5G frying our brains and bodies; the national karma

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This plastic tree is nothing but a disguised 5g tower. <7p>

A comrade and repeat generous donor wrote me:

On the roof of the building across the street from my San Francisco apartment there have been installed AT&T cell phone towers that transmit microwave energy. The microwave energy transmitted by these towers across the street is so strong that during the day my internet access is cut off. What is this microwave energy transmission doing to my body?

I responded:

OMG, that is terrible. Is the tower you are seeing one with the classic 5G-tower look, that is, with the rectangular, vertical plastic panels that hang down?

This 5G tower is, ironically, just a few blocks from the organic-food co-operative where we buy most of our food every week, a 60- mile drive for us.


But it is not as if we could escape 5G in Ontonagon, either. We have our own 5G tower here. but we “drew the line” when both our cellphone service providers sent us, unsolicited, 5G phones. 


We rejected them and instead bought (at some expense of time and money) 4G phones from approved brands and “ported” our phone numbers and data over.(We both had the same brand before, Ulephones, which were 4G, but then AT&T and Verizon suddenly announced they were no longer acceptable — so we had to retire $250 worth of excellent, perfectly working phones!)


Since I strongly suspect that both of Margi’s bouts with cancer (2018-20 and again now in 2022) were induced by the FBI, we absolutely do not want to have any “free” 5G phones near our bodies.


I have known for a FACT for fifteen years that cell phones can cause brain cancer. A German female MD told me so in 2008, and why she believed it. She said that both Ericsson and Nokia (big, big Swedish and Finnish cell phone manufacturers back then) had internal company documents about the nexus between brain cancer and constant cell phone use near the head. And back then it was only 2G, not 4G or 5G!


Likewise, my car insurance agent told me something similar when we lived in Sarver, Pennsylvania 2008-11. He told me that his wife, who who worked also in the insurance field, (but for Aon, a gigantic insurance company), told HIM that stockbrokers were getting huge rates of brain cancer — a form of cancer which is almost un-survivable!!!!!!
Only 1 in 500 brain-cancer victims is still alive after five years!!!! It is just about the most lethal form of cancer there is. (I read an entire book by a brain cancer surgeon, in fact.) .

My then-agent told me that his wife said that the brain cancer always occurs on the side of the head where they habitually hold their phones.
It is all earthling karma for many generations of ignoring the jew problem.
We have no right to whine “Woe is me!” Does a drunk who orders seven whiskeys have a right to whine when he gets pulled over for DUI?
Does any American have a right to whine after many incarnations of ignoring the warnings and doing NOTHING as the jews accrued their power over everything and everyone? This Star of David has been on the back of the one-dollar bill since 1935! And on the Great Seal of the United States!As Jesus said: Let him who has eyes SEE!


Now the jews are literally killing us, via cell phones; the clot-shot vaxx; the economic and psychological effects of the Covid lockdowns; using toxic food, air and water; by means of street crime;…and unless I can stop it, the final horror of WWIII between the white powers…a WW3 against which I have been warning since 2018….. based on that South African prophet, Nicholas van Rendsburg, who way back in 1917 also predicted, to universal ridicule at a time when the white man seemed invincible, and racial segregation ruled both countries, that some day both South Africa and America – the 1917 America of the Klan and Jim Crow laws — would have black rulers.
And now we have indeed had a black president, who now is de facto ruling us again in a kind of third term, via the compliant and senile Joe Biden.

And it seems every major US city now has an incompetent black mayor:
San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta, New York and Washington DC, among others.
I wish to harp on this: Van Rendsburg was ridiculed — and he was right.
Same goes for me, ridiculed and yet right, unfortunately.

I would really prefer to be wrong more often.

…..Cruising for a bruising

4 hours ago
@theduran The Nazi flag that showed up at the Canadian trucker protest, was one guy who was displaying it to show what direction the government was headed. The media knew this but lied about it.


