The Fourth Reich and Nordic Aliens Part 2

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(Part 1 of 3 was


Volkswagen space shuttle –proof positive of the Fourth Reich 😉



The Law Code of Hammurabi, 1750 BC. now in the Louvre Museum in Paris. In the prologue, Hammurabi announces that he has come to “rule the black haired people”; he is also referred to as “the White King” and the “White Potent”. The statue on the right half is supposed to be the administrator Ebih-il, c.2400 BC.


(More on this in German:

¦..Mayans and Grays

I just discovered this 2012 video (äsaying the Mexican government was going to release info on the connection between the Mayan culture and certain so-called extraterrestrials.

But even this word “extraterrestrials” seems more and more inaccurate, since humans, grays, and other species have been on this earth together for a very long, long time. (äSome speculate that these so-called Yeti, bigfoot, sasquatch beings are in fact the only large, two-legged primates that are truly native to this planet, and supposedly there is now DNA evidence for their existence. But that is another topic.

The evidence now suggests thatäWhites ” our race ” and East Asians ” Chinese, etc. ” descend from colonizers who migrated here from one of many different advanced human planets to which our race/species fanned out a long time ago. Then wars and disasters struck, cutting us off from our various home planets and hurling us back into the Stone Age.

The theme of tech-in-greedy-hands äleading to species disaster is the theme of the powerful 2009 movie “The Road” with Viggo Mortensen, Robert Duvall and Charlize Theron. äAmericans are thrown back into Stone Age survival and brutal conflict, even bands of ruthless men practicing cannibalism, after a high-tech catastrophe.ä

The movie is based on the Pulitzer-Prize-winning novel of the same name by the outstanding Irish-American author Colman McCarthy, who also wrote the novel behind the movie “No Country for Old Men.” Well, this scenario can play out on other planets as well ” evil and greedy people get ahold of a nation’s technology. The colonists who had settled on new planets find themselves completely stranded when their home world is destroyed by evil forces that had started catastrophic wars or through greed for profit had triggered environmental disasters.

Scenes from “The Road”




And so what happens, over and over and over across the galaxy.äis that species develop tech and then destroy themselves. That is, the psychopaths in each species take over, the good ones become too soft, naive and cowardly to fight back, äand then the wicked lead their species and planet to disaster.

It would not even be accurate to call extraterrestrials “visitors,” since some evidence says they have had permanent bases here for thousands of years, or as long as we have been here. They are simply intelligent non-humans on a planet that many species have come to.

This video shows Nassim Haramein & KlausäDona, both PhDs, discussing clear and obvious depictions in Maya sculptures, tablets, statuettes and trinkets of

“1) UFOs and

“2) äGrays! ä

Dr. Klaus Dona is clearly one of us, ideologically, btw., and is speaking in German with English translation.ä

A screenshot from this video showing Grays


Screenshot showing UFOs, a comet, the earth and its atmosphere

Here is, to my great surprise, the entire, excellent Mel Gibson movie “Apocalypto” about the mostly demonic and evil nature of Mayan civilization and human sacrifice.ä

It is clear to me that what Dr. Alan Hynek and Dr. Jacques Vallee, who worked for years with the US Air Force and with NASA, have said is true ” that what we call “aliens” are really interdimensional creatures. Some aliens are so evil they are exactly what the Bible (and other religions!!) call “demons,” and other “aliens” are basically angels, benevolent, wise, helpful and trying to uplift and teach the White race.

It is also clear that the Grays are mostly very evil, sadistic, psychopathic bastards. The Mayan sculptures prove show they were highly involved in Mayan culture, which was based on human sacrifice and the worship of very nasty-looking gods who can only be called demonic.

¦..Project Camelot ” interview with a framed US Navy captain with the secret space program

Here is a powerful, strange video. If you have the time to really focus on this long video, you might learn a great deal. (The host does a little bit of “Nazi-Bashing” for her own safety, but she talks about Rothschild too, and she get nervous as she does.) This might blow your mind but here it is:

A comrade wrote: The host, Kerry, constantly bashes “Nazis.”

I replied:

Well, I did not see a lot of that “Nazi-bashing” in THIS video, but like Alex Jones, or James Farrell, she has to do SOME ” or she will be on dangerous ground. There is no doubt in my mind that the Jews or their allies would kill to shut up anyone who says the Jews are actually in league with demon-like Grays or Reptilians.

I did note that she said that Captain Richards had been framed by the “Cheney-Wolfowitz” crowd, and she definitely said it sort of quietly, furtively and nervously. ¦. Wolfowitz = Jews. If the Jewnited Snakes regime can frame one of its own employees for murder and give him life in prison without parole, they can certainly also “get” a lone woman who has only a website, a car and a video camera ¦.. I am actually so used to this obligatory nazi-bashing that I just ignore it and concentrate on the facts they say otherwise.

¦..Mel Gibson’s 2006 move on the Mayans “Apocalypto”

In the January-February 2007 issue of TBR [The Barnes Review], my äarticle on “Psychopaths and History” (found here: triggered much discussion of which specific individuals and groups in history have literally proven to be psychopathic, i.e., those who go beyond the usual human greed, ego and prevarication and, to use traditional religious language, are “deliberately evil.”

Psychopaths, as described in the bestsellingäThe Sociopath Next Dooräby Martha Stout, a 25-year veteran of Harvard Medical School, can deeply scar or destroy the lives of others: they lie constantly, act sadistically and maliciously and sacrifice others for their advancement and pleasure.


Why? Because they have an unlimited “will to power” to tyrannize over others, and possess neither inhibitions nor conscience nor any ability to truly love or feel compassion.

Strikingly, Stout claims our ruling class is full of these maneuvering monsters, with many at the very top, and that they enjoy clear advantages over the decent and trusting majority “that is, until again and again the wrath of God and man strikes them down. In this article, I returns with an appreciation of Mel Gibson’s December 2006 worldwide hit film, “Apocalypto”. äI claim that Gibson has consciously set out to do a film about psychopaths in power, the paralyzing fear they create in their victims, and the inner turning point between victim and patriot. Gibson has magnificently succeeded in this, I say, his greatest film masterpiece.

Barnes Review readers seem to agree with this assessment, and some of our most thoughtful correspondents have seen this movie “about Mayans in Mayan, with subtitles “between four and six times. And it turns out that there lurk in the subtitles some heretical comparisons:

For months I had three objections to seeing this film “all defanged by the film itself:

One, although a former Marine, I detest anything that sounds like a “horror film,” and a film about human sacrifice sounds appalling.

A Mayan victim hunter


In fact, the violence in this film, which does show human sacrifice and those escaping it and fighting back, is not gratuitous but at the core essence of the story, and Gibson shows only half the gruesome Mayan-Aztec reality which the Spanish terminated after 1502. It may make professional anti-racists uncomfortable, but “Apocalypto” cleaves tightly to reality in details both large and small, right down to the colors of the plant dyes used in native clothing, the jade used by different classes of women and the feather headdress of the great king.

Mel Gibson, one of 11 pure-Irish children of Irish-born Hutton Gibson and his Irish-born wife. Mel was born in the States but raised in Australia.


(Using artistic license, Gibson does blend different periods of Mayan architecture and decor, and by the time the Spanish came, as shown in the film, the jungle Mayan cities already had been mysteriously abandoned. It was actually further north, in the very similar and neighboring Aztec culture with its own human sacrifices, that the Spanish would find the same psychopathic atrocities, which caused them to eradicate the Aztec regime root and branch with the aid of oppressed local tribes.)

Two, I detest our national tendency to mindless action movies. Methinks Americans should break with their hyperactive national character by “doing” less and “thinking” more.

WhatäApocalyptoärepresents, however, is a mindful action movie. It is done by a storyteller worthy of Homer, a director worthy of Cecil B. DeMille (Gibson’s movie has 700 extras, all in differing accurate costumes), and a deeply spiritual man (when not off the wagon; Mel in Australia used to drink two scotches in beer, which he called “liquid violence”).

“Apocalypto” transmits via entertainment a tremendous message, one that reflects the values of his father, Hutton Gibson, a courageous Holocaust revisionist, a Traditional Catholic “and an honored speaker at the 2003 conference held by this very magazine. (

Hutton Gibson with famed Australian revisionist Dr. Fredrick Toeben


Not many Hollywood “action flicks” start with a quote from historian Will Durant (1885-1981), author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning, eleven-volume The Story of Civilization:

“A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.”

Third, I wondered how much relevance Mayan Indios in 1502 had to me, a White man in 2013, except for the possible fact that our country of America is now being flooded by illegal alien descendants of the Mayans and Aztecs. 😉

Mel leads Mayan actors across a raging river; in this scene, Mayan human-hunters are taking their pitiful victims to the temple for the hideous human sacrifice. On the left is a “spider camera” that moves along a wire as the action advances.


