ENGLISH Taliban targets descendants of Alexander the Great; Duke on strong Aryan bodies

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Taliban targets descendants of Alexander the Great

For centuries, the blond-haired, blue-eyed people of the Kalash tribes of North West Pakistan have lived a libertine lifestyle.

By Dean Nelson in New Delhi and Emal Khan in Peshawar
Published: 6:48PM BST 21 Sep 2009

Children of the Kalash tribe in Northern Pakistan: Taliban targets  descendants of Alexander the Great

Children of the Kalash tribe in Northern Pakistan Photo: EPA

The group, believed to be descendants of Alexander the Great’s invading army, were shielded from conservative Islam by the steep slopes of their remote valleys.

While Sikhs, Hindus, and Christians were slowly driven out of Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province by Muslim militants, the Kalash were free to drink their own distilled spirits and smoke cannabis.

But the militant maulanas of the Taliban have finally caught up with them and declared war on their culture and heritage by kidnapping their most devoted supporter.

Taliban commanders have taken Professor Athanasion Larounis, a Greek aid worker who has generated £2.5 million in donations to build schools, clinics, clean water projects and a museum.

They are now demanding £1.25 million and the release of three militant leaders in exchange for his safe return.

According to local police, it was Professor Larounis’s dedication to preserving Kalasha culture that Taliban commanders in Nuristan, on the Afghan side of the border that made him a target.

Confirmation of the Taliban’s role in his kidnapping came as their leader Mullah Omar urged American and Nato leaders to learn from the history of Alexander the Great’s invasion of Afghanistan and his defeat by Pushtun tribesmen in the 4th century BC.

He was kidnapped on Sep 8, when five masked Taliban broke into the three-storey museum where he was living, killed a policeman guarding the building, tied a teacher to a post and grabbed the professor from his bed.

Ajmeer Kalash, a Kalash teacher who witnessed the incident, said he had saved his own life by pretending to be a Muslim.

“I did not understand their language and they did not understand mine. I tried to make them understand in Urdu language that I’m a teacher at the school.”

He said the men asked for his religion and “I told them that I’m a Muslim by reciting Kalma, though I’m a Kalash.”

“They brought out the Greek national and they opened fire at his police guard. The policeman died on the spot. They took me and the Greek citizen to the forest. There they tied my hands to a tree and left me there and went away,” he said.

Locals said the professor had been visiting the area since 1994 when he first came as a tourist and fell in love with the area’s unique culture and its people’s links to his own in Greece and Macedonia.

Today there are an estimated 3,000 Kalasha left in three remote and steep valleys in Chitral in Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province. The children wear their hair in orthodox Jewish-style ringlets and sport bright coloured topi hats. The women occasionally have tattooed faces, wear long black robes with coloured embroidery.

The Kalash are known as ‘Black Kafirs’ to local Muslims who regard them, and their women in particular, as immoral. They are scornful of their festivals and rituals, which include a rite of passage in which a prepubescent boy is fattened in the mountains over a summer and then when he returns is allowed to have sex with any woman he chooses.

Married Kalash women are able to elope with other men if the object of their desire accepts a written proposal and agrees to may double her dowry to the abandoned husband – often in cows.

Professor Larounis, who is believed to have been living in the Kalash Valleys with his wife, had generated around two and a half million pounds in aid for 20 projects in the Kalash Valleys, including clean water schemes, and the museum in Broon village in Bumburet.

Since his kidnapping Kalash women have demonstrated for his release, while elders have travelled to Nuristan to try to negotiate with his kidnappers.

===============NEWEST DUKE VIDEO

===============Duke on Aryans getting physically strong

David Duke has long been known for his muscular physique and good looks. Below, he discusses how he stays strong and healthy. I endorse his findings. At the end is his latest and excellent video.

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I believe that physical health and strength is so important for our people.

It doesn’t matter if I pump iron or not, but it does matter that our people are fit and strong, that they are healthy both in body and mind, and that they have the ability to defend themselves if they are physically attacked, which is a possibility for any activist.

It is especially important for leaders and activists to stay fit.

