Remembering Margi (1948-2022) and our visit to Twin Lakes in the UP. She was my faithful, delightful, loving and also courageous mate 2005-22.
God bless you!
Robin Shores Wisener Thanks, Robin. I know you know the feeling. [She just lost her mate.]
This was an extremely strange chemtrail two weeks before her death, which exploded — I repeat — EXPLODED — directly over our house at 801 Michigan (next to Bottom Line bookkeeping) in Ontonagon. I heard a jet engine revving and straining over the lake (Lake Superior), came outside with my smartphone with its camera, and saw it suddenly fly low-altitude right over the house (and thus directly above Margi’s big, organic vegetable and herb garden, which actually fed us for both health and financial reasons).
As I watched, a huge puff of gas came out of the jet. Well, see for yourself:
Margi’s garden was her pride and joy.
Margi was out there with her oxygen tank, gardening away, and never complained once. I fed her via a feeding tube for three years. The brown liquid on the tray at the bottom of the photo, on the grass, was a special meal I made for her with a blender which included natural, hormone-free beef from the co-op in Hancock, 60 miles away, and powerful, natural anti-cancer supplements.
Cancer-fighting supplements I mixed with a blender into her liquid food, including also fenbendazole from the Tractor Supply in Houghton:
I thank all who donated so we could buy these supplements and make many 800-mile round trips to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota
I am certain they gave her cancer because she was a fierce WN as I am, and when the alternative cancer treatments kept slowing the progress of this dreaded disease, they resorted to this. We fought it for 4 1/3 years, using the Mayo Clinic for a new treatment and also many anti-cancer things which we bought out of pocket.
Her ashes and death certificate
It was the most difficult period of my adult life, and I damn the jays for murdering her. Margi had throat cancer (and Level 7-8 pain) despite NEVER smoking, drinking, eating one single candy bar, setting one foot in any McDonalds, or even being overweight.
They killed her just as their vaxx is also killing people.
Believe me, the Talmud expresses how they really do feel about us — raw hatred, jealousy that we look Aryan and not semitic, and psychopathic murderousness.
May she rest in peace.
Ste Syzygy Thanks, but I doubt Margi is resting. She is busy in heaven. I had two experiences with her after she passed on.
My final message:
Terrible John of what your wife went through, im not sleeping and have jad severe neuralgia nerve pain for years. it’s not the same as cancer but if your physical health can’t improve, then i would say end ypur life so your not a burdan on other people. I’m not talking about your wife, i mean my own life.
I had to quit my course that took ages to get funding for.And even on a high dose of amitriptile i still get chronic pain. Indescribable, like razor sjap pieces of glsss pushed into you.
Family has no meaning to me, and i, ve never dated. I had a few F.B’S as a teenager and have only seen escorts. Which i’m sick of stupid whores. The amount of women selling their bodies is a fucking unreal.
Middle aged women, obese women and even pregnant women.
There is decent white women, but a lot of our women use the sustem theor advantage and are dating pathetic low testosteroneales pathetic soyboys with their hair in buns that look weak and sickly.
Most of our women only care about their careers and being succesful. And even the most pathetic and obese women can use the system against their men Equity is bulshit.
Nothing about the system is just and fair, it openly and viciously hates white males and discriminatess against us.
And smart white people will mot have children, the government can take ypur chold off ypu if you don’t want them to be brainwashed at school.
Plus the education system is terrible, most of the schools have done away with European hostory and replaced it with cultural marxist brainwashing.
All universities are marxist brainwashing centres to.
The politicians are the most deranged sick demented stupid people.
You cannot reason with them and their all sociopaths and sick demented people. Their living in a bubble seperated from the 95 percent of people.
Even a lot of liberals hate the politicians now after being cohersed into taking the mrna bioweapon.
I won’t say 99 percent because a lot of people that are low i.q are living in the Matrix still. I thonk the I r is a type of satanism that manifests it’s self in the elites. Jews do not belive in god, they think they are gods that can rule over the filthy goyim. Their psychotic monsters, they accuse us of what their doing themselves. And it’s mass psychosis, they done a video, obvipusly mocking the small amount of intelligent whites that know about geo engineering, chem trails and haarp weather modificatio. In the video they joked saying jews control the weather and jews have a space laser. Their certainly good at covering their tracks by revealing their actions pretending that intelligent interlectuals are crazy nutjobs. They have everything covered, and it looks like they’ll cause ww3 and they would have stockpiled food water, medicine etc
And have underground bases to live in.
Satanism to me is not ftom organised mainstream religion, it is from not having a spirit and losing your soul. Spiritualism, decent kind hard working genorous white people will suffer but thats to do with Karma and influences their decisions and action in life. Spiritualism is real, but organised mainstream religion is 100 percent fake.