Actually, plenty of relevance: The entire movie delineates how a tiny psychopathic ruling class misrules, lies to, entertains with mass festivals, impoverishes and oppresses an entire nation “and how God and man ultimately thwart them.

The title “Apocalypto” comes from one of the very many utterly unique scenes in this revolutionary piece of film making. Mayan manhunters pass through an orphan girl’s smoldering shell of a village, not unlike the pulverized Ramadi or Fallujah in Iraq, or Dresden in 1945 Germany or Gaza in Palestine. They take along their captives destined for human sacrifice, neck-tied to a wooden rail, heading for their torture and death. The psychopaths prod her aside; they have no time for starving orphans; the clock is ticking for show time in the Yucatan.

She dries her little-girl tears and thanks to Gibson, from somewhere real, inside the character, come two riveting eyeballs trained on them and a voice of doom that “spooks” even the hardened enslavers. She then “reveals the end” of all that they represent; in Greek, she “apocalyptizes” the final things.

Two Mayan actors confer with Gibson


The officialäApocalyptoäposter from Icon Productions (Gibson’s own film company that also did Braveheart), depicts a Mayan high priest, with an obsidian knife in hand, striding forth from his ziggurat where for years he has been sacrificing trembling humans.

Trailer (in German but irrelevant “ the move is entirely in Mayan with subtitles, just as Gibson’s “Passion of the Christ” was entirely in Latin and Aramaic with subtitles)

Soe review of the movcie on Youtube underneath:


Mayan high priests harangues the crowd that priest must do human sacrifice or the gods will be angry and the sun will disappear.


In 1486, in fact, during an Aztec temple dedication before huge and roaring crowds (just 16 years before Columbus’s fourth expedition, which landed in Central America), in a four-day festival twenty thousand live captives, knowing in advance what was going to happen to them, consciously saw and felt their hearts, hands and feet being surgically sliced away by the glass-like but razor-sharp obsidian knives, this before their heads were cut off and flung, followed by the torsos, bouncing and flipping down the pyramid steps “naturally “as the crowd roared.”

Aztecs ripping a heart out; the Spanish under Cortez conquered Mexico so quickly because many Indio tribes sided with the Spanish to be free of the Aztecs and their horrific demonic, religion.


äOther Mayans were used as target practice for various elite weapons. Raids to small villages, as depicted in”Apocalypto” in an unforgettable 15-minute sequence, brought a never-ending supply of fright-sickened new victims.

But the Mayans also fought wars and humiliated captured foreign leaders; as Gibson relates in the fascinating “Director’s Commentary” on the DVD, they spent nine interminable years degrading, humiliating “and amputating various parts off “a captured head of state. As Gibson related, in the end the captives were just “balls of nerve endings.” It would appear that the sociopathic priests enjoyed making fools even of their own kings; the Mayan heads of state were persuaded to try accessing the gods by driving a stingray spine through their penis. (See sidebar: “Mel didn’t show half of it.”)

It reminds one of George Orwell’s description in the novelä1984äof the ultimate psychopathic regime. Big Brother’s spokesman explains with chutzpah to the captured Winston Smith: “Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship [or Mayan priestly rule] in order to safeguard a revolution [or new order]; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.

“The object of persecution is persecution.

The object of torture is torture.

The object of power is power.”

“Part III, chapter three

Here speaks pure sociopathy from the summit of the State.

Vast swaths of forest were also cut down for fuel by the Mayan ruling class, heedless of devastation to the environment (especially of the top soil), all this to bake the clay bricks used for these ever-higher ziggurats.[However, the Mayan and Aztec cultures (and those of the Incas, Apaches, and other Amerindians) never even invented the wheel “except as a child’s toy! “despite all those round logs they cut down and rolled and despite the vast distances encountered in the Americas. Nor did they possess horses in pre-Columbian America. So everybody trudged along, carried or pushed something with human power until Spain came in 1502.

Nor did the Mayans and Aztecs, canoers, invent the sail in a hundred generations of feeling the wind blow their canoe sideways. Perhaps they were waiting for the “white gods” to return.

All film dialogue is spoken entirely in the authentic Mayan of the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico where the film was made, and all actors, including the star, Rudy Youngblood of Texas, are Amerindians from North and Central America. (As a young man awakened by horror to his destiny and abilities, Youngblood’s performance at the hands of producer-writer-director Gibson is superlative.)

It is said that in his 2004äThe Passion of the Christ, the “antisemitic” (in reality “New Testament”!) remarks are left only in the Aramaic language and are not even printed in the subtitles. Interestingly, in the French subtitles to his most recent movie,äApocalypto, even more so than in the English or Spanish subtitles, the murderous high priest makes many Talmudic-sounding statements during the human sacrifice scene.

“These are the days of our great lament,” the high priest intones to the crowds from atop his pyramid. Then he asserts to the over-awed mob (again, this is in the French subtitles translating the Mayan): “Notre peuple a ätä choisi.” That means: “Our people has been chosen.”

In the English and Spanish subtitles, this is prudently rephrased as “We are a people of destiny” (perhaps in dishonor of Franklin Roosevelt’s inaugural address: “This generation has a rendezvous with destiny.”)[footnote2: Hutton Gibson was strongly opposed to Roosevelt and his war, albeit he was wounded in 1944 in the Pacific as an Army officer.]

One recalls that when “Apocalypto” was released in December 2006, it was just four months since Gibson’s famous July 28, 2006 “antisemitic tirade.”äOn Gibson’s website one sympathizer, a born-again Christian, probably expressed best why the movie-going public shrugged off Gibson’s ?anti-semitic rant? and went to seeäApocalypto:

“I’d like to see what the Jews say aboutäusäwhenätheyäget drunk!”

We further learn from Gibson in the Director’s Commentary on the DVD ” which he dispenses together with the film’s Iranian co-producer and co-writer, Farhad Safinia “ that for authenticity they had all the actors playing Mayan rulers “wear curved nose prostheses.”

The curvy-nosed priest then continues with his harangue: “We were chosen to be the masters of time; we were chosen to walk with the gods.”

In the telling closeup, the Mayan king and high priest nervously exchange glances during the high point of the killings. We know from archeology and temple architecture “when beams of light would fall on certain points “that the Mayan priests knew exactly when eclipses would take place, but the point was to be seen as miracle workers. But will the solar eclipse yet again “do the trick” and, as darkness overshadows the great city, over-awe the trusting crowd, striking a quasi-9/11-like fear in them? Will the public believe forever that through killings their leaders protect the nation from ecliptic terror and doom?

The whole scam behind their grand pleasure in killing victims was that in this way the “peuple choisi”, the chosen people, would “save the harvests and the nation.” (Writer Margaret Huffstickler has commented: “The eclipse is like 9/11, and invading Iraq and establishing Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib is the ˜necessary’ human sacrifice.”)[footnote: On Christopher Columbus’s last expedition, in 1503-04, he was stranded for over a year on Jamaica with wrecked ships. In a scam designed to intimidate the Arawak Indians of Jamaica into feeding him and his men, he used his trusty Ephemeris from the German astronomer Regiomontanus to correctly predict the lunar eclipse of February 29, 1504. It worked; they kept feeding him.]


In the subtitle of the official “Apocalypto” DVD cover äwe read the slogan: “No one can outrun their destiny.” This certainly applied to the psychopathic native ruling class of pre-Columbian Central America. At the very end of the movie, ominously, the Spanish arrive in power from their great, dark ships, with soldiers, priests and brandished crucifixes, to eventually overthrow and annihilate the murderous Mayan ruling class. How interesting for Mel Gibson to introduce for the movie’s final scene the Spain that exactly ten years before, in 1492, had not only sailed the ocean blue but expelled the Jews and fully unleashed the Inquisition on the the marranos, the secret Jews still in power in the background. (To this day, 515 years later, only one resident of Spain in two thousand is Jewish.)

Through DVD technology, we can first enjoy the artist’s cinematic work and then, merely pressing the remote control, consult him personally through his commentary as to what he was thinking, aiming at and enduring technically trying to achieve each shot and scene. We can also appreciate his use of costumes, history, authentic weapons, makeup for men and women of different classes, and see the scenes, such as the one with the burnt and limping deer, that he cut for brevity or distraction of the storytelling flow.

Truly, in the hand of the masters, the cinema is the premier art form of our time. In Apocalypto, after viewing the two-hour masterpiece, the viewer therefore should spend another profitable two hours on another day reliving each scene with this truly great artist, Mel Columcille Gibson, and his brilliant Iranian colleague Farhad Safinia, and a third hour with the “Special Features” on the DVD of Apocalypto to understand the secret ocean of detail that Gibson has channeled into this mighty current. It is what Wagner would have called a Gesamtkunstwerk, a total art form. Then “as my Barnes Review-reading friends actually did “see Apocalypto another four to six times. That is doable with a great work of art.

