ENGLISH RIP Hans Schmidt; Count Laval Nugent

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In response to President Obama’s complaint that FOX doesn’t show enough Black and Hispanic people on their network, FOX has announced that they will now air “America’s Most Wanted” twice a week.

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==============Hans Schmidt

Hans Schmidt and I worked on some important German-American issues in 1986-1987, and I have very fond memories of this original thinker.

I realized through him that if the over 50 million Americans of German heritage ever mobilize they can change this country. And through Hans I gained a new insight into the psychology of people who have German genes, whether born in Germany or born in Jersey. Someday soon, I hope to fully use this knowledge gained then.

I hope any who have not read my articles on German-Americans whch Hans Schmidt inspired in me will avail themselves of the opportunity:






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Hans Schmidt

Hans Schmidt (1927-2010) was an energetic and prolific German-American activist who for years steadfastly defended Germany’s heritage, forthrightly countering lies and distortions of twentieth-century European history. He was also the author of several books. During World War Two he served as a soldier in the Waffen SS.

He was born in western Germany [JdN: in the Saarland] in April 1927, the second of seven children. In 1944 he volunteered for service in the famed Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler SS panzer division. During the war’s final months he was engaged in the furious winter combat of the “Battle of the Bulge,” in bloody fighting in Hungary, and finally in desperate battles in Austria. He ended the war as a twice-wounded 18-year-old corporal and squad leader.

After surrendering to US troops just two days before the end of fighting in Europe, he was held — along with many tens of thousands of other German prisoners of war — under brutal conditions in primitive stockades without shelter. Thanks to the kindness of individual American GIs, he was spared transfer to Soviet imprison­ment, or prolonged custody in US internment.

He soon migrated to the United States, where he became a successful businessman and a naturalized US citizen. He married and became the father of two daughters.

In 1983 he founded the German-American National Political Action Committee (GANPAC), which was devoted to countering anti-German bias in the media. For years he ran GANPAC, first in southern California and then in Florida. He wrote and published two GANPAC newsletters, one in English (Ganpac Brief) and one in German (USA-Berichte).

In June 1985 the GANPAC office in Santa Monica, California, was set on fire. The arson attack was carried out by the Jewish Defense League, a Zionist terror group, apparently because of Schmidt’s skepticism of familiar Holocaust claims

Schmidt was the author of several books, including SS Panzergrenadier: A True Story Of World War II (published in late 2001), Hitler Boys in America: Re-Education Exposed, and Jailed in Democratic Germany.

In his SS Panzergrenadier memoir he told why he volunteered, as a teenager, for military service during the final, desperate months of the war. Written from an unapologetically German point of view, he provided a frank, “politically incorrect” explanation — with a keen regard for American sensibilities — of the appeal of the Third Reich regime, and the realities of the Hitler Youth and the Waffen SS.

In August 1995, the 68-year-old Schmidt was arrested in Frankfurt, Germany, during a visit to the land of his birth to meet with his elderly mother. He was charged with “popular incitement” (“Volksverhetzung”) for remarks in his US-based newsletter and in a few private letters to individuals in Germany. State prosecutors cited his references to Jewish control of the media, to “Jew- and Freemason infested” German political parties, to derogatory references to German politicians, and to mention of “Holocaust tales.” After five months in prison, he was released on bail in January 1996. Instead of appearing for trial, he returned immediately to the US.

Hans Schmidt died on May 30, 2010, age 83, in North Carolina, where he had been living with his wife.

=================WEIRD RESEMBLANCE

This is all in Austrian German, but it is obituary of a relative, Field Marshall Count Laval Nugent, who won the highest decorations in decades of combat. His father had been a field marshal in Russia! The family was from County Westmeath, Ireland.

The castle the emperor gave him.

A steel engraving of him:



Israelis fighting, shouting and calling a member of parliament on the Gaza ship flotilla a traitor and accusing her of endangering the commandoes… What a neanderthal circus.

=============Chicken Salad

A Canadian supporter has made this for me and it is really delicious!

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Chicken strips sautéed…browned nicely on each side.

Cut strips into small pieces

Chopped Vegies..




Onion if you wish


2 to 3 tablespoons olive oil

juice of 1 lemon

créole seasoning

ground pepper

Balsamic vinegar

Add amounts consistent with your tastes.

No need to measure.

Keep on hand in case you have to make your own.

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My comment:

Deeeeeee-lish! 🙂

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