1930s cartoon (!!!): they’ll kill us with a fake pandemic and a deadly vaccine

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Already at the tail end of WWI, in 1917-18, the Jew were testing how to create panic and kill 50 million people with the vaccine.
Anti-vaxx advocates say every person who died of the “Spanish Flu” had been vaccinated.

Many were against the masks back then! There was a huge “Anti-Mask League.”



One of them was my English-born grandfather’s first wife, a beautiful Irish girl, and the mother of his only son,John Thomas Colwell, Junior.

My grandpa, a widower with a little boy at age 20, cooking burgers for us all in 1965:

Looked a bit like this:

Suppose the Spanish Flu was a big practice exercise of imposing a police state and then doing a mega-kill of the goyim via a toxic vaccine?



Bots pretending to be people:





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