$20 billion USS Gerald Ford carrier doesn’t work

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America’s Most Advanced Aircraft Carrier Has Been Sailing Without Proper Defences – Pentagon Report

11:39 GMT 31.01.2020(updated 11:59 GMT 31.01.2020)

The embattled USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78), flagship of the new Ford class of carriers which the US Navy plans to eventually replace its Enterprise- and Nimitz-class warships with, is currently years behind schedule, and facing a slew of issues which US lawmakers have complained seem to have no “end in sight.”

A new report by the Pentagon’s Director of Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) has sounded the alarm about serious “deficiencies and limitations” in the USS Gerald R Ford aircraft carrier’s defensive systems.

The report, an advanced copy of which was seen by Bloomberg, cites problems with the $13 billion carrier’s radar, electronic warfare and ship-to-ship communications data network, with these issues said to “reduce the overall self-defence capability of the ship.”

The report complains that the Navy has yet to provide funding for three crucial tests using a specialised ‘self-defence’ vessel to put the carrier through its defensive paces, and adds that if this issue is not addressed, “testing will not be adequate to assess the operational effectiveness of the CVN-78 combat system.”

The DOT&E report places special emphasis on problems related to the ship’s electronic warfare surveillance system, built by weapons giant Lockheed Martin, with that system said to have demonstrated performance so poor that the Navy decided to delay further operational testing until the issues were resolved.

The report also mentions ongoing problems with the F-35, Lockheed’s $1.5 trillion do-it-all fifth-generation fighter jet, including the “unacceptable” accuracy of its 25 mm gun, caused by “misalignments” in the gun’s mount. The mounts themselves are said to face cracking issues, pushing the Air Force to restrict their use.

An F-35C Lightning II from the “Rough Raiders” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 125 prepares to make an arrested cable landing on the flight deck of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70). Carl Vinson is conducting fleet replacement squadron carrier qualifications off the coast of Southern California.

The DOT&E flagged over a dozen Category 1 “must-fix” problems with the combat jet, including major issues with the plane’s maintenance and logistics software, cybersecurity problems, and reliability concerns. Furthermore, the watchdog complained that the fixing one problem seems to lead to a whack-a-mole-style popping up of others, “resulting in only a minor decrease in the overall number.”

The DOT&E says the military’s fleet of F-35s continues to fall short of 80-percent mission capable requirements, with the Navy F-35C in particular suffering “from a particularly poor” mission-ready status.

Hailed as the largest, most intricate and most expensive aircraft carrier in history, the 100,000-tonne USS Gerald R. Ford cost some $4.7 billion to develop, and another $13 billion to build. The warship has faced a myriad of costly problems, including issues with its weapons elevators, headaches with its propulsion system, and other issues. The carrier was commissioned in mid-2017 and initially expected to become mission ready in 2018, with that date continually pushed back and now slated for t 2022. Last year, commenting on the munitions elevator problem, Democratic Representative Elaine Luria complained that she couldn’t “see an end in sight right now” in resolving the issue once and for all.

Source: https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/news/2020/01/mil-200131-sputnik01.htm?_m=3n%252e002a%252e2793%252eql0ao0efsw%252e2kv4

….My comments

  1. The crooked politician after whom this sucky ship is named, Gerald Ford, was a particularly vile politicians who ACTED all decent, all Midwestern-Regular-Guy, Mr Cornfed All-American, but he was the key to the 1965 Warren Commission coverup of the Jews’ horrendous murder of our last non-puppet president, John F. Kennedy. Here was my father with this double-dealer: Ford was the Republican House of Representatives leader, and one of the key members of this coverup commission, and moved the location of the first shot that hit Kennedy (the one that caused him to clutch at his throat) up by three inches so it could magically also hit Texas Governor John Connally, sitting in the front seat. This lie reduced the number of assassins needed from two to one, that one being the pitiful, framed Lee Harvey Oswald. http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/JFK/ford.html In reality, the Jews were the key, essential spider at the center of the web that planned the murder of John Kennedy, however many other parties (CIA; FBI; Johnson; rightwing Cubans; betrayed Mafiosi; and defense contractors) joined it after the Big Jews gave the project the green light, meaning they would ensure that the press, THEIR press, and the justice system (under Jew Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach) would never investigate the Kennedy murder truthfully.
  2. Neither the Russians nor the Chinese built delicate, overly complicated stuff that breaks down, nor do they neglect to build ENOUGH QUANTITY of any great weapon they do have.
  3. The same cannot be said of the German Reich 1939-45 — or the US today. Depicted: Tiger tank and the Messerschmitt 262 jet fighter. Neither were produced in adequate quantity.
  4. What makes this USS Gerald Ford scandal so ominous is that if a conventional war erupted between the US and the new Russo-Chinese alliance, we might start losing bigtime — with maybe ONE super-fast missile taking out a carrier with 5,000 men — and then WE (all p—ed-off though likely WE will have actually provoked or started it) would go nuclear, especially under a hot-tempered Trump, who as president figures he cannot survive politically unless he wreaks some act of major “vengeance” and “makes them pay.”
  5. But escalating and going nuclear on the Russians and Chinese would lead to world disaster, and I fear exactly that, since the Big Jews who run this country don’t care as much what happens to goy soldiers or civilians (or to Little Jews in Chicago, New York, Washington or L.A.). The Soros, Rothschild and Rockefeller types will be down in their bunkers with three years of food, water, and white children to rape in order to ride out both the war and the nuclear winter.
  6. Bingo: Van Rensburg prophecy.


…..which is why I must step forward and halt the insanity. The new Trumpian Mideast Peace Plan that gives IsraHell everything shows that Trump, on foreign policy, is a quasi-puppet. I need to speak up in unmistakable tones and say what Trump cannot, but von Treitschke said it best over 140 years ago:

“Die Juden sind unser Unglück.”

“The Jews are our undoing.”

And they are YOURS especially, Mr. President, and the reason you have gotten so little done about the Wall and other things, being under constant Jew attack although, except for immigration, you publicly kiss their butts and do almost everything they want.




  1. Speaking of data networks and surveillance systems, I thought I had read somewhere that a lot of Israeli software firms were doing subcontracting work for the DOD. Maybe this is what is wrong with the grounded 737s.

    • Hmmm, well, that would make sense if Israel were in bed with China against white America, preparing to jump ship from us to the coming hyperpower, Red China. Faulty or sabotageable weapon systems could likely cause the US to lose key naval engagements.


      When I think:

      1) how the Demoncrats have favored China, esp. since Bill Clinton, and hated Donald Trump, who stands up to Beijing (while the Demoncrats hypocritically proclaim they are the party of the working man, who needs a JOB, not food stamps!), and

      2) having seen how many Jews (such as Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler) led the impeachment charge against Trump, one could easily conclude

      3) the Jews hate white Aryans so very much that they really want China to rise and rise and rise to the top, then stomp the white race out for them, or they want the Chinese to breed it out via massive race mixing — white men and Chinese women!

      This miscegenation is already at epic proportions.

    • Rockefeller.

      My dad had a framed, autographed photo of that villain (“To Jim, Nelson”) in his study.

      He knew the guy was a creep, but he also loved consorting with famous people and being Mr Big himself in Rhode Island.

      “The egoic mind causes suffering” — Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha

      So he was robbed on his deathbed in a Vero Beach rehab home by two blacks, and having disinherited his son who loved him, and having become an atheist after Korea, he had a lonely and miserable death.

      Sad…. 🙁 🙁

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