66% of US military fat or obese; Pentagon hasn’t fought a real foe in decades; weird tech from aliens?

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“Almost 66 percent of service members are considered to be either overweight or obese  [….]”

The US has not won a war-deciding battle since D-Day in 1944! North Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan — all busts. But, hey, we sure won the “War on Drugs,” the “War on Cancer” (tell me about it), the “War on Poverty,” and the “War on Crime” (all actual federal programs of the Johnson and Nixon presidencies which I remember).

  • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch All of this is a further indication that the incredible 1917 Van Rensburg prophecy of a nuclear WWIII can indeed come true. In it, a provoked and provoked Russia, betrayed by Turkey, gets in the first blow, and kicks NATO ass. Then the US, about to lose bigtime, hits the Russians with a top-secret death ray (which Tesla invented in the 1920s, and this is why all his papers were seized by the FBI in 1943 when this genius died in Manhattan in POVERTY. (Heh-heh, kinda like me and Margi, with her cancer costs, and PayPal just closed her six-year-old account yesterday during her cancer fundraiser…)
  • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Anyway, once the Russians get hit with the death ray, and start dying like flies, they nuke the United States.
  • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch My mission is to avoid this incredible tragedy. No prophecy is written in stone. Your donation enables me to start a new movement to end WWIII before it can begin, and save YOUR life from thermonuclear hell, radioactive poisoning, starvation, mob violence, a race war (where outnumbered, outgunned or no-gunned older whites, women and men as well, will be raped, tortured and massacred), with all the horrors of cannibalism, suffering and death.
  • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Please write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com if you wish to donate via PP to me and Margi. Give me the tools and I will win this war. If they cut Margi off during a cancer fundraiser, knowing it looks terrible for them, then you know whom they most fear and hate — her mate!

A staggering number of troops are fat and tired, report says



Fred Reed is a former Marine who covered the Pentagon and the DC police for decades for the MSM before he became a heretic:




The US fleet has not been in a war since 1945, the Air Force since 1975, nor the Army in a hard fight since Vietnam.

Bombing defenseless peasants, the chief function of the American military, is not war.

In extended periods of peace, which includes the bombing of peasants, a military tends to assume that no major war will come during the careers of those now in uniform. Commanders consequently do what makes their lives easy, what they must do to get through the day and have reasonable fitness reports.

This does not include pointing out inadequacies of training or equipment. Nor does it include recommending large expenditures to remedy deficiencies.

Nor does it include recommending very expensive mobilization exercises that would divert money from new weapons. […..]



But, hey, we won the War on Drugs, the War on Cancer, the War on Poverty, and the War on Crime (all actual federal programs that I remember). 😉



….US super weapons

The Van Rensburg prophecy of 1917 predicts WWIII, Russia advancing and then the US, desperate, using horrible weapons, including a death ray.

At that point the Russians go nuclear.

Both countries are wiped out, and much of Europe. White Germans [NS Germans from Antarctica and the Andes] and a few Boers survive — and annihilate the African blacks, who will have genocided most of the Boers.

My mission is to prevent the march to disaster.

Now, the US may have some pretty slovenly troops these days, but it also does have some amazing weapons.

This is one, being tested at Holloman AFB, of UFO fame:

Would not be at all surprised if Greys gave the Deep State this tech.

Or if Nordics gave Russia its recent tech…

There is no transparency about any of this!

It is like the secret clause GB and France gave the Poles in 1939. It is incredible that “democratic” regimes make life-and-death commitments to foreign powers, and The People are clueless. They just get slaughtered. 🙁

Rob Wilkins Greys as in the so-called Alien Greys?

  • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Yes. I have blogged extensively on the coverup of a genuine X-Files scenario that began under Eisenhower after 1953.
    • Rob Wilkins John De Nugent Aufdeutsch I believe John Keel had the best take on the “aliens.” He once said that another name for ufology was demonology. The “ultraterrestrials” are at the heart of all paranormal phenomena, from the myths of the ancients to flying saucers and the Men in Black. Have the UTs been in contact with governments, cults and secret societies? I’m certain of it.


      Interdimensional hypothesis – Wikipedia

      Interdimensional hypothesis – Wikipedia

    • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch This test was conducted at Holloman AFB, which is infamous in UFO lore as one of two bases where Eisenhower met with Greys, who offered weapons help against the Soviets. Previously, Eisenhower had met with, and rejected help from, the Nordics, a disastrous error.


….See also



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