What stands out, finally, is what the father says in the jungle to Jaguar Paw: “Fear makes you weak, and fear makes you sick.” This is, as the Will Durant quote at its beginning shows, a movie about now, about the psychopathic regime now, and about transcending the real fears we face now. And, as the hero says after he takes the plunge over the waterfall, “This is MY forest.” See the movie.

Apocalypto Jaguar Paw defies pursuers

Gibson Mayan Film on the Cutting Edge
Viewers will recall the unforgettable scene at Eyipantia Falls (in Veracruz, Mexico) where Jaguar Paw, to escape the manhunters, hurls himself bravely over the massive cataract. Pulling himself from the water, he has “found himself” inwardly by this near-death act, and announces to the pursuing Zero Wolf and his fellow pursuers, perched high on the cataract’s edge: “This is my forest where my father hunted with me. And this is where I will hunt with my son!”
This is also where Gibson his incredible dedication to spectacular new photography. Not only is Apocalypto one of the first major movies shot with digital movie cameras, the Panavision Genesis model, and not with celluloid film, but for the waterfall scene they used the innovative “spider cam.” A cable was extended like a lip out over the fall, with the movie camera on it, and it follows the stunt man out over the edge and as he leaps hundreds of real feet downward; then, still in the same smooth and gliding shot, the cable pulls the spider-camera up and away from the falls and over toward the far shore, as depicted in the still photograph above.



¦..Ancient Aryans


New video on our ancient Aryan kin settling down around the globe. It starts off with me talking to the Discovery Channel, then goes heavily into the great Viracocha and the blond founders of the civilization of Peru which the Incas took over. Then it discusses the Guanches, an advanced people but living in the Stone-Age. (They were “Stone-Age” only because there was NO METAL at all to use on their volcanic islands, and this blond nation did not want to have any contact or trade with the outside world.) The Guanches were very handsome, intelligent and heroic, and lived on the Canary Islands, perhaps escaping thither after the flooding of Atlantis, until they were enslaved or genocided as evil pagans by Catholic Spain. 🙁

Now look from the time from 6:20 to the end of this video on a discovery in Florida! Over 150 bodies of buried White people from 5,000 B.C. near Cape Canaveral, Florida!

At 6 minutes and 30 seconds into the above video clip, a scientists talks about pre-historic DNA found in North America.

On the Science Channel, Dr. Joseph Lorenz of the Coriell Institute for Medical Research conducted DNA tests on the 5,000 year old bodies that were found in the Windover Bog excavation site in Florida. As was said in this program:

Dr. Lorenz: When I sequenced larger fragments and I was looking for the sites that I know are characteristic of Native American haplogroups, I was surprised because I did not find them.

Narrator: In contrast to all previous findings, Lorenz could not confirm the Windover people were [Native (sic)] Americans. Further investigation reveals something even more remarkable.
Dr. Lorenz: I went back to the screen and I looked at the sequences again, and the first person’s DNA looked European. When I looked at the second one, it looked European. When I looked at the third, fourth, and fifth, they were slightly different from the first two, but they looked European.

¦.and Lorenz was unaware of the magnificent new book by Gordon Kennedy, about the Canary Island blonds (scroll down one-third here)


Recently I discovered that this marvelous little glossy, full-color book by Gordon Kennedy can be ordered here:

It is about the Guanches, a nobe, courageous, handsome, virtuous, innovative, blond, blue-eyed people who survived until the 1400s intact and still living in the Stone Age. (Why? There was literally ONLY stone on the islands, made entirely of volcano magma that had cooled. There was literally NO metal AT ALL on those islands, so it was quite impossible to enter the Bronze or Iron Ages, or create metal weapons, shields and body armor so as to defeat the invading Spanish. Also, they were isolated out in the ocean with no external enemies. This is the only reason they did not advance in the art of warfare.)

Here is a picture of one of the incredibly beautiful Canary Islands. (When I lived in Germany and Austria I found out that one of the number-one favorite tourist vacations they take is to the Canary Islands.)

Tenerife and Mount Teide. A powerful ocean current, the Canary Current, sweeps boats straight over to the Caribbean. In the 1700s, somehow, a sailing ship got blown out of the harbor, minus its embarrassed crew, and ended up safe and sound in Venezuela. äNivariaä is Latin for äsnowy land,ä due to Mount Teide. äNevadaä in the United States is Spanish for äsnowy land,ä due to its snow-capped high mountains.


¦..Scary but maybe true ” are all Whites descendants of aliens that colonized this earth and are some of our cousins visiting now?

A lot of WNs are curious about, but also maybe a bit scared or intimidated by my writings on Nordic Aliens. (However, anyone who has ACTUALLY READ my writings know they are fact-based, and in fact founded 100% on testimony by whistleblowers who are former US Air Force officers and NASA officials ¦ so I am not crazy unless all of them are too.)
But let’s talk psychology here: Why is “alien talk” so scary? (Just as once the truth about the Jews, Hitler and the Holocaust, remember, was once scary too ¦ and many layers of brainwashing had to crash and burn first. Hey, for me, the idea that America was EVIL in WWII and the Germans were the good guys ¦. that is definitely not how my Marine dad, who fought in WWII, raised me!)
Soäwhy is the aliens topic so deeply scary? (When people laugh off something it may be NERVOUS laughter ¦.)
The aliens theme is disturbing for a good, solid reason: We humans are VERY used to the idea ” born out by any visit to the zoo, or just walking your dog ” that WE are “the top dog” on this planet, WE are the most advanced creatures technologically, WE are the top of the food chain, and the beastmasters ¦.. Most of all, it means, on the most basic level, the reassuring ¦MYTH ¦. that there are no predators over us. ¦.
But suppose others ARE here, visiting or even establishing bases, that are WAY above us? Suppose the “X-Files” scenario is true, that the US gov’t itself is collaborating with some bad dudes who swap a bit, just a bit, of their weapons technology (to give the US an advantage), and in return the US government lets them ¦ uhhh, “take” some people?
How does that makes you FEEL to think some of them might be icy-cold, might be users, and inconsiderate toward our needs, OR even downright hostile?
I wrote to a European who refused to look at my evidence, and made me rather angry:
Are you afraid to look at my evidence? That is what it now sounds like. You have no time, I see.ä*;) wink
That link contains fact after fact after fact after fact by former US AIR FORCE OFFICERS and NASA officials. But they too are just nuts. 😉
The Russian Air Force GENERALS are also nuts. 😉
Go with the atheistic Jew Sagan if you wish, who says there are no aliens, but I have hard quotes from both OBERTH AND VON BRAUN, WHOM MY GRANDFATHER KNEW andäWHOSE SON I KNOW.
If they all are nuts, then please, continue to despair. This seems to be the tone of every email from you now.äI think you need toäread my evidenceäand then only get back to me, or cease writing me altogether. That meansäread the whole thing and watch every singleävideoäfrom beginning to end.
Most cannot face startling truths. As the French say: “Men would rather die than change their habits.” And that includes mental habits, values and patterns of thinking about various topics and subjects.
I am telling you that you are truly used to despair, used to the idea we are doomed, you have made your peace with the White die-off as unavoidable, and so you would rather quietly despair, bury yourself in your work, kids and survival. Most of all, you are afraid to get your hopes up. To hope is risky emotionally.
John de Nugent
äWhat this boils down to is that Whites COME FROM these people, and this is why our race is far more noble and advanced than others. It also means that some aliens are just advanced White humans “ the US Air Force calls them “Nordic Aliens,” “Scandinavians” or just “Swedes” ” and while we are primitive compared to them, they actually like us and they try to teach us. But they will NOT fight our battles for us. They will just HELP us as a parent only HELPS his child; he does not do his homework for him or fight the bully in the schoolyard for his child. That would be BAD for the child.
This may come across racist to some people, but in all honesty white people look more “angelic”. I mean that literally.
One of the great human mysteries: the oddness of Europeans. Ninety-five percent of Europeans in Scandinavian countries have blue eyes, and DNA testing concluded that ALL blue eyed people are genetically related to a single person who lived, and spread out, from the Black Sea region sometime between 6 ä 10,000 years ago, after the end of the ice age.ä?#?atlantis?
Ka statue of pharaoh Awybre Hor, blue-eyed Egyptian king of the 13th Dynasty (1760 BC), on display at the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.

Archaeologists using DNA testing said they have identified a mummy as Queen Hatshepsut, Egypt’s most powerful female pharaoh. “We are 100 percent certain” that the mummy is that of Hatshepsut, Hawass told The Associated Press.ä


Ramesses II, referred to as Ramesses the Great, was the third Egyptian pharaoh of the Nineteenth dynasty. (1303 BC “ 1213 BC)


Nubians depicted in ancient Egypt.


Amenhotep II was the seventh Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Egypt.


Thutmose IV ¦. ä?The DNA tests showed mostly a relation to all western European males via the gene RB1 ¦its amazing because it is European from the west..