Hang in there. 🙂
I meant satanism is from organised mainstream religion which manifests it’self. Spiritualism, the natural order is real and once destroyed it makes everyone souless.
Everyone will lose their soul if the great reset is achieved. The jews dna is not from thos planet, their are pitch black african jews with jewish features. And even mestizo jew hybrids.
Genetocs doesn’t have the key to everythong.
Their some type of alien like parisite, the neandothols were not from earth.
Ich hadere mit Gott, dass so ein Drama wie bei Magret zugelassen wird.
Das macht mich so wütend. Eine Kameradin, die auch viel mitmachen musste, ihr Mann missbrauchte die Kinder sexuell, meinte in ihrer österreichischen Art:
Wenn ich sterbe, bekommen die da oben einmal eine ordentliche Watsche, weil sie uns nicht geholfen haben…
Es bedarf hier zweier Wahrheiten:
1) die Reinkarnation
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Selige Sehnsucht (1815)
Sagt es niemand, nur den Weisen,
Weil die Menge gleich verhöhnet,
Das Lebend’ge will ich preisen,
Das nach Flammentod sich sehnet.
In der Liebesnächte Kühlung,
Die dich zeugte, wo du zeugtest,
Überfällt die fremde Fühlung
Wenn die stille Kerze leuchtet.
Nicht mehr bleibest du umfangen
In der Finsternis Beschattung,
Und dich reißet neu Verlangen
Auf zu höherer Begattung.
Keine Ferne macht dich schwierig,
Kommst geflogen und gebannt,
Und zuletzt, des Lichts begierig,
Bist du Schmetterling verbrannt,
Und so lang du das nicht hast,
Dieses: Stirb und Werde!
Bist du nur ein trüber Gast
Auf der dunklen Erde.
2) Wir sind nicht alleine in diesem Weltall. Und dieser spezifische Planet bekommt buchstäblich die Geisteskranken.
WIR brockten uns das alles im Laufe vieler Inkarnationen ein.
Hier belügt man sich, und pausenlos andere.
Alles, Bruder, was jetzt passiert, ist im höheren Sinne gerecht.
Nicht vergessen: Auch die Deutschen, die zu den allerbesten zählten, stimmten nach acht Jahren Knochenarbeit bei der Reichstagswahl im Mai 1928 mit 2,6% für die NSDAP. 😉
Die ganz wenigen echt Edlen, die sich hier inkarnieren, wussten, dass es hier so ist. Sie tun selbstlos aus Liebe ihre Pflicht.
Wer die Reinkarnation nicht kapiert, und auch nicht, dass die Bewohner anderer Welten, wo man erstaunliche Technik besitzt, im Gegensatz zu uns nicht verrückt sind, wird zutiefst unglücklich.
Meine Religion wird zu Umdenken und Umkehr führen. Es dauert nicht mehr lange. 🙂
Vor 1933 gab es eine Selbstmordwelle in der Weimarer Republik. Wenn sie nur nicht aufgegeben hätten!
Karma is definitley the cause of a lot of the destruction of people.
Genetics are real, but the decent people suffer the most and the sick evil people thrive.
Passing on the rigjt dna is part of the solution to keeping your spirit. Ojr dna is damaged and the worlds dna has been destroyed.
The right dna and good Karma are the key.
My thoughts too. I always think that whatever happens there is a karmic reason for so even Jesus must have had some bad karma to redeem otherwise it makes no sense. That’s why the cyclic predator vs. prey circle continues until we unite and break free. When i was a kid and watched animal videos from Africa i got so furious and i wanted to kill all hyenas and lions etc. for the suffering they caused to the peaceful herbivores. I now believe even in the animal world the predator vs. prey shift sides so the prey was once the predator and vice versa. It’s the only thing that makes sense in all the suffering. But i do believe we can ascend and break the cycle and that we as Aryans are on our way to Asgard.
Anscheinend haben die Bösen Möglichkeiten gefunden, ihr mieses Karma, zumindest in dieser Inkarnation zu stoppen. Schrecklichen Bestien wie Churchill ging es bis zu seinem Tode mit 90 relativ gut. Er hat sicher nicht so viel gelitten, wie Frau Huffstickler.
Tja, was soll man dazu sagen, außer:
Die Welt braucht mehr Gerechtigkeit und nordische Menschen!
Ja. Ich lese immer wieder ein hochspirutelles Meisterwerk aus Indien, aber was mir bei der Lektüre davon einfällt, ist sein Pessimismus, bedingt dadurch, dass er eben in Indien lebt, und somit in einem Lande, woe die arische Rasse nur noch spurenhaft vorhanden ist.