How could you not donate when such sweet little NS girls asked you to do your part?
I became the Reich Chancellor of Germany in Berlin exactly 90 years ago today. This photo was taken after my first Cabinet meeting as the new Reich chancellor.
Many in this Cabinet were just regular, anti-communist, rich conservatives who imagined they could use ME! Or that, though I had built up an eleven-million-man movement — with 90% of the funding from our own resources, from membership fees, and not from fatcats like them who gave money only with strings attached-– I would somehow flop under the challenges of being the leader of the whole country, and so they would be rid of “that Hitler nut” for good!
Of course these moneybag conservatives had no idea about reincarnation, or anything else “outside the box.” Keine Ahnung that I had been a field marshal in the Austrian Army, born in Ireland, and after winning every battle for fifty straight years, I was awarded Austria’s highest military decoration, the Order of Maria Theresa.
I also won the Order of the Bath from Britain. (I had been a British subject, born in Ireland as a member of the Norman-Irish nobility — which still spoke Norman French, btw, right into the 1700s, long after the Anglo-Normans had stopped speaking this beautiful language.)
But my enemies knew nothing of all this. I was fine with that. Let them laugh….. “Hitler with his Charlie Chaplin mustache” 😉
“Hide brightness,” it says in ancient Chinese wisdom.
When strong, pretend you are weak — until the day you launch your sudden, all-out attack!
It was in any case a long, long road of perseverance from being an Austrian citizen in Germany, de jure an illegal alien serving in a German (Bavarian) infantry regiment, –a mere corporal, though highly decorated, and several times severely wounded-
I was shot in the thigh and left on the battlefield for hours until dark, requiring months of recuperation in a military hospital, and in the final year, 1918, I was mustard-gassed and temporarily blinded.
I did not have any way to get German citizenship, with all my political rivals and racial enemies, until 25 February 1932 — via a legal trick of being appointed as an official in the civil service of a minor German province, Braunschweig (Brunswick in English) which status as a civil servant, under German law, made me ipso facto a citizen.
By the way, just the night before, that is, on 29 January 1933 two SA men had been ambushed and murdered by the communists — the same sort you Americans face today, these Antifa and BLM types, the scum you face because you Americans did not let us Germans wipe out all communists in 1941.….
Of course, I had mixed feelings having to bow to the grand old field marshal, Paul von Hindenburg, the rightwing conservative who was the Head of State of the German Reich. He was a kind of stodgy old Republican, not a revolutionary or a man with any imagination. He was thus highly skeptical about me, though later on our relationship became excellent, like father and son.
I actually had run against him for re-election in 1932, just nine month before. 😉 Truth is, he won then only because ALL the parties except the communists had ganged up to endorse him — entirely to stop me! 😉 Yes, the entire Left, the center, and all the rightwing Catholics, voted for a Protestant, Prussian general whom they otherwise loathed. But I was Evil Incarnate, you see. 😉 I entered a room; I guess it smelled like sulfur for weeks. 😉
It availed them naught; we came to power anyway as the Wall-Street-jew-caused Great Depression made life in Germany continuously more unbearable.
This poster, which captured the final mood of the people as it shifted, had a positive effect on our huge electoral victories later in that same year of 1932:
“Our last hope.”
It was back then just like it is now….the misery, fear and despair were at incredible levels, but STILL no one dared take on the jews who caused it!
(Trump, in his final days, pardoned a slew of crooked jews and two rappers, but not the brave Aryans Assange and Snowden….cucking away to the last.
I just finished reading volume two of Das Dritte Reich, an official, specific chronical of all the major doings in our glorious new society.
God, those were heady days. 🙂 From January 1933 on until the fall of 1941 (after we had invaded Soviet Russia and then hit truly fanatic resistance, especially from Siberian ski troops outside Moscow), it was simply one smashing, historic achievement after another. 🙂
Sefton Delmer, an exceptionally vile British agitator, admitted it was one big lovefest we had going. I loved the nation I had incarnated into; they loved me back; the starvation and terror, that black cloud of misery, were all gone, and we set out to do legendary things together.
