60 huge corporations (Amazon, GM, Delta, Chevron, etc.) paid NO taxes under Trump’s 2017 “tax reform”

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Amazon is joined on the list by other big companies raking in big profits, including Delta Airlines (DAL), Chevron (CVX), Netflix (NFLX), and General Motors (GM).

“Instead of paying $16.4 billion in taxes at the 21 percent statutory corporate tax rate,” ITEP noted, “these companies enjoyed a net corporate tax rebate of $4.3 billion.”

Under TCJA, Trump’s new tax law cuts the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. And some big businesses that did end up paying tax in 2018 paid far less than that.

(Source: Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy analysis of SEC filings)
Meanwhile, American workers struggling to pay their bills and feed their families will pay 1.8 TRILLION dollars in federal income tax, of which $479 billion goes to “interest on the national debt” and into the pockets of the Jews at the Fed.
Madness, but that is what Eckhart Tolle says the whole history of humanity has been, a never-ending series of lteraly mad, literally insane actions — and disgraceful inactions.
Our Founding Fathers opposed the federal income tax in order that the federal government NEVER have the funds needed to finance gigantic, constant, unnecesssary foreign wars.
BUT ever since the federal income tax and the IRS were created in 1913, the US has indeed been sticking its snout non-stop into foreign problems!
How about instead putting our troops right on the border with Mexico, with order to shoot all invaders?
The US Constitution created ONLY a navy, because a navy, being out at sea, obviously cannot oppress the citizens.
No standing army is allowed under the US Constitution.
IF the US is really under attack, or there is an insurrection, as in the case of the Whiskey Rebellion, then the president must politely ASK the governors of the state for their state militia troops and make a solid case to the governors that armed intervention is truly needed.
In the case of the Whiskey Rebellion, President Washington ASKED the governors of Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia for 10,000 of their state troops — and with them, NOT any “US Army,” he marched into Pittsburgh, where between the troops and his own huge prestige as the Father of His Country, the rebellion collapsed. (No one was even killed. A few men did six months in prison.)
The federal income tax is designed to finance the Jewnited Snakes regime, a worldwide federal war machine, whose purpose is to crush valiant antisemites worldwide and “make the world safe for jewry.”

When people ask why I established an authoritarian, one-man-rule system in Germany, abolishing the “democracy” of the Weimar Republic, which was inspired by the US and British systems, I can just point to what has happened to the United States.

The Jews, united by their infinite hate and insane greed, and also ruthlessly professional, have run circles around the American people, and totally undermined the Constitution — which was a noble, wise and sincere document, meant to keep Americans forever prosperous and free.

This video below is one of the best videos EVER on why I had to crush multi-party, pseudo-democracy, because despite all the hoopla of elections, it was just a sham for rule behind the scenes by obscenely rich jews.

My dictatorship was a necessary evil to save the patient, like an ER doctor quickly barking orders to his nurses, cutting the patient open with a scalpel and electroshocking his chest, all in order to save his life.

Any “democracy” you can design — more and more over a few generations — will always turn into a rancid jewish plutocracy, the rule of the obscenely rich!

Men with forty cars and six gigantic mansions, while the deserving white poor struggle and toil to barely pay their bills!




….Update on the loan

Exactly as  I predicted to Margi, a typically overly kind white female whose throat tumor has grown from 1 to 4 centimeters — we saw her oncologist yesterday and discussed her latest PET scan —  the “famous-revisionist” cocksucker to whom she foolishly lent $20,000 has refused to even apologize or promise ANY repayment for stiffing her as she battles cancer.

We obviously do not need more facts about the jews or race.

We need decent human beings.

And punishment for the wicked.

As my religion will explain,  the universe consists of two great forces, the male and the female. The one is harsh, punishing, firm and even violent, like your dad who is the one to come home and spank you good when you need it.

The other is soft, kind, compassionate and understanding.

There is a time for Venus, and there is a time for Mars.

(The Chinese call it “yin” and “yang.” Think of “liberals” and “conservatives.” Think of the kindness of your mom and the severity of your dad. BOTH are needed.)

Klara Pölzl and her husband, Alois Hitler, from paintings that once hung at the Berghof.

National socialism is true love, tough love, and doing not what feels good at the moment, but embracing without sentimentality what really IS good for our nations and our common Aryan race.

“The NSDAP secures the folk community. Ethnic comrades, if you need advice or help, contact your local unit.”


This was the NS guillotine in Munich, used 20,000 times –not enough — during the war on criminals and traitors.







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