$2,867 in donations last 10 days; France’s Le Pen ill-rewarded for going “moderate”; reincarnation: young boy still traumatized by belief he fell from WTC on 9/11; a Confederate consoles “old maids” whose boyfriends were killed in battle for the South

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Most Confederate soldiers did not own slaves at all, though most Southern jews DID. But they were furious at Yankee notions of freeing the negro slaves, and giving them US citizenship, the vote and gun rights. They foresaw that the freed slaves — with a low IQ, low self-control, and a high sex drive — would rampage through white society, attacking white women, and loafing or stealing.

Were they wrong?

Black parishioner shoots at his own pastor, North Braddock, Pennsylvania


He raped and killed his employer, the former First Lady of South Africa, Marike de Klerk

See more below.


…..$2,867 in donations by courageous comrades over the last ten days

— 27 June 2024 $105 (from 81 British pounds) via PayPal from M in France


— 3 July 2024 350 Danish kronor ($51) from B in Denmark

6,000 Danes joined the Danish Waffen-SS, including 77 officers of the Royal Danish Army. This was doubly heroic, because the Danish population even back then was libtard, heavily influenced as it was by generations of reading anti-German and anti-NS newspapers, just as has been the case in Sweden and Norway. These are owned by jews, such as the “Bonnier” family, founded by a Gutkind Hirschel! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonnier_family

This was a perfect example of the insanity of the egoic mind, because 1) the Third Reich was extremely PRO-nordic, as we know, and in addition, 2) all the Scandinavian/Nordic countries needed Germany.

They all had very small populations, less than 15 million (largely due to emigration to the Midwest of the United States) and were therefore totally unable to defend themselves — on their own — against the 220 million-man Soviet Union, which also, under Joseph Stalin, had become one big war machine.

Heinrich Himmler, founder of the magnificent Waffen-SS, with Danish volunteers. Two of their commanding officers were killed in action.



— 7 July 2024 $500 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada


— 7 July 2024 $100 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

— July 2024 $2,000 via PayPal from anonymous


–8 July 2024 $100 worth of work done for free by a local on the house I am currently, temporarily renting


……He’s burned out, and can’t take the dismal news any more

Hi, John. I’m moving away from this stuff for good. I don’t want to focus on this anymore. My health is pretty bad and I haven’t been well, I think I have those fibrous clots inside me from having the mRNA shots. This is really horrific, what has happened and I have to move away from this horrible stuff. It has consumed my life.

I replied:

I fully understand. Instead, you might buy and read Eckhart Tolle, because the only solution is fixing humanity’s spiritual problems first. Earth has always been a kind of hell, and is just more so now than it ever was before. The political path is now excluded : the  major parties are all controlled, and the elections are all rigged to defeat any true reformer if he even arises.

It happened to me in 1990!

Or you can watch “Miracles from Heaven”

….as I urged you several times 😉

I was just reading about the French election yesterday. It is astounding to see how even though things are truly terrible in France (muslim crime, grime, radical LGBTQ, and unbearable taxations — 55% — and conditions have been dismal for many years, the centrist and leftist parties succeeded in forming a voting bloc to keep even Marine Le Pen’s very moderate rightwing party from power.

Marine had radically watered down her message to avoid „scaring“ the electorate.

Her party now only wants to end further migration! She says France can STAY in the lethal, satanic European Union, and it now supports Israel, jews, gay marriage, etc. One word of criticism of Israel or jewry, and you are expelled from her National Rally party, the “Rassemblement national.

Oh, and she lived for years together, unmarried, with a quarter-jew. She has one kid — amazingly, the kid is not black. 😉

Her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, whom I knew and interpreted for, ran the party, which he himself had founded, demanding that the Muslims (who are 25% of France now!!) go BACK to the countries they came from („rémigration“), that France leave the European Union, abandon its euro currency, bring back the franc, and restore full French sovereignty:

„France for the French!“

But the election yesterday only did what national socialist and revisionist Vincent Reynouard had predicted:

The watering-down of the message by Marine to the pitiful halfway measures she now proposes will never, ever fanaticize and mobilize the white masses.

Leaving all these violent muslims and negroes in France – letting them stay — and also kissing up to Israel and the jews in France, is not going to solve anything.

France has cancer, a racial and semitic cancer, and it needs a surgeon and a surgical nurse —  to cut the cancer out.


