Learn from the pure joy in baby goats and kids; Supertramp song implores “Tell me who I AM”; Aryan Jesus versus jewish Yahweh; why Lloyd George went atheist for a decade

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The great things about animals and very young earthlings is that they have no mental chatter or constant streams of thoughts going on (often negative thoughts, fears or memories) which plague their whole day, from adolescence onward to advanced adulthood. When critters and little kids play, they only PLAY. 🙂 And so they get the FULL benefit of the fun!

This is exactly what Eckhart Tolle says, or Nisargadatta:

Children, like animals, by not thinking in words, concepts and mental chatter all the time, live in the now, are far more care-free, and can be much happier than adults.

Watch kids play, or goats or dogs, for that matter, and they are truly enjoying life’s beautiful moments.

Adult earthlings, however, cogitate constantly and are plagued almost every waking second by mental chatter.

Margi gave me a wonderful book in German (which she was fluent in, and also French, Spanish and Portuguese), a translation of the plays of the Ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus. In one of the plays, two gods discuss earthlings (“mortals”) and say:

“The sad thing is they cannot clear their mind of thoughts and enjoy anything for more than a few moments.”


……”The Logical Song” (1979) — a  hit tune that is much deeper than you think

Roger Hodgson, looking here a bit like Jesus Himself, was the lead singer and songwriter for the band “Supertramp,” and sings below a huge hit with some very gripping lyrics: “The Logical Song”

I’ll introduce this song, the songwriter and the lyrics first. A friend since 2011 (who has done fantastic videos for me in the past), B, sent me the song and lyrics last night.

This was one of his videos for me:




“The Logical Song” is a song by English rock group “Supertramp” that was released as the lead single from their album “Breakfast in America” in March 1979. It was written primarily by the band’s Roger Hodgson, who based the lyrics on his experiences being sent away to boarding school for ten years. The song became Supertramp’s biggest hit, rising to No. 7 in the United Kingdom and No. 6 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart.


It was a very personal song for Hodgson; he had worked on the song during soundchecks, and completed the lyrics and arrangement six months before proposing it to the band for the album.[4] In 1980, Hodgson was honoured with the Ivor Novello Award from The British Academy of Composers and Songwriters for “The Logical Song” being named the best song both musically and lyrically.

Hodgson has said of the song’s meaning: “‘The Logical Song’ was born from my questions about what really matters in life. Throughout childhood we are taught all these ways to be and yet we are rarely told anything about our true self. We are taught how to function outwardly, but not guided to who we are inwardly. We go from the innocence and wonder of childhood to the confusion of adolescence that often ends in the cynicism and disillusionment of adulthood.

In ‘The Logical Song’, the burning question that came down to its rawest place was ‘please tell me who I am’, and that’s basically what the song is about. I think this eternal question continues to hit such a deep chord in people around the world and why it stays so meaningful.”[5][6][7][8]: 3

The lyrics have been said to be a condemnation of an education system focused on categorical jargon as opposed to knowledge and sensitivity.[9] Billboard writer David Farrell described the song’s theme as “a man lost in the world.”[10] Ultimate Classic Rock critic Nick DeRiso described the theme as “the loss of childhood idealism.”[11]

According to the 1979 album notes, Supertramp co-founder Rick Davies wrote the vocal harmony on the second chorus,[12] though Hodgson alone is credited with songwriting.


Stephen Holden of Rolling Stone called the song a “small masterpiece”, praising the “hot sax” and Hodgson’s “wry humor”.[9] The magazine also made comparisons between Hodgson and Ray Davies from the Kinks.[9] Paul McCartney named “The Logical Song” as his favourite song of the year.


And now, first read the lyrics and then listen to the song in this GREAT performance. I have added in brackets some remarks.]

When I was young
It seemed that life was so wonderful
A miracle, oh, it was beautiful, magical.
And all the birds in the trees
Well, they’d be singing so happily
Oh joyfully, oh playfully watching me.

But then they sent me away —  [to a private school]
To teach me how to be sensible,
Logical, oh responsible, practical.
And then they showed me a world
Where I could be so dependable,
Oh clinical, oh intellectual, cynical.

[Yes, university, marriage, kids, bills….eventually middle age and then old age, sickness and death, maybe even death at 40 from a jew vaxx and some turbo-cancer. And be sure to never say anything political incorrect about the jews or race, or you will lose it all!]

There are times
When all the world’s asleep.
The questions run too deep
For such a simple man.

[I decided in 1984 that someone in the white movement HAD to find and promote good answers to the great questions of life, which Hans Wilhelm summarized as: 

“1) where we come from,

2) why we are here,  and

3)  where we go at death.”

Once reincarnation is taken out, then you are not explaining these burning questions.


Won’t you please,
Please tell me what we’ve learned
I know it sounds absurd
Please tell me who I am.

I said now what would you say
Now we’re calling you a radical
A liberal, oh fanatical, criminal.

Oh won’t you sign up your name
We’d like to feel you’re acceptable
Respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!

Take, take, take it


But at night, when all the world’s asleep
The questions run so deep
For such a simple man
Won’t you please
Won’t you tell me
Please tell me what we’ve learned.

[After two world wars, now we are hurtling toward number THREE!]

Can you hear me?
I know it sounds absurd.
Why won’t you help me?
But please tell me who I am
Who I am, who I am, who I am!

‘Cause I was feeling so logical
One two three four



……..Jesus taught reincarnation; Saul took it back out

This is the Hans Wilhelm video of which I spoke above. It is mostly accurate in its core assertions, though Wilhelm himself is only a very successful children’s book illustrator, not a theologian or Church historian.


