60 years after the Cuban Missile Crisis, three jewish experts show ALARM as WWIII looms AGAIN, but they will never “name the Jew”; my prophetic warning in 2017 to Trump

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President Trump in early 2017, his National Security Adviser, General Michael Flynn, and a black US Army officer holding the “nuclear football” in a thick leather briefcase, plus an unknown individual. The jews were terrified of Flynn, the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, who was “into all the conspiracies”— a man who would have kept Trump on track about “the Swamp” — the NWO. With Flynn gone within weeks after the Trump Administration began, the jew Jared Kushner and various RINO/Demoncrat generals and CIA spooks like Mike Pompeo took over as the main influencers of Donald Trump.

….three jews bemoan the slide into nuclear Armageddon THEIR people have caused

Every word in this EXCELLENT show below is accurate, warning that WWIII is coming “because of US foreign policy” (as in the quest for world domination).

But the three (the host, Amy Goodman, and professors Jeffrey Sachs and Richard Wolff) are all jewish gatekeepers, engaging in blatant diversion when they condemn “the bipartisan foreign policy consensus.”

Well, who is behind this consensus, hmmmm?

Who funds and stokes this blind hatred of Russia, and incites this lust for American world domination?

Joe Sixpack in Iowa? NO! A third-grader named Margi Huffstickler?

NO! A thousand times NO!

It is the JEWS who revile the Russian people (partly over its past severe and totally justified antisemitism), and it is the jews using America to conquer the world, including China — which they have come to realize, too late, will not be controlled by jewry.



….My  prophetic 2017 article addressed to Trump

Here is the link: https://johndenugent.com/trump-after-caving-in-on-general-flynn-you-are-being-beaten-down-act-now-or-they-will-crash-this-economy-and-impeach-or-kill-you/

What I have seen over and over is that various US presidents are so woefully ill-informed that they never become fully and truly jew-wise.

They merely come to see the jews as “clannish” (as with my father),  as “pushy” and  even “obnoxious.”

My father, right, and Henry Kissinger, left


The  jews are infinitely more than just “clannish”!

But whether it was  presidents Thomas Jefferson, Ulysses Grant, Harry Truman, John Kennedy or Richard Nixon (and throw in automaker Henry Ford, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the 1970s, General George Brown, and the jewish Chess Grand master, Bobby Fischer), they never grasp that these people are far worse than merely unpleasant; they are literally


Created with GIMP


The  jew goal is white genocide — and then a jew-ruled mongrel-slave planet!

And one must understand, first, that the jews are psychopaths, and, second, what a psychopath actually is, a savage human devil who loves to lie, betray, torture and kill the innocent.





And now on to my February 2017 article, unchanged:

…..Trump, after caving in on General Flynn, you are being beaten down; act now, or they will crash this economy and impeach or kill you

Sound reasoning…http://alt-market.com/articles/3121-irreversible-damage-the-us-economy-cannot-be-repaired

In reality, the forces arrayed against Donald Trump and “making America great again” are GIGANTIC.

THIS IS OUT OF CONTROL! and Trump has to act and now — When conversations of the President of the United States with the Australian and Mexican leaders are instantly leaked, and then a conversation of his National Security Advisor Flynn with the Russians, then Trump’s hostile enemies literally are listening to every conversation the man has.

How can Trump accomplish anything when his political and (((racial))) enemies know absolutely everything, including his personal security arrangements!

BODIES of Trump-hating saboteurs and criminals need to be floating down the Potomac River NOW, and in the past this has literally happened — corpses in the river.

(I served in Marine Corps intelligence, and I had a girlfriend in the 1990s who worked for White House Communications Agency: http://www.disa.mil/careers/whca I also served at the base where the WHCA is located, Anacostia-Bolling Joint Base, located on the east side of the Potomac.)

In a nutshell, the jews are against him… and all the gentile puppets they control:

–the media,

–the Fed,

–the CIA and FBI,

–the military (George, have you ANY idea how many generals and admirals are pedophiles and satanists???),

–the Demoncrats and

–the 75% of the Republican party that is now neo-con and literally wants a war with Russia to ensure that America rules the world for the Jews.



The jews clearly see you as an incredibly dangerous enemy…..

And they see you as even more dangerous even than I was, because Germany even at its height never had the size, power, or protection by two oceans AND a huge navy of the United States of America.

