Month: October 2022
Would the old-style NS of 1933-45 really save us? ..and a salute to an Australian
An English supporter wrote me: . Hi, JdN. I hope your BP is getting better. . I often think about how we could live better […]
GERMAN Die reiche Familie COHEN will 200 Migranten in einem bretonischen Dorf, und auch sonst überall in Frankreich ansiedeln
Die wohlhabende Familie COHEN will 200 Migranten in einem bretonischen Dorf und überall in Frankreich ansiedeln Benoit Cohen, der selbst in Brooklyn, New York City, […]
The wealthy COHEN family wants to settle 200 migrants in a Breton village, and everywhere else in France, too
Published on: Saturday September 10, 2022 Keywords: Communities ; France ; Future ; Immigration ; Policy ; Company Comments: 91 Number of views: 30,790 Source: E&R [] [JdN: I have edited this story for greater comprehension by non-French readers.] […]
FRENCH ACTUALISÉ La famille richissime COHEN veut installer 200 migrants dans un village breton, et partout en France
Une famille richissime veut installer 200 migrants dans un village, et partout en France Publié le : samedi 10 septembre 2022 Mots-clés : Communautés; France; Futur; Immigration; Politique; Société Commentaires : 91 […]
GERMAN In der Bretagne, Frankreich, muss eine weiße Frau seit zwei Monaten in ihrem Auto schlafen, während lokale Politiker ein Hotel für schwarze/muslimische MIGRANTEN für 1,5 Millionen Euro kaufen
…..Eine normale bretonische Frau [und NICHT irgendeine schizophrene Obdachlose, die ihre Medikamente absetzt oder Drogen und Alkohol missbraucht] schläft monatelang in ihrem Auto in Scaër […]
In Brittany, France, a white lady has had to sleep in her car for two months while local politicos buy a hotel for black/muslim MIGRANTS for 1.5 million euros
A normal Breton lady [and NOT some schizophrenic street lady off her meds, or doing drugs and booze] sleeps in her car in Scaër (29): […]
(5 million views) Continuously needing the next thing, but it’s never enough
It is simply uncanny how Tolle resembles Yoda on “Star Wars,” though he was an unknown, a total “nobody,” in 1977. If you read the […]
Overt white supremacism in a black girl — she def. does not want any more blacks in Idaho to libtard white bf’s surprise!
FRENCH Neptune : le nouveau télescope spatial James Webb le montre avec ses anneaux
La nouvelle image du télescope spatial James Webb montre les anneaux de Neptune avec une clarté sans précédent. © NASA, ESA, ASC, STScI Neptune : le […]
Neptune: the new James Webb space telescope shows it with its rings; lurkers on the moon and in earth orbit in the Apollo years of the Sixties
The new image from the James Webb Space Telescope shows Neptune’s rings with unprecedented clarity. © NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI Neptune : James Webb Space Telescope shows […]
GERMAN Neptun: Weltraumteleskop James Webb zeigt ihn mit seinen Ringen
Das neue Bild des James-Webb-Weltraumteleskops zeigt die Neptunringe in nie dagewesener Klarheit. © NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI Neptun: Weltraumteleskop James Webb zeigt Ringe des Neptun Mit dem […]
Four doltish, violent negroes try to abduct white teenage girl and her father Teen Waitress Is Moments From Being Abducted From Work Before Dad Thwarts Chilling Plan Amy P – Thursday ReactComments| On November 7, 2017, Terry […]