9/11 — the lesson about us, the goyim; THE COMING COUP

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The insane, baggy-eyed and possibly pedophilic Mark Milley, four-star general and US Army Chief of Staff, has been urged publicly by top retired generals to overthrow Trump. (See “Amazing Polly” video below.)

This Obongo appointee is already infamous for a tirade threatening Russia:

Insane Army chief of staff bellows threats at Russia; Obama seeks to bomb Syrian Army; RUSSIA PREPARES FOR NUCLEAR WAR; who benefits?

Baggy eyes as a possible result of receiving anal sex:

Post office and Jews conspired to destroy rightwingers’ votes; monstrous homosexual activities (can you take the details?)


Another overt Trump enemy is the never-married, baggy-eyed fmr Marine general “Mad Dog” Mattis:

A comrade commented yesterday:



A majority of Congress and elected officials in the States are Communists who want a complete Communist takeover of the country.
They have no intention of stopping their Antifa/BLM army. That is true of Oregon. Even Sen. Ron Wyden is an Israeli citizen Jew and is not against the active domestic enemies in Portland specifically.
In the White House,Trump is surrounded by enemies, especially Israeli Jews Jared and Ivanka Kushner. It is likely that Trump is not ever safely protected from being mentally manipulated. That Trump has been able to appear at campaign rallies is an opportunity for active support by outsiders. Could this be done? Possible reunions of retired, honorable, military officers that Obama relieved of commands could be “called to duty” by attending rallies to openly show support for Trump.
Americans need help, and must cooperate to survive as the US Republic. The “election” is not going to bring law and order back. Good men must stand against evil, and God will have to call those men. A man must know what he is called to do, for not all men will have the courage and confidence to stand up for what is right. In this perspective, I think that Kyle Rittenhouse answered the call and has set an honorable example. (Just as Hitler did to save Germany.)

Another comrade (and donor) wrote about the 19th anniversary of September 11, which I had not blogged on this year.

He wrote:

Today is 9-11 Day. No one talks about it, but it is important. On 9-11 2001 the Jews killed 2,780 people in the Twin Towers demolition which was a false flag event that gave justification for the previously illegal surveillance of Americans, along with justification for US military might being employed against Israel’s Arab enemies. Today is 9-11 Day. I remember the importance of this day, and I’m glad I do.

I responded:


For me it was just as significant when Alan Sabrosky, a very high Pentagon figure and part-jew, said so very bravely ten long years ago that Israel did it.


He told the brass the full story of the Israelis and 9/11 at Headquarters Marine Corps in Wash DC. (He had been a Marine Corps officer himself, as well as a top professor at the legendary US Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and had a PhD from Johns Hopkins).

…..And yet this astounding news had NO effect!

[“Sound of crickets chirping” 😉 ]


This was the point where I realized the problem was not the jews but us.

Sabrosky was right — if America still had its manhood, Israel would have been wiped off the map by our military in righteous rage and punishment for this villainous betrayal.

And it would have done so a good ten years ago when Sabrosky went public — and also put it personally, highly respected man that he was, directly to the “brass.”

As Trump is realizing, the Deep State has four out of five fingers of both hands on the collective throat of this country to finally throttle us for good…. and Biden/Kamala and the end of Trump would be the fifth finger to squeeze us dead.


…..Posse Comitatus and the Insurrection Act of 1806

This Insurrection Act has already been invoked 22 times, including in suppressing the devastating 1992 E. Los Angeles riots, which caused $2bn in damages and the US Marines and the US Army were on the streets of L.A. to successfully terrify and suppress the black rioters.

The comrade also wrote:

[Paleoconservative and Trump-supporter Tom] Fitton [of Judicial Watch] says nothing about the Posse Comitatus Act, which limits federal police action.

If Trump sent federal troops to Oregon, the Posse Comitatus Act would be violated, and this could serve as a precedent for a Leftist president of the future, in which steps were taken toward totalitarian government. I think Trump’s restraint regarding the riots is patriotic and correct.


Not enough information has been given here. More details are needed for getting a clearer understanding of the actual law.

Military Power in Law Enforcement: The Posse Comitatus

“Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State or Territory by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.”

“The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both . . . shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it—(1) so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law . . . .”748




I replied:



This shows Trump would already now be within his rights and his duties.

