Almost 8,000 visits so far today to the unhacked, and the night is still young 😉
Almost 8,000 visits so far today to the unhacked, and the night is still young 😉
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Trump may be Jewish – I’ve suspected this for some time:
Sorry, but I read that link when the article first came out and am not persuaded. And Trump does not need Jewish blood to be a traitor, if you do consider him that in view of the Syrian strike. (I am reserving judgment yet, to see what happens next.)
William the Conqueror was the Duke of Normandy, of pure Viking and French peasant stock, and a Gentile. Yet he is the one who borrowed money from the Rouen, Normandy Jew moneylenders — and brought them into England as his tax farmers, where they began predating on the poor Anglo-Saxon people with both rapacious tax methods and even ritual murder of their children.