Temple Reliefs at Abu Simbel (II) A relief flanking the entrance to the temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel, depicting bound Nubians


Lapis lazuli and gold bracelet


The Egyptian temple Abu Simbel




Ancient temple city




Scene with scribes noting the spoils brought from Nubia. Before the stacks of books, a Nubian prisoner is led against his will. Horemheb’s tomb “ 18th Dynasty (before 1348 BC) “ Saqqara






Wall reliefs at Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa, Alexandria, Egypt


Ancient Egyptian slave market, with black Nubian slaves waiting to be sold. Archaeological Museum, Bologna.


War chariot and Great Pyramid


A mural from the palace of Ramses II in Memphis, circa 1279 BC, shows the red-headed pharaoh grasping enemies of Egypt by the hair “ two Semites and a Black Nubian. Alongside: a close-up of the three victims in Ramses’ grasp.


Racial imagery from Tutankhamen’s tomb: the Egyptian Pharaoh’s sandals have bound black and Semitic prisoners inlaid into the soles. When the king walked in these shoes, he would crush the enemies of Egypt underfoot.


King Hor, and a noble Egyptian lady with green eyes. Left: An original wooden statue of the Egyptian King Hor (circa 1783ä1633 1633 BC), on display at the Cairo Museum, Egypt. The eyes of the statue, inlaid with quartz or lapus lazuli, shine up with either blue or gray eyes, depending upon the lighting. Right: A lapus lazuli blue-eyed statue of an Egyptian noble lady from the fourth dynasty, around 2600 BC.


Nobility in ancient Egypt: left, Yuya, Egyptian nobleman from 1400 BC, father of Tiy, the wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. Yuya’s blond hair and Nordic facial structure have been well preserved by the embalming process; Alongside, his equally blond haired wife, Thuya, great grandmother of Tutankhamen.ääYuya was the father of Tiy, the wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III; His wife, Thuya, was the great grandmother of Tutankhamen.


Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa



Much like the ancient Minoans, men of ancient Egyptian nobility painted their skin in red ochre and were depicted red in their art. The Blue-Eyed Scribe Sakkara 2620-2350 BC (4th or 5th Dynasty)




The face of the scribe Mitri, 2500 BC. (Egyptian Museum, Cairo).




Sphinxes relief




Cannabis pollen was found on the mummy of Ramesses II, who died in 1213 BC. The Smoke Eaters at the temple at Thebes used cannabis incense for mortality rituals. The ancient Egyptian goddess Seshat is depicted here with a hemp leaf in her head dress.. the plant was used to make Seshat’s surveying rope..




The gate of the Temple of Ramses III in Medinet Habu (Luxor, Egypt)



Politically correct vs Scientifically correct




New DNA analysis suggests Nefertiti was King Tutäs momä



Sarcophagus of King Tut



An Egyptian scribe named Kay at Sakkarah around 2500 B.C. has blue eyes.




Why Egyptians had red skin and used kohl eyeliner ¦.äThe Kohl eyeliner for shading the eyes from the sun’s glare is still in use in Asia as well as football players.




Treasures of King Tut



The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power and good health.




The Vulture Goddess of Upper Egypt and her snake companion




Turquoise, scarab and lapis lazuli ä- The Egyptians used the colors gold and blue, which reflect their founders’ blond hair and blue eyes.




Goddess Isis in a relief on a temple of the Ptolemaic period




Gigantic pharaoh and small subjects ¦ This was designed to keep the race of the founders pure and prevent racial mixing.




Left: Queen Hetop-Heres II, of the Fourth Dynasty, the daughter of Cheops, the builder of the great pyramid, is shown in the colored bas reliefs of her tomb to have been a distinct blonde. Her hair is painted a bright yellow stippled with little red horizontal lines, and her skin is white. (The Races of Europe, Carleton Stevens Coon, New York City, Macmillan. 1939, p.98). Right: Red-haired goddesses, from the tomb of Pharaoh Merneptah, 1213ä1204 BC. (Alberto Siliotti, Guide to the Valley of the Kings, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1996, p. 59)




About 87 years old when he died, the reddish-yellow color of Ramses II’s hair was due to a dye with a henna. However, traces of the hair’s original pigment color remains in the roots, and during his younger days, Ramesses II had been a natural red head. Analysis concluded that these red pigments did not result from the hair somehow fading, or otherwise being altered after death. Ramesses had been a “leucoderm” (white-skinned person)




Queen Cleopatra ” somewhat masculine-looking




The Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut




A mirror in Ancient Egypt



The Great Pyramid of Cheops



¦.Ancient blond people in ancient Latin America

¦..Aliens against nuclear war

I would like you especially to watch this: Here, on Larry King on CNN, a former Air Force ICBM launch officer at Malmstrom AFB in Montana is discussing the shoot-down in 1967 of a practice American ICBM, and you can SEE a circular craft blasting it with a laser!!

see esp. 1:00-1:29ä.. This screenshot is of the missile 800 miles downrange at night, but the video shows the motion.
So the question is WHO keeps intimidating the US Air Force and its bases that can launch nuclear-tipped missiles? Why? This is clearly someone who is NOT allied with the US government. ¦..
And whys did 11 spaceships fly over the White House and US Capitol in 1952?
Actual media photo
Washington Post headline
Does their behavior match that of a parent? Not our buddy, but a parent ¦
And maybe they WANTED to help the Third Reich, but it would have resulted in a much, much bigger war than we can imagine ¦. because the Nordics are not alone either ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦.
A comrade responded:
The thing is, whether right or wrong on the subject, the stigma that comes along with it may just be too much for the masses. Ive known plenty of people within “the movement” who believed this but because it really served no purpose they kept it to themselves. You of course have the right to take on any subject you like and more power to you but a subject like this is only going to serve to make you look like a loony.
I replied:
äHmm, a loony to cowards. As for “the Masses,” they are 100% hopeless. Only a strategy to mobilize the elite can work. I call it the “300” strategy, after the Spartans.äThe greatest courage is to face the unknown and pursue the truth.
“There is not a truth existing which I fear ¦ or would wish unknown to the whole world.” ” Thomas Jeffersonä
And besides, has ragging on Jews, blax, and Hispanics, queers and Muslims, Chinese and others gotten us ANYWHERE? We are right where we were 35 years ago when I got into the WN movement, except now there are far more of them and far less of us, and those Whites who are left are increasingly older, fatter, and lack all military training. More race info = dead end.ääAnd believe me, I have given my life to this cause:
We do not have a movement at all. HITLER had a movement; we have a Cause. But no political movement is possible, not in an America that is 50% non-white and even those 50% are blizzarded daily with HAARP, chemtrails, fluoride, female hormones from bisphenol A, bovine growth hormone in milk and beef, GMO veggies, and cell phone damage to the brain.
äWhat we CAN work with is the older souls among us ¦. I still meet fine White men and women who even as kids saw through the bull, long before they were exposed to any info. And WE, the elite (I am talking about character elite, not Ivy League degrees or Mercedes) must do all the heavy lifting, like Leonidas and the 300. That is our glory.
Here is the high calling we have:

“The fewer men, the greater share of honor!” ä”We are but warriors for the working day.”
äI would also ask anyone who likes my take on reality and my desire to found and lead a new movement to go and via credit card give any amount, even $5. We would never expect a Jew to start a movement without the necessaryäminimum financing. That is all I ask for, the minimum financing to write my sacred book and start something new ” before it is too late. No one will help us unless we help ourselves, and support our leaders.


¦..Aliens buzz the USS Franklin Delano Roosevelt with General Eisenhower on board

äIf you know theäenemyäand knowäyourself,

yourävictoryäwill not stand in doubt.


if you knowäHeavenäand knowäEarth,

you may make your victoryäcomplete.ä



This is one of the most impressive USO (Unidentified Submerged Object) videos ever ¦. Six times theUSS Franklin Delano Roosevelt aircraft carrier was harassed by a huge Unidentified Submerged Object, six events witnessed by dozens of sailors, petty officers and officers, and now several of them have stepped forward.

As usual, Wikipedia omits any mention of the SIX huge incidents!ä

The USS FDR, launched in 1945, and decommissioned in 1977,ä was the first aircraft carrier to carry jets ” after being refitted ” and soon carried nuclear weapons as well. The “nukes” äseemingly became the “trigger” for many confrontations with Gray extraterrestrials, starting with a major incident involving “Operation Mainbrace” in 1952. The famous four-star US Army general Dwight Eisenhower was literally slurping some morning coffee on the bridge when suddenly a huge, tubular UFO with long windows ” and aliens staring out of them at the carrier ” suddenly appeared. äThis was the first of six incidents, witnessed by hundreds of sailors, petty officers and officers. See the History Channel Two series below!

(Part 1 of 5)

(Part 2 of 5)ä

(Part 3 of 5)ä

(Part 4 of 5)ä

(Part 5 of 5/Conclusion)ä

Propeller on an aircraft carrier (Notice the people, bottom left.)


Moving beyond the alarming facts of this case ¦.

