]?” I dunno, maybe for the reasons outlined in my thread? 😉
  • John D. NugentIf you cannot and will not read, and wish only to flame, pls stay away from me. You are not an Aryan, which means NOBLE; you are a “n—-r”-hating whigger who is committed to blaming all White problems on other races. How is it so “White” to not read, and instead flip out and spout hate at any new idea?
  • John D. NugentFurther, as I have proved, Whites are less than 50% of the current US population. WE MUST FORM ALLIANCES.
  • John D. NugentAnd Blacks are the most antisemitic demographic in the US.
  • John D. Nugent… “29% of African-Americans hold antisemitic views.”

    New York, NY, November 3, 2011 … A nationwide survey of the American people rele See More
    • Jeff Switalski During the Golden Age of sail, many thousands if not 100’s of thousands of young men, young white European men, were ‘Shanghai’ed’ into service/slavery to serve aboard ships for many years. “Press Gangs” worked the taverns and brothels around seafaring towns, clubbed sober and drunken men, and brought them aboard ships against their will. These men served tours lasting many years, often being flogged, put on 1/4 rations or broken down with scurvey. Many were killed in a battle or lost limbs during their servitude. So many never saw their home again and their loved ones never knew what had happened to them. These are based on true incidents, so you see, John, as in a card game, I see your ONE Black slave and raise you 500,000+ Indo-Europeans.
    • Mark LehmannFunny how you say the movie was sensationalized by jews in hollywood considering they owned and founded the slave trade..I agree it’s anti-white propaganda…
    • John D. NugentTo Jeff Switalski: Very good point about men being “impressed” (or “dragooned”) into the Royal Navy, and an absolute fact. Those sailors were truly slaves, and could be whipped or hanged for disobedience in an navy they had never voluntarily joined.
      A British “cat o’ nine tails,” a hand whip to use on sailors.Cat-o'-nine-tails
      And from what I read, there was too much homosexuality also on those all-male warships, and a bigger man might dominate a smaller one. So it was in many ways comparable to black slavery in terms of sexual coercion, but actually even worse. At least black-white sex, if not consensual, was heterosexual….. but on British warships there was forced homosexual sex.
      I think African-Americans and White liberals both need to know that the subjugation of humans has been going on for thousands of years and in every race and culture.
    • John D. NugentThere was also the issue of white indentured servants, as in Michael Hoffman’s book “They Were White and They Were Slaves.”

      Given the high death rate, many servants did not live to the end of their terms.[8] In the 18th and early 19th century, numerous Europeans traveled to the colonies as redemptioners, a form of indenture.[14]

      Indentured servants were a separate category from bound apprentices. The latter were American-born children, usually orphans or from an impoverished family who could not care for them. They were under the control of courts and were bound out to work as an apprentice until a certain age. Two famous bound apprentices were Benjamin Franklin who illegally fled his apprenticeship to his brother, and Andrew Johnson, who later became President of the United States.[15]

      George Washington used indentured servants;[16] in April 1775, he offered a reward for the return of two runaway white servants.[17]

    • John D. NugentAnd what was the gulag in the Soviet Union but slavery of millions of innocent people, run by Bolshevik JEWS?
    • John D. NugentAnd what is a drug dealer of today if not a slave owner? The whole purpose of addictive drugs is to create a slave who must come up with huge sums of money regularly by work or theft to feed his habit. A woman who has to prostitute herself — rent her body for sex — to buy her heroin, crack or whatever, is a SLAVE. And her pimp is her slave owner who keeps all, or almost all her money, and beats her so she “works better.”
    • John D. NugentHow often in Natrona, Pennsylvania have I seen white girls on drugs with their black pimp? If that is not slavery, what is?

….On “Twelve Years A Slave”

John D. Nugent

I watched last night the heart-rending movie “Twelve Years A Slave.” Very difficult for me as a proud White man to watch.
  • I emphasize that this event actually happened (I read much of the book myself by Northrup ,
     and several articles on it, and it does ring true).
    The Northrups were a White family from my native Rhode Island who had slaves, moved to New York State with them, and then freed them there.
    And this crime was just part of a phenomenon of Free northern Blacks being abducted and sold at huge profit down South.
  • John D. NugentBtw, in Northrup’s actual book, he describes his encounter with the Jew slave-pen owner Goodin in Richmond, Virginia:
    A description of the Jew slave trader (not that plenty of White gentile scumbags had not already been very involved in this atrocious betrayal, abduction, beatings, etc.)!
    A typical newspaper ad by a Jew selling slaves

    Anyway, the key point I was making was the identity of the big Richmond, Virginia slave trader.

    On pages 58-60, here you go, Mr. Jew, the big cheese:

    “At Fredericksburg we were transferred from the stage coach to a car, and before dark arrived in Richmond, the chief city of Virginia. At this city we were taken from the cars, and driven through the street to a slave pen, between the railroad depot and the river, kept by a Mr. Goodin.

