100-year-old US Marine sergeant weeps for America

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This century-old man, his chest full of war medals, is no weepy wuss. He even apologizes to the audience for feeling “down.” He is no whiner, and he emphasizes that his own life was actually pretty good.

But as for his country, his nation, and the freedoms he and his buddies fought for….and bled for….and even died for….

This little Marine corporal, Kyle Carpenter, deliberately jumped on a grenade in Afghanistan to save his buddy, losing an eye and a leg. This was followed by 32 surgical operations.


Notice he is not whining. Marines know war is hell, and so we signed up for hell.

But this grieving, centenarian Marine sergeant feels the young will never have as much fun or enjoy as decent a life as he did when he was their age.

And he is even angry at himself, even at age 100, exclaiming:

“Why me sitting here like this while all this is going on?”


I don’t know — I’ve lived a good  life. I’ve had a lot of love and happiness. Happiness! Smiling! Telling everybody that everything was beautiful every day.   If I didn’t go into my church and say everything was beautiful, they’d think I was sick. And I’m not that way. I mean that I sincerely believe, in this old world, that everything IS beautiful.

I mean that if I see, if I wake up in the morning, and [I] see these plants out here [points out a window] and all those flowers that were in there, and the green grass on the ground, that’s beautiful.

And people don’t realize what they have.

They bitch about it!

And then, nowadays, I am so upset that the [good] things we did, the things we fought for, and that our boys died for, it’s all gone down the drain! 

Our country’s gone to hell in a handbasket!

We have not the country we [once] had — not at all. Nobody will have [the same kind of] fun I had. Nobody will have the opportunity I had. It’s just not the same! That’s not what our boys died for! [voice trembles and he shudders].

Fallen Marines in the aftermath of the battle of Tarawa Island (called “Bloody Tarawa”) 

I just…….

That’s not it!

I’m so sorry….

I’ll be alright.

It just takes but time….  to get over it. I just… Why me sitting here like this while all this is going on?

Mark Calvin
I saw scenes from the Hitler movie on YouTube, the one with the great cosplay actor that audiences adored and flocked to. I heard the actor was shocked at the positive response, but strived to stay in character as a future shocked AH. I can see how the audience could be so star struck. The resemblance is strong, and he seems to absorb some of the crowd’s energy, likely the same way the real man did. I think the actor frightened himself.
Mark Calvin
I feel saddened by the video stills of the sad Marine sergeant. I think he feels betrayed but is bewildered and unsure who to blame. It must be so terrifying to have witnessed the horrid decline over a century and know that his time is so far depleted by his advancing age.
Hendrick Reiche
Although Smedley Butler didn’t name the jew. This former marine was able to read between the lines. A must read for anyone before joining.

sitting here like this while all this is going on?

Emily [granddaughter?], it’s just not the same. It’s just not the same. That isn’t what we fought for.

Oh, well, why should I be worried about it? I’m a hundred years old, they say.

Comments on VK:

Mark Calvin
I saw scenes from the Hitler movie on YouTube, the one with the great cosplay actor that audiences adored and flocked to. I heard the actor was shocked at the positive response, but strived to stay in character as a future shocked AH. I can see how the audience could be so star struck. The resemblance is strong, and he seems to absorb some of the crowd’s energy, likely the same way the real man did. I think the actor frightened himself.
Mark Calvin
I feel saddened by the video stills of the sad Marine sergeant. I think he feels betrayed, but is bewildered and unsure who to blame. It must be so terrifying to have witnessed the horrid decline over a century and know that his time is so far depleted by his advancing age.
Hendrick Reiche
Although Smedley Butler didn’t name the jew, that former Marine was able to read between the lines — a must-read for anyone before joining.

……General Smedley Butler’s “War is a Racket”

…..US Army general Douglas Macarthur, a top general in WWII in the Pacific and in the Korean War


…..A smart and caring leader

What is astonishing in this 2014 German movie “Look who’s back” (which is a leftist and anti-Hitler production!!!) is that 90% of the crowd scenes were not with actors at all, but spontaneous and real reactions by young Germans, by other whites, including AMERICANS, and by several different kinds of non-whites.