I am so relieved to not to be confused by the hellfire damnation brainwashing of my early Baptist upbringing. My well-intentioned mother so loved and accepted it, so I did too, but I couldn’t accept that a loving heavenly father would let us burn for eternity, or there was no spirit in animals or in nature. Thank you, Hans!
At age nine, I approached church leaders with some sincere questions. None of them could answer me with anything satisfactory, just some general platitudes that I found silly even at that age.
I was not there to challenge them, but childishly thought the leaders of the churches in my town would be able to guide me. I was rebuffed, ridiculed and even screamed at “Your faith is not strong enough!!”
I thought “What? I’m nine years old. Why are you screaming at me?” I knew then that the churches did not have answers for me.
By the time I was 12 I determined that western religion was fake but I KNEW something or someone had been protecting me, and guiding me.
So my belief in God had not abated, but my faith in man-made systems had problems. For years I felt guilty not being a Christian but after decades realized I had not failed the church — the church had failed me.
*** In “Miracles from Heaven” the minister (who is refreshingly honest) admits that he — as a trained Christian minister — simply has no answer at all for the mother (who has stopped attending church and mostly lost her faith in God — OR AT LEAST IN A LOVING GOD — over why her sweet, innocent, Christian little daughter was dying IN AGONY.
Life had been all good for the Beam family, a totally real family. You can look them up yourself, Christy Beam and her husband, Dr. Kevin Beam
…..faithful churchgoers, a successful couple with her flourishing writing career and his new veterinary clinic, a beautiful house, three nice daughters, a big yard and lots of pets….. “living the life”….
As you can see in the photo, the wife/mother (Christy Beam, played by Jennifer Garner) is perhaps a bit skeptical by nature and does have her doubts about things and people…which will worsen dramatically when Annabel suddenly falls extremely ill. She is feisty, and not docile, “cooperative,” or “reassured” at all, when the first doctors she consult about Anna’s sickness claim it is “lactose intolerance”!
But then tragedy struck one of the girls. This, for me, was the most heart-rending scene of all. (Actually, a lot of the movie is light-hearted, and inspiring, with lots of caring and positive thinking, bravery, kind strangers, and even with a bit of comedy thrown in.) But to see a little one suffer is especially unbearable to anyone who has been a parent.
Tragedies do strike us, and one sure struck me when Margi’s cancer returned in late 2021.  The sadness just burst out of me one night and I cried once in bed, and it was Margi who hugged ME. (When cancer returns, it can be very ominous.)
When she did die in September 2022, nine months later, it was followed by months of severe grief — which actually surprised me because, rationally, I was actually happy for HER to be out of her YEARS of severe throat-cancer pain, not to mention a woman wiht a perfect body being emaciated (she fell once to 72 pounds from 115) and there was her inability to sing or to eat by mouth — torture for a singer and a gourmet chief. It had been three years of a feeding tube, and liquid meals I prepared for her and served her three times daily.
Her pain toward the end was five out of ten, but constant.
She made gourmet meals for me which she could not do more than taste for flavor and then spit that tiny bit of food out. Her throat was basically gone from 32 sessions of radiation.
Margi was brave, however, and never complained, btw. That was maybe her German Huffstickler side coming out, and I do believe she was an aristocrat,  a “von” Something, in East Prussia in her last life-That is a story I have related before, but basically I had a brief vision of her as she looked then and heard a deep male voice voice say the simple words “East Prussia.” (The book and movie “Hellstorm” go into what happened in eastern Germany in 1944-45. The geat Russian writer and anticommunist hero Alexander Solzhenitsyn, an artillery captain during WWII, got 11 years in the gulag from Stalin for complaining in a private letter to a friend about what the Red Army was doing to the Germans.)
For me, in any case, after she passed over, it was just as it says in Genesis, “It is not good for the man to be alone.”
I, Margi, and video host Jim Rizoli just three weeks before she passed over.
No, it is not good for the man to be alone, nor the woman. And yet — as I fully expected — I have not found anyone who could hold a candle to her. And many women these days who write me online are just plain nuts (as are the men). 😉  Either bonkers, or not very bright, or apolitical, or libtards. 🙁  I have no time, given my mission and the extremely scary state of the world, with Russia now furious at the US after the Moscow terror massacre — whoever was behind those Muslim Tajik killers, it reeks of CIA — to spend months re-educating some clueless female.
AND Margi’s decease led also to an instant financial crisis for me as my income plummeted by 75%. (She had had two checks coming — Social Security and food stamps — and I got $1,800 a month as her cancer caretaker.) I could not afford this perma-hacked website after that. So I sold my house, and then both cars, and then four of my five guns. And all that led to other problems. I had really needed Margi to make it.
So if any religion cannot explain in a satisfactory way why a supposedly loving God allows painful, traumatizing tragedies, this is a truly serious, fundamental problem for any Abrahamic religion, whether Judaism, Islam, or “Christianity” —which actually is Saulianity, invented by the self-appoi9nted “Apostle” Paul who in typically jewish chutzpah elbowed aside even Jesus’  own half-brother James!
Some WNs call it “Christinsanity.”
Any teaching of “you get one life and then you are judged” can lead to a severe crisis of faith. People drop out totally, become atheists, and many spiral downward into a true mental hellscape. This movie goes into it –that “when bad things happen to good people,” Christianity’s non-answers come up short.
The director, btw, is a Mexican white woman, Patricia Riggen. I am not surprised that a women did this movie, because it captures perfectly about the feelings of motherhood and the behavior of children. (Patricia has a daughter,btw, with her husband, who was the cinematographer of the film. The actress Jennifer Garner is also a mother of three by her then-husband, Ben Affleck.)

…..Robin Williams on what really matters


……God is love, and we must be love too, even if it is sometimes TOUGH love

A  profound-minded German comrade wrote me, and I responded (translated):


There was an insanely successful bestseller in the USA and worldwide in the late 1970s and early 1980s, The Road Less Traveled. It was prominently displayed in every bookshop for years and years.


The phrase “the road less traveled” means a choice made in one’s life that is unconventional, a choice that leads one in a different direction than most people. The connotation is of a choice that expresses individuality and leadership.

The expression the road less traveled is a paraphrase of a line in Robert Frost’s poem, The Road Not Taken, published in 1920: “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -I took the one less traveled by…”.


The book was written by a psychiatrist who, like Hodgson, had also been sent off to boarding school, in his case, the elite New England school called Phillips Exeter Academy.

I attended two private schools (St. Dunstan’s School [now defunct] and  Moses Brown School in Providence, Rhode Island), which also were boarding schools, though I loved at home with my parents. I always found it pretty cold to send your own kids away. And it was indeed about molding you for “success” (for a life of pursuing money). 


This book, Peck’s  first, which was rejected by major publishers as too “Christ-y”  (reflecting the rampant atheism and jewyness of the publishing industry) sold ten million copies, a lot for a serious work.

The same can be said for the German Eckhart Tolle’s two books, The Power of Now and The New Earth, which have also sold ten million copies and are serious, heavy material, not feel-good fluff.

This has always given me hope that mankind might just make it. There is that ten percent out there that really wants to get to the bottom of things and find out why earth is such a miserable place, and how people can act the way they do, causing universal misery.

The last six months have brought this home to me in a most extreme way. Truly, the jews are almost right: Every man has his price.

It is child’s play for the FBI to “turn” people.

……because of how earthlings are…..

I have run this graphic many times…..


Dr. Peck describes here how, to his surprise, the Apostle Paul’s doctrine of sin (according to which all people on earth became, so to speak, original sinners through Adam and Eve’s fall from grace) tries to describe something real, a peculiar condition.

I have come to the conclusion myself that this is a bad karma planet.

Because we put up with the jews.


Earth stands in sickening contrast to other planets where beauty, order, peace and joyful cooperation are a given.

Clearly, the flickering little light in the darkness that was the Third Reich was bound to be extinguished after a few years.

But I knew all this about mankind in 1954 when I returned here.

We have to love ourselves and each other again. Forgive ourselves, and encourage each other -. because we can do it!

The Wiki article on Peck is excellent:

Morgan Scott Peck (1936–2005) was an American psychiatrist and best-selling author who wrote the book The Road Less Traveled, published in 1978.

Early life

Peck was born on May 22, 1936, in New York City, the son of Zabeth (née Saville) and David Warner Peck, an attorney and judge.[1] His parents were Quakers. Peck was raised a Protestant (his paternal grandmother was from a Jewish family, but Peck’s father identified himself as a WASP[2] and not as Jewish).[3][4][5]

His parents sent him to the prestigious boarding school Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, New Hampshire, when he was 13.[6] In his book, The Road Less Traveled,[7] he confides the story of his brief stay at Exeter, and admits that it was a most miserable time. Finally, at age 15, during the spring holiday of his third year, he came home and refused to return to the school, whereupon his parents sought psychiatric help for him and he was (much to his amusement in later life) diagnosed with depression and recommended for a month’s stay in a psychiatric hospital (unless he chose to return to school).

He then transferred to Friends Seminary (a private K–12 school) in late 1952, and graduated in 1954, after which he received a BA from Harvard in 1958, and an MD degree from Case Western Reserve University in 1963.[6]


Peck served in administrative posts in the government during his career as a psychiatrist. He also served in the US Army and rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel. His army assignments included stints as chief of psychology at the Army Medical Center in Okinawa, Japan, and assistant chief of psychiatry and neurology in the office of the surgeon general in Washington, DC.[6] He was the medical director of the New Milford Hospital Mental Health Clinic and a psychiatrist in private practice in New Milford, Connecticut.[6]

His first and best-known book, The Road Less Traveled, sold more than 10 million copies.

Peck’s works combined his experiences from his private psychiatric practice with a distinctly religious point of view. In his second book, People of the Lie, he wrote, “After many years of vague identification with Buddhist and Islamic mysticism, I ultimately made a firm Christian commitment – signified by my non-denominational baptism on the ninth of March 1980…” (Peck, 1983/1988,[8] p11). One of his views was that people who are evil attack others rather than face their own failures.[7]


Personal life

Peck married Lily Ho in 1959, and they had three children. In 1994, they jointly received the Community of Christ International Peace Award.

