Weird 48-hour delays in getting my voicemails

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The Deep State has changed little since Trump came in, and in fact is now harassing him, the president of the United States! From Truman to Kennedy to today, the CIA’S DEATH GRIP ON OUR COUNTRY HAS ONLY WORSENED:
Testimony in 1975 before the US Senate’s Frank Church Committee on CIA Abuses, asserting that the CIA runs the major media:
As my blog has explained, Obamas himself was CIA, as were his mother and her father, and was tightly controlled as president by his employers with the career-ending (and in some cases, prison-guaranteeing) threats to reveal he was
1) half-Jewish,
His maternal grandfather (1944 photo taken after D-Day in Allied-occupied France) looked jewish, got a cushy, non-combat job during WWII, and looked exactly like a jewish kid whom Margi knew well in her Maryland high school
2) his Ashkenazi mother was a communist and total slut who slept around with blacks and posed for nude glamor photos taken by Frank Davis (see below) that are now online
3) Obongo’s real father was a notorious black communist, Frank Marshall Davis, who fled from the Chicago FBI to Hawaii, was flown by them to Washington, where before Congress he “took the Fifth”;
Davis supported himself by writing illegal porn novels such as this one:
2) an open homosexual in high school,
3) a massive pot smoker then as well,
4) a CIA operative who stayed in a suite of rooms at the Karachi, Pakistan Hilton at age 21, the same one his mother had booked five years before,
5) an illegal alien, born in Kenya who never acquired US citizenship,
6) he used six different Social Security numbers from dead people,
7) a faker of  official document — meriting five years imprisonment — namely his poorly forged “long-form Hawaian birth certificate” (exposed by Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona)
8) he had four Americans — three black and one white — murdered who knew about his gay orgies at a Capitol Hill townhouse, a queer love-shack place he used together with his “bestie,” the obnoxious, smart-ass, jewboy Rahm Emanuel,
9) Emanuel, his Chief of Staff as president,
was the son of two Mossad agents, he once served literally in the Israeli Army — and later became the worst mayor in Chicago history, presiding over a murder crime wave and deepening poverty for all residents except his fellow North Shore Jews.

As I related in my recent article on my old boss, the late, great Willis Carto:

Willis Carto, a man among men

…in December 2007, Senator Barack Obama was winning Demoncrat primaries left and right for president.

Chicks going crazy for the “Hope and Change” man.

I came into the office, and told Willis I had just read a huge, fact-packed exposé online about how Obama was really

“a half-Jew, 

a homosexual in high school, 

and a closet communist at Harvard!” 

Willis quipped (and the whole editorial room burst out laughing):

“Then he’s perfectly qualified

to be president! 😉 “

Well, anyway, I wrote today to a friend:
What is weird, and this has been going on for a while. is that your voice mail to me of Tuesday. reminding me you were going to drove over and see [] for me the next day, just appeared on my smartphone today, a day AFTER you saw him!
An acquaintance, a onetime Iraq War whistleblower whom Obama jailed and put through hell for over two years before letting him off with a small disdemeanor, is experiencing this too — voicemails delayed by one or two days.

It would seem to be both fedzog harassment (as in “a little reminder that we are watching you, and we control the phone system”) and/or incompetent sloppiness.




….Eight ways the NSA spies on innocent Americans

In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed that the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) collects personal data on every American, as well as many more people worldwide.

Though the scale of the surveillance was shocking at the time, it’s no longer the en vogue news story. But the fact remains that NSA continues to monitor every American and the citizens of many allied countries, with the backing of the U.S. government and large portions of Congress.

And it’s not only the NSA—its counterparts at the CIA are also spying on and hacking targets of interest.

Here are eight ways the NSA is still spying on you, right now, according to documents leaked by Edward Snowden and further investigation by the press.

How NSA surveillance works in America

1. The NSA can still access your phone records

In 2017, the NSA acquired data from over 534 million phone calls and text messages. Unbelievably, this tally is over triple the amount collected in 2015, when the USA Freedom Act supposedly limited NSA access to data from communication companies.

The NSA has yet to release the extent of 2018 data harvesting, though recent reports suggest excessive phone collections might finally be on the way out. Let’s hope the stories are true, but it wouldn’t be the first time the NSA has straight up lied about its surveillance policies.