1) Exercise makes one more healthy. It is as important to health as all other supplements or vitamins combined. Especially when one considers the poor diet of the modern European American world. Many studies have shown that those who regularly do aerobic and aerobic exercise have on average far fewer ailments and sickness. Far less heart disease, diabetes, and other assorted illnesses.
2) Exercise keeps the mind fit as well as the body. It is extremely important for keeping your mental acuity especially as one gets older, but I think that exercise even helps mental sharpness in younger folks too.
3) Exercise is vital for reducing stress and stress goes along with this difficult and sometimes heart breaking struggle for our people’s heritage and freedom.
4) Exercise is the single greatest factor in delaying the negative effects of aging. I know some gentlemen in their 80s who have been working out all their lives and have musculature and appearance that is decades younger than their age. We are in a for a long fight. We need leaders and activists for the long haul!
5) You activists are ambassadors for our Movement. The way you look, the confidence you have, even your physical presence makes a great deal of difference in leadership qualities.

Put it this way. If a White nationalist shows up and he is smoking like chimney, is way over or underweight, unkempt or dirty, using ignorant or obscene language, he can actually do more harm for our cause than help it! Because the unspoken message is — that people of our opinions are very undesirable types. Your presentation is as important to being persuasive as the words you utter. Every one of us can get ourselves into shape, dress inexpensively but appropriately, and learn the skills needed to lead our people.

I have been working out since I was a senior in college, but have extremely busy periods of almost no exercise for weeks or months at a time, which I have come to realize is not a good strategy.

I think we all should have at least one session of vigorous exercise per week, and the best is two or three sessions a week. They don’t have to be long sessions, just an hour or so twice a week is more than adequate.

I try to work out in an intense resistance training session for about 30 minutes twice a week. In addition, I do what I call some leg and heart work (cardio), such as treadmill or mountain climbing an additional hour or two per week.

On the resistance training, I am currently working all upper body, and a simple leg press, once every 4 days about 30 minutes workout each time. I work out one day and then rest for three except that I throw cardio in one of the three off days. I find that three days rest from resistance training lets the body recover fully and will aid building strong muscles and strong bones. So for me, I like to do day 1 (resistance) 2 (blank) 3 (blank) 4 (cardio) 5 (resistance) 6 (blank) 7 (cardio) 8 (blank) 9 (Resistance) — etc.

For those who want to know.

I do about 4 fairly rapid sets of each exercise. and alternate between muscle groups, and I vary the exercises and routine frequently. On Sunday night (three days ago) I did resistance training for 30-40 minutes in this routine. I rest by moving to a different muscle group with each set, not by inaction. This also helps give you some more cardio.

1 Bench Press 4 sets, alternating with preacher curls 4 sets

2 Incline Bench 4 sets alternating with Pull downs (lats) 4 sets

3 Triceps (laying on a bench pressing a easy curl bar with elbows strict at sides and the grip going to the nose and then fully extended straight up 4 sets alternating with 4 sets machine or dumbbell curls

4 military dumbbell shoulder presses from siting position 3 sets alternating with dumbbell shoulder shrugs or shoulder raises (for the back of the neck)

5 dips with dumbbells (for extra weight) held up by my feet 3 sets — alternating with hanging leg extensions for loosening the arms and shoulders and strengthening the lower abs.

Finally, the best exercise of all. Three sets of pushups to failure at the end of the workout. Catch your breath in the shower!

The key to building muscle if a man, is doing increasing weights, few reps to failure. The key to woman’s fitness and toning is less weight but more repetition

On one of my off days, I do treadmill, or if possible a vigorous fast walk/hike in mountains or hills. I like to do interval training of 25 or 30 minutes set to one minute all-out (gut wrenchingly hard work) then one minute normal or fairly slow pace until the 25 minutes is expired. You should be huffing and puffing by the time your normal interval comes (or you are not doing it right) .The key to this is really sprinting for that one minute. (or you can set your interval to 30 seconds hard — 30 seconds normal pace) whatever suits you.

One more thing. On days off, I like to take a break from writing or research by doing little sets of 5 minute abs or 5 minute neck work. I do crunches and side crunches. For the neck, I lay on my back on a bed or couch with my upper chest and head suspended off and then let my head go back and then curl the head up pulling my neck strait up but my face pointed to 45 degree right angle 40 reps and then 40 reps with face looking to the left about 45 degrees. That give you a lot a neck strength, good nesting for your vocal muscles and will really help you keep a firm neck and very little sagging or double chins as you get older. Having a strong neck also helps prevent debilitating neck injuries from accidents or altercations.

These are nice breaks that refresh your mind, clear your head, make you stronger and more alert. They are especially effective when you get the afternoon blahs, they wake you up and make you more productive.

