Trump and his new allies as “the Avengers.” For all my respect for them, America has Stage IV cancer — jewry has spread throughout the body — and not one of these intelligent and otherwise brave Americans dares to even speak of the disease that is KILLING us.
WWIII is still very much a danger due to jewish power, starting with Israel vs Iran.
Once again, this will be MY task.
And who better to go full-Hitler? 😉
……Things moving Trump’s way again
New Trump ad (see the vid below) shows gigantic move to him by sincere old-style Democrats, true liberals, not leftist totalitarians. This Kennedy-Shanahan endorsement of Trump and “Make America Healthy Again” slogan are brilliant and long overdue. And I feel better because Kennedy will stand up to Trump if he says anything crazy, and Trump knows he needs Kennedy-Shanahan.
As for our health and chronic diseases (one in two kids now have one!!!!) I know a pretty gal here in Ontonagon, a wife and mother, who told me she has to prepare THREE DIFFERENT THANKSGIVING MEALS because of lethal food allergies in her extended family. This food-allergy thing was unheard of when I was a boy, as was autism.
My whole high school in Rhode Island had ONE kid who was autistic (cruelly called a “spaz” from the word “spastic”). Today, there are dozens!
The only way Kommunist Kamala can win now is by assassinating Trump or unbelievable levels of mail-in ballots magically appearing at 3 a.m. Either way, it would result in extreme outrage. We could truly have a civil war come out of this.
I have heard people (who are gun owners and veterans) say: “If Kamala wins, this country is over.” And they mean it.
In fact, I suspect that Kamala was selected (nobody voted for her) BECAUSE she triggers visceral rejection by white MAGA types. It is beyond the intensity of Trump Derangement Syndrome; it is “Harris-Is-A-Personal-Insult-to-Me-from-the-Demoncrat-Party.”
I now conclude that our Deep State oligarchs WANT a civil war out of this, and then they achieve their real goal — martial law, where free speech and guns are “temporarily banned — but, you know, just until things cool down.”
Yeah, right. Temporary like the income tax was temporary. It was started in a “national emergency” over a civil war — by Abraham Lincoln.
Yeah, right. Temporary like the income tax was temporary. It was started in a “national emergency” over a civil war — by Abraham Lincoln.
you’re right. they want a civil war. For which they are already prepared several chess moves ahead. and the foolish goyim do nothing but react predictably.
Yes. What I see now is white people getting their hopes back up. Trump is kind-of old hat, and he was a letdown as president, but with Kennedy, Shanahan, Carlson, Musk, Vivek and Tulsi Gabbard now backing him, there are all these “new” faces, so to speak, and it feels more like a popular movement and not like a one-man band and one man’s ego.
However, I am old enough to remember the grief when JFK was killed and most of us remember 9/11. If Trump is assassinated (either before or after Election Day) or Kamala steals the election, what this would mean, IMO, is not just grief, impotent grief, but instead rage, outrage, and possibly serious nationwide violence.
Kamala Harris, for me, and for millions of others, is an insult to me as a voting America, as a veteran, and as a white civil-rights activist. Her only “qualifications” to run for president are she has a tan and a vagina! (Oh, and she is married to a jew, one of “God’s Chosen People” — according to a book they wrote.) This cackling communist bimbo is nothing but the Big Jews giving White Americans the f–k-you finger.
John De Nugent Vivek and Tulsi are on board also. And yes. a kamala installation would be a giant F-you to the american ppl.
Brian Avran Right! Vivek and Tulsi on board, too! (I just added them to my list of “new faces.” Thanks, Brian.) This is about non-Whites or part-Whites waking up to the JQ and becoming allies with us….and sincere little jews, too. If I were a jewish liberal, this daily Gaza massacre scandal would sicken me.
Brian Avran If she does win it will be because of unbelievable cheating. Also you’d better prepare because that double trouble team will go after every gun they can find, steal every freedom they can and start knocking on doors and jailing people like we now see in Britain! It will be worse than one can imagine. If people don’t understand by now they need not ever.
Mark Luth …they won’t knock.
Brian Avran you are probably right. They knock in Britain because people have no guns. Here, lots of people whom they want to arrest have guns, and would answer a knock from the FBI or cops, and especially a SWAT team, with gunfire.
