A new poll from The Economist and covered by Breitbart News has found that the vast majority of both Biden and Trump voters were tricked into taking a suicide shot falsely labeled the “covid-19 vaccine.”
According to the poll, nine out of ten Biden voters took at least one of the jabs, most likely because those who support Biden are obedient, oblivious NPCs who blindly trust government and corporations with their lives, even when those governments and corporations are quite literally trying to exterminate them.
The survey reveals something quite fascinating. While men, Blacks and Hispanics all caught on and largely stopped taking the fraudulent covid-19 vaccine after the first or second dose, White liberal women (college-educated / indoctrinated) continued to remain shockingly obedient to the covid-19 propaganda and demanded three or more doses.
From the study, while only 42% of Hispanics took three jabs, and 55% of Blacks took three jabs, and even White college-educated men only had 58% compliance with three jabs, White women with college degrees (i.e. liberal women) showed 70% compliance with triple jabs.
This finding is consistent with another study covered by Information Liberation that has found the following shocking beliefs among White liberals (mostly women):
- The now believe that Whites are more violent than Blacks
- They believe that Whites are more lazy compared to Blacks
- They believe that Whites are less intelligent than Blacks
These beliefs have been hammered into White liberals via the fake news media and pop culture programming (movies, TV, advertising, etc.). White liberal women soaked it up like a mindless sponge.
White liberal women, it seems, are practically incapable of independent, non-racist thinking and have been largely brainwashed with false beliefs about culture, race, medicine and science. As they are taking their fourth shot, a White liberal woman is likely to scream, “I trust the science!” even though they are being slowly genocided by the jab.
The rise of modern tyranny across Western Civilization, by the way, is supported — if not outright spearheaded — by insane, angry White liberal women. These are the same women, by the way, who support child mutilations, transgenderism, grooming, abortions and who despise God. No surprise there. They hate men and they also hate normal women (feminists). They of course hate Trump, America and the American flag. But they love to run school boards and city councils, and they want to control your life and wield political power over everything you’re allowed to do.
….Five months to live
Vaccines are taking an average of 5 months to kill peopleThe CDC has been hiding the Social Security Administration death master file. I got it from a whistleblower. This shows deaths are taking 5 months from the jab to happen. This is why it’s hard to see.
Executive SummaryWe’ve always assumed the vaccine kills you quickly (in the first two weeks) because that’s when people notice the association and report it to VAERS. This is still true; it does kill some people quickly. However, most of the deaths from the vaccine are happening an average of 5 months from the last dose for the second dose. It may be getting shorter the more shots you get but there are arguments both ways (since there can be survivor bias). But this explains why the life insurance companies got off-the-charts all-cause mortality peaks for people under 60 in Q3 and Q4 rather than right after the shots rolled out. The five month delay is also consistent with death reports where people are developing new aggressive cancers that are killing them over a 4 to 6 month period. So when you hear of a death from stroke, cardiac arrest, heart attack, cancer, and suicide that is happening around 5 months after vaccination, it could very well be a vaccine-related death. The data from the Social Security Administration death master file (ages 18 to 55)I got this chart from a whistleblower who works for HHS. This is data you are not supposed to see. The mortality increase (60% at peak) is huge. That sort of increase can only be caused by something novel that affected massive numbers of people. There is only one possibility that fits that: the COVID vaccine. The peak is September 9, 2021. Daily vaccine doses administered in the USThe peak is April 12, 2021. Occam’s razorThe most obvious conclusion is that the vaccine takes an average of 5 months to kill people after the second dose. The second peak in December 2021 will result in life insurance companies having spikes in Q1 and Q2 of 2022. Here’s what UK Professor Norman Fenton saidAlternate hypothesesIf someone has a better explanation for this data, I’d love to hear it. If any fact checker wants to challenge me on this, you can use the Contact Form and let’s have a recorded conversation. The CDC doesn’t want to talk about this. They also won’t tell us why they aren’t showing us this data. For sure, the NY Times and rest of the mainstream media will ignore this and won’t ask any questions. Maybe Tucker Carlson will talk about it. SummaryIt was wrong to assume that most of the vaccine-related deaths were happening shortly after vaccination. Some are, but most are not. It’s just that they were easier to notice when there was temporal proximity to the jabs. If someone you know died around 5 months after vaccination, you should definitely have a proper autopsy done as described in my earlier interview with Ryan Cole. Please share this info.
