1) Vaxx megadeath looming for white, libtard, college-educated women? 2) Average vaxx death at five months; 3) Big Jews running Israel lied DELIBERATELY to its little-jew majority

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A new poll from The Economist and covered by Breitbart News has found that the vast majority of both Biden and Trump voters were tricked into taking a suicide shot falsely labeled the “covid-19 vaccine.”

According to the poll, nine out of ten Biden voters took at least one of the jabs, most likely because those who support Biden are obedient, oblivious NPCs who blindly trust government and corporations with their lives, even when those governments and corporations are quite literally trying to exterminate them.

The survey reveals something quite fascinating. While men, Blacks and Hispanics all caught on and largely stopped taking the fraudulent covid-19 vaccine after the first or second dose, White liberal women (college-educated / indoctrinated) continued to remain shockingly obedient to the covid-19 propaganda and demanded three or more doses.

From the study, while only 42% of Hispanics took three jabs, and 55% of Blacks took three jabs, and even White college-educated men only had 58% compliance with three jabs, White women with college degrees (i.e. liberal women) showed 70% compliance with triple jabs.

This finding is consistent with another study covered by Information Liberation that has found the following shocking beliefs among White liberals (mostly women):

  • The now believe that Whites are more violent than Blacks
  • They believe that Whites are more lazy compared to Blacks
  • They believe that Whites are less intelligent than Blacks

These beliefs have been hammered into White liberals via the fake news media and pop culture programming (movies, TV, advertising, etc.). White liberal women soaked it up like a mindless sponge.

White liberal women, it seems, are practically incapable of independent, non-racist thinking and have been largely brainwashed with false beliefs about culture, race, medicine and science. As they are taking their fourth shot, a White liberal woman is likely to scream, “I trust the science!” even though they are being slowly genocided by the jab.

The rise of modern tyranny across Western Civilization, by the way, is supported — if not outright spearheaded — by insane, angry White liberal women. These are the same women, by the way, who support child mutilations, transgenderism, grooming, abortions and who despise God. No surprise there. They hate men and they also hate normal women (feminists). They of course hate Trump, America and the American flag. But they love to run school boards and city councils, and they want to control your life and wield political power over everything you’re allowed to do.




….Five months to live


….Rothfilth doesn’t care about the little jews



  1. A so-called deadly virus ! Yet travellers still flocked to Britain from contaminated countries by the plane load. Then for 3 months the borders were restricted l, not closed. Then it spread rapidly through the UK.

    The “experts” told us:

    (1) Wearing a particle mask will save you
    (2) Be injected with a vaccine where you don’t know what’s in it or what effect it has on your cells, DNA or nervous system.
    It only shows how a real plague can spread globally in 24 hours and effect a real reset.
    More people die from drugs, smoking, and alcohol each month, yet they are allowed as they are taxed. So Covid isn’t a big killer.
    My mate’s dad died of a heart attack yet the medics said it was Covid on his death certificate until he challenged it.

  2. If White women are taking the Covid vaccine in a big way, and if the vaccine causes infertility, what are the implications?

    Might it not have been known beforehand that White women would take the vaccine in a big way? What are the implications if it were known that the vaccine causes infertility?

  3. One of my favorite female musicians on YouTube, who is unfortunately a blue-haired lesbian, and therefore by default a brain-dead liberal, posted a link on her YouTube channel to a GoFundMe page for her mother, who is in the ICU recovering from massive blood clots, which resulted in the removal of 50% of her intestines. I posted a comment on her YouTube channel saying that severe blood clots are a common side effect of the COVID “vaccines,” and she replied, saying that her mother has a blood disorder that has nothing to do with vaccines, and scolding me for bringing up the topic of vaccines on her YouTube channel. Her mother is quite young, as evidenced by a photo of her lying in bed in the ICU – I’d estimate she’s only in her early 40’s. I’m sure it’s very uncommon for someone so young to develop such severe blood clots, unless there is some external cause, like the COVID “vaccine.” But her blue-haired, lesbian, brain-dead liberal daughter refuses to see it. This is just one anecdotal story of white liberal female stupidity.

    • Thanks.

      I would only add that there are millions of brain-dead white libtard males as well, just less. Testosterone makes men more hard-nosed and skeptical, more into friend-foe identification, a male function.

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