Happiness — in this dangerous world, full of human monsters —
— is knowing every second that you have a strong, wise and loving ruler guiding you to safety.
Sefton Delmer was a horrible German-basher from England who actually looked jewish. He spoke fluent German, knew me a bit, was with me when the Reichstag fire broke out, and wrote a book in 1961, The Germans and I, for the cucked Germans about his experiences.
„Man mag heute darüber sagen, was man will, Deutschland war im Jahre 1936 ein blühendes, glückliches Land. Auf seinem Antlitz lag das Strahlen einer verliebten Frau. Und die Deutschen waren verliebt – verliebt in Hitler.“ — Sefton Delmer, Die Deutschen und ich, Hamburg 1963, S. 288
“Never mind what they may say today, Germany in 1936 was thriving and happy. On the nation’s face was the blush of a woman in love. And the Germans were in love — in love with Hitler.”
This British psychopath, who looked part-jewish, then worked to invent atrocity lies against Germany before, during and after the war.
But forget Delmer. Just look at those smiling men!
It was the only time in human history when people were happy!
Everything Jesus preached in the Sermon on the Mount, WE DID.
The Winter Help Work: “None shall starve! None shall be cold!”
We gave out pins of honor to all proud participants.
Hitler Youth boys carry bread to hungry civilians in an air raid shelter. Look at them smiling!
God, how I loved our white children. (Mussolini wrote his mistress, Clara Petacci, that though I could be ruthless if needed, when I saw kids I would get all misty-eyed. Well, it’s true. 😉 Our children are the future, and raising them well is a noble and a selfless task.)
But I never found a woman to marry and have kids with who was 1) highly intelligent, 2) committed to our cause, and, of course, with whom that I was truly in love.
Margi was all three, but she could not have children after, in Washington DC, a negro raped her, she became infected, and, after years of bleeding, she had to have a hysterectomy. 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 Had we met in the early 1980s, what beautiful, intelligent, loved and strong little kids we maybe would have had.
When you take on a stupendous task like beating world jewry, every relationship must be conducive to victory.
I certainly had no hours and days to spend with a mere “bed buddy” — not with the weight of the world resting mentally every second on my shoulders. 😉
This local Bavarian girl was sooo nice, but you can’t just hike and have sex all day. 😉 What do you talk about with a sweet but dumb girl if you don’t want to die of boredom, and have those dreaded “uncomfortable silences”?
In this life, in Margi, I found exactly this kind of woman: brilliant, totally committed with every breath to justice for our race, multilingual, knowledgeable in history and politics, and yet with every feminine grace. Until her death on September 12, and , I believe , beyond, she has been there for me and I for her — LOYAL!
Our Third Reich was no theory, my friends.
It was in the real world — a major, and kick-ass, world military power.
And it was based on the most solid power of all:
love, loyalty, and the joy of helping one another!
Even the frosty and reserved Germans, as the Vatican nuncio reported back to Rome, had became all touchy-feely! 😉
Heck, I’ll run it again. 😉 “German soldiers kiss their girls.”
BUT, looking back, I should have incarnated in 1889 as an American, not as a German/Austrian, not doing it only in 1954, after we NS had lost two huge wars. There was almost no way with “little” Germany to beat these three ruthless thugs, totally backed by the unseen fourth guy, Rothschild. (Look at the nasty jew above Churchill’s head.)
It was this jew war criminal, (((SIR Charles Portal))):
Good job roasting women and children, Sir Charles. There’l alway be a Jewngland.
When one incarnates as I did to really help white earthlings, you must think practically and choose your country carefully…..
Sure, Germany/Austria was beautiful, and its people brave, bright, decent and so inventive….
….and how I also loved Kufstein am Inn, in that life and again in this one…
…Oh, those girls in dirndls 😉
…but the huge and powerful America too can be magnificent…..
