18-months SUSPENDED sentence for Muslim Pakistani REPEAT OFFENDER who spit in an English baby´s face because she is white!!!!! O-M-G!!!!

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Sebastian Brandt
Sebastian Brandt The jackals…they keep barking and screaming at the lion…until one they, the lion gets up and tears the shit out of everyone.

John de Nugent
John de Nugent 🙂 right, and this was said, as you pointed out on FB, by my lookalike Christopher Walken (German parents, btw, from Hamburg)

Johan Vd Westhuizen
Johan Vd Westhuizen ·

Tic toc tic toc……………
John de Nugent
….The DM story in full

Race-hate attacker who SPAT into a nine-month-old BABY’S face and shouted ‘white people shouldn’t breed’ at her mother walks free

  • Rezzas Abdulla has previous convictions for race-hate attacks on white women
  • He approached mother pushing her baby in a pram and spat at her daughter
  • Despite previous crimes, attacker avoids jail term on a suspended sentence 
  • Mother says punishment may have been different if she had abused him 
Rezzas Abdulla has avoided a jail term despite spitting in a baby's face and shouting 'white people shouldn't breed'

Rezzas Abdulla has avoided a jail term despite spitting in a baby’s face and shouting ‘white people shouldn’t breed’

An attacker spat into a nine-month-old baby’s face and shouted ‘white people shouldn’t breed’ in a sickening race-hate assault.

Rezzas Abdulla left little Layla-Jean, who was just nine months old and in her pushchair, covered in saliva after the shocking street attack in South Shields last January.

Newcastle Crown Court heard the baby’s mother, hairdresser Rebecca Telford, 25, was out walking with the baby when the 33-year-old attacker approached without warning.

Prosecutor Emma Dowling told the court: ‘He lent into the pushchair and spat into the face of her daughter.

‘As he did so, he shouted or said “white people shouldn’t breed”.’

The court heard that when the baby’s stunned mother confronted Abdulla, he told her to ‘shut the f*** up’ and walked off.

Miss Dowling told the court the spit was ‘sprayed around’ the baby’s face and a shocked passer by gave her a tissue to clean up.

Ms Telford tried to take a photograph of her baby’s attacker as he walked away but was too shaken by what had happened.

Abdulla, who has two previous convictions for race-hate attacks on white women, was later tracked down through CCTV.

Rebecca Telford was walking through South Shields with her daughter Layla-Jean when Abdulla walked up to them and spat at the baby

Rebecca Telford was walking through South Shields with her daughter Layla-Jean when Abdulla walked up to them and spat at the baby

He was convicted of racially aggravated common assault after a trial at South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court, which he did not attend.

In a victim impact statement Rebecca told the police: ‘I am completely disgusted and distressed that a grown man, regardless of race or religion, would spit on a defenceless baby in a completely unprovoked attack.

‘If he had just walked by I would not have even noticed him, there was no eye contact and no words had been exchanged. I had never seen him before.’

The court heard Layla-Jeam, now almost two, was taken to the doctor after the attack for tests.

Ms Telford added: ‘I believe he spat on her purely because we are white, I was a lone female and an easy target.’

Mr Recorder Darren Preston told Abdulla: ‘There is something viscerally horrible and disgusting about spitting at someone, particularly in the face and to do so to a baby was particularly disgusting, let alone to make things even worse when your motivation for doing so is racial hatred.’

Ms Telford says she had nothing against anyone of any race or religion but was shocked

Ms Telford says she had nothing against anyone of any race or religion but was shocked

The judge referred to Abdulla’s previous convictions and told him: ‘You have got a problem, it seems to me, with white women.’

The court heard after the attack last January, Abdulla spent time receiving psychiatric treatment in hospital, which has continued after his release into the community.

The judge said Abdulla’s deteriorating mental health at the time of the attack ‘contributed’ towards the offence.

Abdulla was sentenced to eight months imprisonment, suspended for 18 months, with rehabilitation and mental health treatment requirements.

The judge said ‘society in general’ would be better served by Abdulla being allowed to continue his psychiatric treatment programme.

Abdulla did not attend his trial and was given a suspended sentence by a judge this week

Abdulla did not attend his trial and was given a suspended sentence by a judge this week

Vic Laffey, defending, said Abdulla now receives anti-psychotic treatment in the community.

Speaking after the court case today, Ms Telford said: ‘South Shields is really multicultural, and I have never witnessed anything like this before, between any races.

‘It was horrifying. I am glad he has been brought to justice, but I think he has got off lightly.

‘I am not racist at all but I honestly think if it was the other way round and I had been abusive towards him, then I would have been treated differently.

‘Layla Jean was just nine months old. She did not have a clue what was going on, but she was still distressed.’

The shocking incident happened near this roundabout in South Shields last January 

The shocking incident happened near this roundabout in South Shields last January

She added: ‘I phoned the doctor and I was told that Layla-Jean might need to have a BCG injection, in case she had contracted TB.

‘Normally kids don’t get vaccinated until they are much older, and it would have been a lot for her to go through.

‘Luckily, it wasn’t necessary in the end, but it put me through a lot of worry and stress.’

‘I wasn’t sure if the police would take what had happened seriously, because it wasn’t physically violent, but they were fantastic, and managed to catch him within a few days.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4245344/Race-hate-attacker-SPAT-nine-month-old-BABY-S-face.html#ixzz4ZQXD3FTl
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1 Comment

  1. That judge was obviously influenced by materialistic beliefs in using ‘contributed’ like that and saying this repeat offender isn’t even responsible for his own decisions. And nobody seems to care that despite the clear bloodlust of many nonwhites who think whites are going to die, it’s all a ‘conspiracy theory’, everyone has to trust the government. But the worst weight has got to be on those public intellectual types who could easily singlehandedly change the public perception if they merely knew even 1% of the truth, and despite having it directly shoved in their face, just refuse to admit they are wrong and even lie to maintain the status quo.

    Jew skeptic Richard Wiseman even admitted that by normal standards of testing, psi(remote viewing specifically) is proven!(He then demands higher standards for psi despite sufficient evidence obviously being the same for anything, regardless of our bias that it must be impossible to fit within our set of ideas)


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