20 Enduring Proverbs Written By Ben Franklin

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20 Enduring Proverbs Written By Ben Franklin
Benjamin Franklin was a man of many talents: scientist, inventor, statesman, writer, political philosopher, and founding father. His greatest financial success, however, came from printing and publishing, most notably the Pennsylvania Gazette and Poor Richard’s Almanac. The latter was first published in 1732, with a new edition printed every year until 1758. It became one of the most widely read secular pamphlets in colonial America, selling around 10,000 copies annually. It was so popular, in fact, that Napoleon Bonaparte had it translated into Italian.

Franklin wrote Poor Richard’s Almanac under the pseudonym of Poor Richard, or Richard Saunders, a name he borrowed from the author of a popular almanac published in London. Franklin’s almanac contained all sorts of information, including the calendar, weather predictions, poems, recipes, and trivia. But it was most famous for its witty aphorisms and practical proverbs. These short sayings covered a range of subjects, from industry and frugality to hard work and the pleasures of a simple life.

Franklin considered his almanac as literature for the masses, suitable for common people who couldn’t necessarily afford books. The sayings ranged from serious to cynical to funny (“Fish and visitors stink in three days”), but generally offered some kind of practical or moral instruction. Some of the aphorisms, such as “No gains without pains” and “Haste makes waste,” were already in existence before Franklin included them in his almanac — but he certainly helped to solidify such expressions in American vernacular.

Hundreds of sayings were published in Poor Richard’s Almanac over the years. Some, especially those related to colonial financial dealings, make little sense to the modern reader. Others, however, such as the 20 quotes below, remain just as relevant now as they did back then.

Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every New Year find you a better man.
Diligence is the mother of good luck.
Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults.
He that would live in peace and at ease, must not speak all he knows or judge all he sees.
Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all.
He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals.
The sting of a reproach, is the truth of it.
Reading makes a full man, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man.
Beware of little expenses: A small leak will sink a great ship.
Hide not your talents, they for use were made: What’s a sun-dial in the shade?
Do you love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.
Well done is better than well said.
Glass, china, and reputation, are easily crack’d, and never well mended.
He that lies down with Dogs, shall rise up with fleas.
Genius without education is like silver in the mine.
If man could have half his wishes, he would double his troubles.
The poor have little, beggars none, the rich too much, enough not one.
Don’t throw stones at your neighbors, if your own windows are glass.
A true friend is the best possession.
Wish not so much to live long as to live well


  1. Alas, JdN, written works by white Christians are being removed from the UK curriculum, and being replaced by Black, Asian or gimmegrant writers and ” great” thinkers.
    Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Wordsworth, and Shelley are being removed and replaced, as gimmegrants can’t “relate” to their works.
    In reality, it’s ethnic cleaning of white history and culture.
    This is to remove white identity and the white team, and weaken our resistance to diversity.
    This Diversity shite is designed to fragment society — so it’s easier to control. In Britain this weekend, we’ve had Hindus and Muslims fighting each other in mass street fights.
    We’ve had Iranians rioting in London over a women killed by Iranian religious police in Iran.
    The riots are caused by gimmegrants trying to kill each other.
    There are to be no majority-white countries anymore — hence the removal of our culture by the academia and the lefturds.
    The gimmegrants like the removal and destruction of white culture as it strengthens their whip hand and allows their imported history and culture to be taught in UK schools.
    Statues and pictures and books are removed and in one church in Bristol, a stained glass window has been installed to represent gimmegrants arriving at Dover, via illegal dinghies, as a religious event.
    Soon we will have a book burning of white written works, with paintings, vases and sculptures chucked on with glee.
    Castles and stately homes are being turned into flats and housing for gimmegrants.
    How many Poles especially have told me “Ve saved you in Der var” and blacks and browns “you need us to run your country” — ignorant to the fact that Britain ran itself for thousands of years before blacks, browns and assorted gimmegrants turned up on our shores.

  2. If I could go back in time, it would want to meet Benjamin Franklin. One thing I would do is question the contradictions that he held. Smart people should not hold contradictions in their mind, they are to resolve them.

    Franklin really wanted to improve the commoner, and this is evident by his do-good letters, and also in most of his writings, where he tries to elevate normies. No doubt that Franklin was an advanced soul, wise beyond his years.

    His “lived” experience included his printing business, and local Politicians would always say, “Have to talked to Franklin yet?” Franklin would take any initiative, and then debate it within his Junto, and then popularize the Junto’s decisions in the press. Franklin called this “preparing the minds” of the people.