But (and it was Gosia with her supposed aliens who said this six months ago) the Deep State will infiltrate psychopathic snipers into any such federalized army, and, from the rooftops, start massacring both cops and protesters to get them to open up with all their weapons on each other.

This is exactly what the US Deep State (and Israeli jewish soldiers born in Ukraine) did in the Maidan events of 2014, leading to an actual revolution, and the jew takeover of Ukraine.

False flag to end Trump presidency imminent? Two very different sources predict massacre of protesters (to trigger impeachment?)

My new AR; Gosia prediction seems to near fulfillment of a false-flag massacre by ((((fed snipers))) designed to bring down Trump so Biden can win


If there is ONE thing the jews do not want, it is Trump declaring martial law anywhere, smashing the communists, coming out smelling like a rose, and winning re-election in a landslide.

Then he actually COULD keep his four 2016 promises:

1) Build that Wall (which at least would keep America at 50% white and stop the mexicanizing of this country)

2) Lock her up [Hillary, and Bill, and the Podesta Pizzagaters]

3) Drain the swamp [partly via using (((Ghislaine Maxwell)))’s revelations about the pedophilia of “elite”]

4) restore American jobs and prosperity by denouncing the Covid fraud and ending the lockdown


….the new “Amazing Polly” video

I wrote to a comrade and friend at 5 am:

I had a hard time sleeping last night, which is rare of me, and got up at 4 am our time here.

I realized we are heading within two months or less into a full-scale shooting war involving American civilians, the races, the Left, jews & never-Trumper RINOs & The Blackmailed-Pedophile Network vs the white paleo-right, and, get this, US military units dividing down the middle and actually opening up on each other.

And I have to do something decisive very soon to enter the arena. No one dares bring up the jews in all this chaos…. Now is the time.

I already have Margi on the mend after an infinite expense of time, care and money since May of 2018, 28 months now, draining this now 66-year-old man ……

Way back in 2007 I saved the “No More Wars for Israel” conference in southern California, as organizer Joe Fields testified in his own remarks introducing me. But as you can see, I got only two hours sleep before I spoke. It has now been 13 more years of unrelenting stress, slander, poverty, FBI harassment (and being evicted four time in 2014 and losing almost everything we owned) — and then came Margi’s dreadful and also suspicious throat-cancer ordeal in May 2018.

Joe Fields and I in Sarver, Pennsylvania


But, at whatever the cost to me (and to Margi!!!!) personally, I MUST, m-u-s-t, now start my racial-political-spiritual movement.

If I fail, not only the white race in general, but you [the comrade] and I specifically, are dead meat.

And God knows what will happen to your child — perhaps seized by CPS [Child Protective Services] and given to liberals, even to a muslim foster family, or to known pedophiles just to savagely break your heart and stomp on it.

They did precisely this to a German comrade named F[].

They seized his daughter because he was a “Nazi” and put her in with known pedophiles. He has never recovered from that….

Btw, she did eventually run away from those pedos and escaped from Germany to England, where she is now doing very well.

F[] speaks fluent Canadian English, btw, having lived there.

I have known him for ten years, but he is a broken man from it all. Living now with a gypsy woman down in Serbia.

So I would ask you to pray for me even if you are an atheist — and ask God to help you to to free me up. We must change whites into Aryans ( = nobles in Sanskrit), and you know well that only I can do this.

Then we will go into literal battle, fearing to live on as a coward rather than die as a hero, valiantly taking ten orcs with us.

Do we want a civil war? No. But will (((they))) force one on us?

Will they come for our guns?

Will they shut down ALL WN websites, and openly ban free speech?

Will they raid our houses to arrest us?


And then we will respond to THEIR unlawful acts with the George Washington methods.

And don’t think for one second that Russia will not be arming the white resistance for its own reasons.

We Americans will not be controlled by any Russians. We have hundreds of millions of guns and millions of trained combat vets ourselves.

And we have a fiery hatred of the pedophile tyrants sh—ing on our country!  

But Russia can say — if you nuke the rebels, who want friendship with our country, we will nuke you.  

And in the end, entire military units and armories will come over to us.

Putin inaugurating, with the Orthodox Metropolitan (the pope of the Russian Orthodox Church) the “Wall of Sorrow” in Moscow, commemorating the millions of Russians slaughtered by the communists


We Whites in both Europe and around the white world will then no longer be mere blog-readers.