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….Rothfilth doesn’t care about the little jews
Exclusive: Proof that Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it upIsrael didn’t start to gather safety data until a year into the vaccine program. They gathered 6 months worth of data and found that the vaccines weren’t safe so they lied to the world about it.
This is the most IMPORTANT article I’ve written to dateThis is the single most important article on my Substack (which has over 700 articles). The key facts in a nutshell:
What you should doThe three most important things you can do to put a stop to these dangerous vaccines are:
Executive SummaryThe Israeli Ministry of Health (MoH) was informed by their own hand-selected outside expert group headed by Prof. Mati Berkowitz that the COVID vaccines are not as safe as the MoH had been claiming to the Israeli people. It was just the opposite: instead of mild, short term events, the events were serious and long-lasting. For neurological side effects, in 65% of the cases, these did not go away at all (start watching this video at 2:30; the 65% is at 3:09) and the researchers admitted they had no clue if they would ever go away. Instead of admitting their mistake, the MoH covered it up by issuing a report that distorted the expert report. In addition, the experts also effectively covered it up by saying nothing when this happened. They sat by idly while the MoH misrepresented the data. It appears that everyone involved was so intimidated that they felt that they had to bury the truth, even when it can cost lives. The news finally broke to the public on August 20 that the government hadn’t been monitoring adverse reactions for a year and then, after they finally gathered the adverse safety data, that they deliberately manipulated the data to make the vaccine look safe when it wasn’t. You’d think there would be major outrage at the violation of the public trust. But there was nothing. No reaction. Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, the Health Ministry’s head of public services and a top COVID adviser to the Israeli government, issued no public statement. That’s stunning. This suggests that she and the others in her organization who knew about this were in on the cover-up. The Israeli people should demand that they be fired and criminally prosecuted. In addition, the current Minister of Health, Nitzan Horowitz, is doing nothing. Why isn’t he calling for an investigation? He should be fired as well. Or is corruption of science OK with the Israeli government? Finally, how deep does the corruption go? Will any Israeli mainstream media cover this story? Why not? Will any member of the Israeli parliament call for an investigation? Will any member of the executive branch call for an investigation? It appears to me that they are all bought off by the drug companies. Am I wrong? This is a story of corruption, pure and simple.There is no way to put a positive spin on this. Anyone in power who is not calling for an investigation and heads to roll is just as corrupt as the people who engaged in the original cover-up of the safety report. This story is the “smoking gun” we’ve been waiting for: an official government agency was caught on tape as having received a damaging report from scientists and then deliberately lied to the public about it. The response to this story has been crickets so farThe Israeli press (which is heavily state controlled) refused to go near the story; they wouldn’t even reply when contacted about the story. They do not want to see any of the evidence. At the time I am writing this (September 2 and 3), only one news outlet, GB News in the UK, has covered it. It is up to us to force our medical, health, and political leaders worldwide to take a stand on what happened. Will they condemn it or will they ignore it? Every mainstream medical leader should be saying that what the MoH did is wrong and calling for an immediate investigation into the safety of the vaccines. We should be able to see the full presentation of the expert panel and their report. And the safety data should be released to the public like the VAERS data is. But look at what happened: they aren’t condemning what happened and they aren’t asking for the report or the data. They are staying silent… as if it didn’t happen. They are all basically saying, “It is OK for a government to not monitor vaccine safety for 12 months, and then, after 6 months of safety monitoring and clear evidence of harm, deliberately misrepresenting the safety data to the public.” IntroductionIt turns out the Israeli government never had a vaccine safety monitoring system in place when they launched the COVID vaccines in December, 2020. Finally, in December of 2021, more than a year into the vaccination program, they decided to fix that defect. They started collecting safety data from that point until the end of May 2022. They then tasked an outside research group headed by a top Israeli scientist to analyze the data. The report came back that the side effects were not mild and short lasting as was represented to the Israeli people. The data was clear that the side-effects were serious and long-lasting (sometimes with no end in sight). In short, the data showed that the government, which wasn’t monitoring for safety like they claimed, lied to the people of Israel. Also, it’s now clear that Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis lied to the outside committee of the FDA about the Israeli