    Northrup was born FREE in upstate New York, drugged, beaten viciously and abducted in Washinton DC (a slave area) and taken to Richmond, Virginia for the Big Jew Goodin to sell him.


    [I looked up various “Goodins” in Google Images, and many, though not all of them, were Jews. Here is one of them, and obviously not a “regular white guy” by his looks and complection:


    Here is another “Goodin,” an older bodybuilder (and maybe a queer, based on my experience)]


    This pen is similar to Williams’ in Washington, except it is somewhat larger; and besides, there were two small houses standing at opposite corners within the yard. These houses are usually found within slave yards, being used as rooms for the examination of human chattels by purchasers before concluding a bargain. Unsoundness in a slave, as well as in a horse, detracts materially from his value. If no warranty is given, a close examination is a matter of particular importance to the negro jockey.

    Page 59 We were met at the door of Goodin’s yard by that gentleman himself—a short, fat man, with a round, plump face, black hair and whiskers, and a complexion almost as dark as some of his own negroes.

    (Maybe a bit like Leo Frank-defending historian Dinnerstein?)


    He had a hard, stern look, and was perhaps about fifty years of age. Burch and he met with great cordiality. They were evidently old friends. Shaking each other warmly by the hand, Burch remarked he had brought some company, inquired at what time the brig would leave, and was answered that it would probably leave the next day at such an hour. Goodin then turned to me, took hold of my arm, turned me partly round, looked at me sharply with the air of one who considered himself a good judge of property, and as if estimating in his own mind about how much I was worth. “Well, boy, where did you come from?”

    Forgetting myself, for a moment, I answered, “From New-York.” “New-York! H–l! What have you been doing up there?” was his astonished interrogatory.

    Observing Burch at this moment looking at me with an angry expression that conveyed a meaning it was not difficult to understand, I immediately said, “O, I have only been up that way a piece,” in a manner intended to imply that although I might have been as far as New-York, yet I wished it distinctly understood that I did not belong to that free State, nor to any other.

    Goodin then turned to Clem, and then to Eliza and Page 60 the children, examining them severally, and asking various questions. He was pleased with Emily, as was every one who saw the child’s sweet countenance. She was not as tidy as when I first beheld her; her hair was now somewhat disheveled; but through its unkempt and soft profusion there still beamed a little face of most surpassing loveliness. “Altogether we were a fair lot—a devilish good lot,” he said, enforcing that opinion with more than one emphatic adjective not found in the Christian vocabulary. “

Here is the trailer:

(The music is by the awesome German genius Hans Zimmer.)

  • Giovanni Giustiniani Longo, Remmic Lewis, Chantelle de la Rey and 3 others like this.
  • John D. NugentIt was based on the true story of a free Black man in upstate New York in 1841, Solomon Northrup, who was lured south by two White scumbags to perform as a musician. (He was an excellent violinist, and needed the money to support his wife and three kids)….
    ……then abducted, beaten to a pulp in a Washington DC slave pen, and made into a slave.
  • Jim RawlsBut is was White men who saved him !!!


  • John D. NugentYes, indeed, a Mr. Parker, who moved heaven and earth to rescue him, and a white sheriff in Louisiana who stormed in, confronted the sadistic slave owner Epps, and got Northrup out of the cotton fields of his enslavement. The whole story has been verified, and reveals the horrific practice of kidnapping northern Blacks and making them slaves down South, as well as the very dark and evil practice of slavery and especially the wickedness of certain slave owners. Other Whites the movie shows to have been compassionate, such as a Mr. Ford, who accepted slavery as a reality but sought to make it milder, and for example, not break up Black families at the auction block.
  • John D. NugentI would recommend this movie to all ENLIGHTENED White nationalists, though of course it is sensationalized by the Jews in Hollywood. One of the producers is the infamous Israeli Jew and arms dealer Arnon Milchan, who produced the movie “JFK,” which blames everyone but the Jews for the murder of John Kennedy.
  • John D. NugentThe movie disturbed me, however, greatly in other ways.
  • John D. NugentAs a stand-alone, it would be perfect to incite Black hatred today against Whites.
  • John D. Nugent80% of the Whites in the movie are either evil or indifferent.
  • John D. NugentOr outright psychopaths.
  • Constantin von HoffmeisterThe movie is anti-white propaganda.
  • Constantin von HoffmeisterThe portrayal of the evil Southerners was cartoonish.
  • John D. NugentWell, its effect can be that, if it stands alone. And everyone should also know that 350,000 white people fought and died in mud and blood from 1861-65, also far from home, to end this horrific “institution,” a degrading obscenity which the JEWS introduced into this land that was designed for man’s freedom.
  • Constantin von HoffmeisterWhy does nobody ever mention the fact that the black slaves were sold by black chiefs in Africa? Blacks are just as guilty as whites when it comes to slavery.


