Jewashington Post admits Navy is watching UFOs, but only because they’re probably Russian (LOL)

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Good old WaPo obfuscation and part-truths:

Navy Plans to Document UFO Sightings, But Keep Them Confidential

…the government probably isn’t formalizing this program because it’s looking for E.T.

“The military is interested in this stuff not because they think that Klingons are sailing in the skies, but I think because maybe they think the Chinese or the Russians are sailing through the skies,” Shostak said.



Hey, Bezos, look through your own WaPo files for 1952, and btw, it was an Edward Nugent at Washington National Airport (now “Reagan Airport”) who reported the sightings first on airport radar.




Screenshot of actual footage


Over and over, I have reported on the dreadful truth:

Since the time of Eisenhower, the US Deep State has been in bed with a reptilian and profoundly anti-human species, which uses as its servants a species of the Grays. This one Gray species offered the US advanced weapons tech to beat the Soviets in the Cold War.

Then it did very little of that, just enough to keep the US interested and on the hook, but it did abduct and kill tens of thousands of Americans for their own experimental reasons and, shudder, also to eat them.

The Grays are their openly alien helpers.

But the Jews are their human agents.

In the famous Barney Hill incident in New Hampshire (, a kind of nasty “space Jews,” complete with olive skin and big, hooked noses, abducted and examined an American race-mixing couple — black husband, white wife. (This was at a time when miscegenation with blacks, correctly, was highly taboo or literally illegal.)

The series “X-Files” is a hokey revelation of exactly this takeover of the US Deep State by hostile aliens.

And it adheres to the classic Jew pattern of telling you openly what they are doing for their own, selfish, black-magickal reasons.

The rule of permission to commit crimes is:

“You may do whatever you want to your victim if first you warn him, and the cowardly fool neither fights nor flees.”

The same goes for the one-dollar bill: It openly boasts the Jews run America!

But the Jews know that, brainwashed by Judeo-Christianity to revere the Jews as God’s Chosen People, or ruled by bribes, threats and blackmail, or by both, the “cowardly fools” will do nothing about it!


The hideous Mayan culture of massive human sacrifice — and getting people to accept it! — was replete with depictions of aliens.









Other cultures, especially in the Middle East, depicted them.




The building adjunct to St. Peter’s cathedral at the Vatican in Rome is one big reptilian temple, and so, as Jesus admonished in vain: “Let him who has eyes, SEE!” :

UPDATED Reptilian gloating all over huge Paul VI papal audience hall in Rome; black-magic principle of warning the victim; Book of Enoch: some “humans” are incarnated demons



As I have also stated, all is not lost.

Both benevolent humanoids and the Nordics are on our side, while others are neutral toward us, and are here simply for mining (gold, copper, titanium, and simply hydrogen from the water).

Sketch by an Air Force sergeant of the species he has dealt with and whose crashed UFOs are instantly scooped up and studied.


The Nordics are truly rooting for us, and making amends for playing gods to us, the more primitive whites, and exploiting us cruelly thousands of years ago.

But they cannot rescue us with their weaponry, nor could they rescue the Third Reich.

Why not? Because the other side can match them, weapon for weapon, and earth would only end up a scorched cinder.

Earth was already once devastated by a gigantic nuclear war.

The vast swath of desert across Africa and Asia reminds us that the atmosphere can catch on fire, and precipitate billions of tons of sand — silicon dioxide — onto what once were cities. (Both the Reich Germans and the Oppenheimer Jews at the Manhattan Project were terrified that this could happen again when nuclear weapons were ignited, or enough of them at once.)


As you can imagine, explaining all this mind-blowing stuff to mankind and mobilizing them to action will require a very special type of leader.

Look for the one the other WN VIPs, and the turned WN traitors, the paid trolls online, and the Jews, all agree is “crazy.” 😉

You want crazy? This is crazy, to deny proven facts that can wake you up and save your life.



  1. Dear John,

    I don’t know if you have watched the tv series on the History Channel called “National Parks Secrets and Legends,” but episode 6, season one is about the underground Lumerians, who supposedly live under Mount Shasta.

    An Amerindian was warned not to go up above the tree line — it was forbidden. He didn’t listen; he camped with his girlfriend and came out of his tent and saw two fair-skinned people wearing strange hoods. His girlfriend saw these beings as well.

    It has been known for hundred of years that strange white beings live there. Apparently, after their civilization was destroyed these advanced beings moved to Mt. Shasta and live in an underground city.

    That whole series is excellent!

    • Thank you as always, comrade!

      It would seem that in the Ice Age, back when sea levels were much lower, there were major land masses that were inhabited and civilized (and, in the end, at least in the case of Atlantis, very degenerate!)

      (This map leaves Doggerland in the North Sea out.)

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