Everyone wants a wise and loving leader to make them and their people great again, while they relax and can go about their own challenging lives. They can sleep at night in the certainty that a strong leader is at the rudder for them!


……Democracy doesn’t work because the masses are always wrong

Lies work on the libtard-moderate-centrist MAJORITY because they actually love LIES that justify them (as in “I didn’t make a fatal mistake believing the jewsmedia and getting vaxxed”).

Now, you see, folks, all this jump in sudden deaths after mass vaccinations comes from super-dangerous gardens, a summer phenomenon called “heat,” solar storms whipping around 93 mio miles away, and rising energy bills (caused, of course, by that Mad, Bad Vlad).

“Convince me against my will, and I shall believe it still.”






  1. The “God” in the U.S. Constitution is the god of nature, an esoteric reference to Pan. Albert Pike in his book Morals and Dogma reveals Pan to be Lucifer.

    The U.S. war cemeteries in France are filled with Masonic monuments.

    • @Jake, is God nature ? Our european ancestors believed in reincarnation as the most natural part of life and it seems the talmudists do also believe in a kind of reincarnation as they have their khaballa tree of life. It seems they get power from our suffering so is Lucifer behind this ? Only in Aryan unity can we defeat such evil.

      • Yes but the way they see it, if something can happen in nature, ie. murder, pedophilia, rape, etc., then there is nothing wrong with it as they see it, as nature permits it. Pretty sick, if you think about it.

        Dennis Wise’s latest documentary on Freemasonry gives a detailed account.

        What Lucifer exactly is, I can’t say with 100% certainty. But he is their god. In Latin the planet Venus is named Lucifer. In the Bible also, Lucifer is known as the Morning Star. You will have to look deeper into that connection with Venus. Also, Lucifer is the god of the rainbow, which is why LGBTQ use the rainbow flag.

  2. It is worth mentioning that one of the first things Hitler did when he came to power was close down all of the Masonic lodges and many of the leaders were executed. They put up anti-Masonic displays all over Germany, showing the evils of Freemasonry to the people.

    Alistair Crowley wisely left Germany in 1932 or he would have ended up in a camp or dead.

    • True.

      However, what is the source of the claim that many Freemasonic leaders were actually executed? We were not in the habit in peacetime of executing non-violent offenders.

  3. I wonder if our grandparents would fight again in WW1 or WW2 if they could’ve seen how their countries would turn out after the wars ended? How different the world would have been if they hadn’t believed the media lies and flocked to the colours!

    • Indeed.

      Nietzsche said something quirky but interesting once. “The most underestimated factor in world history is boredom.” 😉

      If you are a plowhand, or a factory worker, or a miner who hates the gloom, soot and danger of his job, and you are terminally BORED by your treadmill life, and also depressed by its seeming meaninglessness, then war “against the evil forces of X” can appear as your way out: It promises excitement, danger, vanquishing the bad guys, and coming home with a chestful of medals to sweep some pretty girl off her feet.

      Every Marine knows one of the reasons why he joined was to wear the dress-blues like Kyle Carpenter and make some girl swoon. 😉

  4. I will re-check the books that read that in. If those are exaggerated claims from the Jews, then they fooled me on that one.

    I didn’t really think to question those claims as the Jews had already declared war on Germany in 1933, so things were already tense. But I guess it’s always a good idea to triple check claims coming from that time with all of the lies still being told.

    • Jake, it was drilled relentlessly into me via school, books, films and other media how we must obey and believe what we are told.

      JdN and otherd gave me info regarding the actions of our zionist friends. The info questioning their actions is hidden, but it’s found on JdN’s site and others. The fact that questioning the Holohoax is illegal in 50 countries around the world should lead you to say “Why?” Why jail a person for questioning what they are told? What are they afraid of? There are lots off articles on JdN’s blog. Type away, Jake, and see what you find. You might see who’s been lying to us all for centuries.

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