  • John D. NugentYes, CvH, Black chiefs did raid neighboring villages and captured their fellow Blacks and brought them in neck stocks down to the beach. And I feel an urgent need to add that Southerners objected also to slavery (such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and many others) and the colonial legislatures of both Virginia and Georgia voted to ban the slave trade, but the Royal Governors, on orders from the Jew-controlled King of England, revoked the laws, because they made the king and the Jews filthy rich off this stupendous tragedy.
  • John D. NugentFor example, Solomon Northrup (the abducted free Black from New York State), “cost” one thousand dollars, which was like $100,000 today. It cost only a few hundred dollars in today’s money to get him into the south, where he was drugged in a restaurant and woke up in chains, and then suffered his first terrible beating.
  • Constantin von HoffmeisterSlavery was a horrible injustice, no doubt about it. Not to mention the fact that America is still paying for it in terms of black crime and destruction of inner cities (like Detroit and St. Louis). Blacks should have never been brought to America.
  • John D. NugentWhat is ominous about this movie is that it could be used to stoke a race war. While its details are basically all true, if Hollywoodized, it leaves out the disgust many Whites, north and south, felt toward slavery. In fact, much of the South itself refused to join the Confederacy, including the entire Appalachian mountain range, which was 1/4 of the South (outside of Texas).
    Constantin von HoffmeisterWhich parts of the South refused to join?

    John D. NugentAll of Kentucky; what became West Virginia; eastern Tennessee, western North Carolina and South Carolina; northern Alabama, etc.

  • John D. NugentThe movie also leaves out that Whites in the factories up north lived almost worse off than the Blacks. They did not have three guaranteed meals a day, or medical care. White children worked ten hours a day in factories that were extremely dangerous (see my Mary Phagan story, which was partly about White children in factories in the Deep South and in Atlanta, and this happened AFTER the Civil War)
Mary was a pretty 13-year-old who worked ten hours a day in this pencil factory. Her Jewish boss raped and murdered her when she, unlike other girls, refused his sexual advances and his threats to fire females who did not submit.
Autopsy photo
The Jew Leo Frank was finally lynched after five courts, over a two-year-period, found him guilty but a crooked governor, taking Jewish bribes, still sought to get him off. Yes, White people got lynched too, even this Jew businessman and official.
Frank ended up a tree ornament after two long years of public outrage boiled over.  The Jew had even tried to frame two innocent Blacks — his own employees, just as Mary Phagan was — for HIS crime of rape and murder!
All three JEWS (hardly “antisemites”!) on the grand jury voted to indict Frank, who was 100% blatantly guilty! And SIXTEEN of his female employees said he had sexually harassed them!
Five courts and two juries found him indictable or guilty: the Fulton County, Georgia grand jury (the one with the three Jews), the Fulton County murder-trial jury, the Ga. Court of Appeals, the Ga. Supreme Court and TWICE the United States Supreme Court!
Frank was so obviously guilty of this pedophilic rape-murder that FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SOUTHERN HISTORY a white jury sentenced another white man (that is, this Jew) to death on the basis of the testimony of a black man, yes, a white businessman was hanged on the word of a black janitor, and this was back in the heighday of lynching!
Going back to conditions for white factory-worker children in the 1800s — at the same time as most Blacks were slaves — in the case of textile mills, they were heated to 130 degrees and kept extremely humid so the thread would not fray. If a child’s arm was ripped off by the spinning lathe, he was fired on the spot. No disability insurance, no unemployment insurance, no unions — just go away and starve.

34 minutes ago · Like · 1

  • John D. NugentOf course, these miserable White factory workers could still leave and try somehow to go elsewhere, unlike Black slaves, who were whipped or even hanged, and whose women were sexually taken advantage of as “owner property,” as this movie also shows.
  • John D. NugentAs I pointed out also to a Black friend, every White man or woman on this planet descends from White serfs or slaves. 90% of the white race lived once under the Roman Empire, which was one-third SLAVE. Later, 80% of Whites in Europe in the Dark and Middle Ages were serfs, who were basically slaves that could not be bought or sold, but otherwise had no freedom whatsoever: no freedom to move, to change jobs, to get an education, to express their opinions, to worship God as they chose, or to own weapons such as swords or, later on, guns. Their lords controlled everything about thelilfe or a serf — and those serfs, our ancestors, were WHITE. So Blacks have no monopoly on suffering and lack of freedom. Enslavement of other human beings has gone on in many cultures and many epochs of human history and has been perpetrated by men of all races.
  • John D. NugentThe real issue is the psychopaths in all races who see other human beings as objects to use and abuse:

    Psychopaths in Power Does psychopathy enable world leaders to become mass murder See More
    Whatever differences and grievances Black and White people have today with each other over the past or the present, our real enemy is 1) the Jews and 2) the other psychopaths who are found in our own races!