While Peck’s writings emphasized the virtues of a disciplined life and delayed gratification, his personal life was far more turbulent.[6] For example, in his book In Search of Stones,[9] Peck acknowledged having extramarital affairs and being estranged from two of his children. In 2004, just a year before his death, Peck divorced Lily and married Kathleen Kline Yates.[6]


Peck died at his home in Connecticut on September 25, 2005. He had had Parkinson’s disease and pancreatic[6] and liver duct cancer. Fuller Theological Seminary houses the archives of his publications, awards, and correspondence.

The Road Less Traveled

The Road Less Traveled,[7] published in 1978, is Peck’s best-known work, and the one that made his reputation. It is, in short, a description of the attributes that make for a fulfilled human being, based largely on his experiences as a psychiatrist and a person.

The book consists of four parts. In the first part Peck examines the notion of discipline, which he considers essential for emotional, spiritual, and psychological health, and which he describes as “the means of spiritual evolution”.

The elements of discipline that make for such health include the ability to delay gratification, accepting responsibility for oneself and one’s actions, a dedication to truth, and “balancing”.

“Balancing” refers to the problem of reconciling multiple, complex, possibly conflicting factors that impact an important decision—on one’s own behalf or on behalf of another.

In the second part, Peck addresses the nature of love, which he considers the driving force behind spiritual growth. He contrasts his own views on the nature of love against a number of common misconceptions about love, including:

— that love is identified with romantic love (he considers it a very destructive myth when it is solely relying on “falling in love”),
— that love is related to dependency,
— that true love is linked with the feeling of “falling in love”.

Peck argues that “true” love is rather an action that one undertakes consciously to extend one’s ego boundaries by including others or humanity, and is therefore the spiritual nurturing—which can be directed toward oneself, as well as toward one’s beloved.

In the third part Peck deals with religion, and the commonly accepted views and misconceptions concerning religion. He recounts experiences from several patient case histories, and the evolution of the patients’ notion of God, religion, atheism—especially of their own “religiosity” or atheism—as their therapy with Peck progressed.

The fourth and final part concerns “grace”, the powerful force originating outside human consciousness that nurtures spiritual growth in human beings. To focus on the topic, he describes the miracles of health, the unconscious, and serendipity—phenomena which Peck says:

–nurture human life and spiritual growth,
— are incompletely understood by scientific thinking,
—  are commonplace among humanity,
— originate outside the conscious human will.

He concludes that “the miracles described indicate that our growth as human beings is being assisted by a force other than our conscious will” (Peck, 1978/1992,[7] p281).

*** JdN I found something re-reading my own blog 😉

I have had so many supernatural experiences, but many others do too…..

…..Did Margi again communicate?

Margi scolds me three months after her passing over my not wearing a hat…. 


…..while at a local tavern for “Fish Friday,” I experienced a “chance encounter” and a startling message



And now on to my Margi story from last night…. and my missing hat in the midst of a lethal blizzard…..

Many UP people buy the “Stormy Kromer” brand of heavy, woolen fall-and-winter caps, made up here in Ironwood, Michigan. They are a bit like certain German military or gendarmerie (rural police) caps. (https://www.emedals.com/europe/germany/german-headgear/wwii-headgear/an-austrian-m43-style-gendarmerie-cap-by-litto-mutze-of-vienna). They have a heavy woollen double rim around the back that can be pulled down to protect the ears and back of the neck from the cold.

1943 Third Reich Gendarmerie cap


Suddenly I realized I had to get to an appointment, and ran out of the house (actually trudged rapidly through foot-high snow), thinking my Stormy Kromer cap had been left in the car.

No, it was not…. which turned out to be an important little error.

After my appointment, I went to a local tavern which serves delicious baked or fried cod, flounder and other fish — and only on Fridays.

I had to do some things online, using my smartphone, so I actually sat down alone at a table, with my coat and gloves not visible, placed low on a chair seat and minus my usual hat….

Anyway, my move from the table to the bar led to a startling encounter because of who pulled up a barstool next to me.  I had seen a couple walking along main street (“River Road”) in the deep snow, the husband carrying ski poles for stability in the gusting wind.

So this handsome couple sits down next to me, hailing from Minneapolis, five hours away by car, but living now in Ontonagon. We talked about the dry snow there versus the wet snow here.

I then mentioned “my late wife” [Margaret]  and her successful stay at the wonderful Mayo Clinic 2019-20 in Minnesota, and how it was true about the friendliness of Minnesotans, commonly called “Minnesota nice.”

They beamed, but then the woman began looking at me strangely.

She asked me:  “When did your wife pass on?”

I said: “In September, after 17 years together.”

The lady got quiet, and then said: “I was a reiki practitioner in Minneapolis. Do you know what reiki is?” And she kept looking at me very intently.  I replied: “Yes, a kind of spiritual healing from Japan, very ancient, using healing energies. Margi took courses to be a reiki practitioner.”




The lady asked: “May I see a photo of your wife?”

I showed her this one on my phone:

….and then this one. “This was in Minnesota, at the Mayo Clinic. That was a wig. She had  lost her hair during 34 sessions of proton-beam radiation.”

She gasped, like she was at that moment seeing something. Shirley then said:

“She is in your house — all the time.

She is watching over you, and still spending a lot of time in the house.”

I stared at Shirley, open-mouthed. Shirley continued:

“And Margaret says: 

Wear your hat!”



The tavern owner, who had known Margi, came by and I told him what this Shirley just said to me, adding “This is the worst storm of the year, and the only time I EVER went out without a hat! All summer long I wear hat or a cap, my Marines baseball cap in summer …..and all winter long a wool cap…”

He replied: “I can see it. You just have your gloves and your heavy Carhartt coat. Btw, it is horrible out there right now — and the snow drifts in the parking lot are huge.”

I sat there stunned for a second, then said to him:

“You know, Margi was a crusty German-American, and not always very effusive with her emotions.

I think maybe she said ‘I love you’ twice in the 17 years we were together.

She would show her love by doing things for me, like cooking gourmet meals for me, which she could not eat herself with her throat cancer, or nagging me about my weight or eating carbs, or just putting her little hand on my shoulder, or on my arm…

LOL! It would be just like Margi to show love by scolding me (a very German thing) :

“John, wear your hat!”

I sure will, Margi! How’s the weather up there in heaven?



Random House, where the then little-known psychiatrist first tried to publish his original manuscript, turned him down, saying the final section was “too Christ-y.”

Thereafter, Simon & Schuster published the work for $7,500 and printed a modest hardback run of 5,000 copies. The book took off only after Peck hit the lecture circuit and personally sought reviews in key publications. Later reprinted in paperback in 1980, The Road first made best-seller lists in 1984 – six years after its initial publication.[6]

People of the Lie
First published in 1983, People of the Lie: Toward a Psychology of Evil [subsequent vols subtitled The Hope For Healing Human Evil and Possession and Group Evil] (ISBN 0 7126 1857 0) followed on from Peck’s first book.

Peck describes the stories of several people who came to him whom he found particularly resistant to any form of help. He came to think of them as eviland goes on to describe the characteristics of evil in psychological terms, proposing that it could become a psychiatric diagnosis. Peck points to narcissism as a type of evil in this context.



His perspective on love (in The Road Less Traveled) is that love is not a feeling, it is an activity and an investment. He defines love as,

“The will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s spiritual growth”

(Peck, 1978/1992,[7] p85).

Peck expands on the work of Thomas Aquinas over 700 years ago, that love is primarily actions towards nurturing the spiritual growth of another.

Peck seeks to differentiate between love and cathexis. Cathexis is what explains sexual attraction, the instinct for cuddling pets and pinching babies’ cheeks.

However, cathexis is not love. All the same, love cannot begin in isolation; a certain amount of cathexis is necessary to get sufficiently close to be able to love.

Once through the cathexis stage, the work of love begins. It is not a feeling. It consists of what you do for another person. As Peck says in The Road Less Traveled, “Love is as love does.” It is about giving yourself and the other person what they need to grow.


