Month: November 2024
Remembering the Marshall family
CIA pilot and 9-11-truther Philip Marshall with his son Alex, 17, and daughter, Macaila, 14, all three murdered in 2013 by the jews. . Tragedy […]
Christianity Can’t Save the Jews. Can Historical Criticism Cure Them?
Phinehas is made the high priest for this “noble deed” of murdering a jew who race-mixed with a Midianite wife. Yet, to us the juze […]
The white-salvation plan of John de Nugent: the white nucleus, white-ruled minorities, American apartheid, and the avoidance of WWIII
A comrade and generous donor from a once grand and white city that is now a Demoncrat hell commented: The basic idea of the Constitution […]
Trump nominates anti-Covid Vaxxer as head of the NIH!
On the health side, Trump is still making excellent appointments — if the RINO US Senate will approve them! Trump’s appointment as head of the NIH […]
Carlson and Morris on the taboo topics; what we Baby Boomers drew the line at
I am going to run this video below once again from yesterday’s blog, because Tucker Carlson and Clayton Morris are two very smart and experienced […]
Stew Peters; Trump’s weird stamina; secret hatred for Jesus for warning “Judge not, lest ye be judged”; Christians, understand that for the juze the Talmud supercedes the Bible
Every date is “self-promotion.” Who does NOT put their best foot forward in the battle to survive, thrive, mate, and win? Someone wrote: I spoke […]
The enemy is our denial of reality
I knew or met and talked with Holocaust revisionists Robert Faurisson, Fred Leuchter, Willis Carto, David McCalden, David Irving, Bradley Smith, Vincent Reynouard, Ernst Zündel, […]
A Radical Opening: A Terrible Evil
Welcome to Absurdistan A Radical Opening: A Terrible Evil Western Civ cannot survive unless we fix it. We have to remove their fuel. elizabeth nickson […]
FRENCH Le missile russe à la technologie révolutionnaire Orechnik (« Noisette ») atteint Mach 10 et annihile une installation souterraine secrète ukrainienne
Vidéo d’un spécialiste russe de l’aviation militaire Les gars du duo de vloggeurs “The Duran” ont tous deux fait plusieures émissions cet Orechenik (« Noisette […]
GERMAN Die bahnbrechende russische Rakete Oreshnik („Haselnuss“) erreicht Mach 10 und vernichtet geheime unterirdische Großanlage der Ukraine
Russischer Aviationsspezialist zur neuen Rakete Oreschnik Die Jungs vom YouTbe-Duo “The Duran” haben auch mehrere Sendungen bezüglikch des Oreshnik („Hazelnuß“) genmacht. Die schiere Luftgeschwindigkeit dieser […]
Game-changing Russian missile Oreshnik (“Hazelnut”) reaches Mach 10, annihilates Ukrainian secret underground installation
The Duran guys both did several shows also on this Oreshnik (“Hazel”). The sheer speed of these things is destabilizing, especially if the missiles carry […]
GERMAN Nattokinase gegen das Spike-Protein im von Juden kreiirten, falschen und tödlichen Impfstoff?
Von 1996 bis 2003 brachte ich Harvard- und MIT-Wissenschaftlern aus Japan den gebildeten amerikanischen Akzent bei. Ich entdeckte, wie sehr die Japaner „Natto“ liebten, eine […]
FRENCH La nattokinase contre la protéine de pointe du faux vaccin létal juif?
La nattokinase contre la protéine de pointe du ju-jab ? En 1996-2003, j’enseignais l’accent américain à des scientifiques de Harvard et du MIT en provenance […]
Nattokinase aqainst the ju-jab’s spike protein?