safety monitoring. The Ministry of Health (MOH) concealed the safety report for 2 months, then issued a deceptive public report to make the vaccine look safe. This Sunday, Sept 4, they will “ask” the vaccine safety committee to recommend the 5th dose (the combo vax) for 60+. This is corrupt. They are hiding the safety data from the public and they know it.It took 2 months for the MOH to distort the findings and present it to the public to make it look like the COVID vaccines were safe. Nobody knew that someone was secretly recording the meeting between the outside researchers and the MoHNobody knew that the June meeting between the researchers and the MoH was being secretly recorded. Apparently, there was an honest person at the meeting and so when the MoH didn’t act in a way that protected the public, the recording was leaked to the press. In the 80 minute recording, one of the researchers said, “We’ll have to think medical-legal – how to present our findings to avoid lawsuits.” After bits of the recording were leaked to the press, none of the Israeli media would cover the story. In fact, only one news outlet in the world, GB News in the UK, was willing to cover it. Watch this video of the GB News interview by Neil Oliver which happened on August 20, 2022. Fox News was notified but declined to cover it (apparently because their advertising contracts with Pfizer prohibits them from covering any negative news about the vaccines). The whole scam was fully exposed to the public on Sept 1, 2022 in this Tweet (10 messages long) from Yaffa Shir-Raz who is an honest journalist living in Israel. I found out about it when Retsef Levi forwarded me the tweet to my WhatsApp (since I’m permanently banned from Twitter for speaking out about how unsafe the vaccines are). My reaction was swift… I started drafting this article within minutes after reading that tweet. The tweet discusses the techniques that were used to distort the researchers’ findings: If twitter takes down that tweet thread, I have a copy of the video and the full tweet which I will publish if needed. Causality of new adverse events was proven by the outside teamIn addition, new significant adverse events were identified and causality was established in areas where the researchers weren’t aware of any issues (such as neurological problems where there wasn’t even a survey question asking about these; it was detected in the free-form fields). Additional pointsThe outside team was hired by the Ministry of Health. The meeting with the MoH was early June in front of a senior leader in the MoH who is in charge of adverse event monitoring. The MoH officials did not share the findings with the MoH advisory committee when several weeks later it met to discuss the approval of the vaccine to babies and 5th booster to adults. Dr. Alroy-Preis is #2 in the MOH. She is heading the formal collaboration between Israel and Pfizer. She meets with Pfizer regularly and writes papers with them. She is also responsible for all the COVID 19 policies in Israel. The things they hid include:
How could this corruption happen?See this article on “How did the MoH become Pfizer’s agent?” for how the corruption happens, but briefly it is because government officials are misled into thinking the vaccine is the only way out so they sign an agreement that makes pushing the vaccines a high priority and safety issues a low priority. Here is another article about the Israel-Pfizer contract. References / further readingHere are the key sources:
These references are only on this particular story of course. There are now over a thousand of articles in the peer-reviewed published scientific journals showing the vaccines are not as safe as claimed. See this article for a summary of the evidence. We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg right nowKeep in mind that the researchers ONLY analyzed the 5 most commonly reported serious adverse events and they found new things Pfizer didn’t know about. They excluded the most severe cases and gave them to another committee to examine. Cardiovascular events were #6 most prevalent so we don’t have any data on those since they weren’t analyzed. And the study didn’t even include cases of hospitalization – which is the role of another committee to examine. So the current analysis is just the tip of the iceberg. VAERS shows thousands of symptoms that are elevated by these vaccines compared to normal. There is a lot more that has not yet been surfaced to the public. There is honest research going on in Israel that is being ignored. For example, did you know that according to an analysis of data from the MoH, the COVID vaccine kills 40 times more old people than it saves? Dr. Herve Seligmann works at the Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Research Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France. He is of Israeli-Luxembourg nationality. Using Israel MoH data, Haim Yative and Dr. Seligmann, Israeli researchers, found that the COVID-19 vaccine killed 40 times (40x) the amount of elderly people than the disease would have and 260 times more younger people than would have died from the virus in a 3 week period shortly after the shots. See:
Other things of note
A comment from one of my readers in IsraelConsider this comment:
So now all the people in the US have at least one scapegoat to blame for everything. I’ve been told that the US relied on the Israeli’s for safety monitoring due to the sad state of safety monitoring in the US. They may not have realized that Israel was even worse than the US in safety monitoring; much worse. 18 USC 1001 violation by Dr. Sharon Alroy-PreisIt is a criminal violation of US law for anyone to make a material misrepresentation in any official proceeding (18 USC 1001). Violators are subject to 5 years in prison. Consider the following statements made at this FDA VRBPAC meeting on September 17, 2021: “Reckless Levy” is actually “Retsef Levi.” But this statement was made at a time where there was no safety monitoring being done by the Israeli government. She is relating to Retsef’s claim that the reporting system in Israel was dysfunctional (which it was) and that there was no follow up or monitoring on AEs. Retsef didn’t lie. She did. She said she was “surprised.” So this appears to be a deliberate misrepresentation made by Dr. Alroy-Preis which could subject her to criminal prosecution by the DOJ. However, such things are unlikely even though her testimony led the committee to approve the vaccines which have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. On the other hand, maybe she was surprised that anyone outside the MoH knew what was really going on (so she wasn’t lying). How do “they” explain this away? They can’t!The Twitter trolls initially claimed the videos were taken out of context. But that didn’t last long. Now they are silent. The strategy seems to be let’s ignore it so it will go away. How medical experts in the US are reactingI have the mobile phone number for Dr. Grace Lee, head of the ACIP committee which is the outside committee of the CDC. So I texted her this article and asked for comments. If she says anything, I’ll report it here. Don’t hold your breath. She should be outraged. But she won’t be. She’ll say nothing. She’ll just go along with what she is told to do, which is to ignore it. That’s how science works. If you want evidence of corruption, this is it. Similarly, no member of the mainstream medical community will say a word. None of them will say anything. Will Professor Vinay Prasad say anything? He knows about this article and I’ve asked for his comments as well. This is a defining moment for the world mainstream medical community and medical journals. Will they speak out or do as they are told and remain silent? Who will be the first to speak out? I’m guessing they will all remain silent and not comment about this. This shows you the level of control and corruption. Here is a partial list of people I’ve ask for comment from:
I know all of these people. I am hoping that at least one of them will want to be on the right side of history here in calling out the corruption at the MoH. But no. The only person who responded was Bert Vogelstein who basically said he’s working on something big and didn’t want to get defocused. That’s fair. He’s a class act. This is peripheral for him and I knew that when I reached out. Let me make my position crystal clear:
I would have asked other people but many top scientists in the infectious disease area requested I never contact them again after I first revealed the COVID vaccines were unsafe back in May, 2021. They believed I was a menace to society at the time (and probably still do). This can’t happen in the US because the CDC avoids gathering accurate safety data on vaccinesThe US has a lame system for tracking adverse events after vaccination. They looked at upgrading it over 10 years ago, but the new system, ESP:VAERS, was too accurate and showed all the US vaccines were dangerous. So the CDC canned the system. This is documented near the beginning of RFK Jr’s book The Real Anthony Fauci. The CDC would never commission a study to accurately study adverse events so the problem just doesn’t happen in the US because they avoid collecting the data in the first place. This is very corrupt but nobody minds including the mainstream medical community. They have all been brainwashed into believing the FDA is legit and all vaccines are safe. But apparently they know this isn’t true because none of them will debate RFK Jr on vaccine safety (he’s been trying for 20 years to find an expert to debate (Alan Dershowitz doesn’t count). Of course, the US Pfizer vaccines are just as dangerous as the Pfizer vaccine in Israel, but the governments and the mainstream press ensure nobody finds out, just like how you will only see this information on Substack and in other places, but never in the mainstream press. Even when an FAA whistleblower comes forward with serious accusations that are irrefutable, the US press avoids covering the event: Today, nobody will challenge the FDA. They now do EUA approvals without any proof of a clinical benefit and without approval by their own captured outside committee. This is outrageous, yet doctors are silent.The FDA just approved the combined booster after testing on 8 mice showed that the Omicron protection was sporadic and that it did not prevent infection in a single mouse that was challenged with the virus. No word on data showing there is a hospitalization or death benefit. What I don’t understand is why they didn’t do the Omicron challenge study on 200 mice: 100 who got the full vax series vs. 100 completely unvaxed mice looking for all-cause mortality and morbidity. That would have been real data, far better than 8 mice who got the vaccine looking for antibodies. But they didn’t do this because they knew it would be bad. Instead, the medical community and the FDA are content with a single arm study with 8 mice which showed no clinical