I cared for my wife for 4 1/3 years, day and night.



And to the Carlos Porter-reading asshole who urges me to “go get a job, and stop begging for donations,” actually, besides decades of paid translating, of writing valuable content seven days a week, of mowing lawns and shoveling snow, I was also a paid, full-time cancer caretaker, a blended-meal preparer, and a driver, paid directly by the State of Michigan.

I got a whopping $40 a day for that, $5 an hour. If I had sold my soul at Georgetown, I might be the RINO US Senator from Rhode Island right now, getting $174,000 a year.


Just remember that  — when you criticize any man fighting jewry, that man is risking his life.

For you.

And every time I left the house, Margi did not know if I am ever coming back. To love her and to care for her, still recovering from Stage III cancer and 43 sessions of radiation.

  • Oral Hygiene and Bed Bath/Sponge Bath
  • Cleanliness of patient’s room
  • Feeding and bathroom assistance
  • Assist with walking and home exercise when required
  • Turn position in bed for bedridden
  • Companionship and polite conversations
  • crushing pills and administering meds via stomach tube
  • boiling, blending, and preparing three meals daily from beef and supplements

Using a juicer

All I had to do, was to go with the program….. with the Nixons, Reagans, Fords and Kissingers.

(Please pardon the pix and skip them, unless you are a new reader here.)

Dad on the right, Kissinger on the left

Dad with Ford

Dad with Reagan

Coulda been mine if Ii had sold my soul and become a uniparty RINO

Two of my dad’s three country clubs

His gated community in Vero Beach

My party-hardy brother (center, with baseball cap)

And this twerp says I am in white nationalism “for the money.”

I walked away from the money! From LOTS of it!

You want to know why I set up a dictatorship?

Because there are millions of assholes out there who hate the truth, hate themselves, hate everyone, and simply cannot be reasoned with, just locked up, put to work, or, in certain special cases, just shot.

Mauthausen — change your attitude or die, jerkoff

By 1940, Léon Degrelle said, 90% of Germans were Hitlerites. But we also had the right guys for that other ten percent.

“Get a job, you old bum” – I got one, my friend, building a world with a special place set aside for people like you.

They hacked my psychopaths article; here it is again

Oh, and, he writes, “Where is this religion you’ve been promising?”

There has not been a major, true, credible Aryan religion in the West for 1600 years.

The people have to be desperate and ready for it as their last hope.

Any wicked manipulator can found a teeny-tiny cult, which then disappears when its founder dies, its tiny circle of groupies feeling only used.

A great world religion is something else.

And a faith never, ever existed that the educated white men and women in this age of high technology can embrace without any mental reservation, a path that can profoundly ennoble them, and not create cultish holier-than-thou’s.

The Greeks, Romans, Kelts, Germanics and Slavs all had their religions, sure, but they also had non-stop strife, murder, vendettas, drunkenness, rape and pointless, fratricidal wars.

Life was hardly improved by having gods like Zeus, Poseidon, Odin or Thor.

The new faith, VIRTUS, will actually change people from the selfish, petty, backstabbing, miserable little slaves they are into the gleaming heroes and heroines they want to be.




The Road Less Traveled begins with the statement “Life is difficult”.[7]: 13

Life was never meant to be easy and is essentially a series of problems which can either be solved or ignored.

Peck wrote of the importance of discipline, describing four aspects of it:

— Delaying gratification: Sacrificing present comfort for future gains.
— Acceptance of responsibility: Accepting responsibility for one’s own decisions.
— Dedication to truth: Honesty, both in word and deed.
— Balancing: Handling conflicting requirements.

Peck argues that these are techniques of suffering, that enable the pain of problems to be worked through and systematically solved, producing growth. He argues that most people avoid the pain of dealing with their problems and suggests that it is through facing the pain of problem-solving that life becomes more meaningful.

Neurotic and legitimate suffering

Peck believes that it is only through suffering and agonizing using the four aspects of discipline (delaying gratification, acceptance of responsibility, dedication to truth, and balancing) that we can resolve the many puzzles and conflicts that we face.[7]

This is what he calls undertaking legitimate suffering.

Peck argues that by trying to avoid legitimate suffering, people actually ultimately end up suffering more.

This extra unnecessary suffering is what Scott Peck terms neurotic suffering. He references Carl Jung

‘Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering’.[10]

Peck says that our aim must be to eliminate neurotic suffering and to work through our legitimate suffering to achieve our individual goals.[7]


Peck discusses evil in his three-volume book People of the Lie,[11] as well as in a chapter of The Road Less Traveled.[7]

Peck characterizes evil as a malignant type of self-righteousness in which there is an active rather than passive refusal to tolerate imperfection (sin) and its consequent guilt.[7][8]

This syndrome results in a projection of evil onto selected specific innocent victims (often children), which is the paradoxical mechanism by which the People of the Lie commit their evil.[8]

Peck argues that these people are the most difficult of all to deal with, and extremely hard to identify.[8] He describes in some detail several individual cases involving his patients. In one case which Peck considers as the most typical because of its subtlety, he describes Roger, a depressed teenage son of respected, well-off parents.[8] In a series of parental decisions justified by often subtle distortions of the truth, they exhibit a consistent disregard for their son’s feelings, and a consistent willingness to destroy his growth. With false rationality and normality, they aggressively refuse to consider that they are in any way responsible for his resultant depression, eventually suggesting his condition must be incurable and genetic.

Peck makes a distinction between those who are on their way to becoming evil and those who have already crossed the line and are irretrievably evil. In the first instance, he describes George. Peck says, “Basically, George, you’re a kind of a coward. Whenever the going gets a little bit rough, you sell out.”[8]

Of note, this is the kind of evil that inspired the film “Session 9.” When asked where evil lives, Simon concludes, “I live in the weak and the wounded.”[12][circular reference] On the other hand, those who have crossed the line and are irretrievably evil are described as having malignant narcissism.

Some of Peck’s conclusions about the psychiatric condition that he designates as “evil” are derived from his close study of one patient he names Charlene.[8] Although Charlene is not dangerous, she is ultimately unable to have empathy for others in any way. According to Peck, people like her see others as playthings or tools to be manipulated for their own uses or entertainment. Peck states that these people are rarely seen by psychiatrists, and have never been treated successfully.

Evil is described by Peck as “militant ignorance”.

The original Judeo-Christian concept of “sin” is as a process that leads us to “miss the mark” and fall short of perfection.[8]

Peck argues that while most people are conscious of this, at least on some level, those who are evil actively and militantly refuse this consciousness. Peck considers those he calls evil to be attempting to escape and hide from their own conscience (through self-deception), and views this as being quite distinct from the apparent absence of conscience evident in sociopathy.[8]

According to Peck, an evil person:[7][8]

— is consistently self-deceiving, with the intent of avoiding guilt and maintaining a self-image of perfection
— deceives others as a consequence of their own self-deception
— projects his or her evils and sins onto very specific targets (scapegoats) while being apparently normal with everyone else
— commonly hates with the pretense of love, for the purposes of self-deception as much as deception of others
— abuses political (emotional) power (“the imposition of one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion” (Peck, 1978/1992, p298[7]))
— maintains a high level of respectability, and lies incessantly to do so
— is consistent in his or her sins. Evil persons are characterized not so much by the magnitude of their sins, but by their consistency (of destructiveness)
–is unable to think from the viewpoint of their victim (scapegoating)
— has a covert intolerance to criticism and other forms of narcissistic injury

Most evil people realize the evil deep within themselves, but are unable to tolerate the pain of introspection, or admit to themselves that they are evil.

Thus, they constantly run away from their evil by putting themselves in a position of moral superiority and putting the focus of evil on others. Evil is an extreme form of what Peck, in The Road Less Traveled, calls a character and personality disorder.[7][8]

Using the My Lai massacre [when American soldiers massacred 500 Vietnamese villagers] as a case study, Peck also examines group evil, discussing how human group morality is strikingly less than individual morality.[8] Partly, he considers this to be a result of specialization, which allows people to avoid individual responsibility and pass the buck, resulting in a reduction of group conscience.

