UPDATED Pleasant surprise — American-made Chevy and Buick among highest-quality cars; myth of MODERN German quality; and winter in the UP

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What I find most disgusting is the low rating of Mercedes, to which I can personally attest, having had two used Mercedes which were non-stop trouble. I also had two Volkswagens — ditto — a Beetle and a Rabbit.

Judeo-Germany was rebuilt from the ruins of WWII — after years of the pitiless, postwar Morgenthau (starvation and dismantlement) Plan — only to serve as the ATM of IsraHell. It  has been “coasting” for generations now on its past, and its once stellar reputation for German quality and high technology, which image the amazing Hitler era actually tremendously reinforced.

In tanks, jets, tv, and many other fields, the Third Reich was unexcelled. It took the whole jew-controlled world six years and a 10-to-1 quantitative superiority to beat one country, a nation which combined 1) the unbreakable unity and heroic, self-sacrificing spirit of national socialism with 2) the towering genius of the German people when at their best.

Messerschmidt 262

The King Tiger tank 

It (and the German 88 gun, an anti-aircraft gun that was also deployed as an antitank gun) annihilated by the hundreds the lightly-armored, weak-gunned, too-high American Shermans — which General George Patton (now reincarnated as Donald Trump) foolishly ordered en masse, obsessed by the idea of advancing with very light tanks at very  speed.

But back to now. 😉

The fact is that American Wall Street Jewish plutocrats have bought up almost every huge corporation in Germany and they have trashed the once-amazing German quality.

They have bought Germany up with unbacked Fed dollars under “quantitative easing.” (That means the Fed has “printed” trillions in purely electronic dollars out of the thinnest of air since 2009.)

And because the German war generation is nearly extinct — the war in Europe ended almost 74 long years ago — and the young Germans never experienced the hell of the Weimar Republic or the glory and happiness of the Third Reich, the Jews can spoon-feed them any outrageous lie against Adolf and they will believe it. Germany has fallen from the near-paradise it was in the peacetime years of 1933-39 to the jewed-down, rapefugees-welcome hell of today.

[Remarks, l-to-r)] “What the hell is going on here?” “Don’t be racist, Thomas!” “That’s my daughter!” “That’s it, bud. You’re under arrest for disturbing the peace!” “And Child Protective Services is taking your daughter away to protect her from YOU!” [lower caption] “The worst thing about this cartoon is that it all is true!” 

I would not buy “German” today because it is not German. It is jew shlock. In fact, we should be boycotting Merkelland for being the wickedest, most oppressive, most anti-white regime in all of Europe, and for imprisoning thousands of German patriots annually,some in their nineties!

If Germany were as poor as France is under Macrothschild, it would be having massive street demonstrations too and a healthy radicalization right now!

A French “Yellow Vest” carrying two interesting items

The best car I have ever had? And I have been driving since 1970… It has been my 1996 Ford Crown Victoria, made in North America (Canada/US), now at 256,000 miles.



……Winter in the UP

I, ergonomic snow shovel at the ready, with my brave little Margi — who fighting cancer, has regained five pounds 🙂

Summer and winter pix of the same house:


That is a five-foot-high wall of snow around the house!

White house, white cars, white people 😉


Margi’s summer veggies garden 😉

Today, successfully growing a rich crop of white snow 😉


A huge snow drift against Margi’s door

I wrote a friend on Skype:

Just dug out of this snow drift against the storm door 😉

Had to squirt hot water out to even get the door to open a little crack.

Then I reached around and squirted warmish water onto the storm door from the outside to loosen up a glass panel.

Then with the glass pane up, I shot hot water out to melt snow in front of the door.

And THEN I was able to get out and shovel away. 😉




Yours truly, taught and changed, and now ready to teach and change the white world!






  1. Currently own 2 Korean-made cars. One 13 and the other 14 years old, and no major mechanical issues since they were bought brand-new. Over 400k miles combined.

    Doped-up niggers on an assembly line do not an “American car” make. 😉

    • I agree, but the quiet truth here is this — our masters not being stupid, they are no longer building any more cars in Afro-Flint or Deeeee-troit City. The US automakers are building their quality cars now in a VERY white, rural-country-boy corridor that runs south of Detroit down to the Gulf of Mexico. .

      I first read about this a good 25 years ago in the Wall Street Journal, maybe around 1995, and when I ran for Congress in the Sixth District of Tennessee, and I saw it with my own eyes, then the article that came out later made sense.

      This is a geographic “belt” consisting of rural, flag-waving vets, and anti-union, German-descended Midwesterners, Southerners, Appalachians (a German/Scots-Irish mix just like Margi) — a people which voted in 2016 for Trump and has been suffering for decades from very high-unemployment as coal mines and other industries have “declined” by the will of Wall Street Jewry.

      In this area of economically depressed white mountainfolk and hillbillies, there are ten applicants for every job, and this does have the merit of screening out the sadly real problem of the so-called “white trash,” which is a rural proletariat that is tragically racked by alcohol, drugs, theft and an ornery keltic truculence toward all authority. These are the seriously wayward sort of Whites who unfortunately do exist in pockets and whom one also saw in “action” in many classic Western/Southern tv series such as “Gunsmoke,” which was set in the Kansas/Oklahoma area.

      I blogged on the white hillbilly issue here: https://johndenugent.com/hillbilly-elegy-insider-book-about-appalachia-ah-greatness-as-a-keltoteuton/

      In any case, just as with our elite infantry units in the US Army and Marines, or the Navy SEALS, the auto (and tire) workers who are now turning out truly great cars for Ford, GM, and Chrysler — AND also for Mercedes, BMW and Honda — are overwhelmingly WHITE and reside in a white belt that runs from Ohio southward through Kentucky…..

      Honda of Ohio workers

      ….Tennessee and down into Alabama.

      The Jews who ruthlessly exploit this country and squeeze it out like a lemon know that for some jobs, you just have to use northern-European-stock white people — until, of course, they are all replaced by obedient, marihuana-puffing, coffee-colored, 90-IQ proles who will be needed merely to change the oil on the car-making robots. 😉

      The secret White Belt that makes high-quality cars, car-parts and tires

      SEALS — 98% white:

      Marine Corps infantry


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