This paragraph from Foreign Affairs magazine (and I thank the comrade who sent me this: http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/02/13/the-kremlin-is-starting-to-worry-about-trump/) shows they are already depicting you as a deranged, megalomanic, tyrannical Hitler type (of the fake, Hollywood version, not the real Hitler) and that they already see right through you; they see you correctly as a clear and mortal threat, and as the sleeper agent (Alex Jones description, but accurate) who you are:

The search for a key to Trump’s mind-boggling and miscellaneous gusher of policy directives has tended to focus on his disturbingly erratic, vindictive, simplistic, narcissistic, insecure, and occasionally delusional personality, due exception being made for those conspiracy theorists who treat him as a kind of Manchurian candidate or sock puppet of the Kremlin. What most observers have been late to recognize is the extent to which, behind his mask as a showman, Trump views himself as a revolutionary insurgent with a mission to dismantle America’s “old regime.”

“What we are witnessing now,” Bannon told the Washington Post, “is the birth of a new political order, and the more frantic a handful of media elites become, the more powerful that new political order becomes itself.”

No man has ever described the jew plan for America better than half-Jewish chess genius Bobby Fischer, who became a heroic truthteller against Jewry, fled to first Japan and then to Iceland, and died suddenly there:

(Wiki) Robert JamesBobbyFischer (March 9, 1943  “ January 17, 2008) was an American chess grandmaster and the eleventh World Chess Champion. Many consider him to be the greatest chess player of all time.


Dear George, and the last time we talked you were George,



…..the last time we communicated was via this article of mine, which Russian media found, highlighted and broadcast TO YOU:


You need to grasp that (((they))) know, grasping reincarnation, who you are and were, a hardcore antisemite, a sleeper agent and America’s greatest general, and the only one whom I feared 1942-45 for the quality of your generalship, not the quantity of your men, tanks and planes, as with Montgomery, Bradley, Eisenhower and Zhukov.


The Jews will crash the economy to destroy you, just as they did with German-descended Republican businessman-president Herbert Hoover.

President Hoover (Huber) with hardcore antisemite and carmaker Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and tiremaker Harvey Firestone


George, you need to do the following as soon as you can, or they will impeach or kill you, then complete the enslaving of America.

You need to do as I did in August 1934 in the Night of the Long Knives.

–Using some plausible national emergency, you must declare martial law

–round up and kill your Jew and gentile-traitor enemies

–abolish the Fed

–and cancel all debt: public, private and corporate, and relaunch and re-industrialize the US economy absolutely debt-free, as the West Germans did in 1948, refusing to pay old bills for panzers blown apart on the battlefields of a lost war

–declare that America was founded as a white nation and while the minorities here now can stay, they must accept living in white-ruled homelands or be expelled. 


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Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing mis-spelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer even teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
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…..New contact page


And my readers should not be afraid to call me, unless they are jews, antifas or BLM. I’m nice to the nice.

John de Nugent
801 Michigan Street
Ontonagon MI 49953-1550

(906) 884-4442 (landline)

Email addresses:



avatardah@protonmail.com (encrypted)


John de Nugent (Ontonagon)



Lake Superior, winter



1 Comment

  1. Am I antisemitic? No . I don’t hate jews. I don’t hate blacks, browns or gimmegrants. I do hate the jewish elites like Soros who use their billions to destroy my country via 3rd-world gimmegrant invaders.
    If the little jews refuse to speak out about what the jewish elites are doing to my vountry, then they will also be attacked for supporting the ethnic cleansing of my country.
    The elite jews like Soros, the Rothschilds, etc.use their money to import blacks, browns and European gimmegrants into my country to fragment society.

    In Britain this week we had serious violence and disturbances from Sihks and Muslims. A racially fragmented society is easily controlled.
    I hate big jews like Kissinger who knowingly kept the Vietnam War going for years by lying to the American people. Nixon got off lightly over Wategate because he developed a blood clot. How convenient. Kissinger and Nixon (and Johnson) should’ve been shot because of how they kept the unwinnable war going. Was it just to spend billions each year on war expenditure?
    I bet the share dividend was good for the stockholders in armament companies and suppliers for nearly the 30 years of American involvement in Vietnam…. a war Johnson, the closet jew, admitted was unwinnable. He contemplated abandoning Vietnam to communism and stopping communism from Thailand.
    Ah Communism, another failed jewish plan resulting in mass murder.
    The tv series on the Vietnam war on PBS America or the Smithsonian Chnanel details the corrupt US politicians’ shenanigans during the Vietnam War. The armed forces were fighting the wrong people!

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