Thinking about his heritage; the trembling president; is America doomed? — a weird prophecy

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British newspaper reporting on my help for British activist Jack Sen when he ran for Parliament — he got 13% even when his UKIP party denounced him! 


(From Robert Mühlbauer, a Facebook friend of mine in Germany) Military photo of the day for May 14th, 2017…My grandmother Erika Rademacher’s photo from WWI, circa 1917-18..She was, as you can see, a nurse with the Imperial German Army. She was killed, along with her husband, my grandfather, in the WWII Allied bombing of Dresden in 1945. 🙁


Kirk Mcmillian
Kirk Mcmillian Condolences to Holocaust victims family survivors

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· 14 hrs · Edited


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Yes, there were two real Holocausts: of the Germans 1944-1949 and of the Russians 1917-57.

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· 14 hrs


John de Nugent

Write a reply…
Za Danielle
Za Danielle She’s beautiful 🌷

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· 14 hrs


Ken Simpson
Ken Simpson Terrible outcome, terrible deed.

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· 14 hrs


Daniel De Lorenzo
Daniel De Lorenzo Lord have mercy

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· 14 hrs


Jeanice Barcelo

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· 14 hrs


Dylan Andrew
Dylan Andrew A very beautiful woman. Edwardian era women were so delicately beautiful- look at the Romanov daughters for instance, they look like rare, exquisite creatures from a dream world.

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· 13 hrs


John de Nugent
John de Nugent It was also a chivalrous age. Old-fashioned views, especially of women as being born mothers. Women were legally not allowed to vote, and were encouraged to be dedicated to husband and kids. In effect, it was a glorification of the feminine.

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· 12 hrs


John de Nugent
John de Nugent When men were men, and women glad of it. 😉

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· 12 hrs


Dylan Andrew
Dylan Andrew Thank you for recognising the era for what it was. The Victorian era for instance had nothing to do with oppression of women, rather you get a sense of ‘the glorification of the feminine’ as you say. If women were so hated and despised back then, then why weren’t they sent as cannon fodder onto the battle fields? How would traditions such as holding a door open for a lady, having women and children leave a sinking ship first etc. have come about? Women were respected, and treated very well. I like the idea of men and women being like different elements- men like fire, women like water. Both different elements but both equally invaluable to human life. And you do not try to make fire into water or water into fire.


Dylan Andrew
Dylan Andrew A woman’s traditional role as a mother is every bit as crucial as a man’s work- in fact you could argue that a woman’s work as a mother is even more important than a man’s- they create, via their nurturing, the next generation. Great people come from healthy homes. The home is every bit as important to life as anything else, it is the wellspring greatness comes from. Women stood proudly beside their men, not behind them, and not in front of them. It was an equal partnership.

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· 12 hrs


Dylan Andrew
Dylan Andrew Another thing: do men or women today seem even remotely happy to you? I see nothing but deeply unhappy people about me today.

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· 12 hrs


Carl Valentine
Carl Valentine I blame the jews.

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· 12 hrs


Neil A. Bucklew
Neil A. Bucklew soon we must go beyond blame

· Reply · 11hrs

Renate Loewenzahn
Renate Loewenzahn Yes, about 400.000 people got killed in Dresden. It was full of refugees running from the Russians. History speaks about 25.000 people killed. They are downplaying where it suits them and playing up numbers where they like it, too.

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· 11 hrs


Dylan Andrew
Dylan Andrew I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the figure was even higher. Remember not every refugee was counted, the city population had swelled due to the influx, and it was impossible to accurately get an estimate of the numbers of murdered simply because many victims were turned to ash, or in some cases, liquid. The heat in some places was enough to turn sandstone to liquid.

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· 11 hrs


Renate Loewenzahn
Renate Loewenzahn Yes, my uncle was an apprentice in the Belvedere Hotel at the Elbe river terraces in Dresden. After the first attack, my grandpa traveled 35 km to the burning city, went underground into the sewer system and came out at the hotel where he saw his son tSee More

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· 11 hrs


Dylan Andrew
Dylan Andrew Planes returned the next day to shoot survivors as well, as they ran through the streets to escape.

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· 11 hrs


Renate Loewenzahn
Renate Loewenzahn Lately they do not even celebrate Victory Day in Canada any more.

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· 11 hrs


Dylan Andrew
Dylan Andrew In Dresden recently, on the anniversary of the bombing, evil leftists held up signs saying ”bomber Harris do it again” as a response to the city’s residents less than welcoming attitude towards the invading negroes and muslims.

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Renate Loewenzahn
Renate Loewenzahn These people are totally delusional following Annetta Kahane who screamed in congress “Germany must perish”.