We will be trained and armed insurgents, and not at all like we are now.

We know this:

90% of us WILL die.

Gloriously, like the 300 Spartans —  and reincarnate with superb karma to fight them again, and again and again, until our planet is jew-free, even if it takes 25 generations of heroines and heroes.

In World War One, the French captains would say to the troops as they moved to the front lines:

We are already dead! We are advancing to the front to die as men for France and her victory!

We too are already dead. Do you imagine the NSA does not already know everything about us?

We either die fighting, or we die on our knees, raped anally by negroes and jews and THEN killed.

In 1940, the British knew in advance the German plan to invade Norway.

But it is one thing to know your enemy, and another to stop him when his fanatic, all-out attack on you begins, and he is well-trained, well-armed, and not afraid to die!

Know this now:

In the new faith, except at the very beginning, there will not be one Hitler figure.

We will all be Adolf Hitler. We will be Aryans.

My prophetic April 20, 29015 video say it all:

Hitler, literally come again, destroy the wicked — AND LET NONE OF THEM ESCAPE.

…..Recent donations

Your donations enable me to turn over more and more website work to a top WN writer so I can so my own thing.




  1. Non riesco a credere che dei mezzi Ebrei (marmocchi)si diano tanto da fare per essere dei pezzi di merda!!!
    La loro Vita è inutile.
    Cosa se ne fa il pianeta di questi Esseri che vivono come parassiti?!
    Ho sempre pensato che le zone più povere dell’Africa si potessero risollevare con la cooperazione della popolazione e con la ((forza))di fronte ai nemici!
    Se non combattiamo per quello in cui crediamo,per il nostro sangue e per la nostra terra,non ha senso stare al Mondo!E dopo millenni siamo arrivati a questo schifo,perché abbiamo sempre DELEGATO la nostra vita ai Furbi e venduti di turno,con le ginocchia a terra,pregando e supplicando misericordia!Che umiliazione..
    Ora penso a questo Dio del Cielo e a tutte le volte che si sarà messo le mani nei capelli 🙁
    Per questo tutti gli Arcangeli sono vestiti come Soldati e immagino anche questo Dio,Padre Duro.
    Gesù era un valoroso Soldato prima di diventare Sacerdote del tempio,come suo padre Giuseppe.
    Un soldato protetto dall’Imperatore Claudio e da Nerone,a causa dei Giudei e di tutta l’aristocrazia nera.
    Siamo qui per essere guerrieri e per difenderci dai nemici.

    • Transl:

      can’t believe that half Jews (brats) go to such lengths to be pieces of shit !!!

      Their life is useless.

      What does the planet do with these Beings who live like parasites ?!

      I always thought that the poorest areas of Africa could rise again with the cooperation of the population and with ((force)) in the face of enemies!

      If we don’t fight for what we believe in, for our blood and for our land, there is no point in being in the world!

      And after millennia we have come to this crap, because we have always DELEGATED our lives to the Smart and sold on duty, with our knees on the ground, praying and begging for mercy! What a humiliation ..

      Now I think about this God of Heaven and all the times he has put his hands in his hair

      This is why all the Archangels are dressed as Soldiers and I also imagine this God, Hard Father.

      Jesus was a valiant Soldier before he became a priest of the temple, like his father Joseph.

      A soldier protected by Emperor Claudius and Nero, because of the Jews and all the black aristocracy.

      We are here to be warriors and to defend ourselves from enemies.


      Spoken like Savitri Devi! 🙂

  2. John, I wrote Sabrosky and said I respected him for exposing that Israel did 9/11, but then I asked him why he slanders Hitler — and he blocked me.

  3. http://storiaemitidipan.altervista.org/la-strana-morte-del-grande-pan-r-de-michele.html
    Un tempo avevo la raffigurazione di Gesù,un ragazzo giovane vestito con abiti Romani,Intento a suonare un Flauto(quello di Pan).
    Non ricordo se ci sta sul libro(Cristo il Romano)ma questa raffigurazione(un mosaico)è sul pavimento di una Chiesa di Roma.
    Ora non ricordo neanche se Gesù è morto sotto Tiberio..nel 68DC 🙁
    Però questa cosa è davvero interessante…

    • Transl:

      Once I saw a depiction of Jesus, a young boy dressed in Roman clothes, intent on playing a flute (that of Pan).

