”Man in the High Castle” backfiring — people WANT an American Reich
A comrade wrote me: Anyway, continuing on with season 2 of ”High Castle” (on Amazon Prime): Definitely better than season 1, so if you can […]
A comrade wrote me: Anyway, continuing on with season 2 of ”High Castle” (on Amazon Prime): Definitely better than season 1, so if you can […]
.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3B5QbzV5abY ”Because of his skin color”? Race is far more than skin color! Stop being so p.c., Tucker, but I do admire you for […]
Compare Aryans, blacks and Hispanics — seeing is believing .https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=wdolUGsaTsk https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=wdolUGsaTsk What is significant here is the racial factor. This is a big […]
A Cossack with symbols of faith and fatherland ….Gorgeous performance of the Russian national anthem by Crimeans to celebrate their reunification (in German it would […]
. . Salmond is the “First Minister” of Scotland, sort of the governor of Scotland, very leftist, pro-muslim, pro-migrant and pro-EU — in other words, […]
My Wells Fargo checking acct. statement — I was astounded to see my early retirement (I am age 62) check cut from $694 to $589.90! […]
The face of ultimate hypocrisy and absolute evil, closet Jewess Angela Merkel (with Berlin mayor Michael Mueller) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4052498/KATIE-HOPKINS-atrocities-leaders-stop-lying-admit-thanks-immigration-policies-mowed-doing-Christmas-shopping-simply-new-normal.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katie_Hopkins
Two ”rivers of blood,” an American tourist reported, reminding me of the famous Enoch Powell speech in 1968 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4049524/The-mulled-wine-stall-completely-crushed-People-tearing-wooden-panels-British-holiday-maker-describes-moment-truck-deliberately-ploughed-Berlin-Christmas-market.html Cartoon after a similar deliberate crushing […]
Ich fuehle mich krank, wie man im Englischen sagt, ueber die Ereignisse von gestern in Berlin und Ankara. Welche “Toleranz”, 12 einheimische Christen beim Weihnachtsmarkt […]
Je suis ecoeure des evenements d’hier a Berlin et a Ankara. Quelle ”tolerance” que d’écraser 12 indigenes chretiens lors du marche de Noel a Berlin….– […]
In the end, he won and they all lost! Trump: https://www.rt.com/usa/370867-trump-electoral-college-protests/ Ankara: http://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2016/12/19/russian-ambassador-turkey-terror-attack-sot-wolf.cnn/video/playlists/turkey/ Berlin: https://www.rt.com/news/370827-berlin-christmas-market-truck/
A troll posted und rone of my Youtube videos: He always talks against sociopaths, but he acts as oneself. He has told us probably a […]
https://duckduckgo.com/?q=prissy+holly&t=h_&ia=videos&iai=4icGgHy3kjY Islam in a man is like rabies in a dog. This is why we need our own Aryan religion. https://johndenugent.com/?s=virtus […]
East Asian tells Africans they are stupid for destroying what White people built, and for learning nothing Interestingly, the African speaks fluent Chinese, and probably […]
Une tentative de coup d’État contre Trump menée par Clinton et la CIA Par Alexander Mercouris “ Le 11 Décembre 2016 “ Source The Duran […]
I appeared with Jack Sen on Brian Ruhe’s program to discuss the rise of the ”Alt-Right,” and Richard Spencer’s new-found celebrity. Our criticism was constructive, […]
A l’adresse ci-dessous on trouvera une vidéo EXCEPTIONNELLE (*) et magistrale : il s’agit d’une vidéo enregistrée en [octobre ?] 2005 par l’avocat allemand Horst […]
How does one seduce modern readers to plunge into a classic? After 15 months of my labors, it is ready! THE NAMELESS WAR by Captain […]
Vu dans une exposition à Evian consacrée au sujet “De la caricature à l’affiche”… Cette affiche n est pas reprise dans le livre de l […]
I absolutely must get in donations. If I start my religion they will just shut everything down. “How does the world end? Not with a […]
Der Kampf gegen Chemtrails ist für Dominik vorbei. Unfassbar, was in dieser Welt los ist. Aber die gehirngewaschen Vollidioten glauben ja, dass es Unfug und […]
[12:04:43 PM] P: I still don’t understand why the FBI wants to talk to you. I did so much loud activism pissing off jews and […]
Emily Youcis was a Philadelphia landmark as “Pistachio Girl” and now is a pc-fired WN. Here is her new vid, defiant after being fired (as […]
Recently reelected Sheriff Dale Rantala of Ontonagon County, Michigan, like all sheriffs, is the top lawman in the county, and the FBI goes through the […]
A comrade in Oregon wrote me: Over the weekend my wife read about a local young woman on Facebook who needs some major medical treatment […]
I have shopped at Aldi’s often — and it is no frills, and no troubles either. Fast, cheap, good quality, and in-and-out. 10 Secrets Shoppers […]
I could really use some research. A California [?] sociology professor did a study that showed that other races respect and trust whites the most of […]
”Aren’t you in the wrong meetings?” ”No, because you folks want the purity of the breed too.” LOL! .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rA2JuxRdlmA LOL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rA2JuxRdlmA They’re devoted […]
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