……See also

For African-Americans: Part 1

…..Psychopathy in our leaders (religious, political, financial, and in entertainment)

Henry Kissinger, one of the premier monsters of our time, is seen here photographing a child, Nicole Cianci, who later killed herself using heroin, ( …. With his hand on her head is her father, the mayor of Providence, Rhode Island, Buddy Cianci, who later did five years for extortion; next to them is my father, James Waddell Nugent.


Chelsea Clinton wearing an inverted, satanic cross


FILE – AUGUST 24: Donald Trump has called for the investigation of the Clinton Foundation, further intensifying scrutiny on the institution. LOS ANGELES – AUGUST 1: Former U.S. President Bill Clinton speaks during a press conference announcing a partnership between The Clinton Climate Initiative and Large Cities Climate Leadership Group as the Mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa (L) and British Prime Minister Tony Blair look on August 1, 2006 in Los Angeles, California. The partnership aims to fight climate change through the reduction of pollutants which contribute to global warming. (Photo by J. Emilio Flores/Getty Images)

Around 2000, the logo of the supposedly super-patriotic and family-values Republican Party changed from American stars to inverted pentagrams. George W. Bush even appointed a jewish homosexual, Ken Mehlman, in 2004, as chairman of the party.

1999 —- 2000


The Pentagon — its cornerstone was laid on September 11, 1941.


Inside the pentagram (a five-pointed star) a pentagon fits, a five-sided object

The sign of Baphomet (Satan)



  1. “Twelve Years” is just one more Jewish produced “hate-whitey” movie, intended to inflame black audiences, leading to more black-on-white violence and to induce unnecessary feelings of guilt in white audiences. The movie avoids the fact of huge Jewish involvement in the slave trade over millennia. They are still doing it in Israel. They lure Eastern European white young women to Israel with offers of good jobs. The jobs turn out to be in brothels.

    Check that out.

    • I avoided the movie myself, suspecting the same, until just a few days ago.

      Unfortunately, the movie is based on a true incident.

      My goal is to understand African-Americans and help them understand us as well — and the real enemy, the Jew and the Chinese.

      Btw, I suspect you did not see the movie, which should temper your critique. It is not “just” a hate-whitey movie, though that is surely the intent of the Jew producers. (I remember the 1970s Jew movie “Mandingo,” which was definitely a hate-whitey movie about slavery.)

      I can say this after seeing the movie: Were the roles reversed, we would definitely hate “blackey.” If you were abducted at age thirty and taken from your wife, three kids and home to be a slave for 12 years to black people who whipped you, you might not be too overjoyed either. 😉

  2. Here an interesting video of an interview with Rabii Josef Antebi, who opposes Zionism and the state of Israel:
    Your move to join the blacks in fighting against corruption is very good, but you can in fact join any race and especially those Jews like Rabbi Antebi, because they all suffer from the corruption level of the power “elite”. The corrupt part of the world power elite consists of members of all races, too. So the fight has to be integrity against corruption and not race A against race B. Too many good examples of extreme performance and integrity in ANY race have proven, that integrity and political competence is not a matter of race. It’s true that some Jews excelled in corruption extremely well, but even if they would be all dead, the remaining corrupt whites, blacks, reds, yellows, browns would accumulate to the same world corruption level. So the real fight begins where you convince anybody of any race to turn around from corrupt life to a life of integrity.
    Best greetings and wishes from Christoph Messner in York, PA

  3. White-black alliance — better late than never. Most are aware of what ‘desegregation’ did to whites. Very few, however, understand how it devastated the vast majority of blacks, those who were neither shyster-lawyer types co-opted by the Jews — nor their underclass alter-egos — the top-of-the-heap criminals. The average Black and the average White are the victim.

  4. South Africa is only 9% white, but they support and maintain the most economically powerful nation in Africa. This miserable equilibrium may continue for a very long time to come before the ultimate disaster.

    • Well, I see the Chinese as taking over there with the Jews’ blessing, and providing the “hard-working” element as whites die out, are killed or leave. Once the Chinese have the upper hand, the blacks there will find out, as do African-Americans here, what East Asians really think of them.

  5. I’m not so sure about the potency of the Han Chinese. Yes, there are a billion of them, but the one-child policy has introduced them to the conveniences of one to none child parenting. Even ROC China has developed this mindset. The pursuit of comforts and trinkets has derailed parenthood.

    On top of demographic problems, China also has a geography problem similar to what Germany faced in the 20th century.

    • It was a well-done movie (Brad Pitt has a brief role in it, btw), and accurately reflected some realities back then.

      But all slavery was horrible, including in ancient Rome, where millions of whites were slaves of other whites.

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