      I don’t remember if it was in the book Christ the Roman, but this representation (a mosaic) is on the floor of a church in Rome.

      Now I don’t even remember if Jesus died under Tiberius, or under Nero..in 68 AD.

      But this thing is really interesting …

  4. Il termine [for the Risen Christ of ] “Pantocrator” deriva del greco pan (tutto) e kràtein (dominare con forza) e si può tradurre come l’Onnipotente.

    Il termine era già utilizzato nell’antichità classica come appellativo di alcune divinità.

    Nella religione Cristiana si ritrova, invece, come attributo di Cristo.

    La sua immagine imponente è tipica, soprattutto, di mosaici e catini absidali e fa riferimento a Dio e all’umanità.

    Infatti l’abito rosso e oro simboleggia la divinità mentre il manto blu rimanda all’uomo. L’oro che circonda l’immagine rappresenta la luce divina. Il Cristo Pantocratore è un modello iconografico tipico della tradizione bizantina e ortodossa.

    PS: Quindi immagina quante menzogne ora vengono a galla.

    Ora non ho dubbi che sia proprio lui, vissuto anche a Roma come un vero soldato.

    • Transl:

      The term [for the Risen Christ of] “Pantocrator” derives from the Greek pan (all) and kràtein (to dominate with force), and can be translated as “the Almighty.”

      The term was already used in classical antiquity as a name for some deities. In the Christian religion, however, it is found as an attribute of Christ.

      Its imposing image is typical, above all, of mosaics and apse basins and refers to God and humanity.

      In fact, the red and gold dress symbolizes divinity while the blue mantle refers to man. The gold surrounding the image represents divine light. The Christ Pantocrator is an iconographic model typical of the Byzantine and Orthodox tradition.

      PS: So imagine how many lies now come out. Now I have no doubt that it is He, who also lived in Rome as a real soldier.

  5. Inno a Iside

    Perché io sono colei che è prima e ultima
    Io sono colei che è venerata e disprezzata,
    Io sono colei che è prostituta e santa,
    Io sono sposa e vergine,
    Io sono madre e figlia,
    Io sono le braccia di mia madre,
    Io sono sterile, eppure sono numerosi i miei figli,
    Io sono donna sposata e nubile, Io sono Colei che dà alla luce e Colei che non ha mai partorito,
    Io sono colei che consola dei dolori del parto.
    Io sono sposa e sposo,
    E il mio uomo nutrì la mia fertilità,
    Io sono Madre di mio padre,
    Io sono sorella di mio marito,
    Ed egli è il figlio che ho respinto.
    Rispettatemi sempre,
    Poiché io sono colei che da Scandalo e colei che Santifica.

    Rinvenuto a Nag Hammadi, Egitto; risalente al III-IV secolo a.C.

  6. https://alessandrocanzian.wordpress.com/2013/12/03/ishtar-marina-giovannelli/
    Ecco la storia del flauto che non capivo!
    Per questo Tamino(Tammuz,Pan,Dio Sole)se lo porta con sé per salvare Pamina.(Flauto Magico di Mozart).
    L’immagine caprina di Pan(Lucifero negli Inferi).
    Pamina si distacca dall’Immagine che ha sua sorella negli Inferi(matrigna cattiva nelle favole).
    Tamino si distacca dall’Immagine caprina di Lucifero.
    Pamina riconosce sul padre Sarastro(Enki,Wotan)che non è Cattivo come le dice sua madre(Regina della Notte)e non la tiene prigioniera.Ritorna così tra le sue braccia.