Since Marine Le Pen offered no reality check, the voters naturally continued to deny racial and jewish realities, and thus France remains on the path toward gradual but complete white genocide — the march toward the death of the white French people.

Former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer on the Nordics, who would help us  if  we were willing to fight!

I was electrified five years ago by this song by a French female singer, “Epona” ( = an ancient keltic goddess of horses).

She is lamenting her experience as a white girl of riding the Paris subway these days, with the platforms and subway cars chock full of “negroes and Pakis”[tanis] —  and the smell they give off.

She says she will “take out her sword” against them, and she uses the English word “hatecore.”

Good sentiment but,listen, girl, a long-sword is far too heavy for a girl to use.


Still, the song triggered every male gene in my body as she went into a high-pitch at the climax.  When a woman screams, a normal man will drop everything and run at full tilt to her aid.

She sings about wielding her sword “even if our France is living its last hours.”

That really got me.

Though all white countries have their considerable flaws, France — I lived there — is truly one of the best,most delightful and most ancient of all white nations.

And who protected the Reich Chancellery in my final hours of grim anguish in downtown Berlin?


And who, after four years on the ghastly Eastern Front, was the most highly decorated of the 400,000 non-German citizens in the Waffen-SS?

General Léon Degrelle (a Walloon, a French-Belgian, and the son of a French father)  

He received in 1944 the Knight’s Cross with Silver Oak leaves for organizing and leading the heroic German breakout from the Cherkassy pocket (or cauldron). Stalingrad was such a cauldron. A modern force cannot fight for long if its medicine, food and ammunition are cut off.

Fully 45,000 German Army (Heer) and Waffen-SS soldiers took part in the breakout, resulting in 27,703 German soldiers and 1,063 Russian auxiliaries breaking out unscathed. . The few Germans who foolishly raised their hands in the air to surrender saw them brutally cut off by Soviet Cossack cavalrymen with sabers.

Wikipedia, reflecting intense jewish hatred for Degrelle, gives him ZERO mention for this.

I awarded him personally this medal. I routinely had Knights Cross recipients flown to headquarters for the award and to size them up. After a German victory, I intend to retire to Linz, turning the leadership of the Reich over only to someone who not only had “the right stuff” butt was a revered and popular war hero who had shed his blood for our race and nations.

Only one man got the supreme medal, the Knight’s Cross with golden oak leaves, swords and diamonds, Hans-Ulrich Rudel.

This superhuman flew 2,530 combat missions on the Eastern Front of World War II. The majority of these were undertaken while flying the gull-winged Junkers Ju 87.

But 430 of his missions were flown in ground-attack variants of the Focke-Wulf Fw 190. He was credited with the destruction of 519 tanks, severely damaging the battleship (!!!) Marat, as well as sinking a cruiser (incomplete and heavily damaged Petropavlovsk), a destroyer (the Leningrad-class destroyer Minsk) and 70 landing craft.

Rudel also claimed to have destroyed more than 800 vehicles of all types, over 150 artillery, anti-tank or anti-aircraft positions, 4 armored trains, as well as numerous bridges and supply lines. Rudel was also credited with 9 aerial victories, 7 of which were fighter aircraft and 2 Ilyushin Il-2s. He was shot down or forced to land 30 times due to anti-aircraft artillery, was wounded five times and rescued six stranded aircrew from enemy-held territory.[24]

At the end of the war he was still flying — with one leg!


The real problem is us.

How white people can deny reality even when the migrants are stabbing, raping, and killing them…..like the muslim who went around a park STABBING WHITE BABIES….

And they let Macron forcibly vaxx them with the clot shot… and this meant lying to them about „safe and effective“ and taking away the most basic human freedom, their right to decide about their health and what goes into their body.

And now the white French are suffering huge physical harm from this jew-jab, even death.

My mission is to make white people take a good, hard look at themselves as the primary cause of this hell, and not the jews. The jew simply exploits the egoic mental sickness that is already there, the lying to ourselves.

The jew sees the tumor inh us, the egoic self-lying, he is delighted to see this flaw, and he proceeds to make it worse.

Here, Frenchie, smoke a pack of cigarettes. It will cure your cancer! 😉

Oh, merci, monsieur!


(I’d rather laugh than cry.)


….Eight-year-old still traumatized by his horrible death in his last life, falling 87 floors on 9/11

This video tells a very sad story of reincarnation-related PTSD….but even sadder is that this boy failed to process his trauma in his last interlife — and so it is still harming him now.