    In other words, this idea that people can vote in a Republic is in contradiction to Franklin’s lived experience. Franklin “led” the people in advance of voting by preparing their minds with the press. Franklin also saw first hand how some of the other Juntos were taken over, not by the best humans, but by some of the worst – mammonite and malthusian zero sum types, who wanted to take sordid gain. Franklin had his own battles with these types of people.

    Franklin also saw first hand how the Bills of Credit he helped issue in the Philadelphia colony worked, and even wrote a paper about it. Franklin explained how the revolutionary war was about the money, and how England made the Colonials demonitize their script, which caused a 10 year long depression.

    But, despite all of his amazing efforts, he blew it at the constitutional convention.

    Here are some of the players and shenanigans at the constitutional convention, which destroyed the country before it began. Franklin was old and had gout, and had to be carried around on a stretcher. Maybe he was too out of it, to notice that his life’s work was being usurped by the usual (((types))).


    Article 9 of the Articles of Confederation 1781, (not the Constitutional Convention). Article 9 = Congress has the power to “emit bills of credit.”

    Constitutional Convention, six years later in 1787, Article 1 Section 8, the words “to emit bills of credit,” is erased.

    The new nation has to borrow its credit from privateers like Robert Morris, and the reason for the Revolutionary War (demonetization of Colonial Script) is overturned with barley a whimper.

    It was through the money power that the U.S. was back-doored. The Continental Currency and the various Colonial scripts were issued by “Bills of Credit,” which was the entire reason the war was fought.

    Madison recorded the argument, which was won by the chiselers. Jefferson wanted his one do-over at end of life, to undo this argument, because of its world shaking implications.

    Gov. Morris: The moneyed interest will oppose the plan of government if paper emissions are not prohibited.

    Read it two or three times. He is saying that moneyed interests, the privateering oligarch class, get to have veto power on the new government.

    This is hardly inconsequential.

    Mason (Virginia), who speaks the truth: “The Revolutionary war could not have been carried on had such a prohibition existed.

    Read it again two or three times.

    The revolutionary war was funded by “Washington’s money (really Franklin’s money),” or colonial script, or “Continentals.” The Continentals were not evidence of debt to be paid to a creditor class.

    Ellsworth (CT.) “By withholding the power (to emit bills) from the new government, more friends of influence would be gained to it than by almost anything else.

    Ellsworth is another P.O.S. who is signaling for the creditor class (friends of influence).

    Butler (S.C), chimes in: “Paper money was not legal tender in any European Country.”

    Butler is another P.O.S. who has just waved his hands and ignored what was learned in the Colonial period. There was no gold and silver when Colonies got their start, and colonials would have died if they could not have money to kick start commerce.

    Mason (Va) countered Butler, and said, “Neither was any European Country forbidden from making paper money legal tender.”

    The committee voted 9 to 2 AGAINST including the words “to emit bills of credit.”

    The money power not being properly codified is where it went wrong, and the top P.O.S. who operated for the privateering money interests (finance oligarchs) of the day, was Morris.

    Morris, a crypto Jew, was the richest merchant in America through his war profiteering, primarily through his firm Willing and Morris.

    In 1781, Congress (Continental Congress) appointed Morris as Superintendent of Finance. This is hardly trivial, and from this cat-bird seat, Morris was able to a lay his plans.

    Hamilton tried to convince Morris to create a State Bank, or really a National Bank with a 10 year charter, and said bank was to be based on Land. This is NOT the bank of England model, of which Morris was an adherent.

    In 1783, Congress dismantled Morris scheming, especially for a National Debt. (Some members of Congress still remembered the Colonial Period.)

    Morris Jew-Scheme: “Paper money had to be backed by Gold, and must be based on the interest and influence of monied men.” Then Morris wanted the Country to borrow from a bank he controlled, so he shilled for a national debt. This would make him the creditor, and the nation his debtors.

    Morris died with too much debt, failures of his business operations, and speculation on land gone wrong.

    He and his type, screwed the country from the beginning, and overturned the revolutionary war.

  3. A very good article. Haym Salomon exchanged gold from France to help fund the American Revolution.
    France, amongst others was keen to weaken British global powera. I was watching some footage of American citizens on RT. The look on their faces when they learned the Federal Reserve was privately owned, and not a Government bank!
    If the American government can print its own money, then why does it need to borrow money with interest from a private bank ?
    Are the names of the directors of the Federal Reserve still secret? Do they still cook the books as to the amount of gold reserves it actually does/doesn’t hold?
    We can’t send in the FBI as they are just as corrupt.

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