It is now clear to me that the jewsmedia, as exemplified by the History Channel (owned by Hearst -the CEO being a Steve Schwartz ” äand by Disney and ABC), äare clearly operating under a new directive, which is to no longer ridicule talk of aliens ” but instead talk constantly about them as a reality.

The jew-gov’t and jewsmedia are now actually promoting truth about aliens, but of course they are revealing PARTIAL truth.

Somewhat alarmist video and music on UFOs, but well-done:äJohn Maynard of the “Disclosure Project” is reputable. ( He says half of US satellites are pointed into DEEP SPACE.

.But they play way down the Exonordics, the blond, advanced superhumans who were favorable to the Third Reich.

See my essay here:

The newly installed US president, Dwight Eisenhower, met on February 20, 1954 at Edwards AFB with a group that is NOT the Exonordics, but instead the so-called Tall Whites. These TWs are very unfriendly, cold, aggressive, somewhat human-looking, extremely pale, platinum-blond aliens that apparently are hybrids created by the Grays.

These “Tall Whites” are NOT friendly to any earthlings.äThis link takes you to a very good intro to the story of “Ike” (whom, parenthically, any WN must loathe, and for many grave reasons) and his meeting as president with both Tall Whites and Grays:ää(Nota bene: “Muroc” refers to Muroc Air Field, which become Edwards Air Force Base, a base central to US-UFO interactions which I visited in 1989.)

The jewsmedia (History Channel 2 [“H2”], Military Channel, etc.) are now constantly talking about the Tall Whites and the Grays, who both offered military tech to the US in 1954 to thwart the Soviets in return for the “right” to military bases in Nevada or even to abduct Americans. The deal with the Grays proved very deceptive, because they delivered far less tech than they promised and abducted far more Americans and did terrible things to many of them.
(Being totally without empathy for us, their victims, they perform terrifying medical procedures on human victims who are not knocked-out but merely paralyzed and fully conscious. It is said by some that they derive an energy high from our fear.)
Wernher von Braun (whom my grandfather knew and I know his son David Scott von Braun) told his secretary after the Jews eased him out of NASA and into Fairchild Industries, that the gov’t was planning,ääafter 1) the Russian scare, to create 2) a terrorist scare, then 3) a rogue-nation scare, and THEN create the biggie: 4) an “alien threat” to the human race so as to justify weapons in space and a world government! Who says this? HIS OWN SECRETARY!


Wernher von Braun in WWII at PennemändePeenemände, Dornberger, Olbricht, Leeb, v. Braunä.

With John Kennedy

kennedy-von-braun-19-may-1963With Walt Disney, who promoted von Braun despite much Jewish grumblingä


My English grandfather (on the left in the photo below, with my grandmother), as a US federal auditor, flew to Huntsville, Alabama, and went over the books of the NASA program (then headquartered there) with Wernher von Braun.

John Thomas Colwell Elizabeth Angell Colwell

Interestingly, in the huge hit movie “World War Z” with Brad Pitt, which took in $530 million ¦.

¦.it is the United Nations that saves humanityä 😉 (from a worldwide virus, you see, that transforms normal people into hyper-aggressive zombies 😉 ) after the US government and other national governments provedincapable of dealing with a crisis because it is worldwide.

So the government that tackles the zombies must be worldwide too, you see?

I have had the cable tv on now for three months as I work, and the jews have decided to reveal a huge amount of alien truth, but with very suspicious omissions of the Exonordics and theirärepeated message to our planet:

“You are being betrayed by the Grays. Abandon nuclear weapons before you are annihilated, protect the world environment, and WE will protect you from any possible enemy and provide you with free Tesla energy technology so the world becomes what it should be in our modern age, a prosperous, peaceful, enlightened äparadise.”

REPEATEDLY, THE EXONORDICS, WHO ARE FULLY NORMAL HUMANS (with various shades of blond and red hair, not super-platinum, and normal rosy skin, not white as a sheet of paper) BUT FAR MORE ADVANCED SPIRITUALLY AND PHYSICALLY, WARN US AGAINST ANY COLLABORATION WITH THE GRAYS AND THE TALL WHITES.


Former Canadian defense minister, and member of the Queen’s Council, discusses in May 2013 Canadian military contact with the Tall Whites:

This is one of many 1970s photos (not to mention five videos) taken of a Pleiadian (Exonordic) ship by the controversial (AND ANTISEMITIC) Billy Meier of äSwitzerland. Like many UFO truthtellers, ähe is anti-Jewish and around 2007 finally came out with direct and fairly open statements, SAYING THE JEWS WERE WORKING WITH THE GRAYS to take over the US government.

meier-original - Scout Ship - Raum Flug - Billy Meier - UFOs - Mystery and Meaning - Peter Crawford

What is my position on Billy Meier?

First, many others talk about the Pleiadians or Exonordics, so Meier is not essential or central to the case that a Scandinavian-looking group is visiting the earth and is friendly especially to the survival of the white race.

Going way back to the 1920s, the Vril Society of Munich, which was close to the Thule Society with which Adolf Hitler, Dietrich Eckart, Rudolf Hess and Heinrich Himmler were involved, were supposedly getting telepathic messages about zero-gravity technology from a blond race to help the National Socialists themselves discover anti-gravity forces.

“The spiritual teachings of Billy Meier seem very valid and useful and Aryan, emphasizing self-discipline and an unsentimental, tough kind of love.

“The testing of the spaceship metal by Maurice Vogel, the inventor of the metal coating on CDs and DVDs, revealed very strange and non-earthly alloys that, he says, humans may not have for 100 years.

“The photos of UFOs have not been debunked, and experts who attack Billy Meier grew rather quiet about this. Top photographic experts have been unable to debunk them.

“Their attacks are on the UFOs as being on the one hand real objects, but actually real models and real fancy, altered garbage can lids or Christmas tree balls ¦. The question is how a man like Meier, who was one-armed ” due to a tragic bus wreckäafter the mid-1960s and this tragedy happened before the supposed Pleiadian photos were taken ” could have made these models by himself or moved strings around, etc., while running the Super8 video camera. And no one, not even his hostile ex-wife and hostile son, who oppose him (are they being bribed?), have claimed he faked the UFO photos. Hmmmmmm ¦..

“It is possible, however, that he has had ethical lapses, like any human ¦..

“Is the NWO/Jew/CIA, etc. out to discredit him because 1) he blasts the Jews in general and Israel in particular, and 2) his alien contact is with a supposedly noble, benevolent race that warn us about the Jews, and this race consists of blond, blue-eyed, advanced humans who have grown handsome, powerful and brilliant via Hitler-style eugenics??

Quotes from the ridiculed-by-some, revered-by-others Billy Meier on the Jews:

“”Their distant descendants now, today’s Israelis, respectively their responsible ones and their myrmidons can “ like the U.S.A. “ commit the worst crimes pitilessly and unhindered and with their secret services and military, right before the eyes of the world at large, and even with their approval.” äcontact 136, 1980

“As Billy Meier said in relation toähis comments about theä2006 Israel/Lebanon war,

“Every human who knows these things, and thereby the truth of the facts, and is silent over them, makes himself guilty of irresponsibility and of a crime against all humans who come to death or damage through political, militaristic, religious, sectarian, war-related, criminal and terrorist behaviors and actions.”

“He who is silent is not only cowardly and not neutral, rather also absolutely irresponsible.”ä “ Billy Meier, (contact 430, July 11th, 2006)

ääDo not go into the streets of Israel, and do not go to the scribes and Pharisees, but go to the cities of the Samaritans and to the ignorant in all parts of the world. Go to the unenlightened, the idol worshippers and the ignorant after I have left you, because they do not belong to the house of Israel, which will bring death and bloodshed into the world.ä (10:5-6)

äTruly, I say to you: the nation of Israel was never one distinct people and has at all times lived with murder, robbery and fire. They have acquired this land through ruse and murder in abominable, predatory wars, slaughtering their best friends like wild animals. May the nation of Israel be cursed until the end of the world and never find peace.ä (10:26-27)

äTherefore, beware of Israel, because it is like an abscess.ä (10:38)

äFor the people of Israel are unfaithful to the laws of Creation and are accursed and will never find peace. Their blood will be shed, because they constantly commit outrages against the laws of Creation. They presume themselves above all the human races as a chosen nation and thus as a separate race. What an evil error and what evil presumption, for inasmuch as Israel never was a nation or a race, so it was never a chosen race. Unfaithful to the laws of Creation, Israel is a mass of people with an inglorious past, characterized by murder and arson.ä (15:22-26)

äYou will be outcast among the human races, and then you will alternately lose your occupied land, regain it and lose it again until the distant future. Truly, I say to you: your existence will be continual struggle and war, and so the human races will strike you with their hostile thinking and enmity. You will find neither rest nor peace in the country stolen by your ancestors by means of falsehood and deceit, because you will be haunted by your inherited burden of murder with which your forefathers killed the ancient inhabitants of this continent and deprived them of life and property.ä (24:45-47)