So that’s my basic exercise routine. two hours a week (maybe three or four on the outside) including prep, and getting there etc. Sometimes I get very lucky and do a long mountain climb of 4 or 5 hours. But, unfortunately I only get to do that perhaps a couple times a month, if that, during the summer and of course only if there are mountains nearby. ( I can’t do that when I am in Louisiana!)

So I am telling you that less than 4 hours a week will put you in great shape. It will make you stronger, less vulnerable to disease, give you more energy, keep you young and vital longer, better circulation.

It will actually make you more productive at whatever work you do! The few short hours exercising gives you many more hours of highly productive energy and strength.

A word about diet. People ask me about diet, supplements, etc.

I have read a lot about it, and this is something for each of you to settle on for yourself. These are my personal views and come with no guarantee. I understand that some are passionate vegetarians. But I am not. I am a meat eater as were our ancient ancestors of Europe. But to each his own and I respect anyone to can make a plan an stick to it. But I believe essentially in the Paleolithic diet, what our European ancestors ate in prehistory. What we evolved to eat.

In the cold north, they ate the Great Mastodon, reindeer and buffalo, bear, rabbit, fish and seafood, some greens, nuts, but few carbohydrates.

I eat about 4 eggs each morning, a whey protein drink, sometimes some oatmeal and a little toast, lots of coffee and tea and water. I like natural meat and fats. I think saturated fat is good, not bad for you. I go to a small farm nearby and get milk and butter right from the cow. I eat a lot of meat and fish, but try to avoid any farm fish and eat smaller fish as the older bigger fish have more mercury and other toxins.

But I am no fanatic. I will have a pizza once in a while, but try to stay away from cokes and processed fruit juices and any source of hf corn syrup. I have loved cokes for years but I have weaned myself off of them and all soft drinks almost completely. I think soft drinks are the biggest no-no in a diet.

I believe in natural all the way. Steroids aren’t good and aren’t needed unless one is competing for body building title (and those guys are in the stratosphere of freak size muscles), but plenty of protein is needed by any male that wants muscle, at least half a gram or more for every pound.)

Supplements: I like whey protein (selective though, some have arsenic and other toxins) I do one scoop a day and one scoop after a workout and I really believe in vitamin D3 5,000 iu per day, 500 C, Curcumen 500, reservatrol, b-complex, saw palmetto, magnesium, and half an aspirin every other day.

I don’t take a multi-vitamin right now because I learned that Vitamin A can destroy the effectiveness of D and most of them have too much A.

The one vitamin I would take if I could take no others, Vitamin D3.

If you want to learn about Vitamin D, as well as the damage done by fructose, the best video is Sugar: The Bitter Truth which you can find through the Natural Health Information Articles and Health Newsletter by Dr. Joseph Mercola.

Well that’s about it. Thats an intro to my regimen and views on all this. Now, I have spent a little time sharing all this.

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JdN: I would add to all this that after age 40, DHEA can also be taken, “dehydroepiandrosterone.” Male hormone does decline in men as they enter middle age, affecting muscle mass, but DHEA is a totally natural body chemical that you can add to your diet because after 40 it may begin to decline in your own body due to aging. You can buy it at any health food store — no prescription necessary — and even in many regular drug stores, in the vitamin section.   I take it sometimes on those days that I actually lift weights. It helps the body — as a so-called “precursor” — to produce more of its own male hormone. It stimulates the male body to make more NATURAL testosterone.  IT IS NOT A STEROID, WHICH IS ILLEGAL AND DANGEROUS.
I “lift” and I recommend, like David Duke, that every white man and woman do the same. This is not a hobby and it is not about vanity. Looking tough and strong may save your life someday as racial conflict worsens and blacks, mexicans and asians on the street are selecting their victims. A muscular appearance, and an alert and confident air, may keep you and yours from a horrible death.
Henrik Holappa and myself in a very grim, very serious and very defiant mood in 2008 on learning of the murder by “car accident” of the white nationalist governor of Carinthia in Austria, the late, great Joerg Haider. In March 2009 Holappa, who had requested political asylum, outrageously was arrested by Homeland Security at the orders of the lesbian Jewess Janet Winer Napolitano, HS Secretary under Obongo, and Pittsburgh Immigration boss Kalias Muhammad. Holappa, who worked out three times a week, survived 86 days in federal prison: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/henrik-holappa





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