(5 million views) Continuously needing the next thing, but it’s never enough

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It is simply uncanny how Tolle resembles Yoda on “Star Wars,” though he was an unknown, a total “nobody,” in 1977.

If you read the comments by viewers, this German genius has transformed many lives, and lessened his viewers’ Weltschmerz, their ‘pain about how the world is.’

Notice also from the laughter of the audience how many are female. All successful religions begin with women, who since the dawn of time are the main raisers of the children, the next generation, and by their nature are more attuned to the other world.

If this video seems like gobbledygook, well, maybe your egoic mind still rules you. It rejects freedom for you. It still wants to dominate you. Your mind is a separate entity, and afflicting you.
So, okay, then you perhaps need to suffer and despair for yet another year. So, fine, go ahead, and lack all inner peace, spin your wheels, and go around in circles some more, yes, well into 2023. 😉 In the fullness of time, you will be ready.

I wish at this time to underline that despite months of exhausting, round-the-clock care for Margaret, and then witnessing the misery, decline and the actual moment of death of my much-adored wife of 17 years, which caused me extreme levels of grief, frustration, anger, and loneliness,  I have survived the resulting stroke-level high blood pressure.



1) following sound medical, lifestyle and dietary advice, and

2) reading books and watching videos by Eckhart Tolle. I would be dead now, or drooling, partly paralyzed, in the corner of a nursing home without the truths he imparts to suffering people.

As always, here is the proof:


If you are going through hell, keep going. 😉

We as a race, and each of us as individuals, incarnated here of our own volition to grow.

And you can grow THIRTY TIMES FASTER here.

Bleak wisdom about life on this world as it really is by the German immigrant Karl/Charles Bukowski:



Comments under the Tolle video:

4,929,334 views Mar 2, 2014

4 years ago
He is so relaxed, casual, mischievous, funny and intelligent. God bless him.


T. Tyson Keanum
T. Tyson Keanum
5 years ago
For me, No one has ever made more sense of spiritual teachings than this man. His words ring true from deep within. They echo so many other spiritual teachings but in a way that I am not pretending to understand. The understanding is felt from within. I cannot describe the comfort this approach brings to me and my anxious fearful self. Far better than any drug or therapy I have encountered for the past 20+ years.


Louise Sumrell
Louise Sumrell
4 weeks ago
One of my favorite old sayings is, “The past is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the “present”.
Namaste friend.💖🙏


Grateful Splices
Grateful Splices
6 years ago
0:47 – Eckhart Trolle on Meditation
3:15 – 6:10 Start with why? Now
6:10 Step 1 – Sense perceptions
9:50 – 10:30 Us vs. our thinking
11:00 – 12:00 vs gadgets and texting
13:45 – 14:05 being in your head versus aliveness
15:00 – 16:01 from sense perceptions to woah I am alive right now
16:10 -16:53 – 17:47 In your body meditation
18:10 – 20:30 Tolle vs. thoughts taking you over
21:00 – 21:35 Present moment summary
21:45 breath of fresh air
23:10 deeper dimension
24:20 clouds metaphor, our fate is in our mind
26:10 what does it feel like to be you, now
29:40 horizontal vs. vertical dimension


2 years ago
I am 74 years old this month, so thankful I am becoming aware.🙏


Angi McElfresh
Angi McElfresh
7 years ago
I love this analogy… As someone who had actually thought they were being productive, as a multi-tasker, I was never in the moment. I am thankful to recognize this and to know the difference!


Colin Booth
Colin Booth
6 years ago
I could listen to Ekhart Tolle all day. Inspiring, wise and shares a powerful internal intelligence!


2 years ago
“If you’re born in a mental asylum you don’t know that everyone is insane”
Such a perfect description of our world.


Eugene Rusekampunzi
Eugene Rusekampunzi
5 years ago
Thank you Eckhart! Since I was born, more than fifty years ago, I had never met someone who teaches spirituality in such a simple, clear and yet objective way. Thank you for “The power of now”, it feels as if heaven has merged with earth. We appreciate.


1 year ago
During school, I use to accidentally meditate in classes. There were a few instances where I became aware of my own consciousness and felt my presence and everything around me was one. Hearing Eckhart talk about this is blowing my mind.


Mark Lewis
Mark Lewis
1 year ago
After years of following Eckhart I have finally felt and recognised the space between thoughts. Thank you Eckhart. 🙏🏻


5 years ago
His teachings saved my life. <3


Jacqui Miller
Jacqui Miller
8 years ago
I love his sincerity, his humour and his ability to explain it all so well.


Maestro Mio
Maestro Mio
10 months ago
Meditation is a beautiful word, i believe it really means living connected, in every moment, with the whole universe.


Thomas Cummins
Thomas Cummins
6 years ago
“Consciousness is constantly being absorbed by a stream of thinking.” WOW! How unbelievably accurate and simple is that statement. His words can really put your life into perspective.


felipe blin
felipe blin
7 years ago
Amazing, simple and very enlightening talk! One of the best talk about meditation ever in my opinion


Ellen Aparicio
Ellen Aparicio
4 months ago
When I used to work in a thrift store, I came across his books. I read them and started my spiritual journey. I then started seeing 1111. I feel like he was my beginning point for my awakening, of my spiritual growth. Thank you ❤️


Krissy Ramsey
Krissy Ramsey
1 year ago (edited)
What a skillful teacher! I’ve been listening to Eckhart for 20 years. All of his talks are pure gold and most leave me breathless. But this one may well be his best. Not a single redundant word in over 30 minutes. Phenomenal

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