It is no different from James Leininger, once James Huston. He died in battle in 1945, drowning SLOWLY when the Japanese shot his fighter plane down, and when he came back in 1997, he still was traumatized…… But I ask the rude question: What had he done for his soul from 1945 to 1997 with himself?

Did he still think it unfair that the Japanese shot him down while he was dive-bombing THEM?

Was it NICE to roast 100,000 Japanese civilians alive in Tokyo, or 250,000 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

For James Huston then (and Leininger now) now it was mostly “poor, poor, pitiful me.”


….or think of the Germans we roasted alive with “incendiary” bombs in Dresden and Hamburg, not to mention Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, and three dozen other German cities?


Going back to this 9/11 boy, this Cade, have his parents any idea how reincarnation works? Any curiosity? Any desire to get to the bottom of all this? I fear not.  Judge for yourself…

In fact, the couple and their son Cade SHOULD  be spurred on by this pain to ask

“How was 9/11 even possible?

Why were three of the four hijacked planes not shot down quickly by F-16s as per  federal law

after they had diverted from their flight plans,

turned their transponders off,  and were

barreling toward Washington DC and New York City?”

To shoot such passenger jets down, even full of innocent people, was actually standing federal law and policy, though this law was, of course, brutal. But it was absolutely necessary!

Why were these three airliners still up in the air almost an hour later?

How about this, parents of Cade —  how about maybe asking and wanting and demanding answers for who is really in charge of the government and media for such a mega-atrocity to even happen?


This wicked Khazar said this in 2008 — sixteen years ago!!!!

No, no, they prefer to just stay all “troubled” by this grim 9/11 flashback, and they have learned only this, to “live with it.”

The cosmic purpose of God in allowing such tragedies is to make you wake up and ask the right questions!

Mike Delaney’s “911 Missing Links” came out fifteen years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Internet has included people (like me and others) exposing the jews for twenty years now!

This is one sick-puppy planet.

I have seen people I know who categorically refuse to watch “Miracles from Heaven” and prefer to continue suffering mentally and physically over learning the truth that can give them some happiness and hope again!  (See further below.)

Their mind has commandeered them just as those Arabs commandeered those planes. They are possessed (like a demonic possession) by their own egoic minds.

In Conversations with God, a huge bestseller, Neal Donald Walsch, a German-American from Wisconsin. reveals what God told him about his previous lives.


To his dismay, God told him he had had HUNDREDS of lives.

…which meant, sadly, that he had learned very little from all those tragic incidents — all those deaths, sicknesses, bereavements, and failures — that had peppered all those incarnations……

When you experience a terrible setback, you should process what just happened. Ask “why?”

I have had three very white people betray me — people to whom I opened my door when they were in a desperate jam. It caused me both keen emotional pain and huge financial setbacks. (I should add that all three had some excellent personal qualities and specific skills which I actually needed for my mission. It was not only out of “charity” that I helped them. I do NOT let every bum into my house. None of them was a bum, in fact. They were just typical people.)

Believe me, I decided I had to process this. 

And this I came to grasp: When someone is in a bad way, and turns to you because no one else will help him or her, ask yourself this about that person:


How come he has NO FRIENDS?



I was projecting, to use a Carl Jung term, how I would be so grateful to a person who had rescued me onto people who were narcissists — incapable of gratitude, in other words, “users.”

The difference between me and so many others,however, is this:

I want to know why I let myself be used.

What flaw in ME made me blind to the trouble this person represented?  Why did I ignore the warning signs?

My yin, my kindness, my desire to say YES, had overpowered my yang, my ability to say NO.



……Animals can show gratitude, but don’t count on many sinful earthlings

Earth is a bad-karma planet, and now I fully realize it, as have many before me.

Many animals, as small as their brains are, have good hearts and are spiritually higher than we are.


These lionesses are brave, because a whole pack of hyenas can be extremely dangerous. They work as a team. Do white people? If a Hitler cracks the whip —  yes.




……A Poignant Letter from a Confederate Soldier Remembering the “Old Maids” of the South

(I thank a Florida comrade and former  military officer for this.)

