1939 redux: jewsmedia invents provocative words Putin never said to incite WWIII; TRUMP THE BOOTLICKING TRAITOR

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Death-vaxx pusher Trump and his rally buddy and sexual-predator friend Bill O’Reilly, who had to abandon his number-one tv show after numerous credible accusations of demanding sex or else by his female victims at Fox.

Ticket sales at $140 were dismal: https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2021/12/16/trump-and-oreilly-history-tour-struggles-with-low-attendance/


A Scandinavian comrade commented:

No more brother wars!

I replied:

Right, and especially no wars among nuclear powers!

But the world is certifiably insane — literally mad.

This dismal fact of long standing necessitated in 1933 the suspension of multiparty democracy until people become taught to be rational, noble and altruistic.

THEN freedom — the freedom to speak out, to worship as you choose, to work and live where you want, rights which any sensible person wants to have and use — is actually manageable and a truly great thing.

Freedom is actually the authentic American dream, not just “a better life”.


The elder Duran was saying, and I concur, that in the 1960s through 1980s there were constant demonstrations against nuclear war, but today you see nothing, as if the danger were over!

And here we see the top British general, Nick Carter, saying the danger of nuclear war has never been worse!

We see in effect Biden doing a Khrushchev, seeking to put US missiles right next to Russia. This is just like the Russian Khrushchev sneaking his Russian missiles (in the days before military surveillance satellites) into Cuba, next to Florida/USA.

Trailer from “13 Days”

Zero learning from history! Yawn! History, shmistory.

Now look at this war-mongering drivel from Britain’s huge neo-con newspaper, the Daily Mail!

Russian troops in a frenzy of ‘exercises’ on Ukrainian border https://mol.im/a/10342087

Now exactly WHEN and WHERE did Putin actually speak the provocative words that DM puts into his mouth (via single quotation marks), saying the US and NATO can “go to hell”?

Russian troops engaged in a frenzy of ‘exercises’ on the Ukrainian border yesterday hours after Vladimir Putin told US and NATO to ‘go to hell’, stoking fears of an invasion.

This is the same exact kind of fear crap — based on total lies — that the same exact DM was churning out in the summer of 1939.

Of course, then the country being demonized by the jews was Germany, and the quivering, poor little “victim” nation which the “Great Powers” had to “save” was Poland.

….which actually was ferociously attacking its German minority, two MILLION people, harassing the independent German port city of Danzig, and repeatedly violating the German border!

The jew provokes, provokes, and provokes, then he inverts the accusation!

The Jew cries out as he hits you!



……Trump’s treason to his own supporters, to his nation, and to his race

A comrade commented:

Anglin calls Trump an enemy https://dailystormer.su/satanic-terror-monger-zeibelheim-xondoziem-calls-jew-death-shot-greatest-achievement-of-mandkind/

I replied:

Yes, and thanks. Now he truly is.

Let us get one thing straight: Except for us national socialists, all politicians — Republi-con, Demoncrat, Libertarian or whatever else, either quit politics in disgust or they cave in to the jews and commit literal treason.

The brilliant The Nameless War by Captain Ramsay proves the jews are at war with the gentiles, seeking our enslavement and destruction, and organizing the bloodiest wars and revolutions to crucify us.


Therefore, anyone in bed with them, AND ANYONE PUSHING THE JEWS’ VACCINE, is a TRAITOR.

..like Donald John Trump.

He now disgusts me as much as Biden, because Biden was always a zero, but Trump knows better.

He knows the jews are wicked tyrants.

He knew the September 11 attack on the WTC — which led directly to a US  attack on the enemies of the jewish state of Israel, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and later Libya and Syria, largely destroying all four countries — was suspicious, too, and he said so bluntly on that very day in 2001.


And Trump KNOWS that the masses are saying his vaxx is poisonous.

Look: He hears his own people, at HIS rallies, booing him — when he promotes the jewish death jab!

And he sits there — he tours with — a Bill O’Reilly, and who is this?  A genuine sexual predator, fired from the number-one news show on tv, a huge money-maker for Fox News Channel, after many women accused him credibly of sexual misconduct!

Donald, you have sold your soul.

You sold out to the jews.

From now on, you are my enemy, because you are a traitor to your race and nation.

And some day you will die as we all must. Then you will face the wrath of God.

Then you will see a life-review video, and it is never about you or me, but about how you and I affected the lives of other people.

Recall what Jesus of Galilee [Galil ha Goyim, that is, “District of Goyim” in Hebrew] warned the bigshots of this world about mistreating the little people who trust them:

If anyone should betray the faith of these little ones, it would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be drowned in the deep blue sea.

It is very evident from how Jesus rebuked the Pharisees, the main jewish faction that won a power struggle with the Sadduccees and later wrote the Talmud, that hypocrisy is abhorrent to God.

Being sinful is one thing, but putting on a facade of righteousness and looking down on others when your condition is the same, if not worse, is abhorrent to God.

Jesus said that the bar owners and whores would enter Heaven before them, which of course enraged the jewish leaders.

Donald, you lying sack of shit:

You are betraying the little people who looked up to you, who donated to you (as I did, $50 in 2016 and $400 in 2020 after I got my small inheritance), who took abuse from libtard relatives for you, and who trusted you with their literal bodies, with their lives... and now these little ones are suffering and those who believed in your word are dying.

And you walked away from hydroxychloroquine, which is proven cheap, proven safe, and proven effective!

And from Ivermectin!

Btw, my 92-year-old friend here in town, Bob, who watches Fox News and loved Trump, well, he got the two Covid vaxxes. This was a former top Coast Guard official in Upper Michigan. And he came down with, and became deathly ill from Covid.

No wonder I have not seen him in weeks. He lives with his grandson, Daniel, who told me the whole story.

Your vaxx not only does not work, Trump, it cripples and kills people who trusted you.

This babe says the truth:

Looking back, I am glad I did not make my move last fall, though I had finally gotten my inheritance from my late mother, after waiting for it since 1994. So I did have some money then to work with, but attacking Trump back then was super high-risk. Many still loyally believed in him.

I did not want anyone saying “John de Nugent hurt Trump; he split the white, conservative vote and so de Nugent put the senile communist pervert BIDEN in!”

So the masses needed to experience first-hand what a pussy, a bootlicker of the jews, a pal of a sexual predator, and a lethal liar Donald Trump is.

And now they know.

So onward and upward!

The truth will set us free!



  1. Dear John;

    In whom shall we trust now, DeSantis, Rand Paul??? Where are Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, Prather etc.??? What are they waiting for?

    We Germans say, normally, “it’s 5 to 12” but now it’s at least exactly high noon.

    A Leader is required, a Leonidas, an Alexander, an AH!!!

    • Er kommt.

      Ir must be a religion. Politics have failed. They never let any of us win. I experienced this in 1990.

      And the AfD has been demonized, divided and conquered.

      People are also too rotten for a mere political party to change them.

      In this small, all-white town here I cannot believe the amoral goings-on. It is so rotten: destroyed families, joblessness, chaos, arrests, drugs and booze like in the black ghettoes in the 1960s.

      The Leader will be the one who makes Whites act again like the Aryans (“nobles” in Sanskrit) they are, and more than ever before.

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