benefit from the vaccine to approve a vaccine that they will try to get everyone to take. This is truly stunning. It shows you clearly how broken the medical community is. There should be op-eds in every medical journal on the absurdity of approving a booster with no clinical benefit in humans or mice. Doctors should be outraged at this. But they say nothing. All the mice used in the study are now dead (they were killed as part of the study which was convenient since that way they can’t track their mortality). Was Sharon Alroy-Preis in on it?It is highly unlikely that Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, the Health Ministry’s head of public services and a top COVID adviser to the Israeli government, didn’t know about all of this before the press leak. How could she not know? There was no safety monitoring in place before December 2021. If she didn’t know that, she should be immediately fired for incompetence. So she must have known about the data that was being gathered and that it was being analyzed. She should have been on pins and needles waiting for the result of the meeting if she truly cared about public health. And how could she not be at that meeting with the scientists? What could possibly be more important to the health and safety of the Israeli people? Where was she? Even though she obviously didn’t make the Zoom meeting because she had more important things to do, she would have been notified immediately after the meeting by her staff. That’s the 99.99% most likely scenario. But once it was announced in the press, it removed all doubt. If she was truly not informed before the GB News story on August 20, she would have immediately issued a press release that she was never told about the report and that there would be an investigation. Instead, we heard nothing. The only possible way that could happen is she was in on the cover up. Summary and recommendationsIn writing this article, I have spoken privately to both MIT Professor Retsef Levy and Dr. Yaffa Shir-Raz to make sure I got everything right. The bottom line is this:
The Israeli people should be demanding that Sharon Alroy-Preis resign now as well as all the members of her team who participated in the cover-up. They should be prosecuting all these people as criminals because that’s what they did: they conspired to bury the safety information which could have saved lives. It is important that honesty and integrity be restored at the MoH as soon as possible, yet nothing is happening. So the corruption will continue worldwide. Please share this widely. It is important for this information to get out. Now. You’re a free subscriber to Steve Kirsch’s newsletter. For the full experience, become a paid subscriber. |
A so-called deadly virus ! Yet travellers still flocked to Britain from contaminated countries by the plane load. Then for 3 months the borders were restricted l, not closed. Then it spread rapidly through the UK.
The “experts” told us:
(1) Wearing a particle mask will save you
(2) Be injected with a vaccine where you don’t know what’s in it or what effect it has on your cells, DNA or nervous system.
It only shows how a real plague can spread globally in 24 hours and effect a real reset.
More people die from drugs, smoking, and alcohol each month, yet they are allowed as they are taxed. So Covid isn’t a big killer.
My mate’s dad died of a heart attack yet the medics said it was Covid on his death certificate until he challenged it.
If White women are taking the Covid vaccine in a big way, and if the vaccine causes infertility, what are the implications?
Might it not have been known beforehand that White women would take the vaccine in a big way? What are the implications if it were known that the vaccine causes infertility?
Causing infertility in a group is one of the UN definitions of GENOCIDE
One of my favorite female musicians on YouTube, who is unfortunately a blue-haired lesbian, and therefore by default a brain-dead liberal, posted a link on her YouTube channel to a GoFundMe page for her mother, who is in the ICU recovering from massive blood clots, which resulted in the removal of 50% of her intestines. I posted a comment on her YouTube channel saying that severe blood clots are a common side effect of the COVID “vaccines,” and she replied, saying that her mother has a blood disorder that has nothing to do with vaccines, and scolding me for bringing up the topic of vaccines on her YouTube channel. Her mother is quite young, as evidenced by a photo of her lying in bed in the ICU – I’d estimate she’s only in her early 40’s. I’m sure it’s very uncommon for someone so young to develop such severe blood clots, unless there is some external cause, like the COVID “vaccine.” But her blue-haired, lesbian, brain-dead liberal daughter refuses to see it. This is just one anecdotal story of white liberal female stupidity.
I would only add that there are millions of brain-dead white libtard males as well, just less. Testosterone makes men more hard-nosed and skeptical, more into friend-foe identification, a male function.
I can’t help but wonder what the suicide rate is among those who’ve taken one or more of the death jabs and then learned what’s in the jab and now gestating in their bodies. Like this (starts at about 17:50 in, Mat Taylor) How could anyone live a normal life knowing this is in them. They’d have to go into total denial. https://rumble.com/v1j38ev-live-new-nano-circuit-discovery-in-c19-vaxx-tyrant-trudeau-threatens-more-l.html