  7. Ora posso tornare qui,con i piedi a terra e godermi finalmente il tuo Socialismo nazionale.
    Ora sono proprio sicura che non toccherò più nessun argomento del “passato” o di “vite passate”.
    Ho seguito le tue orme,ho attraversato gironi infernali,sono davvero arrivata in fondo…e ora?
    Sinceramente non so cosa posso aspettarmi perché la Vita è imprevedibile ormai 🙂
    Di sicuro so che tutto questo tempo mi è servito a volerti sempre più Bene e non il contrario 🙂

  8. Alessandro De Angelis:”Ora sappiamo con certezza che Marduk-Lucifero è Adamo,figlio di Enki.
    Guarda l’Immagine di Gesù,ai suoi piedi un serpente e un Leone(simboli regali)è la stessa immagine di Marduk!
    Ovviamente nel Mito norreno è Sigfrido.
    Flauto Magico:Sigfrido sviene a causa del Drago Fanfir,compaiono le tre NORNE.La Regina della notte è la cattiva immagine di Pamina-Lilith(forse questo rimanda anche a quel culto matriarcale deviato dei Giudei e dei Vani e della sua stregoneria).
    Tamino è accompagnato dalla sua figura di Pan(papageno,immagine della Natura)lui mente a Tamino ed è costretto a tenere un lucchetto per non rivelare altre cose(ora vedo l’ombra della Massoneria speculativa e delle sue menzogne secolari).
    La verità diviene menzogna e la menzogna Verità.
    Pamina è la fanciulla addormentata sotto un cipresso…
    Il Principe Tamino deve salvarla dal mago Sarastro.
    Sarastro è incastrato nell’Immagine di Monostatos,il brutto Moro,suo Servo.
    Ma alla fine,superate le prove iniziatiche Tamino si rende conto che Sarastro(immagine di Osiride)non tiene prigioniera Pamina,ma al Sicuro dalla Regina della Notte.Pamina si rende conto che è il padre che non ha mai conosciuto.
    Alla fine Tamino sposa sua figlia e Papageno trova la sua Papagena.
    Papageno è anche il PiterPan che salva la nostra immagine di Bambino e ci svela quel Paradiso perduto.
    PS:”Credimi,ho iniziato a studiare la Massoneria attraverso il flauto Magico di Mozart,Due anni per fare una stupida Tesi e trovare il simbolo del Dolore attraverso scale discendenti.Non mi sono resa conto che stavo scendendo fisicamente e mentalmente anche io 🙂 ma ero davvero attirata da questa Opera grandiosa.
    L’immagine del Dio Osiride che muore e discende negli Inferi.
    La Luna Iside ritrova un pezzo-fallo,del Dio tanto amato e da quel pezzo(direi suo figlio a questo punto)nasce Horus,nuova discendenza,nuova Era,nuovo Sole.
    Per questo Mozart è stato ammazzato,a causa di questa opera rivelatrice.

  9. The principle behind the Posse Comitatus Law is that police powers should have local control. Whenever this principle is overridden a threat of tyranny is introduced. Therefore great caution should be exercised in cases where federal troops appear to be needed — for tyranny is the great threat about which we should be ever vigilant.

    I personally see the riots as a symptom, not a thing existing of its own accord. What I think is the ultimate, underlying cause of the riots is the takeover of Classical Liberalism by Marxism — in other words, a takeover of Liberalism by the Jews.

    The takeover of Liberalism by the Jews has been going on since the French Revolution. Liberalism was not created by the Jews, as claimed in the Protocola of Zion, in my firm opinion. Liberalism has a White origin, but wherever it exists it becomes Jewified. This process has been going on since the French Revolution. The riots we see in the USA are the consequence of the transformation of Classical Liberalism by Jewish Marxism, in my opinion.

    I am going to read _One dimensional Man_ by Marcuse. This was a popular book in the 60s so-called “Counter Culture.” I am going to purchase a digital copy of _One Dimensional Man_ with my Nook.

    • Kind, Aryan white people have been fighting sincerely for idealistic causes for centuries, but the jews takes over every single one of them, and twist every good thing into something dreadful.

      The Battle of Little Round Top during the Battle of Gettysburg exemplified the heroic spirit that was on both sides during the “Civil War.”

      The very nordic Joshua Chamberlain of Maine won the Medal of Honor for the valiant bayonet charge he ordered after his men had totally run out of ammunition.


      “Chamberlain” is a Norman name, like my own, denoting descent from the Vikings who later took over the Normandy part of France, then conquered England.

    • Transl:
      [the Magic Flute opera by Mozart in the Swedish version by Ingmar Bergman]

      For you…

      I forgot one thing: The Norns should be with Sarastro, and the Moor (Jew) with the Queen of the Night.

      The Magic Flute? It is the ph–!

      The Carillon? Imagine ..

      That Mozart was pretty mischievous!

      Only he dared go that far .. 😉

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