ENGLISH Praise for our move to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan: Smithsonian wimp-out
A friend praised our 857-mile move to the UP of Michigan: You made the right move by going to Upper Michigan. Despite your familial and […]
A friend praised our 857-mile move to the UP of Michigan: You made the right move by going to Upper Michigan. Despite your familial and […]
ENGLISH BLOGS RIGHT COLUMN UNDER “RECENT POSTS” …..Der blonde, deutschsprachige Putie beginnt mit RT auf deutsch! Juden hetzen seit Jahren gegen Putin…. die Staatsfuehrer von […]
ENGLISH BLOGS RIGHT COLUMN UNDER “RECENT BLOGS” VON MAUERFALL UND SÜNDENFALL Gerd Honsik Die Tränen der Freude geweint vergeblich in jenen Tagen, da sich Deutsche […]
Defeating yet again the MYTH of the ever-brilliant and effective Jews: In his 2005 book “Striking Back,” author Aaron Klein [http://www.amazon.com/Striking-Back-Olympics-Massacre-Response/dp/0812974638] – who says he […]
ENGLISH BLOGS RIGHT COLUMN UNDER “RECENT BLOGS” US-Blogger: Deutsche kehren Medien aus Verärgerung über einseitige, russenfeindliche Berichterstattung den Rücken Daniele Pozzati [Quelle: http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/deutschland/daniele-pozzati/deutsche-kehren-medien-aus-veraergerung-ueber-einseitige-russenfeindliche-berichterstattung-den-rue.html] Aus Ärger […]
‘Police gunman told me to ignore paedophiles’, says ex-child protection officer A FORMER child protection officer claimed last night a Special Branch detective held a […]
I have frankly mixed feelings about Alex Jones, who, in the words of Leon Trotsky, is a conveyor belt.” He takes people from the Establishment […]
‘Evil Stick’ wand toy for toddlers reveals picture of a young girl slitting her wrists with knife Nicole Allen went to a dollar store […]
The courageous Rebel of Oz (in Australia), just bouncing back from a two-day hack of HIS website (mine as down for 24 days in September) […]
A German wrote me: Dear Mr. de Nugent: It is very bold and admirable of you that you go against the trend and don’t follow […]
……Enemies can bring out the best in us! The Jews will always be with us as a test: a moral test, and a test of […]
…..Famous Hindu guru summons Whites to their duty Excellent content in this video…. It is rare to see a dark-skinned Indian (a guru) directly call […]
ENGLISH BLOGS RIGHT COLUMN UNDER “RECENT POSTS” A méditer tout simplement. C’est par des réponses toutes simples mais combien pertinentes qu’on fait la différence […]
Adolfs Maya-Astrologie, geb. 20.4.1889 in Braunau Geburtshaus (heute, mit linkslastigem “Mahnmal”-Stein davor) MANIK, die Blaue Hand [manik] wissen, Realisierung, Heilung Richtung: Westen Element: Wasser […]
Germans of Jewish Descent Who PROUDLY Served Adolf Hitler . Possibly one of the most damning indictments of the allegations surrounding the Holocaust and Nazi […]
https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=john+de+nugent 1.8 to 2.3 million hits on Google on my name…. up from 340K a month ago… after a 24-day hack of my site. It […]
GLORY TO MARY PHAGAN AND THE WHITE MEN WHO AVENGED HER by John de Nugent (This is the script for the video, which is found […]
This election was a historic defeat for Barack Obama. Well the election revealed some deep flaws in Obama’s culture! 😉 It was a victory […]
GLORY TO MARY PHAGAN AND THE WHITE MEN WHO AVENGED HER by John de Nugent (This is the script for the video, which is found […]
This is virtually all my major videos since 2007, including me on mainstream and Iranian TV SOLUTREA ARISE! . ADOLF HITLER – in feeling […]
ENGLISH BLOGS RIGHT COLUMN UNDER “RECENT BLOGS” Eine Million Zugriffe auf dieser 6-sec. Video bei “Vine” (Abelger von Twitter, das sich auf kurze Videos spezialisiert): […]
One MILLION hits on this 6-sec. video: French comedian Dieudonne is told by his little son: “Papa, there is no Santa Claus! So how about […]
ENGLISH BLOGS RIGHT COLUMN UNDER “RECENT POSTS” Une vidéo de Dieudonné, une vidéo de 5 secondes, pas plus, a déclenché un énorme battage médiatique […]
Pythagoras: : -) This blog is taken from my massive, fact-packed essay https://johndenugent.com/ufos-the-third-reich-after-1945-and-the-pleiadians ….Was the space shuttle Columbia, disintegrated during reentry in Feb. 2003, destroyed […]
Gaza Cut Off From All Sides As ‘Collective Punishment’ Deepens Israel and Egypt close border crossings as Gaza struggles to rebuild from Israeli onslaught by […]
ENGLISH BLOGS: RIGHT COLUMN “RECENT POSTS” …..Weltschmerz Die Brutalität der Natur, und auch der großen Volkstragödien (Deutschland 1914-1932 und 1939-48), lassen an jedwede “göttliche” […]
http://carolynyeager.net/saturday-afternoon-music-third-reich [Archive article from November 2014] Today is Margi’s birthday (yes, she is a a Scorpio, as well as a redhead, Scotch-Irish and German, […]
ENGLISH BLOGS — RIGHT COLUMN (“RECENT POSTS”) …..Suchergebnis John de Nugent erreicht beinahe zwei Millionen! Nur ein Monat nach 1) dem Ende des 24tägigen Judenhacks […]
> “If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt. But if you know Heaven and know Earth, you […]
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