Boston Public Library
Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco
A New England church, founded by my American ancestor, Thomas Angell
Angell Street on the east side of Providence, next to this church
And, with America not having been decimated YET by major, and lost, wars like the Germans were (losing a quarter of their population in 1618-48 and then again in 1914-45), White Americans are still of fairly good racial stock. They are a very nice mix of germanic, keltic, slavic and mediterranean, resulting in a friendly (more than German), welcoming, yet strong and tough people.
Truth is, I should have started national socialism here, not in relatively little Germany.
Of course, “socialism” being a taboo word (which means to many the government running the businesses) it would have been called instead “social nationism.”
I should have done it here, because nothing on this earth — except internal subversion, of course — can defeat the gigantic United States of America, especially IF it becomes noble, NS and Aryan, promoting all that is good and crushing all that is wicked.
Obviously, I ain’t going nowhere else, folks. It is Biden and his jews who are going straight to hell.
Oh, you jews are chuckling?
Fine, but remember, you chuckled too from 1920 to 1940.
I recorded this video, with a hundred photos, by Léon Degrelle, explaining how we overran jew-held Europe wiht the finest and most motivated soldiers on earth, and wiped the smile off the jews’ faces.
But Germany was just too small.
Not America.
Red counties that went for Trump in 2016. The blue — BLM/Antifa/gay/negro/jew/puerto-rican/mexican — are urban areas (excepting Indian reservations in blue out west) that can be surrounded and starved out. We got the food — we got the vets — we got 700 million guns — and we got Adolf Hitler. (But, on the other hand, they got AOC. 😉 )
The American Folk is starting to finally get the picture:
Where is your Antifa problem?
….Recent donations
— 29 January 2023 100 euros (=$90) from M in France
— 22 January 2023 100 euros (=$90) from M in France
— 17 January 2023 $100 from K in Massachusetts via CashApp
— 14 January 2023 100 euros (=$90) from M in France
Saint Malo in Brittany, France
Brittany is the last pocket of France where some still speak a keltic language. The wild boar was the symbol of the ancient French Kelts.
— 7 January 2023 $50 and two valuable spiritual books from A in New York City
— 7 January 2023 $14 in the form of seven two-dollar bills with Thomas Jefferson on them from M in Florida
— 4 January 2023 200 euros (=$180) from M in France
— 1 January 2023 42 euros (= $38) from B in Denmark
— 31 December 2022 250 euros (US$225) from C in Germany
— 25 December 2022 $20 via CashApp from I in unknown country
— 24 December 2022 200 euros (=$180) via PayPal from M in France
— 21 December 2022 $100 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts
— 14 December 2022 $137 via Gabpay from B in Georgia
— 13 December 2022 AUS$50 (= US$30) from P in Australia
— 12 December 2022 100 euros (=US$90) from M in France
— 30 November 2022 46 euros (around US$41) from B in Denmark
Danish folk clothing
— 30 November 2022 100 euros via PayPal from M in France
— 24 November 2022 $10 via Cash App from I in unknown location
— 19 November 2022 $117 via Gabpay from B in Georgia
— 13 November 2022 $100 via Western Union from B in Georgia
— 12 November 2022 $20 Australian (US$15), letter and Mars info from J in Australia
— 7 November 2022 $480 from J in Illinois to pay directly my overdue electric bill
JFK stated that Hitler was a man of legend.
Hier seht ihr die Schuld der Polen:
Der junge Paul und die edle Fürstin im Kampfe für die deutsche Ehre.
Kann man sich mehr Menschenverachtung und Zynismus vorstellen? Da menschenvernichten die Polen die urdeutsche Bevölkerung und vertreiben die deutsche Bevölkerung aus Ihrer Heimat, und dann tun sie so, als ob die vernichteten bzw. vertriebenen Ostdeutschen freiwillig ihre Heimat “verlassen” hätten und ihr vermögen freiwillig “aufgegeben” hätten: “[…] „Gesetz über das verlassene und aufgegebene Vermögen” […]”
Mehr Menschenverachtung und Zynismus geht nicht! Wie schon im ersten Weltkrieg und im zweiten Weltkrieg sind sie auch jetzt wieder ein perfekter Brandbeschleuniger für den nächsten Weltkrieg, damals gegen Deutschland und diesmal im Kriege gegen Rußland. Randnotiz: Polen hat die höchste Vernmischungsrate mit Juden,[2] praktisch jeder Pole hat einen Juden in der Familie.