2. Your favorite internet services pass your data to the NSA

FacebookGoogle, Apple, and six other leading online services have all gone on record as having given their customers’ data to the NSA, as legally required by the “PRISM” program. Data shared includes emails, messages, and documents.

3. The NSA can hack your devices

The NSA’s hacking unit, Tailored Access Operations, has developed a whole range of hacking exploits. These enable the NSA to break into consumer electronics devices and IT systems as it sees fit.

When the NSA finds a security hole in a popular consumer device, it does not fix the security hole, but instead exploits it. That leaves virtually every device vulnerable to hackers.

4. All your security devices are exploitable thanks to the NSA

The NSA has made the job of hacking security devices easier for itself, by coercing many manufacturers into building vulnerabilities into products.

If that isn’t enough, the NSA is known to intercept shipments of computers and phones to put “backdoors” on them. The backdoor circumvents security measures of the device, allowing the NSA to spy on the end user.

5. The NSA can track you wherever you are

When you move around your town, cell phone towers can calculate your exact position. Though the NSA claims it no longer collects this bulk data itself, cell phone providers are still required to do so, and they, in turn, must surrender those records to the NSA when ordered by a court.

By far the worst aspect of this unwieldy power is that you don’t even have to be the subject of an inquiry yourself. The data of millions can be handed over, without notice, because you had even the most tangential connection to a person under surveillance.

How the NSA spies on you overseas

6. The NSA has tapped internet lines worldwide

The internet connects different continents via undersea fiber optic cables that carry staggering amounts of data. In some places, the NSA has deals with local intelligence agencies to tap into these cables; in others, it does so on its own. The NSA even uses submarines to attach snooping bugs to wires deep beneath in the ocean.

7. The NSA hacks foreign companies

In Brazil, Germany and other countries, the NSA has broken into the internal networks of major telecommunications providers, intercepting the data they gather and weakening the security of their systems. It collects every email and phone call it can.

8. The NSA knows everything you own and buy

Through agreements and hacking, the NSA can access credit card networks, payment gateways, and wire transfer facilities around the world. This monetary surveillance allows The NSA to follow every cent of your money, where it comes from, and what you spend it on.

Protect yourself from government surveillance

While the NSA’s reach extends across the globe, there is still a lot you can do to safeguard your internet privacy. Check out this list of top privacy tips and always be conscious of what you’re sharing, with whom you’re sharing, and how you share it.




…..Recent donations

–16 May 2019 50 euros in cash from A in Germany

containing this note: “With best wishes for Margi’s further recover and all good things, and also thanks to you for your grand work for truth and justice. A”

–15 May 2019 PayPal for $88 to from M in Florida

–14 May 2019 check from G in Nevada

–10 May 2019 check from TBR magazine

–7 May 2019 $50 by check from J in Cicero, Illinois

–5 May 2019 $888.88 via PayPal to from L in Scotland, a repeat generous donor to my work, but this was specifically to support Margi, who is not just a great woman (and one who, never having smoked or drank, truly did not deserve to get throat cancer) but she is also a fierce, fearless, honest, caring and loyal lady comrade.

Thank you so much, L!

Me wearing a Nehru shirt that Margi made once for her brother in the late 1960s 🙂


–3 May 2019 $50 via PayPal to

Hi John, I sent your lovely companion 50 bucks via PayPal. Best wishes for you both in this hard time.

–2 May 2019 check from J in Nevada

–29 April 2019 $200 via PayPal from E in Virginia


–28 April 2019 via PP from T in Arizona

–24 April 2019 check from J in Nevada

–22 April 2019 $100 from P in New England via PayPal to

–19 April 2019 $108.34 via PayPal from F in Germany (Paid by F[] fr[], Transaction ID 1NU[] Note: Für Ihre Behandlung [ + “for your treatments”], Frau Huffstickler. Gruβ an Herrn de Nugent. 🙂 )

–15 April 2019 check from J in Nevada

–13 April 2019 check from P in Washington DC

–11 April 2019 cash from K in New England


–10 April 2019 PayPal for 250 Euros (US$271.56) from S in Germany

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