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· 11 hrs


Dylan Andrew
Dylan Andrew They need to listen to the politician who told them to forget their guilt. Even if the holocaust did happen, the Germans have nothing to feel guilty about! They weren’t even born then, how can they possibly feel guilty about it? But their current attitude just proves to me that it never happened, as people do not turn from murderers to saints that easily. The Germans are just showing themselves to be motivated by what they have always been motivated by- the desire to do the right thing, and be good people.

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· 11 hrs


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Dylan Andrew My own extensive experience with the Germans was that –unless totally New York-Americanized, as many of recent generations now are, 72 years after the US Occupation began — the real Germans are a very decent people.

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· 3 hrs


Dylan Andrew
Dylan Andrew John de Nugent I know this sounds naive but I would trust them with my life. Remember this military stuff is a very recent aspect of their history- they were always known as dreamers and thinkers.

· Reply · 1 hr

Angela Sommer
Angela Sommer -:(((( She was very beautiful too

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· 11 hrs


John de Nugent
John de Nugent What scares me is the vision of this Van Rensburg that a divine judgment is coming on England and America. In 1917 he foretold both Obama and Trump, it would seem, and a new Germany, which I can only interpret as the Reich Germans in the Antarctic and Andes, not of course the Angela Merkel regime!

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· 2 hrs · Edited


John de Nugent
John de Nugent We associate beauty like Erika’s unconsciously with heaven, because we temporarily go there between lives, and the beings we interact with who guide us, or try to… 😉 are incredibly handsome/beautiful. This is why the line in a poem by Alphone de Lamartine resonates so much in me: “Man is a fallen god who remembers the heavens.” 😉
……Think of the phrase “looks like a Greek god”….

· Reply · 8 mins


John de Nugent
John de Nugent AND we all know WHO reviles beauty, and the western beauty standard….. the neo-neanderpeople…..every chance they get, architecturally, through pop culture, and now also through normalising obesity and criminalising “fat shaming.” Horrid, horrid people, killing off the beauty.


Great upheavals are ahead and this is why, in my opinion, “signs” keep happening to me.

FBI HQ in Washington DC


I just had the weirdest experience, or not weird. 😉

I walked into the local tavern ¦Here in Ontonagon.

A very attractive young barmaid.. grew up here; knows everyone and everyone knows her. She stared at me open-mouthed..  Said “I just had a dream about you.”

She said “the word is the FBI is in town ¦”

(..An isolated town of 1500 ¦)


“I dreamed there were a bunch of us [white women] in a hot tub, and this guy named Stacey came in, and you were the bouncer for us ¦.”

” ¦And this guy just shot you right in the forehead”..

“And I called the police, and you said ˜tell the gods I am coming.”

I asked if she often had dreams like that, and she said “Never.”

PT Morelli Any update on that phone message?
John de Nugent
John de Nugent PT Morelli The sheriff called me to say the FBI was concerned that I had sent an email to an antifa that supposedly scared him.
Andrew Kelley
Andrew Kelley It might get a little crazy before it’s over?
John de Nugent

John de Nugent Scary? ¦. If I do not succeed, WWIII is coming, an all-out war with Russia, and most of the US will be annihilated in a nuclear holocaust. ¦/signs-of-the-great-crisis ¦/


¦ ¦White House phone threat of November 2015


¦ ¦..Going a new path in every way

PT Morelli
PT Morelli That was very intense to watch. And the music went just right with the story. We live in trying times. We are setting the precedent for generations of Whites. I’d hate to be that generation who did nothing but talk about it. The Germans woke up, and that awakened generation will forever be respected as long as White people exist. Things are happening around us tho. I do sense that we are entering a point in our existence where we are going to be forced into the fight and that will be when we will earn our place in history as a generation that did something about what we had been talking about. Excellent presentation!

· Reply · 1 min

John de Nugent
John de Nugent PT Morelli Thank you,comrade. With financial support this Marine will do far more than videos.
PT Morelli
PT Morelli Like, rally and lead our great White Generals to Valhalla?👌🏻👍🏻✌🏻️
John de Nugent
John de Nugent PT Morelli Create a warlike Aryan religion whose effect on whites is like that of Islam on Arabs, defeminizing whites.

· Reply ·


· 21 mins · Edited


……White South African prophet predicted in 1917 that someone exactly like Trump would start WWIII with Russia

Signs of the Great Crisis that Donald Trump Will Trigger; a South African seer prophecies WWIII


am editing for an incredible interview with an Afrikaner who has quoted to me the details of astounding prophecies from 1917, one hundred years ago, indicating that Donald Trump will start World War Three, and this insane and pointless war will devastate Russia, annihilate England, wipe out several European nations, and leave the USA itself a minor, inconsequential power that will not be able to bother and interfere with anyone for decades. Ninety percent of the whites on this earth will die. But a branch of the German nation will aid the white South Africans to survive and win a horrific war, and our race will survive down there as the masters of their destiny and the undestroyed African continent.

