99% of “experts” will lie under pressure to save their careers, freedom, and lives

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….North 02 on JuTube does a pretend-neutral, fake-fair, faux objective debunking of the Solutrean hypothesis

I posted:

It is good video content, mostly. But gee, did it ever occur to you to actually learn some French, since France is a key Solutrean area? Why do some Americans think it is okay to “take a stab” at the pronunciation of foreign words rather than simply LEARNING them? “Grotte aux deux couvertures” is not that hard.
As for the supposed debunking of the Solutrean hypothesis, I have seen “experts,” including PhDs and MDs, lie so that their federal funding is not cut off and their career ended.
This was especially shown during the Hunter Biden laptop issue, the Covid campaign, Trump’s supposed Russian collusion (for which fmr FBI director Robert Mueller found zero evidence after spending $42 million) and on other issues, and I could go right back to the utterly bogus Warren Commission report on the assassination of John Kennedy. That was a blue-ribbon panel, headed by the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, and yet the American people rejected it immediately and with good reason. The experts were lying, and bribed, blackmailed or their lives were threatened. (32 individuals were murdered by 196% who knew too much, among them a beautiful and brilliant mistress of Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and the famed nationwide syndicated columnist Dorothy Kilgallen.)
Experts lie to stay alive, to get rich, or to preserve funding and their careers — just as do other people, and especially if they have a family to support, two cars, a mortgage, etc.
And especially is this corruption the case when the political agenda, upon which Establishment funding and blessing and approval depend, is to debunk a hypothesis which is favored by the demonized white nationalists. (Btw, all four US presidents on Mt. Rushmore were white nationalists, and I have reams of quotations from those presidents that show they would strenuously object to modern p.c. clichés about how “diversity is our strength.” US federal immigration policy — from the law signed by George Washington in 1792 to the year 1965 — was to keep America racially white. So if George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln were trailer-park losers to you, you can ignore this point and be all woke, and get applauded by the wokies.)
But opposing white nationalism, as we know signifies that “the end justifies the means.” We saw it clearly in the Randy Weaver/Ruby Ridge, Idaho case, including MURDER — and an Idaho jury condemned the FBI and awarded millions to recluse Weaver after it had come out to his remote mountainside, tried to entrap him (itself a crime), and when he refused, came out again and shot to death his wife, while holding her baby, his son, and his dog. But maybe you are okay with that, eh, in order to stamp out blasphemy and heresy. “Trust the science, and trust the experts. They wouldn’t lie, would they?”
Now, just to make a specific objection, how on earth does anyone know for how many months the North Atlantic ice bridge existed 15,000 years ago? Anyone can claim it was just for two months. Why not six months? And even so, why would a two-month bridge be insufficient to cross the Atlantic with favorable currents and tenting on the ice every night? Did your experts find, what, fossilized ice evidence on the floor of the Atlantic? 😉
Also, why do many Amerindians east of the Mississippi look far, far less racially Mongoloid (East Asian) than WEST of the Mississippi? What explains this? Many of them EAST of the Mississippi look almost southern Italian. The Indian on the Indian-head nickel (the US five-cent coin) from 1935-55 clearly had non-Asian features, and looks “Italian” (with a “Roman nose”). I am talking about the Amerindians as they appeared 200-400 years ago to the first modern European settlers, BEFORE any significant racial mixing with modern Whites had occurred.
But I can say that modern members of Indian tribes also often look southern-Italian, which can and does come from an intermixing with Whites, and this is consistent with the Solutrean hypothesis. Many local Ojibway/Chippewa Indians in my area who are relatively pure-blooded look quite Mongoloid but, if heavily mixed with Whites, they often look quasi-Italian. (They have a casino and medical center on the reservation, which is not too far from me, belonging to the “Lac Vieux Désert Tribe of Chippewa Indians.” So why did Amerindians east of the Mississippi also look this way 400 years ago?
And if the Solutreans were so dark-complected as you claim, how would this swarthy skin tone with lots of melanin aid their survival in an overcast, rainy, snowy, sun-deprived, Vitamin-D-poor environment? WHITE skin is better for surviving the lack of sunshine and Vitamin D. And, as we see, the closer we get to the equator, the darker the people get, such as, in Africa, from Arab to Black African. But you posit dark people in the far north. And since they were highly creative, artistic and innovative, why, then, of course they had dark skin. How very politically correct of you. Note that the dark Black Africans never invented written language, the wheel, the sail, streets or two-story buildings, nor did they engage in metallurgy, except for jewelry, nor did the dark-skinned Amerindians do any of this.
Finally, why would Solutrean spearheads not evolve over a five-thousand year period, after being transplanted to North America to become Clovis spearheads, becoming more “fluted,” and looking a bit different at the base? It is you, after all, who were stressing how admirably inventive and innovative the Solutreans were! But now you imply that a change in spearheads over 5,000 years means the crafters were NOT Solutreans. I would say the opposite is the case — BECAUSE the spearheads changed, for this very reason they could be Solutrean.
Oh, and your narration style, which is semi-deadpan and objective-sounding, all “reasonable”-sounding, and the soothing tactic of praising the Solutreans for their innovations while siding “with confidence” (your words) with the enemies of the Solutrean hypothesis, does not mean that your message is truly accurate and that you are objective. I remember Walter Cronkite on the CBS News with his just-the-facts voice, and he spewed out a hundred politically correct lies. Your career on YouTube will certainly not be hurt by opposing the Solutrean hypothesis that Whites were here first, the Dryas comet devastated their numbers, and then Amerindians came in from East Asia via Alaska and genocided the surviving Solutreans — white men, boys, the old women and the sick.