John de Nugent@JohndeNugent
2 hours ago
@theduran, @Layne I would have thought the guy was working for the Canadian Deep State so as to besmirch the trucker cause. That flag and the Confederate one as well…. The Confederacy was not even part of Canada’s history.
I’m surprised no “trucker” was carrying a flag with Dracula on it or Ted Bundy. 🙂

5 Reply
33 minutes ago
@theduran, @Layne I’ve heard both interpretations. Unfortunately- not surprisingly – it played right into the Government’s hands. It was an ill-advised move if the intent was to foreshadow the future…

4 hours ago
@theduran I wonder if it’s karma, and the universe has conspired to destroy Biden, the American & the EU’s economy….or if Putin just became the new Chuck Norris?


John de Nugent@JohndeNugent
2 hours ago
@theduran, @Global_Citizen Karma.… The US regime has been doing extremely rotten things since WWI, for a century now….and the sheeple do not rise up against it. When tough-TALKING Trump let the Stealection happen, specifically after the Supreme Court in mid-Dec. 2020 refused to even hear his case — with three of the nine justices actually being his appointees, and three more being conservatives, yet they tossed his lawsuit out (though Biden’s vote theft was massive and blatant, and he was also a would-be Court-packer (!) )– then both Trump and the American people became guilty as well.
To do nothing as a crime is being committed can also be a crime. It is now already in many states when you know a child is being abused and do not report it.
The January 6 event should have become a George Washington moment. But fake tough-guy Trump took it up the butt, and so did all the millions who knew both that 1) Biden stole the election, a gigantic FELONY CRIME, and that 2) he (and not just his son Hunter) was an especially wicked man, a rapist, pedophile, traitor (in bed with China) and a mega-crook. And now we know he is also stupid, senile and a nasty, sarcastic bully as well.
It is karma — for generations of Americans committing or tolerating massive wickedness. The world is full of suffering caused by the regime that controls America and which The People condone by doing little or nothing.
900 million guns in this country…… All gathering dust as we move toward WORLD NUCLEAR ANNIHILATION — and let me be clear as crystal: a World War Three MADE IN USA.
As were both WWI and II….



This WWI drawing of a German slaughtering little children could prove only to a total sheeple that “the Germans must be stopped.” Today, reincarnated, they slurp the Koolaid about how “RUSSIA must be stopped.”





  1. Your printing of my comment about the cell phone towers across the street from my apartment putting out such strong radiation that it knocked out my internet access may have caused AT&T to make changes. Today the radiation is much less.

  2. John, “free” cellphones” sounds super dodgy! Is this common in America? Is it so that they can place those towers? Here (NL [the Netherlands]) they just place them, to my knowledge, mostly on commercial buildings. But, honestly, I will keep an eye out for them.

    Actually, they are on some ordinary buildings too. I found one 100 meters from a kindergarten…. and you won’t believe the number of Ukrainian flags I have found…

  3. John – I encouraged Kendra to get an EMF meter to see just how serious the radiation danger is due to the transmitters looking directly into his apartment. She did as I suggested and found that the meter had reached the maximum level — in the red — which indicates extreme danger to her life. She most certainly needs to move, which all of us need to be ready to do at the drop of a hat if any of these transmitters or towers end up line-of-sight into our homes. These next two years are going to be the roughest, I think, until we hit a tipping point in 2025. Many are going to die from radiation sickness (now being relabeled “Covid”), while the medical establishment, which is totally run and controlled by jews, covers it up.
    I suppose you are right – that we should not complain since we are participating in our home deaths by using wireless devices. It’s time to take responsibility. I got rid of all my wireless devices 4 years ago and will never go back. My home is free from wireless radiation. I can teach others how to do this if they are interested.

    Please check out Program #1 here: https://birthofanewearth.com/2019/04/7-new-programs-for-2022-designed-to-educate-uplift-and-empower/ It’s a 2-hour webinar that will be filled with important information about how to address this issue. I hope it helps many. People also may be interested in my book (recently banned by jew-controlled Amazon), “Are Wireless Devices Really Safe?” – which you can learn about here: https://birthofanewearth.com/2019/04/are-wireless-devices-really-safe/

  4. unrelated but the browser i came to love because of the promise of no logging duckduckgo its ceo vowed to “stop fake news” sad.
    john can you please add a bitcoin donate and/or other crypto? i will pay for a coupon or so for a decent hardware wallet like trezor. (please research yourself there are many scams in crypto and the no1 rule is dont trust but verify! and let me know )
    and have a great easter with margi!
    from the tall guy in the lowlands

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