ää just like the Israelites who plundered this land and have dominated and oppressed the legitimate owners of the land.ä (27:12b)

äI am the true prophet of all human races on earth: but in all truth I am not the prophet of those confused Israelites who call themselves sons and daughters of Zion.ä (30:8b)

äAnd the time will come in five times 100 years when you will have to atone for this, when the legitimate owners of the land enslaved by you will begin to rise against you into the distant future. A new man will rise up in this land as a prophet and will rightfully condemn and persecute you and you will have to pay with your blood. [ä] Even though, according to your claim, he will be a false prophet and you will revile him, he will nevertheless be a true prophet, and he will have great power, and he will have your race persecuted throughout all time in the future. His name will be Mohammed, and his name will bring horror, misery and death to your kind, which you deserve. Truly, truly, I say to you: His name will be written for you with blood, and his hatred against your kind will be endless.ä (30:10-11, 13-15)

Meier claims that these Pleiadians live on planets about 80 light years beyond the Pleiades solar system but ” all alien research goes into time travel ” are in a slightly different dimension and time that is actually just a second or two different from our own time. And they are fine with NOT being easily accessible in this galaxy.

aliens-nordic-direct-stareMeier says they live on a gorgeous planet with no streets, highways or railroads ” because there are no cars, buses, or trains; everyone flies. The cities just have parks and sidewalks. Families are very strong, but men are often polygamous with the full knowledge and acceptance of their wifes, who are however monogamous, and three children is the limit. Fruits trees are several hundred feet tall, and produce fruits far more delicious than what we have. The Exonordics eat “meat,” but it is grown biochemoically and no animals are killed except in true emergencies. The planet exports food to other planets. The Pleiadians or Exonordics are a key part of a federation of species that basically are interested in peace and submit their problems to a counsel of wise men.

I read in another source, not Meier, that the Exonordics feel extreme anger at the Grays, and the Reptilians allied with them, for having betrayed and tricked them in the past. They are visiting earth, among other reasons, to warn White earthlings against the Grays infiltrating the US government. The scariest thing of all is the claim that, as truly interdimensional creatures, the Grays and Reptilians canchange their form, that is, “shape-shift,” and masquerade as human beings. Some of us have hears stories claiming that members of the Bush family are in fact shape-shifting aliens. I can certainly say I have seen both father and son act so ineptly as humans that it was puzzling ¦. How could they be so dorky and yet end up in the White House?

I hasten to add that good species also can shape-shift, and do, especially to protect humans they admire and feel solidarity with.


I will run again at this time the report by a German comrade to me:

That would have been about 17 years ago. In a shop where I worked I sold healing stones. One afternoon two light-blond boys came in, almost hauntingly handsome and somehow looking very äpure.ä One was maybe 10 years old and the other 12, roughly. Particularly striking were their bright blue eyes, and apart from the size difference, they looked almost identical. They stood quietly in front of me and asked me about the effect of healing stones. Their questions were highly intelligent and they asked about really complex interactions. These two children were very calm and focused, standing in front of me, and their questions finally went beyond the limits of my knowledge. I mean, I was often questioned about the effect of the stones [since I was selling them] but never in such a sophisticated way, not even by adults.

Then I noticed the smaller of the two in profile, and perceived that his blue eyes shone with a light outward, maybe an inch outward, like two tiny spotlights. And as I looked at the other in profile, I discovered in him the same phenomenon. When their question and answer session with me was finished, I asked them: äAre you two actually brothers?ä The taller one: äNo, weäre just friends.ä Then they left. In retrospect, I was annoyed at myself a bit because I did not ask them more about themselves, or touch them, because [my paraphrase: ˜I can feel peoples’ energy sometimes. I knew they were of course very different.’] You know, Iäve had many many extraordinary experiences but I tell them sparingly, because hardly anyone would believe me anyway about such a thing.ä [end]

I have covered this to some extent already in my static webpage entitled

A long excerpt:

And this supports what Dr. Joseph Farrell, PhD of Oxford says, though Farrell goes way too far in many of his books, which suggest that all UFOs are either 1) Fourth Reich origin OR 2) retro-engineered US and Soviet disks using technology harvested from crashed or US- or Soviet-shot-down Fourth Reich craft. (The US had an early HAARP weapon that could short out a Fourth Reich craft.)

Farrell clearly does not believe all UFOs or all aliens are really Fourth Reich, because his truly brilliant bookäGenes, Giants, Gods and Men ¦.
ä discusses in depth a galactic war among aliens of various species that also turned earth into a battlefield. (As my blog points out, Farrell reveals his true colors ä favorable to WNism ä by saying that äYahwehä is an especially vicious alien who has beenäusing the Jewsäas his minionsä*;) winkä and surviving off human sacrificeäää. In a video on my blog he denounces äAnglo-American financiersä. Now, just who couldäthatäbe?ä*;) winkä And Dr. Farrell says äThe Reich did not buy into the NWOää. AN EXACT QUOTE.)
To summarize, this is how I see things after 40 years now of pondering it all and gathering evidence:
1) We live in a multiverse of several dimensions
2) we obviously live on the physical dimension
3) when we die, we go go another dimension (religion calls this heaven, hell, etc.)
4) Whites on earth are stranded star children who were cut offäfrom a very technically and spiritually advanced empire of home worlds äby a horrific galactic war that the good guys suffered many defeats in
5) Jews and East Asians are also stranded, and their ancestors were colonists from THEIR home worlds
5a) The äMen in Blackä are clearly described as quasi-Jewish in features ä äblack-haired and olive- complected,ä a very important point. And the aliens who did the 1961 Hill Abduction in New Hampshire were described as long-nosed and dark-haired, although not exactly human. The couple they abducted were anäearly case of American race-mixing:äBlack husband and White wife. ä
6) Blacks are the actual natives of this planet, but Whites have been here for at least 50,000 years
7) UFOs are of these origins
ä ä äa) Nordic Aliens
ä ä äb) Tall Whites (extremely thin, pale semi-humans who are cold, militaristic, and contemptuous of earthlings, and appear to be a hybrid of true nordics and Grays), Grays (many evil), Reptilians (extremely evil and extremely intelligent)
ä ä äc) The Fourth Reich
ä ä äd) US and Soviet-Russian knockoffs
8) the Nordic Aliens are helping the Fourth Reich
9) the Grays are helping the US government and thus the Jews who of course control the US government. Thus the theme of the series äX Filesä is simply true, that the Grays are deeply embedded in the US government.
This might be part of what Blum is referring to.ä;-)
10) Some of the aliens could be better describes simply as demons, interdimensional demons. Some of their actions and abductions are cruel in the extreme, suggesting psychopaths. ä(A local who works with the Pennsylvania State Police in its discreet abduction investigations told me some details. I would say onlyäavoid having bad karma,äand I say there are aliens who kill humans for various of their glands, and do painful surgeries on humans without anesthetic; you are paralyzed butäconscious and feeling the painäand suffer severe and unnecessary PTSD afterward. They just do not care.)
11) The Nordic Aliens are described above.
More mind-blowing yetä*;) wink:
12) The highly respected scientists Alan Hynek (äand Jacques Valläe ( both believe that aliens (good and bad) are moving between dimensions of time and space, hence their ability to dematerialize and even äshape-shift.ä
Wiki on Hynek:
äThere is sufficientäevidence to defend both the ETI [extraterrestrial] and the EDI [extradimensional] hypothesis,ääHynek continued. As evidence for the ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) he mentioned, as examples, theäradar cases as good evidence of something solid, and the physical-trace cases.äThen he turned to defending the EDI (extradimensional intelligence) hypothesis. Besides the aspect ofämaterialization and dematerializationähe cited the äpoltergeistä phenomenon experienced by some people after a close encounter; the photographs of UFOs, some times on only one frame, not seen by the witnesses; theächanging form right before the witnessesä eyes;äthe puzzling question oftelepathicäcommunication; or that in close encounters of the third kind the creatures seem to be at home in earthäs gravity and atmosphere; the sudden stillness in the presence of the craft; levitation of cars or persons; the development by some ofäpsychic abilities after an encounter.ääDo we have two aspects of one phenomenon or two different sets of phenomena?ä Hynek asked.[12]
Finally he introduced a third hypothesis. äI hold it entirely possible,ä he said, äthat aätechnology exists, which encompasses both the physical and the psychic, the material and the mental.äThere are stars that are millions of years older than the sun. There may be a civilization that is millions of years more advanced than manäs. We have gone from Kitty Hawk to the moon in some seventy years, but itäs possible that a million-year-old civilization may know something that we donät ä I hypothesize an äM&Mä technology encompassing the mental and material realms.äThe psychic realms, so mysterious to us today, may be an ordinary part of an advanced technology.ä[13]
13) Nordic Aliens have abducted entire White American families and taken them to beautiful planets to work in agriculture and forestry, fearing that earth WILL be destroyed but desiring that White earthlings should be preserved. They are however kept at 1940s technology because Earthlings tend toward ego, violence, and misusing technology to make devastating weapons and, through pollution, to destroy their own environment to get rich quick.
14) äA Gray-Reptilian alliance enslaved many planets with a HAARP-like mind control and neurochemicals, making them into programmed transhumans without free will, slaves and soldiers in their war machine.
The Nordic Aliens were forced to obliterate all life on those many planets and then restore those planets painstakingly so they could again host life.
15) The Nordic Aliens wish the Fourth Reich to take care of the problems on this planet.
Or they will have to do the same thing here.