Though the topic of evil has historically been the domain of religion,[8] Peck makes great efforts to keep much of his discussion on a scientific basis, explaining the specific psychological mechanisms by which evil operates. He was also particularly conscious of the danger of a psychology of evil being misused for personal or political ends.[8]

[] Ultimately, Peck says that evil arises out of free choice. He describes it thus: Every person stands at a crossroads, with one path leading to God, and the other path leading to the devil. The path of God is the right path, and accepting this path is akin to submission to a higher power. However, if a person wants to convince himself and others that he has free choice, he would rather take a path which cannot be attributed to its being the right path. Thus, he chooses the path of evil.

Peck also discussed the question of the devil.[8] Initially he believed, as with “99% of psychiatrists and the majority of clergy” (Peck, 1983/1988,[8] p182), that the devil did not exist; but, after starting to believe in the reality of human evil, he then began to contemplate the reality of spiritual evil.

Eventually, after having been referred several possible cases of possession and being involved in two exorcisms, he was converted to a belief in the existence of Satan.

Peck considered people who are possessed as being victims of evil, but of not being evil themselves. Peck, however, considered possession to be rare, and human evil common. He did believe there was some relationship between Satan and human evil, but was unsure of its exact nature. Peck’s writings and views on possession and exorcism are to some extent influenced and based on specific accounts by Malachi Martin; however, the veracity of these accounts and Peck’s own diagnostic approach to possession have both since been questioned by a Catholic priest who is a professor of theology.[13]

It has been argued that it is not possible to find formal records to establish the veracity of Father Malachi Martin’s described cases of possession, as all exorcism files are sealed by the Archdiocese of New York, where all but one of the cases took place.[14]

The four stages of spiritual development

Peck postulates that there are four stages of human spiritual development:[15][16]

— Stage I is chaotic, disordered, and reckless. Very young children are in Stage I. They may defy and disobey and are unwilling to accept a will greater than their own. They are egoistical and lack empathy for others. Criminals are often people who have never grown out of Stage I.

— Stage II is the stage at which a person has blind faith in authority figures and sees the world as divided simply into good and evil, right and wrong, us and them.

Once children learn to obey their parents and other authority figures (often out of fear or shame), they reach Stage II. Many religious people are Stage II. With blind faith comes humility and a willingness to obey and serve. The majority of conventionally moralistic, law-abiding citizens never move out of Stage II.

— Stage III is the stage of scientific skepticism and questioning. A Stage III person does not accept claims based on faith, but is only convinced with logic. Many people working in scientific and technological research are in Stage III. Often they reject the existence of spiritual or supernatural forces, since these are difficult to measure or prove scientifically. Those who do retain their spiritual beliefs move away from the simple, official doctrines of fundamentalism.

— Stage IV is the stage at which an individual enjoys the mystery and beauty of nature and existence.

While retaining skepticism, s/he starts perceiving grand patterns in nature and develops a deeper understanding of good and evil, forgiveness and mercy, compassion and love. His/her religiousness and spirituality differ from that of a Stage II person, in the sense that s/he does not accept things through blind faith or out of fear, but from genuine belief. S/he does not judge people harshly or seek to inflict punishment on them for their transgressions. This is the stage of loving others as yourself, losing your attachment to your ego, and forgiving your enemies. Stage IV people are labeled mystics.

Peck argues that while transitions from Stage I to Stage II are sharp, transitions from Stage III to Stage IV are gradual. Nonetheless, these changes are noticeable and mark a significant difference in the personality of the individual.

Community building

In his book The Different Drum: Community Making and Peace[15], Peck says that community has three essential ingredients:

Based on his experience with community building workshops, Peck says that community building typically goes through four stages:

Pseudocommunity: In the first stage, well-intentioned people try to demonstrate their ability to be friendly and sociable, but they do not really delve beneath the surface of each other’s ideas or emotions. They use obvious generalities and mutually established stereotypes in speech. Instead of conflict resolution, pseudocommunity involves conflict avoidance, which maintains the appearance or facade of true community.

It also serves only to maintain positive emotions, instead of creating a safe space for honesty and love through bad emotions as well. While they still remain in this phase, members will never really obtain evolution or change, as individuals or as a bunch.

Chaos: The first step towards real positivity is, paradoxically, a period of negativity. Once the mutually sustained facade of bonhomie is shed, negative emotions flood through: members start to vent their mutual frustrations, annoyances, and differences. It is a chaotic stage, but Peck describes it as a “beautiful chaos” because it is a sign of healthy growth (this relates closely to Dabrowski’s concept of disintegration).

Emptiness: To transcend the stage of “Chaos”, members are forced to shed that which prevents real communication. Biases and prejudices, need for power and control, self-superiority, and other similar motives which are only mechanisms of self-validation and/or ego-protection, must yield to empathy, openness to vulnerability, attention, and trust.

Hence, this stage does not mean people should be “empty” of thoughts, desires, ideas or opinions. Rather, it refers to emptiness of all mental and emotional distortions which reduce one’s ability to really share, listen to, and build on those thoughts, ideas, etc.

It is often the hardest step in the four-level process, as it necessitates the release of patterns which people develop over time in a subconscious attempt to maintain self-worth and positive emotion. While this is therefore a stage of “Fana (Sufism)” in a certain sense, it should be viewed not merely as a “death”, but as a rebirth—of one’s true self at the individual level, and at the social level of the genuine and True community.

True community: Having worked through emptiness, the people in the community enter a place of complete empathy with one another. There is a great level of tacit understanding. People are able to relate to each other’s feelings. Discussions, even when heated, never get sour, and motives are not questioned. A deeper and more sustainable level of happiness obtains between the members, which does not have to be forced. Even, and perhaps especially, when conflicts arise, it is understood that they are part of positive change.


Characteristics of true community
Peck describes what he considers to be the most salient characteristics of a true community:[15]

Inclusivity, commitment, and consensus: members accept and embrace each other, celebrating their individuality and transcending their differences. They commit themselves to the effort and the people involved. They make decisions and reconcile their differences through consensus.

A spirit: The true spirit of community is the spirit of peace, love, wisdom and power. Members may view the source of this spirit as an outgrowth of the collective self or as the manifestation of a Higher Will.





Jesus’ jewish enemies conspired for years to somehow “get” Him. They understood that Jesus, while using jewish terms and references with His jewish audience, was actually preaching a radically new religion which was the opposite of Judaism.


This exchange was on VK:

Bobby Ross(see his photo)
Jebus was a made-up fabrication by Jews . Give me a historical link please to any document besides a religious one that shows any proof of his existence



John De Nugent Aufdeutsch

Bobby, and you “know” this how? Were you alive 2,000 years ago? The same thing — no public documents — could be said of the Buddha, or Zoroaster. Or Odin, LOL! Have you any public documents or birth certificate proving the existence of your precious Odin?

Since they were not rulers, there are no structures, carved edicts, temples or pillars from their own time.
And why would the Jews promote a dire enemy(John 8:44!!!!!!) who hated them and they Him?
Why does the Talmud, which spews hate on him, and was started around AD 100 by the grandsons of the Jews who had Jesus crucified, admit He was real and His miracles were real?
Finally, why did Adolf Hitler believe He was real?

Are you smarter or greater than he was?

I am so curious why the Jews would invent and promote a man who said this about them.

Bobby Ross
You are a dip shit of monumental proportions


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch

Bobby, thanks. Are you done? Is this your entire counter-argument — that I am a “dip shit”? 😉

If the whole white race ends up looking and acting like you, with the same spirit of hate toward our own comrades, maybe it is already Game Over, eh? 😉

Running his pic again –look at the expression on his face. Looks like a guy who hates everyone….



……Why did the pagan Constantine embrace Christianity?

