ENGLISH Fifties music and innocent womanhood; Mouseland versus the cats; leaders persist

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=============TAKING YOU WAY BACK

In the early 1950s, when I was born, the country was still as its founders intended, 90% white, and music was fun and clean.

The Chordettes were from German-American Wisconsin.


The Everly Brothers…..


This song, “Mr. Sandman,” came out in 1954, the year I was born….and reflected a time when women tried to be sweet, attractive and cooperative, seeking a he-man and good provider. There were no feminist battle-axes. During the Baby Boom Years of 1946-64, when the white population grew by 70 MILLION, white women wanted exactly what Mother Nature made them eternally excel at: love, marriage, a beautiful home, and loving kids.


And this time must return, but on a rock-solid basis this time, in a Jew-free America.

============Mouseland video (introduced by Kiefer Sutherland)

A Bulgarian comrade sent to me in America va our amazing Aryan-invented Internet this video about a great Canadian.

In reality, of course, this “Mouseland” video is about a psychopathocracy, a rule by predators, and that is the theme of my spiritual video number two. Psychopaths are the toxic minority that takes over EVERYTHING, even our own white Cause — via government-paid infiltrators who, sometimes, invisibly, via emails, sow dissension, gossip and defamation against any able and sincere white leader.



We need, as in one of Schwarzenegger’s better movies, someone to terminate the predator, who makes our society into a jungle where he is invisible until he sadistically strikes.




Long as I remember, the rain been comin’ down.
Clouds of mystery, pourin’ confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages, tryin’ to find the sun;
And I wonder, still I wonder, who‘ll stop the rain?

I went down to Virginia [home of Washington, Jefferson, Patrick Henry], seekin’ shelter from the storm.
Caught up in the fable, I watched the tower grow. [tower of Lord Sauron from “Lord of the Rings”]
Five-Year-Plans [marxist] and New Deals [Roosevelt-American], wrapped in golden chains.
And I wonder, still I wonder: who’ll stop the rain.

Heard the singers playin’, how we cheered for more.
The crowd had rushed together, tryin’ to keep warm.
Still the rain kept pourin’, fallin’ on my ears.
And I wonder, still I wonder: who’ll stop the rain?


A Southern comrade wrote me with some advice and added that he was a “de Beauvoir” via his father’s side. I replied:

Dear Raymond,

Thanks for the below. I am succinct only in my replies to you because I am under time pressure and in a financial crisis, not from living high-on-the-hog but from the costs of high-level video production. If a person is a donor, then like any politician I pay more attention to them.

My last blog was straight from my heart, and in harmony with your message. My mojo is to be honest, and I just added a few things to it.


Oh, I will indeed create that mass movement you seek……

….. and the fact that the Jews keep hacking at the specific link to my videos page (we are now back to using the emergency backup videos page for now: https://johndenugent.com/pages_backup/videos-of-jdn-speaking.htm) shows yet again that this media-savvy race of criminals FEARS my videos.

I know the money will flow in from a much larger public — once I start this movement….

There was a cute young couple siting next to me at the bar the other night, a Brandy and a Tim, and they were both (not saying this an an ego trip, just as a fact) so taken with me, my voice and even the choice of songs I was putting into the jukebox (some nice, mellow rock from the 1960s through 1980s). She kept saying “you are like my dad,” and she meant that as a great compliment.

Please keep in mind that at the nadir of the American Revolution, in the winter of 1777-78, at Valley Forge on the other side of our Pennsylvania, only 7,000 men stood with George Washington, 7K out of 3 million…..They had no pay, food, shoes, bullets, cannon balls or medicine. (And Washington was lambasted in the press for not attacking the British! WITH WHAT???)

Then, thanks to the charming, brilliant, and highly respected Ben Franklin, working over in Paris…….

…..the French stopped hesitating and threw their support to us — cash, troops and ships. And the German general von Steuben showed up, at great risk, working for free, and began drilling our rowdy country-boy volunteers in Prussian military discipline and infantry skills.

So out of the black pit of despair God suddenly rewarded our “pluggers” with a new dawn — and then victory.

De Beauvoir, eh? We probably are distantly related. All aristocrats descend from warrior leaders. The goal of every Illuminati revolution has been to overthrow the best genes of the goyim, their natural leaders in both peace and war.


===============PLEASE DONATE NOW

John de Nugent



I got this yesterday, really touching, from a high school student of excellent nordic stock, who lacked cash, understandably, to send me, but instead, innovating like a true Aryan, sent what he COULD:



[25 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



–Cash in an envelope (It arrives just fine.)

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–Western Union (also found at Woodforest banks inside Walmarts) ….or MoneyGram (send from a Walmart service desk or elsewhere — very easy to do: just give them the cash and my name and they give you a reference number to send me.)


You’ve boldly gone where few dare to tread. I have really appreciated the positive, pro-active stance you take when it comes to the celebration of our race, our history, our culture, our people.

I guess I’m lucky in a way that I didn’t come to you from any school of white nationalist teaching, though I’m sure eager students can be found there – those with a “beginner’s mind.” Your teachings were the first I found, and I did look around a bit, but yours is the only brand I’ve remained loyal to.

I completely agree with the concept of taking inventory and uncovering our own weaknesses so that we may be clearer about refining ourselves. All great warriors benefit from a sweatlodge, a fast, deep contemplation, training the mind and body at all times to resist temptation and grow stronger for it.
And the more temptations there are to become weakened by laziness, greed, vanity, materialism, dishonesty, gluttony, lust, envy, and cowardice, the stronger the warrior must be to succeed. It wasn’t so long ago that avoidance of those sins was celebrated, but look how quickly those ideals all but disappeared! Not so long ago our people strengthened themselves, not to be warriors, but to simply be good people!

When I first read your work, on your website, I had never read anything like it. I was put-off by the “hate speech,” as a good brainwashed northerner. 😉

(We lack the experience here in Massachusetts of living amongst people of different races, so we can remain high-minded about these issues while the “dumb Southerners,” border-state folks and mid-Atlantic whites get all “racist” and use bad words about non-whites 😉 )

Though I was startled by your honesty regarding wicked people, I was happy to find someone who spoke the truth. I was even more pleased to read about our great heritage and qualities. I found I stood a little straighter from that day on.

Not with a chest puffed with ego, but with a heart filled with love for our culture and our race. I think any white person could be sold on that. I felt as though I had returned to my childhood; to a time when I was naturally proud to be who I was, with no need for apology or “mainstream” media, pop culture, politically correct shame. We are a great people.

I thank you whole Celtic-heartedly for reminding me of that truth.

John Adams, the revolutionary leader from Massachusetts, co-writer of the Declaration of Independence, and our second president. Adams and Thomas Jefferson had correspondence after their White House terms on the horrifying writings they found in Judaism. The brainy New Englander Adams was born near Boston, in a town called Braintree 😉….

Abigail Adams of Massachusetts, who in person and in numerous thoughtful letters fully supported her husband in all his dangers — so a free white nation could be born and preserved.

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