See also:





ENGLISH Syfy channel to air massive two-hour documentary show July 20 on aliens on the moon


ä..Dynamite show on the Fourth Reich

On October 9 I was the guest on the radio show of äClay Douglas, biker, author, thinker, publisher and most of all, äthe Free Americanä

Clay has a new online magazine that you can order (left side) atääI read his September 2013 issue, on page 18, a fascinating article about an Israeli geneticist,äDr. Eran Elhaik,äwho has proven that modern Israelis do NOT descend from the ancient Jews.

aged-ah-white-hair-1Our topic however was: THE FOURTH REICH (as per my essay here:ä

In 1945, Adolf Hitler was dead (was he?) and his Third Reich went out of business. The US and USSR then divvied up the world without any further challenge. It was the new era of “just the two superpowers.ä

Or is that a lie that both the Reich ” and the Allies ” wanted us to believe ??

Is something else going on here? Was the Reich eager to stay low-profile and rebuild in a remote location, and were the Allies extremly embarrassed to admit that Hitler (or his key scientists and military forces) had escaped, via 100 U-boats that even the Allies admitted never were accounted for (not sunk and not surrendered), and starting rebuilding their power from the Antarctic and the Andes mountains? ä

Do we as White Americans now deserve their “help” or their contempt? One thing we need to be clear about is this: äNeither the Fourth Reich nor nordic aliens owe us anything, especially not White Americans. WE destroyed Germany, WE killed its people, WE stole their patents, and WE made fabulous profits off their science. And our government entered into an alliance with the same treacherous Grays who once by guile and betrayal nearly annihilated the Exonordics!

MYäMOST POPULARäARTICLE:ääTHE GREAT PATENTS HEIST:ääThe US economy boomed after WWII on stolen German inventions!

Maybe in fact the Fourth Reich Germans and the blond Exonordics are waiting for the last of our so-called äGreatest Generationä types to “kick the bucket,” enemies who fought for the Jews to slaughter the forces of good. For them they must feel a very special loathing.




¦.Book proves a hated alien force was blasting off into space in 2000 BC and probably nuked rebellious humansä

This is an email I sent to a top scientist:
I would strongly urge you to acquire and read the 2012 book Fremde Raumschiff-Startplätzeäbook by retired German aviation engineer Peter Brächmann.
I just finished it.
    • Peter Bruechmann, born 1931, German-American.
    • Higher school examination/annual course 1949.
  • Technical training / finishing education at the Daimler Benz Automobile Manufacturers (Mercedes-Benz) in Hamburg and Mannheim, Germany.
    • Special study / professional education in Automobile and Aircraft Technologies (Certified Engineer).
    • Award “The Car of Tomorrow” 1957, Technische Hochschule Karlsruhe (Teamwork).
    • Regular membership in the German Engineers Association (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure,VDI) since 1957.
    • Employed designer and test engineer at the Daimler Benz Plants in Sindelfingen, Germany, as well as in the aircraft industry.
    • More than 90 research and test reports concerning different aircraft developments and aircraft-specific material investigations.
    • 1963-1973 test and flight test engineer in the civilian and military aviation in Europe and USA.
    • Individual membership American legion, Airforce.
    • Sports pilot of long standing.
    • Some patents announced.
    • Senior Instructor in Authority at the Lufthansa Technical School (now: Lufthansa Technical Training).
    • 1978 ä1992 co-author : the official, containing some thousand pages book Grundlagen der Luftfahrzeugtechnik (Basic of the Aircraft Technologies),ääwhat has been required by the German Aviation Authority Luftfahrt-Bundesamt and ordered by the German Government for Public Traffic Bundes-Verkehrsministerium, Part 1 Basicsä(ISBN 3-88585-000-1)äand Part 2 Aeronautics/Structuresä(ISBN 3-88585-001-X).
    • Different technical articles in International periodicals of technical and scientific character.
    • Report about the development of the first bird-strike pneumatic test gun, 1966.
    • Co-author: the authorised technical training book for aircraft mechanics and maintenance personnel Technologie des Flugzeugesä(Aircraft Technologies),äISBN 3-88064-159-5, last issue 2007.
    • Private publisher of the two essential books “Warum die Dinosaurier starben” / Why did the Dinosaurs die, ISBN 3-8311-4213-0 and “Mars und Erde, Katastrophenplaneten” / Mars and Earth, Accident Planets.
    • After legal retirement independent reviewer/reporter at the Public Relation Office of the Lufthansa Technik AG in Hamburg, Germany.
    • Owner of the officeäSupport Aircraft Engineering.
  • Private Residence in the United States of America since 1982
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Translation: [Above the photo] ä”4. [My] first perception of the launch sites (scorched areas)”
[Below the photo] “A ˜scorched area’ seen diagonally [using Google Earth], as I saw such sites from airplanes. At the photo’s upper edge: part of the circle-shaped expelled dirt, which forms ä ää
around the launch site what I call the ˜inner corona.’ The diameter of the dark ˜cloverleaf’ comes to, both here and in all other scorched areas I have noted, between 150-200 meters [ = 180-240 yards]. The ˜inner corona’ has on average a diameter of 500-600 meters [ = 600-720 yards; ed.: a football field is 100 yards ¦] Often a further ˜corona’ is found further out. The ˜blast distance’ from the center is about 3.5 kilometers [ = ä2.2 miles]. If one takes aerial photographs from about 2 kilometers altitude [6,600 feet] the longest ˜spokes’ often go out of the picture. äThe blast distance [thus] exceeds the ˜pneumatic’ shock wave of the [atomic bombs] dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki [by the U.S. in August 1945].” ä
Transl. Germ.-Engl. “Today’s landing craft are based on solutions that correspond to those likely used by ancient space shuttles.”
Brächmann rightly points out that the earth, humans and landing situations have not changed in 4,000 years. Space craft will tend to have four legs for stability, like a table, and landing “bowls” for setting down on rough terrain. Note that the light “x” marks in the scorch areas reflect where the engine blasts and scorching are blocked and deflected by the four landing legs.
Photos of lined-up launch sites, with exact GPS coordinates given so you can verify them yourself. No one can say these deep indentations marks made in rows were created by nature. Even if they resulted from meteorite strikes, they would not be lined up like this. It looks like what a military would do: soldiers in a row. 😉
Iäsuppose the most startling info from Peter Brächmann is that around perhaps 2 000 BC some apparently hostile, exploitative aliens (which makes me think of the 2008 book Genes, Giants, Gods and Men,äunleashed hydrogen-bomb warfare on rebellious humans. .
They had been flying almost exclusively from earth up to an orbiting station, perhaps ferrying something they needed such as (I speculate) gold, or God forbid, humans or human body parts.
Based on the prevalence of very many charred blastoff sites, and very few airstrips, they were seldom traveling from point A to point B on earth.
äThe effect of the hydrogen bombs was a (deliberate?) catastrophic fusion in the atmosphere. The oxygen in our atmosphere caught fire, which is a reaction that both sides back in WWI feared ” Hitler, Hans Bethe and Robert Oppenheimer.
The nitrogen (atomic weight 14) combined to form silicon (AW 28) and this bound with oxygen to form silicon dioxide, which is SAND.
Brächmann speculates that this was entirely deliberate. . The effect, he says, was to inundate what is now the Sahara area with billions of tons of sand, annihilating a huge rebel area that at that time was teeming with people and cities, many or all of whom apparently were at that time, as he claims, in open revolt.
Brächmann believes that the Sahel (the scrub-brush area south of the Sahara) was where they blasted off from, apparently in a hurry.
What is now the country of Chad, but also Nazca, Peru, the Yucatan next to Chichen Itza, and an area near Samarkand, Usbekistan, are full of the traces of blastoffs and also of a few rocket mishaps, with the rocket clearly toppling sideways and traveling at huge speed along the ground and then exploding in a huge fireball.
A scan from the book. (Translation of the caption from Germ.-Engl. below.)
“A truly classic ˜clover’ with definitely visible white ˜support legs’ and a center that is hardly still recognizable as a ˜black cross.'”
The four “leaves” of the clover shape are blast marks, just as with our rocket engines today if they did not have a blast pit underneath them and flooded with water from a high-standing watertower, located to the side, at the moment of ignition. I witnessed a space shuttle launch relatively close-up, that carrying the Hubble Telescope. Without water inundating a blastpit ” creating the billowing white steam we see (below) at US launches from Cape Canaveral, Florida ” there would be a gigantic scorch mark, possibly 2.5 football fields in diameter.
This is clearly NOT zero-point energy in use, as is posited for “flying saucers,” but a combustible fuel comparable to what the US and Russia and Germany (Third Reich and what I call the Fourth Reich post-1945, the one that Operation Highjump was hunting) still use today.