Viele Slawen argumentieren implizit in ihrem panslawistischem Denkgebäude, daß es vor der Zeit der slawischen Besiedelung ostdeutscher Lebensräume, aus denen einige heutige deutsche Ortsnamen stammen, keine germanische Stämme gegeben hätte. Das ist natürliche eine weitere ganz große Lüge. Es gab nicht nur die vergangenen 600 Jahre dort deutsche Völker sondern auch bereits vor der slawischen Landnahme. Und der letzte aktuelle Stand[3] vor der ganz großen Vertreibung ist bestens dokumentiert, u.a. durch den großen Zensus während des Kaiserreiches.
Natürlich hat die absolute Mehrheit der Polen sehr viele deutsche Vorfahren, das sagte mir 2017 lachend ein polnischer Arbeitskollege, daß die Polen mehrheitlich nicht darum wüßten. 🙂 Das zeigt aber auch, wie oberflächlich und fremdgesteuert die heutige Menschheit ist, da ist überhaupt kein Wissen und überhaupt keine Würdigung des Ahnenerbes mehr vorhanden. Da haben die Manipulatoren natürlich ein leichtes Spiel. Und genau das wollten sie ja, uns von unseren Wurzeln trennen. Wir sollen nur an der Oberfläche leben und unser Bewußtsein soll sich nur auf ganz kurze Zeiträume beschränken, kein vergangenheits- und kein zukunftsbewußtes Denken soll mehr vorherrschen.
[1] Karolina Kuszyk: In den Häusern der anderen, 1. Februar 2023,
Auszug: “[…] Die polnische Übergangsregierung hatte schon im Mai 1945 – ein halbes Jahr vor dem Potsdamer Abkommen, das den Verlauf der deutsch-polnischen Grenze neu regelte – mit einem „Gesetz über das verlassene und aufgegebene Vermögen“ Tatsachen schaffen wollen. Formell wurde die Konfiskation deutscher Besitztümer per Dekret vom 8. März 1946 vollzogen. […]”
[2] Ganz unten innerhalb dieser Grafik (“Verbreitung der Juden in Europa”, 1935):
[3] Doppelklicken für Vergrößerung:
Gebiete mit mehrheitlich deutscher Sprache:
Prozentuale Sprachanteile:
Deutsche Mundarten:
Mein Führer!
Bitte schauen Sie, was mein Übersetzungsprogramm aus Ihrer Aussage gemacht hat, und zwar:
I became the Reich Chancellor of Germany in Berlin exactly 90 years ago today. This photo was taken after my first Cabinet meeting as the new Reich chancellor.
Heute vor genau 90 Jahren bin ich in Berlin Reichskanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland geworden. Dieses Foto entstand nach meiner ersten Kabinettssitzung als neuer Reichskanzler.
Letzter Versuch folgert: Es scheint lediglich eine Frage der Zeit zu sein, wann gar aus dem Deutschen Reich Bundesrepublik Deutschland ward.
When I read about life in Nazi Germany and how wonderful it was. It saddens me how the dip shit masses today believe all the jew media lies. Gas chambers, World domination, human skin lampshades. Shrunken heads. Fake diary Ffs .
No Crime. No homeless persons. No hunger, no waiting for housing. No waiting for operations. Full employment. Education for all. Free state holidays, or go where you like. Land to grow your own food. Greener countryside. Help with any problems if you ask. No mortgages. Low interest loans. Less traffic and congestion. Better health for all people.
Compared to the woke wank lefturd shit we have today.
When I tell people about life in Nazi Germany. They say they would vote for the Nazis and be a Nazi. What the left and Jews are scared of is this saying
“History repeats itself” Because tomorrow belongs to me.
A Brilliant song.
In this classic song, there is a very special sun in the sky: 🙂
“The Wizard of Poz”, Emily Youcis, (3:48 minutes)