When I was teaching the American accent to Harvard and MIT scientists from Japan 1996-2003, I found out how much the Japanese loved “natto,” a […]
Insane Terrans; dogs in strollers, not babies
South Korean woman with her “fur baby” as brith rates collapse. (See below.) . . One way I (and all major religions) KNOW that this […]
FRENCH Dégénérescence, dégoût et perte de la volonté de vivre : un Allemand demande un service à l’Amérique
Pourquoi y a-t-il si peu de protestations alors que Biden nous rapproche de plus en plus de la troisième guerre mondiale ? Pour cette raison […]
Degeneracy, disgust, and losing the will to live; a German asks America for a favor
Why is there so little protest as Biden gets us ever closer to WWIII? For this reason: the more things have gotten degenerate, the less […]
GERMAN Europäer — Amis und Russen, verschont uns und kämpft lieber nur gegeninander ums ölreiche Alaska!
Andreas Porschen: Nach langer Expedition habe ich endlich ein gemütliches, ruhiges Plätzchen geortet, an dem unsere Supermächte wunderbar übereinander herfallen könnten, ohne uns Europäern auf […]
GERMAN Holocaust und Gaskammern — das gibt’s HEUTE; Erinnerung an Ursula
Waldbrand in Quebec, Kanada. Der Großteil der USA (48 der 50 Bundesstaaten!) und Kanadas ist von Dürren betroffen, die riesige Waldbrände verursachen. “In einem Büro […]
A true holocaust and gas-chamber story; remembering Ursula
Wildfires in Quebec, Canada. Most of the US (48 of the 50 states!) and of Canada is being hit with droughts that enable huge forest […]
Vaccine ‘Quietly’ Pulled Off Market in 2007 Now Linked to 19 Diseases — 35 Million Babies Who Got the Shot Now at Risk as Adults
November 7, 2024 › Agency Capture › Health Conditions › News Toxic Exposures Vaccine ‘Quietly’ Pulled Off Market in 2007 Now Linked to 19 Diseases — 35 Million Babies Who Got […]
GERMAN Allmählicher, aber unerbittlicher Totalitarismus in Quebec
TOTALITARISMUS AUF ZEHENSPITZEN [Gefunden auf der Facebook-Seite von Louis Préfontaine] . Wir haben heute erfahren, dass die Regierung von Quebec Erdgas in gewerblichen, privaten und öffentlichen […]
Gradual but implacable totalitarianism in Quebec
Gradual but implacable totalitarianism in Quebec TOTALITARIANISM ON TIPTOES [Found on Louis Préfontaine’s Facebook page] . We learned today that the Quebec government will ban natural […]
FRENCH Le totalitarisme graduel mais implacable au Québec
LE TOTALITARISME, SUR LA POINTE DES PIEDS [Trouvé sur la page Facebook de Louis Préfontaine . On apprenait aujourd’hui que le gouvernement du Québec […]
FRENCH La prophétie choquante de Van Rensburg; trahison par Trump des Arabo-Américains qui l’avaient voté dans l’État-charnier clé du Michigan
Une amie de Facebook m’a dit qu’il faut cinq jours pour que mes publications apparaissent dans son fil d’actualité. Sur Facebook, nous avons une certaine […]
OUT WITH A BANG: Bullshit Biden Gives Ukraine Approval to Use Long-Range Missiles to Strike Deep Inside Russia The Kremlin has warned that such a move would put the West in a direct conflict with Russia Nov 17
OUT WITH A BANG: Bullshit Biden Gives Ukraine Approval to Use Long-Range Missiles to Strike Deep Inside Russia The Kremlin has warned that such a […]
They always slander the truthtellers
New Orleans district attorney James Garrison courageously investigated the assassination of President John Kennedy, arresting and indicting several CIA assets, many of them homosexuals, btw. […]
Learning the right accent in German or other tongues
Having minored in French and majored in German, the two languages correspond with the mindsets of the two different peoples. When you speak German, you […]
Via a war with Iran to the prophesied WWIII
The US Capitol after a tsunami (and NOT after a hydrogen bomb explosion, which would have vaporized it) Trump clearly has quietly promised the […]