  1. Mr. de Nugent,

    From the time that I was a teenager I have been totally disgusted with the way white people in America behave. Most of those around me listen to black ‘music’ and dressed in a decidedly ghetto fashion. None would show the slightest pride in their heritage, having swallowed the public school notion that white men were brutal and ignorant exploiters of innocent people the world over. All the while enjoying the civilization and comfort those men made possible. One has only to look at the state of those places where we haven’t established our civilization to see the truth.

    As to the exonordics I can only say this; I have always, since I was a small child, held the desire to return home. Even when sheltered in my parents house.

    • Thanks much for this email!

      Yes, the fascination with space in Aryans can be traced back to coming FROM space. This is a colonized planet, just as America is a colonized continent. People like a place and they move here — not so hard an idea, really, to wrap one’s head around…. 😉

      According to US Navy captain Marc Richards, earth is a comparatively attractive planet (not just some dry, rocky mining colony) and it is at a kind of useful place in the galaxy for travelers. He said that the problem is the asteroid belt, which means one must slow way, way down, leaving hyperspace (faster-than-light travel by warping time inside the ship), and one must do so long before one gets here. Flying faster than light through asteroids is not recommended. 😉

      Now, if one adds reincarnation and nordic aliens together, then one gets why so many Whites love space. We remember being there.

      The passionate hobbies we have often go back to pleasant memories of another life.

      When I see how much my Margi loves opera, and sings it, I can only conclude that she had a wonderful life in the opera world.

      With me, it was a fascination with all things German ar the age of five (only my great-grandmother was German, just 1/16th of me) that has never left me.

      As Alfonse de Lamartine said:

      “Man is a fallen god who remembers the heavens.”

      We remember emotionally, without the deleted little details, the heavens, and we remember also emotionally the relatively nicer lives we have had, who we were then, and what we were doing — and enjoying.

      Thus we feel deeply drawn, “!mysteriously,” to certain things or people, even as children, and with no encouragement from others.

  2. Dear Mr. de Nugent,

    While I have written to you (in French!) already in another section of your website, I see now that have overlooked this! REMARKABLE!!

    Ever since I started getting interested in UFOs since the age of eight, I have always instinctively KNOWN that the people you called “Exo-Nordics” ARE in facts OUR ANCESTORS! They are undoubtedly watching us since time immemorial. The fact is: There exist MANY PROOFS that modern (probably Exo-Nordics) men have existed on this planet since TENS, perhaps even HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF YEARS!

    For more information on this subject, I recommend to you the remarkable, landmark work of Michael CREMO and Richard THOMSON, THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE HUMAN SPECIES (

    This, for example, would explain why there are so many legends about “DRAGONS”. Quite simply because our Exo-Nordic ancestors DID SEE the dinosaurs, and probably co-existed with them until the great catastrophe (presumably an Asteroid impact) of 65 Million years ago, which marks the K-T boundary.

    Right after this, our planet did regenerate itself, and ushered a new Golden Age (especially in Europe) during the Tertiary Era, especially the Eocene period (55 to 40 million years ago), during which the whole of Europe enjoyed a tropical climate similar to that of today’s Hawai, or the moderately warm, super-humid climate of the north-western Colombian Choco region…

    In Europe, the climate really started to get cold only quite “recently,” towards the end of the Pliocene era, just 3 million years ago.

    Of course, all of this has been SYSTEMATICALLY CENSORED OUT by the JewsMedia and “official” Archeology and Paleontology.

    Obviously, the true past of our race and civilization needs to be drastically revised and thoroughly researched again!

    Keep up the good work!

    Yours Truly,

    Marc de Logères

  3. A remarkable person and researcher, who made an essential contribution to the rediscovery of our most ancient Racial roots, was the Dutch-born Prehistorian Herman WIRTH. He very correctly stated that the Nordic Race had obviously a VERY ANCIENT ORIGIN, dating back at least to the final period of the Tertiary Era. He also stated that the ancient writing of Nordics was essentially SYMBOLIC. “Alphabetical” script being a degradation of the original meaning of the various symbols. What is certain, is that the Runic Script is amazingly ancient: Nordic Runic writings have been discovered in cave sites all over Europe, dating back at least to the Magdalenian Era(15 000-20 000 years ago)! For Herman WIRTH, the original Mother-land, the “UR-HEIMAT” of the Nordic Race, was in the ARCTIC, most probably GREENLAND, and also with major outposts in the Scandinavian Islands, and the Scandinavian Mainland itself. This during the TERTIARY ERA, when Greenland was free of ice, and enjoyed a mild, sub-tropical climate, similar to that of Florida or Hawaii.
    It is difficult to say if Herman WIRTH ever suspected that the Nordics were of Extra-terrestrial origin… My belief is that he probably suspected it. But in his time, as it is always the case with true geniuses and precursors, he was ruthlessly attacked by the “official”, “accepted” Prehistorical science establishment… He was, during the mid-thirties, under the direct supervision of HIMMLER, the main founder of the AHNENERBE, or “Ancestor’s Heritage”, which became the main Prehistorical research organization of the ALLGEMEINE SS, the famous “Schwarz Korps”, which was to become the Racial Elite of the Third Reich. But unfortunately, WIRTH found himself very rapidly under vicious attacks from Alfred ROSENBERG(who was probably a closet Jew!…)and other high-ranking members of the NSDAP. Being a vicious, hate-filled mysoginist, ROSENBERG could not stomach WIRTH’s conception of Nordic Womanhood. Herman WIRTH always stated that Nordic Culture was very favorable to Women, and that it was perhaps , at its most ancient period, even Matriarchal!… Furthermore, WIRTH was becoming more and more desillusioned about the evolution of the whole Nazi regime. More and more sectarian, war-like, and authoritarian. Indeed, the Nazi regime was rapidly becoming more Roman/Oriental-like, and less and less Nordic in character.
    In 1938, just barely one or two years after the foundation of the AHNENERBE, Herman WIRTH was ignominiously sacked from the very organization he had so much contributed to create! He was placed under virtual house-arrest, being even denied the right to return to his birth-place, the Netherland. In spite of this shameful treatment, he nonetheless continued his tireless work in Nordic Prehistory, but strictly in a private manner… After the end of WWII, he immediately resumed all his researches in this domain, up until the very last day of his life, in 1981, at the age of 96.
    Herman WIRTH, by his landmark, fundamental work, and his noble, selfless idealism and Racial/Spiritual elevation, will remain for ever one of our greatest KULTUR-HELDEN(Culture-Hero)! He truly and deeply UNDERSTOOD, more than anybody else, the real essence of Ancient Nordic Wisdom… He will remain for ever an EXAMPLE and a REFERENCE for all future researchers in White Nordic Prehistory!
    His first fundamental Work, DER AUFGANG DER MENSCHHEIT, can be found for free pdf download, on the web. His even bigger work, DER HEILIGE URSCHRIFT DER MENSCHHEIT, can also be downloaded, but on a pay-site.

    Best Nordic Greetings!

    Marc de Logères

  4. The US is the new Jerusalem and brother let me tell you…They are coming here soon and those who accept the 4th Reich will be “saved” and those who give into the Jewish lies of Anti-Aryanism will burn in absolute fire.

    I am a US Army veteran and have been deployed to Iraq twice, I have seen first-hand what our wonderful leaders do to the people of these nations, we are the new police force of the world, and we are starving Arabs, the good ones with strong Aryan blood, possibly the true Israelis and destroying their homes.

    It’s absolutely sickening to watch these things happen to such innocent people. I had to see first-hand what was happening, and I knew even as a small boy that something was wrong with our world and the backward reality that we accept.

    Funny how most of these “terrorists” that we caught in Iraq were either Jewish/Egyptian or Jewish/Israeli. I honestly like most Arabs and have been told that I am “just like them” by some very friendly locals, interesting considering I am half Canadien French, one quarter British/Saxon, and one quarter Irish with RH negative blood type i.e. Cro-Magnon. I have hazel eyes and wavy dark brown hair, fitting for a true Celt, most of my family is blond/blue eyes hah!

    I knew about Pleiadians and how we must come from them or that they took a local stock of primate and “seeded” them such as the Gibbon apes (who socially act just like White people) because there were so few Exonordics left. I won’t give into the myth that we came from Chimpanzees because of how war-like and disgusting they act just like their descendants the Semites are…filthy neanderthals.

    We have already won, the enemy always swallows its words and drowns itself in the blood that it shed…we’re just here to watch the show.

    Thanks John, keep up the good work and never let them rest!


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