UNLESS WE CHANGE THINGS VERY SOON, this is the prophecy. Just a month ago, the idea of Donald Trump abandoning “America First” to become a saber-rattling warmonger, praising NATO and picking fights with Syria, North Korea, Iran and Russia seemed utterly absurd, did it not?

But look at now!


The Seer Nicholas Van Rensburg

You can subscribe to www. to hear this.


I have blogged repeatedly about that amazingly un-p.c. crop circle that appeared in England on 8/8/15.

John de Nugent

Crop Circles 2015 Ox Drove Nr. Bowerchalke Wiltshire. Reported 8th August 2015. All my videos are © all rights reserved and are not to be used without my per ¦
John de Nugent
John de Nugent In numerology August is the eight month, it is the 8th day, and the year was 2015 = 2+1+5, also equalling 8. So Aug. 8, 2015 in numerology equals 888. “8” is also the number of Saturn and the sign of Capricorn: discipline, details, struggle, patience, and hard work.


John de Nugent

John de Nugent As the Most Evil Tyrant Ever once said: ¦/those-who-want-to-live-let ¦




John de Nugent
John de Nugent The symbol is of course the Black Sun, which is three swastikas inside two wheels.


John de Nugent

John de Nugent The location is here, in England: ¦/location-map-bowchalke ¦




John de Nugent

John de Nugent Here is the exact location: ¦/location-map-close-zoom-2 ¦

On August 27, 2016  Beckhampton, near Avebury, also in Wiltshire, England


John de Nugent

John de Nugent The truth is that in 1944-45, realizing the war would be lost, the Reich evacuated its topmost scientists (NOT the rocket guys around Wernher von Braun, or the jet guys, or the tank guys either) in 54 U-Boats with snorkels (no need to surface at all for air!!!!!!!!!!!!!) to the Antarctic and to the Andes Mountains in western South America. Martin Bormann also had billions of Reichmarks smuggled out as well. ¦/reich-black-sun-farrell-book ¦



John de Nugent
John de Nugent The top NS leaders all died to preserve this secret: AH, Bormann, Goebbels, etc. The Allies were to believe for a few key months that the Reich was completely vanquished everywhere on earth, with no further possibility of any serious resistance.
The Horten 229, built in 1945 as a stealth fighter-bomber jet by Germany

John de Nugent
John de Nugent In reality, a Fourth Reich, entirely military, scientific and financial, was created by immense efforts.


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Operation High Jump and the US dropping of an H-Bomb on the Antarctic in 1958 during the “International Geophysical Year” were signs how seriously the Fourth Reich was, and is, taken by the US Deep State.


John de Nugent
John de Nugent It has only five million subjects, with children from German Wehrmacht and SS men, scientists, and evacuated European and white South American women, some of them abducted models from southern Brazil and Argentina.


John de Nugent
John de Nugent It has nuclear weapons, UFOs, and incredible weapons. But so do the United States and Russia in their own black budget programs.
John de Nugent

John de Nugent It cannot liberate us from without unless we weaken the Talmudic Empire from within. Most white countries right now would not welcome them at all as liberators, fearing “the Nazis” as the incarnation of absolute evil. ¦/jew-reich-blood-evil-ah ¦




John de Nugent

John de Nugent The truth is that right now, if these came in vast armadas, Patriotards, liberals, minorities, and the military would fight them tooth- and-nail.



John de Nugent
John de Nugent They cannot save us. Unless we start the mental liberation process so enough of the masses and government forces WELCOME THEM AS TRUE LIBERATORS.


John de Nugent
John de Nugent There have been two other swastika crop circles recently:In Dorset, England in 2015 ¦/swastika-crop-circle-Fox ¦



John de Nugent

John de Nugent In Großziethen, outside BERLIN,GERMANY, also in 2015: ¦/crop-circle-kornkreis-june ¦




John de Nugent
John de Nugent Why do I know and say all this?




John de Nugent
John de Nugent I know we can win this, in an alliance with everyone of every race who despises the Khazar and rejects the genocide or enslavement of their loved ones and people!


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10,406 visits to my site yesterday, a new record ¦ ¦ It happened because I now spend $500 a month on website security. Your donations are why I am growing! 🙂 Now PLEASE read this if you read NOTHING ELSE today, and consider joining my supporters worldwide:


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