Our ancient white Solutrean ancestors in America and around the world


    • Oh boy. He is really toeing the line.

      There are several things an Eternal Solutrean understands:

      1) we are not alone in the universe; the white race is flourishing all over the galaxy, just not here : a planet of wayward souls who habitually lie about others, to others, and about themselves and to themselves. This planet is full of insane people who engage in pathological lying, in denial of reality, in constant self-harm, and therefore Terrans are mostly shunned by the other intelligent species, human and humanoid, who for millennia have been using this earth while keeping a watchful eye on this hyper-violent, divided, hate-filled and barbaric surface species

      2) we reincarnate, and grow enormously during the interlife, the time between lives, and then God, usually, but not always, wipes our memories temporarily clean to give us a fresh start in a new life, full of challenges and relationships which we knowingly accepted to experience in advance of our reincarnating; everything is ultimately fair, including our duty to act to stop evil and not wait for God to do it

      3) there are human monsters out there called psychopaths; they only look human, but are evil to the core, incurable and untreatable. Psychopaths exist in all races, but the juze are an entire people with psychopathic leaders and many, many psychopathic or narcissistic members

      4) we are not our minds but eternal souls that never die; we have minds, and must gain control of these minds and not be controlled by them, or earth will continue to be a living hell with mind-enslaved, mentally possessed human devils

      5) We are here to love, to grow, to change, to unite; if we judge harshly, God will judge us just as harshly

      Once we grasp these five things, everything becomes clearer.

      And one of them is that Whites come from the stars. The Nordic aliens are the origin of our race, not the short, ugly, slope-foreheaded, hook-nosed, weak-chinned, proto-semitic neanderthals.

      The neanderthals became the juze!

  1. The book Across Atlantic Ice was written by anthropologists who had no political agenda. The thesis was that Whites from France crossed the Atlantic when the ice from the last Ice Age was receding. Evidence for this thesis was the similarity of the flint arrowheads and other flint tools found in the United States and those of a known White people in France of the time of the end of the last Ice Age.

    This thesis contradicts the “politically correct” worldview. We can expect that this thesis will be attacked for political reasons.

    Read Across Atlantic Ice and judge for yourself.

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