For obvious reasons after the [Civil] War, there would be many women who would never marry. It was a curse for some Southern Ladies to never marry, while it was a choice for others.
W.H. Andrews, who describes himself as a “old Confederate soldier,” had a special place in his heart for those unmarried Southern girls, who grew into ladies and never found love.
He wrote this letter which was published in the Atlanta Journal [now a nauseatingly pro-black, pro-jew, pro-Leo Frank and anti-white agitprop rag].
It was addressed to a lady in Sugar Valley, Georgia but could have been of comfort to all the Southern ladies whose hearts and hopes were buried along with the Southern soldiers.
Dear Miss Thomas:

Will you permit an old Confederate soldier, who has nearly reached his three-score and ten [70 years old], to occupy a seat while he says a few words?

The old maids of to-day were young girls in my youthful days. They were once young and happy and looked forward with bright hopes to the future, while the flowers opened as pretty, the birds sung as sweetly, and the sun shone as brightly as it does to the young girls of to-day.
They had their sweethearts; they loved and were loved in return; they had pleasant dreams of the coming future to be passed in their own happy homes surrounded by husband and children.
But, alas! the dark war clouds lowered above the horizon and all their bright dreams of the future were overcast with gloom. They loved with a pure and unselfish devotion, but they loved their country best.
The young men of the [18] Sixties were the first to respond to their country’s call and marched away to the front, to undergo the hardships and dangers of a soldier’s life.

Now, can you imagine the pangs that rent the maiden’s breast as she bid farewell, maybe for the last time this side of eternity, to the one who was dearer than her own heart’s blood, as she watched his manly form clothed in his uniform of gray disappear in the distance?
She tried to be brave when she bade him go and fight the battles of his country. She remained at home and prayed to an all-wise and merciful God to spare him amidst the storm of iron and lead, but her heart seemed rent in twain [ = in two], and all of her bright hopes for the future seemed turned to ashes. The weary days and months passed in dread suspense.

Now and then a letter from the front revived her drooping spirits, as her soldier boy told of his many escapes amid the charging columns and roar of battle.
After many months or maybe years she received the sad tidings that her gallant soldier was no more; his gallant spirit had flashed out with the guns, and his manly form, wrapped in a soldier’s blanket, had been consigned to an unmarked grave far away from home and loved ones.
The last rays of hope fled, and she resigned herself to her sad and lonely fate. They were true to their country in its sore distress, true to their heroes wearing the gray, and true to their God who doeth all things well.
Could any one lead a more consecrated life? Now, let us, instead of deriding, cast the veil of charity over their desolate lives.

The once smooth cheek is furrowed with the wrinkles of time, the glossy braids have whitened with the snows of winter, the once graceful form is bending under the weight of years, while the bright eyes have grown dim watching, not for the soldier in gray, but for the summons that calls her to meet him on that bright and beautiful shore, there to be with loved ones who have gone before, and receive the reward of ‘Well done, thou good and faithful servant’.
Scene from “Miracles from Heaven” — the true story of a little girl [actually, btw, a Southerner and a Texan] who had a fatal childhood intestinal disease and on top of it all, when she went home from the hospital to die,  a hideous fall — 30 feet — onto her head. She came to in heaven for a brief visit there before God sent her back to earth and her family, as He often does with children, because they have much more living and learning to do.
Soon the last one of those patriotic women of the Sixties will have passed over the river, and their like may never be seen again, but their love of home and country will be handed down to generations yet unknown.

With best wishes for the household,
W. H. Andrews.

*** the phrase “passed over the river,” maybe recalling Confederate general Stonewall Jackson’s final words as he lay dying in 1863….
“Let us cross over the river and rest in the shade of the trees.” 
IMO he was describing what he actually was seeing, because God can be very kind to the good as they pass on.

Top fan

Felicity Phillips Diamond

Beautiful & heartfelt letter written with understanding & compassion‼️ I never thought of all of the young southern ladies who became casualties of lost love . . . 

Lanny Tyra Tyra

Well Fort Benning [Georgia] next to Columbus has supplied many Yankee dads.My Mother married a Pfeifer from South Dakota. They got land from his service in the Union.  Her sisters married men from Chicago and Pennsylvania.

Top fan

Craig Colandro

Salute! What an amazing letter.
They had such a way of writing and putting so much meaning into what they wrote. May God have blessed that soldier.

Kerrie Harrison

So beautifully written and so poignant. Although written for the Confederate women of the civil war, it can apply to anyone who lost a love one and waited in any war even today.
One of the best descriptions of life during the War.

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