Brilliant French author Laurent Guyénot of the Sorbonne says the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, a pagan, and a very ruthless man, too, saw promoting Christianity, a fundamentally antisemitic religion, as a useful way to stop the Jews from taking the Roman Empire over by money-lending.

The fact is that, as Constantine recognized, Christianity is, or was then, a world religion of immense emotional power. 

Anyone who prefers being eaten by a lion to renouncing a Man whom they never met is experiencing very deep feelings of love, gratitude and loyalty, the same exact emotions that Adolf Hitler also triggered.

And Constantine [photo], practical man and general that he was, grasped that the Christian masses understood that their Savior, their beloved, charismatic leader, was an innocent, peaceful, kind and loving man.

He was a saint whom the Jews, in unimaginable wickedness, had viciously set up, framed, slandered, and had murdered.  They forced the highly reluctant Roman governor Pontius Pilate to execute him “or else,” which is exactly the kind of machinations they do to anyone who opposes them.


I could write a book about the set-ups – the entire Holappa episode – the sabotage (esp. of my 1990 race for Congress in Tennessee), the slanders — defaming me as a pedophile, Jew, homo, con man, fake marine, wife-beater, dog torturer, etc. — and the death threats I myself have suffered from 1990 to today……


Their biggest slander:

…..Jesus, the rueful Nordic


After receiving some sweet Yuletide greetings from a Married Italian woman and mother who might be the reincarnation of Savitri Devi, and is now my fervent supporter, I wrote her:


I thank you, belatedly, and hope that you and the family had a beautiful time together.

The coming Aryan religion will show the true Jesus — an incarnated Nordic who tried to reform the Jews and make them peaceful, because they are a gigantic menace to us all of the white race.

Some of the Nordics long before this era had played gods — “shining ones” — dyaus — in Indo-European because of their blond hair, sky-blue eyes, and silvery UFOs, and this word was related to the word for “day:” The day is when the sun is visible and shining. Pokorny Etymon: 1. dei-, dei̯ə-, dī-, di̯ā- ‘to shine, glitter; day, sun; god, deity’ Semantic Field(s): to Shine, Glisten, Day, Sun, God

Those renegade Nordics, misusing their vast technological powers over terrestrial humans, acted like tyrants. They also fought each other. They raped terrestrial females. Three goddesses argued in their vanity over who was the most beautiful — triggering the terrible, pointless Trojan War.

These shining ones were immortal only because they continually ate “ambrosia” and drank “nectar,” extending their lives. So they were not intrinsically immortal at all.

Blond Apollo [photo] skinned Marsyas, a poor satyr, alive because he had challenged the god to a music contest!

A Scythian slave (from what is now Ukraine), aghast (notice the expression), sharpens a knife for Apollo so he can flay the pitiful Marsyas.

The story of the god Prometheus is also horrifying. Zeus punished this Titan (Titans were another gang of gods that had lost a power struggle to Zeus and his Olympian gods) for wanting to educate and uplift humanity by chaining him to a boulder.

Zeus decided to punish once and for all Prometheus, who had run afoul of the chief of the Gods. He had Prometheus chained onto a rock on Mount Caucasus for eternity, and put him to relentless torture by having a vicious eagle feed on his liver. The liver would grow up again at night, so that the eagle could happily eat it again the next day.

No wonder the masses wanted better gods to worship than THAT, and especially they wished for a god of love and justice, not a psycho god with a personality like Nero or Caligula!

Many of these Nordics later felt very guilty and ashamed for their selfish, cruel exploitation and tyranny over the humans residing on the surface of this planet.

Returning to Jesus, if His project to radically reform Judaism failed, then He wanted the Jews to commit a crime of legendary and shocking evil against Him, even at the price of His life.

He, the Prince of Peace who spoke of a loving heavenly father and knelt down to wash the feet of His disciples…..


…decided that He actually WANTED the Jews to torture and murder Him (and this actually agrees with Christian orthodoxy, btw) — but not so His death would wipe away OUR sins.

Nothing another man does can erase YOUR sins.

That is silly, “magical thinking.”

It is your karma — you did it. And you must repent (feel genuinely sorry), apologize (in person, in writing or via prayer if the person has passed on), make amends as much as possible, and grow spiritually from facing your flaws and processing YOUR OWN ERROR.

That is adult thinking!

Not baby-Jesus magic.

In the most impactful way possible, Jesus struck with a literal whip at the Jews’ money source and con games.

….Jesus clearly and deliberately provoked the Jew leaders into doing something SO vile that the whole world would be shocked by it.

This would expose the truly horrid nature and unique evil residing in the very heart of this psychopathic horde, this race of genocidal, cruel, perverted, megalomanic, narcissistic and paranoid parasites.

In this passage below, we see Pilate recognizing that Jesus is innocent of any crime; wanting Jesus to speak and defend himself; and seeking to release Him to avoid crucifixion.

But Jesus simply refuses to help Pilate…… because He wants to be murdered — to stir up forever the world’s hatred against Jewry.

He heroically incites the Jews to brand themselves forever as a savage people when they fall into His trap.

Gospel of John, chapter 19, verses 1-22

Jesus Sentenced to Be Crucified

1 Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged. 2 The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head. They clothed him in a purple robe 3 and went up to him again and again, saying, “Hail, king of the Jews!” And they slapped him in the face.

4 Once more Pilate came out and said to the Jews gathered there, “Look, I am bringing him out to you to let you know that I find no basis for a charge against him.”

5 When Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, “Here is the man!” 6 As soon as the chief priests and their officials saw him, they shouted, “Crucify! Crucify!” But Pilate answered, “You take him and crucify him. As for me, I find no basis for a charge against him.”

7 The Jewish leaders insisted, “We have a law, and according to that law he must die, because he claimed to be the Son of God.” 8 When Pilate heard this, he was even more afraid, 9 and he went back inside the palace.

“Where do you come from?” he asked Jesus, but Jesus gave him no answer.

10 “Do you refuse to speak to me?” Pilate said. “Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?”

11 Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.”

12 From then on, Pilate tried to set Jesus free, but the Jewish leaders kept shouting, “If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar. Anyone who claims to be a king opposes Caesar.”

13 When Pilate heard this, he brought Jesus out and sat down on the judge’s seat at a place known as the Stone Pavement (which in Aramaic is Gabbatha). 14 It was the day of Preparation of the Passover; it was about noon. “Here is your king,” Pilate said to the Jews.

15 But they shouted, “Take him away! Take him away! Crucify him!”

“Shall I crucify your king?” Pilate asked. “We have no king but Caesar,” the chief priests answered.

The Crucifixion of Jesus

16 Finally Pilate handed him over to them to be crucified. So the soldiers took charge of Jesus. 17 Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha). 18 There they crucified him, and with him two others—one on each side and Jesus in the middle. 19 Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It read: “JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS.” 20 Many of the Jews read this sign, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the sign was written in Aramaic, Latin and Greek. 21 The chief priests of the Jews protested to Pilate, “Do not write ‘The King of the Jews,’ but that this man claimed to be king of the Jews.”

22 Pilate answered, “What I have written, I have written.”

Pilate’s wife had implored him in vain: “I had a dream about Him. Please don’t harm that righteous man!”


However, the fake and self-appointed Apostle Paul, an agent of the Sanhedrin, the ruling council of Jewry in Jerusalem, saw that Christianity, a religion preaching that “God is love,” not a tyrant like Zeus, Apollo or the Jews’ own Yahweh, was destined to become a worldwide religion.

So he tried, as much as possible, to rejudaize the new faith which Jesus had established in order to STOP and END the gradual Jewish conquest of the world!


Dietrich Eckart and Adolf Hitler discussed all this in their brilliant 1923 brochure “Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin,” how the Jews were never God’s People, but they were, in fact, Satan’s.

John 8:44  in Greek:

“You [jewish leaders] are from the father of the Devil.”