….. FBI and cops come to harass a rancher (series “Fargo”)
This scene reflects the mood. There is zero respect for “the authorities” that come and harass us. They are seen as mercenaries, as agents of evil who will literally do anything for their sacred paycheck. The authorities are literally traitors. They come to harm, enslave, rob, rape (in prison this is what happens) and kill us.
And this is how George Washington and Patrick Henry came to see it — that there is no point talking with vicious psychopaths. As the Germans say, “dann müssen die Waffen sprechen.”
“Then the guns have to do the talking.”
……More stabbings in England
Hear there was a lot of stabbings at the Notting Hill festival — 8 stabbings and over 330 arrested. What’s our PM, Keir Starmer, done? He took the knee. Has he made a statement condemning the violence ?
Black people are more violent just celebrating at a carnival than white people who are actually rioting and protesting.
This is why Americans fanatically keep their guns. Being armed was of course the sine qua non of pioneer life in the 1630s when my ancestor, Thomas Angell, left England for America. You needed a rifle to hunt and to stop Indian and French attacks. But this armed status also encouraged a different mindset. We were a nation of armed, experienced riflemen who paid for our own guns. No one could talk down to us. Starmer can commit open treason and spew hatred on his own people because it is disarmed.
…..Bobby Kennedy, Jr. on spirituality, pain and synchronicity
This video confirms my view that Bobby Kennedy Junior (while too liberal for me on some issues) truly has that Kennedy greatness himself, not just the great last name or the money….He has the intelligence and the ability to move hearts and rekindle idealism.
I had no idea he was a heroin addict at 14, but that was his age when his father was murdered. His anecdote with the volleyball is exactly how these “synchronicities” happen. These are very weird “coincidences” that are a sign from God to encourage us. They prove that we are never alone as life tests us, sometimes in severe ways. I have had several such experiences myself and many other people, too, but they do not share them with strangers who might laugh at them and accuse them of making it up.
Robert Kennedy, Jr. is becoming a huge addition to Trump’s campaign, and his spirituality may counteract Trump’s rampant, obnoxious ego and vanity. His personality repels so many people who actually might like his policies on the border and on Americans getting decent-paying jobs again as in previous generations instead of China taking over this country.
……Chinese man says it like it is
…..Follow-up to blog on Creekmore and his civil-war scenario
A stunning prediction by MD Creekmore that agrees with my own experience
To me, it sounds more like they have a plan in place for either outcome of the election. A KommieLa win would make things easier for them, but we both know that they aren’t going to just stop their evil plans if she loses.
Amelia Saltsman I agree, but the reasoning of Creekmore is that they won’t get their civil war and martial law if Kommunist Kamala “wins,” because Whites were so depressed and leaderless that they did not rise up after the 2020 stealection either.
You have to ask what the purpose is of the 12 million new illegals whom Biden has brought in. Of course, it is to vote Demoncrat.
But he also says it is to get violent against Trump and the white MAGA people, and carry out mass terrorism, in effect, causing many 9/11s and far more than 3,000 victims.
Martial law would solve all their problems.
Il Grafene contenuto sta scatenando infarti fulminanti e non sono immuni i bambini,la proteina Spike tumori e malattie autoimmuni.Ho il terribile sospetto che i vaccini pediatrici sono identici…e non è neanche un sospetto perché ho guardato alcune analisi.Ci stiamo preparando ad un’altra guerra con Sofia…non potrà frequentare l’asilo?!faremo il possibile per educarla a casa…ci multeranno?!non importa, abbiamo speso fior di quattrini per i tamponi e per l’ospedale di Roma.Sofia non si TOCCA!!!!!possono andare a fare nel c…. 🙂
Grazie 🙂 🙂
The last time I spoke to my doctor, a very good lady from England, she confirmed to me what is very obvious — that at alarming rates a lot of people in our society are developing mental retardation and severe autism.
I think without firearms All western countries will become communist police states.
[] this Trump is NOT a closet-jew, a cripto-jew – he is a REAL KIKE, a real Trumpstein. As well as his whole family including his daughter and his son-in-law.[]
There is zero evidence he is a jew. What counts here are the facts and the truth.
He is far worse — a white renegade.
The jew would be nothing without all the white Trumps.
It is dangerous to assume every bad guy is a jew, as perilous as the delusion that most Whites are good. Most Whites are in the middle and do as their leaders and the media want.