The demonic jewish god Yahweh


However, 96 years ago, when organized Christianity (Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox) was still very powerful, Adolf Hitler did not want to cross swords with the Christians, and thereby let the Jews divide-and-conquer us anew.

Instead, he focused on whatever brought about German unity, holding his tongue on all controversial religious matters.

United we stand — but divided we fall!

So Hitler did not say all that he knew about religion, tossing out now and then just little tidbits like this one, and even then only to his innermost circle at the Berghof:



BUT NOW THAT TIME  FOR A NEW FAITH HAS ARRIVED, the time to not hold back — and the era for Jesus to be honored for His real message. The Galilean was a mysterious man, who was seen while just a boy of 12  in the temple in Jerusalem, baffling with his brilliance the Temple elders…. and triggering their envy.

….and then this Galilean was not seen again until he was 30 –  and showed up atthe Jordan River, asking His cousin, John the Baptist, to baptize him!

So for 18 years out of 32, for 56% of His life, Jesus had disappeared!

Then, like the Greek gods, He appeared, suspending the laws of the material world, transforming water into wine, walking on water, healing the sick, and doing other extraordinary things, not to mention teaching a new god. 😉

Jesus, no pacifist, and not anti-Gentile at all, blesses a Roman centurion and then remote-heals his paralyzed servant.

As he was dying, Jesus prayed to God: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” The centurion who was the foreman during the crucifixion, gasped:

“Truly, this man was a son of God.” 


Why “forgive”? Because Jesus understood what the Buddha, Tolle, and others have grasped: surface earthlings, are caught on a spiritual level between animals and higher beings.

They have not learned what it takes to advance to higher civilization and end the madness — by learning to control (or even how to turn off for more than ten seconds) their own minds.

Their minds, instead, tyrannically control them.

And then they do awful things to each other, and especially to anyone who seeks to truly help them — and raise the real issues.


Surface earthlings do not even know why they drink themselves silly, why they engage in speeding in their cars, or crave sex, or try rock climbing with no safety ropes.

They are out to do things so intense, distracting or numbing that this stops their otherwise “always-on” minds for short intervals from constantly spinning and tormenting them.

……God is the Führer of the Universe

I wrote to a generous, regular donor and former Rockwell man:

What Dr. Eben Alexander wrote is how I see “God.”

Later, I will go into what He is not, namely, some senile old man (like a nursing-home geezer who is grateful if the self-serving young’uns come visit twice a year so as to firm up their inheritance) or some lambikin wuss, as the more liberal Christians imagine.

Basically, God is the Führer of the universe.

He replied:


No, Führer of the Universe.  John, I CAN get on board with that.  Heaven MUST be a Prussian state.

…..The tyrannic, egoic mind gets lots of people killed


Christopher Tsombanis John, this strikes a real nerve with me as an OTR [ = over the road] trucker! I dealt with this shit for years! Not to worry though; I’m not “triggered.“ lol

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Now this is a perfect example of an atheist. “I caused two trucks to wreck, but no cop arrested me, so I got away with it.” WRONG. When you die, you see a life-review video, and awful scenes like this are in it.
If you are not really, really appalled, angels assigned to you take note and you will get the specific karmic lesson you need — to be on the receiving end yourself of exactly and precisely what YOU did to others. (The 2001 movie “Defending Your Life” is a semi-comedy about this very serious topic.) “You reap what you sow.”
Imagine what Winston Churchill got when he died in 1965….. Think Dresden.


….David Lloyd George: the Christian idea of “heaven” drove me to atheism

[From p. 355 of Reincarnation: the Phoenix Fire Mystery]

In a diary entry of Sept. 3, 1919, Lord Russell recorded these words of his friend, Lloyd George, who was the prime minister of Great Britain 1916-22 (and later became a huge fan of Adolf Hitler and sought reconciliation with Germany):



When I was a boy, the thought of Heaven used to frighten me more than the thought of Hell!

I pictured Heaven as a place where there would be perpetual Sundays, with perpetual services, from which there would be no escape, as the Almighty, assisted by cohorts of angels, would always be on the lookout for those who did not attend.

It was a horrible nightmare.

The conventional Heaven, with its angels perpetually singing, etc., nearly drove me mad in my youth, and made me an atheist for ten years.

My opinion is that we shall be reincarnated…and that hereafter we shall suffer or benefit in accordance with what we have done in this world.

For example, the employer who sweats his workpeople will be condemned to be sweated himself….”



…..Did the Jews come up with God versus Satan, heaven and hell, free will, and therefore judgment on your soul?

A nice comrade on VK named Sabrina posted the notion that God, Satan, heaven, hell, free will, etc, is all just semitic fairy tales. I replied:


I appreciate your intentions, Sabrina, and antipathy toward Pauline (judeophilic) Christianity, or anything religious (or also political, or cultural) which is Jewish and toxic.
However, sorry, some of your well-meaning assertions are ahistorical.
“God versus Satan”, judgment at death, and the immortality of the soul, are clear, core teachings that began first with the Aryan religion of Zoroastrianism, NOT Judeo-Christianity.
And the ancient Persians (Iranians) were WHITE, as are still about 10% of the Iranians today, especially in the northeast of the modern country today.

In fact, Iran literally means “Aryanland.” Many Iranians, in fact, get a “nose job” in a desire to look more like their pure-Aryan ancestors from before the muslim conquest.


A small number of Afghans — especially Nuris — and Pakistanis and northwestern Indians are also still white.)
God, the good deity, for Zoroaster, is “Ahura Mazda,” and Satan is “Ahriman.”
The later Jews, in exile in the Persian Empire in Babylon (where they had an enormous community), simply stole these Aryan ideas, and thence they passed on into early Christianity.

Heavens, and hells, and free will, AND the Messiah, are other Iranian-Aryan ideas that we only THINK are jewish. They are WHITE ideas, and fundamentally true ideas.


Btw, here is an impressive Iranian-American White Nationalist: https://jasonrezajorjani.com/


A stalwart NS comrade wrote me (https://johndenugent.com/great-minds-privately-were-convinced-of-reincarnation/#comment-619607):

It’s very hard for me to accept that there is “A” god, “The” God. If it were so, He could snap a finger to make everything right, and grant us the knowledge we need with the same snap of His finger. If this is so, then this must be the ultimate fantasy game that our youth love so much.

I replied:

Okay, I will address this good question.

Pauline Christianity has soured many of us on the whole God idea. It all seems so unreal and a cynical fairy tale….. and, worse, the Baby Jesus tales, and the Lamb of God, and how we are going to sit on thrones up in heaven, and judge the Twelve Tribes of Israel — just infantile.

And, worse, it is all infantilizing.

It is all un-adult, immature, overly yin, that is, overly “female” (estrogen-centered), and simply wishful, escapist thinking. For we know this, surveying millennia of human misery: love does NOT conquer all.

Men, soldiers, warriors and revolutionaries, by killing the wicked, are often the only real answer.

I have run this graphic before, dear comrade, but it really does just about say it all, and so very concisely, too:


But I will respond in detail to this huge question. Why would a loving God not fix the world for His suffering children?

Most searingly, why did He let the utterly bad guys win in 1945?

The deputy mayor of Leipzig, Germany and his wife and daughter ended their lives in May 1945, unwilling to live in a sordid, ignoble, ugly, post-NS world. The poor Germans were about to descend from a relative heaven — the time under Hitler was the only time in recorded history when a whole nation was really happy — to an absolute Jew hell.

Americans, Brits, Irish, Swedes – they never even tasted, never even knew, what heaven on earth could be like, when people REALLY loved one another!


…….comrade remembers two young mothers with little children who died of cancer

She wrote:

I saw two extraordinary mothers die of cancer; both very young.

The first, when she was operated on, immediately realized that she had no chance of making it.

That evening in the hospital she squeezed my hand so tightly, knowing we would never see each other again.

A few months passed and she died.

I never forgot her, and I never stopped giving her my greeting.

So it was with the other mother, mother of two twins too. (She liked how I sang and played!) These were two people who struck me immediately because of their way of seeing me and talking to me.

There are people who see the soul of people even from a distance.

I will never forget them … as if I could!


I replied: As I was doing the enormous project of an audiobook and illustrated online version of the 1923 booklet by Adolf Hitler and Dietrich Eckart, “Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin,” I saw their total antipathy toward all things Jewish.

But, like the Buddha, they also saw most “gods” as just selfish aliens.

It is hard to know much for certain about Jesus, only that the Jews hate Him and He came to hate them. He gave up all attempts to transform this wicked people. The fundamental problem since Constantine the Great established Christianity as an approved religion and rigidly defined its doctrines is that it proclaims the Jews were, at one time, the chosen people of God. Jesus accepted this premise — think of a Platonic “noble lie” — because he was trying to change the Jews. And this megalomanic notion in their heads flattered them immensely, so He accepted it “for the sake of discussion” in the exact same way that a democratic politicians always praises his voters, activists and donors as being such wonderful people. (“It’s so great to be back in Peioria”…) 😉

But it is true that the Jews are the chosen people — chosen, yes, by the Devil!

And they always were that way! Their deity, Yahweh, was a far more demonic, malevolent god than Apollo, Zeus and Hera ever were!

As the French author Laurent Guyénot proved, Yahweh was originally just the tribal deity of a tiny group of semites in what is now Iraq.

It was only under Persian rule far later on that the Jews stole the Iranian-Aryan idea of “Ahura Mazda”, a just and loving Creator of the Universe (the Aryans in India called him “Brahma”), and applied it like the con men they are to their demonic entity, Yahweh.


…..Superb book on Yahwism and Zion

If any religion is an unadulterated ego trip, it is Judaism, or as author Laurent Guyénot puts it, “Yahwism.” Yahweh is an egotistical, jealous, psychopathic and megalomanic god, a “divine sociopath,” who then chooses an equally monstrous tribe to be his people, the criminal Habiru. Then we see them flattering each other for the last three thousand years, and vituperating everyone else, and encouraging each other to commit heinous crimes against all their neighbors.

Laurent Guyénot, graduate of the Sorbonne, the Harvard of France (as is antisemitic author Hervé Ryssen, and as was the late, great Robert Faurisson):


I must do the impossible, because otherwise we are doomed.

National socialism must return as a triumphant religion.


    • Well, they got their wish, and will get it fulfilled more again. And being psychopaths, no awakening or regrets are possible. The Jews are three-time losers. Madagascar is what they will get if lucky, surrounded by sea mines, and if one electronic signal, one communication to the outer world ever comes off that island, nukes buried in the soil will automatically go off.

      • В принципе, от евреев часто можно услышать, что они стремятся объединить в Израиле всех евреев. Но если мы посмотрим на типичного коренного представителя Израиля, там нет людей, имеющих светлые глаза. Там все с коричневыми глазами. Как Китайцы, например. Но Израиль европеизуется, выгоняя из страны коренных жителей, которые по внешнему виду не отличаются от сирийцев по большому счету. В Израиле, как и в России, нет чувства места. Что могнолоиды, европеоиды и другие расы имеют право жить на тех территориях, где они обосновались. Разумный мир – это когда белые к белым, черные к черным, “капучино” к “капучино”. Кареглазые к кареглазым, зеленоглазые к зеленоглазым, сероглазые к сероглазым и так далее. И каждый имеет свое место. А современный глобализм создает ситуацию, когда коренные европеоиды разбавляются другими расами или переходными квази-расами. Когда приезжает представитель другой расы и, потому что ему так выгодно думать, провозглашает себя европейцем. Потому что платят в Евро и считать себя европейцем – сегодня выгодно.

        Возникают ситуации, когда исламисты захватывают европейские города и терроризируют коренное белое население.

        Власть не учитывает, что у представителей других рас развито чувство сплоченности в среде незащищенных европейцев. Это ситуация, когда цыгане держатся вместе и придут на помощь друг другу совершенно бесплатно, а мы, белые, платим друг другу за безопасность. А евреи или цыгане не платят друг другу. Почему мы должны платить в Европе друг другу за безопасность? Неужели европейцы сегодня настолько разобщены? И не являются ли такие обстоятельства происками других, элементом войны?

        • Transl:

          In principle, one can often hear from Jews that they seek to unite all Jews in Israel. But if we look at a typical indigenous representative of Israel, there are no people who have bright eyes. Everything is there with brown eyes. Like the Chinese, for example. But Israel is Europeanizing, expelling from the country, indigenous people who in appearance do not differ from the Syrians by and large. In Israel, as in Russia, there is no sense of place. That mognoloids, Caucasians and other races have the right to live in the territories where they settled. The intelligent world is when white to white, black to black, “cappuccino” to “cappuccino”. Brown-eyed to brown-eyed, green-eyed to green-eyed, gray-eyed to gray-eyed and so on.
          And everyone has their own place. And modern globalism creates a situation where indigenous Caucasians are diluted with other races or transitional quasi-races. When a representative of a different race arrives and, because it is so beneficial for him to think, proclaims himself a European. Because they pay in Euros and consider yourself a European – today it is profitable.

          Situations arise when Islamists invade European cities and terrorize the indigenous white population.

          The authorities do not take into account that representatives of other races have developed a sense of cohesion among unprotected Europeans. This is a situation where the gypsies stick together and come to the aid of each other for free, while we whites pay each other for safety. But Jews or Gypsies do not pay each other. Why should we pay each other in Europe for security? Are Europeans so divided today? And are not such circumstances the machinations of others, an element of war?

    • Thanks for your comment, but you claim that Pontius Pilate’s trial records have survived? That I have to doubt.

      But of course Pilate would have had details recorded of such a high-profile case, partly to cover himself politically with the emperor. “Look how I took action to calm down the troublesome Jews’ leaders and avoid a riot. Though I found Jesus innocent of anti-Roman plotting, I had him crucified anyway to please them.”

      In any case, the best proof of Jesus’ existence is that the Talmud, written by the very grandsons of the Pharisees of Jesus’ day, never denies it, yet is irredeemably anti-Jesus.

      It calls Jesus, not a “figment of the Christians’ imagination,” but instead “the son of a whore” ( Mary, sic!) and a “blasphemer” (a death-penalty situation):

      And said Talmud admits Jesus performed miracles.

      This disgusting Israeli “comedy show” says Jesus “transformed crickets into cake,” and was a “Nazi” and “against the Jewish people.” (Just show this to your pro-Israel, Born-Again Christian friends. I guarantee from experience that you will see their jaw literally drop, and they stare in stunned silence, then are speechless for 15 long seconds after the clip is over. Then they ask, touchingly naive, “Why did they do this show?”)


      AND the Talmud says that a very sick young rabbi was cured of a fatal disease entirely by calling on His name, for which he was severely scolded by the older rabbis, saying it would have been better to die than call on the name of a “blasphemer.” 😉

      Jesus in the Talmud, published by the Princeton University Press

      auf deutsch:

      Peter Schaefer

  1. I was of the impression that it was James who tried to keep Christianity Judaic with circumcision etc. while it was the partly Hellenic Paul who sought to universalize Christianity ?

  2. Probabilmente il cammino terreno di Gesù ha qualche analogia con il Fuhrer…incredibilmente.
    Gesù è sopravvissuto alla crocefissione grazie alla sua famiglia, Giuseppe in particolare, legionario romano.
    In qualche modo è stato protetto fino allo scoppio della prima guerra giudaica nella quale gli Zeloti lo volevano morto a tutti i costi.
    L’impero Romano come il tuo grande terzo Reich ha protetto questi grandi leader.
    Ho fatto di tutto per scoprire questa verità sulla figura di Gesù e sapevo che la Religione paolina nascondeva qualcosa.
    Immagina Gesù morire in guerra come il Fuhrer..per la sua Religione rivoluzionaria.
    Gesù è molto più imponente di quello ci raccontano…

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